Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Chapter 49

Severus no longer worked on Mondays. After a discussion with Bill, the two wizards had agreed that it would allow Bill to get used to teaching his classes solo. Since Bill only had lower levels on Mondays, this gave him more time to renew several of the practices Severus had told him about with the Slytherins. So far, all was going well.

As for Severus, with Mondays to himself, he was able to take the deliberate time he desired to set up his lab at Fairwinds. Today was spent moving his ingredients into the new lab space. It wasn't a simple job since not all of the ingredients were in neat boxes or bottles. Some of the ingredients were fresh and kept under a Preserving Spell. Some of the more magical ingredients were in special containers that kept their magic from tainting other ingredients. Then there were those ingredients whose magic was influenced either by the type and material of the container, or even its shape.

The last to be moved were his still living ingredients. Most of these were plants, such as the Melancton flower he and Harry had found on Solonus Isle. Both he and Harry had finally gotten the seeds to propagate after they came up with an iron rich soil whose nutritive source was enhanced by- turkey.

Severus and Harry, both hunched over their latest soil sample in the cottage lab on Solonus Isle, stared down at the rich, dark earth that was doing nothing.

"Maybe it needs fish," Harry poked the dirt as though that might get it to jump up and dance, or something magical.

"Fish? Are you just coming up with nonsense now?" asked Severus. His chin rested on one hand.

Harry straightened. "No. Echo told me the story of the Colonists and the Indians in America. If the Indians hadn't shared their knowledge about hunting and growing things, the Colonists would all have died."

"What does this have to do with fish?" asked Severus, his attention now on his son.

"The Wampanoag, they're Indians. They planted all kinds of good vegetables like corn, and squash, and beans, and stuff. With every seed they planted, they put in a piece of fish with the seed. The Colonists thought that was really kind of stupid, and maybe a bit gross, but..." Harry threw out his hands wide, just missing his father's nose. "The Indians were genisuses... uhm gene... really smart and grew BIG food! So, they had all this great food to eat and the Wampanoag killed a bunch of turkeys and the women all cooked it all so it tasted great. The Colonists were so happy with food now in their bellies that they said, 'thanks for giving us life, Indians!' Because the Indians saved them, you know. And, that's why you always gotta have lots of good food to eat on Thanksgiving."

Severus chuckled at his son's rendition of America's Thanksgiving story. He straightened, then, and glanced down at the dirt. "Fish, hm?"

They started with fish, but the Mercury content was too high for the seedlings. They even tried beef, pork, and chicken with no results. Harry even insisted on trying some cheese because that was 'good for everything since it tastes good'. The magic ingredient, though, was turkey. Dark meat specifically with a bit of ground up turkey bone.

Severus and Harry had six beautifully thriving Melancton flowers sitting happily in iron rich dirt, rotted turkey, and ground turkey bone. It had taken three days for Severus to construct a special niche for the flowers against the backdrop of a small, enchanted window that was tuned to the sun over Solonus Isle. Father and son would sell these flowers soon and with the profit Severus would be able to build the greenhouse he was planning. Harry's share would go into an account separate from the Potter vaults that Harry would have access to whenever they made a trip to Diagon Alley.

The last ingredient to find a home in his lab was Nasceema, his highly prized, maroon Attacus Magus Atlas Moth with a fifteen inch wingspan. Severus used Nasceema's silk as a binding agent in many potions and salves. The fresher the silk was, the more potent its magic was. As this one was a magical moth, Severus had tended it for almost eight years. It's non-magical counterpart only lived for two weeks.

By three o'clock he had his ingredients moved and he was in need of a very large cup of herbal tea before picking up his son from school.

He and Echo would alternate according to his work schedule, but he never found it to be an inconvenience. If anything, his schedule at Hogwarts was inconvenient. Severus was looking forward to working for himself.

There were few people he'd confess to, but his years of teaching hadn't been all bad. Yes, he'd had to deal with a lot of unpleasant things (Death Eaters children being one of many unpleasantries), but he'd been fortunate to have a few students he'd genuinely enjoyed teaching to.

However, it was time to concentrate on what he did best. Potions. Raising his son. And loving his wife.

As he was drinking his tea, Severus was puzzled and just a bit startled to hear a polite knock on his front door. He frowned.

Wizards generally used the Floo to announce their arrival. Fairwinds was also still under the Fidelius which he had yet to modify. Slipping his wand from his sleeve, Severus cautiously approached his front door and opened it.

Standing on the threshold, wringing his long fingers together was Dobby. Severus kept his wand pointed and the frown upon his face. House elfs didn't knock. Even more suspicious was that Dobby, who had a habit of wearing several hats, a too large jumper, and sometimes one or two pairs of socks, was not. The house elf that looked up at him with pea-green eyes wore no hat of any kind, a neatly pressed, spotlessly white tea cozy, and no socks. In short, he looked like any of the Hogwarts house elfs.

"Dobby?" he queried.

"It is Dobby, yes, Potions Master Snape. Dobby is wishing to speak to Potions Master Snape. May Dobby come in?" His ears waggled and he nodded a few times.

"Of course." Severus slipped his wand back into his sleeve, but he was wary as he ushered the house elf into his living room. Although, he was very curious, too.

Severus took a chair and indicated that Dobby ought to seat himself as well. Dobby had a moment of indecision, but then he smiled and sat on the edge of a chair opposite the wizard.

The little elf was obviously nervous as his ears twitched and he wrung his hands. Severus said nothing, waiting until Dobby had found his voice.

"You is making family and home now, Potions Master Snape. You soon have babies?" He blinked rapidly several times. A clear sign that a house elf knew he was asking a very personal question.

"Echo and I hope to. Either that, or we intend to adopt. Harry wishes to have siblings," replied Severus.

Dobby's head bobbled happily at the mention of Harry. "Oh yes! During play date, little Master Harry tells Dobby what a good big brother he will be."

Severus nodded slowly, then leaned forward. "Albus doesn't know you're here, does he?"

For a moment Dobby froze. "Dobby is free elf, sir." The elf's tone was that of someone insulted, although his expression did not change from that of wide-eyed affability.

"I do apologise, Dobby. Your time is your own." Dobby's grin widened. "May I inquire, then, what business you have with me and my family?"

"Dobby is thinking that Potions Master Snape is having family and is needing house elf. Dobby is offering to be Snape family house elf."

"Ah." Severus regarded the house elf carefully. Tradition bound a house elf to a person, or a family, but Dobby was different. A free house elf that preferred to get paid as any employee might. As much as a house elf was tempting to have in his certainly growing household, Severus wasn't certain he'd be able to afford a full-time, free elf. He had no idea what Albus currently paid Dobby.

"I am intrigued by your offer, Dobby, but I must be blunt. I'm not certain I'll be able to afford you."

Dobby clapped his hands together. "Is no worry, Potions Master Snape. Master Headmaster Albus pays Dobby sum of one sickle a week. Dobby needs yarn, knitting needles, chocolate and likes bed not on floor. Dobby not like crawly critters." The little elf shuddered visibly.

"Oh." Severus frowned. That was exceedingly poor pay for a servant, but perhaps it was all that a house elf needed. He then thought of Echo and her love of cooking. House elfs were notoriously territorial, especially when it came to feeding their masters. "My wife likes to cook. Would you have trouble sharing the kitchen with her?"

Dobby nodded his head, then shook it, then he frowned. Severus watched the internal battle warring within the house elf with interest. In a few minutes, Dobby was decided. "Dobby cook when mistress wishes not to? When master wishes not to?"

"That would be amenable," replied Severus.

"Dobby would take care of house?" Dobby's voice was taking on the mien of a negotiator. Severus clamped down upon the smile of amusement that threatened. Dobby might often appear as silly and vacuous, but he had shown his intelligence and courage when he went against a house elf's bond of loyalty in trying to protect Potter in his second year at Hogwarts. Once freed, the little house elf had very quickly secured employment at Hogwarts where he could keep a watchful eye upon the young hero.

"You can take care of the house, and assist Echo and I with taking care of the yard and gardens. Harry must clean his own bedroom and messes, though. My lab is off limits, unless I require your assistance."

Dobby, to Severus' surprise, smirked. "Is amenable, Potions Master Snape."

"Indeed, Dobby. Well then, if Albus is able to do without you, then you may come and take care of my family. However, you will receive two sickles a week, plus a bar of chocolate. The sewing room is quite large, so you may store your knitting in there, if you wish. Do you require a day off?" Dobby emphatically shook his head. "In that case, the bedrooms are up the stairs. Choose one you like, and it is yours."

"Bedroom?" squeaked Dobby.

"I realise house elfs are used to sleeping under beds, in wardrobes, or closets, but you are being paid. It is only proper that you have living space under our roof, so you are entitled to a bedroom. Oh yes, one last thing, Dobby. As you are hired help, my wife and I are not your bonded masters. Therefore, I would prefer it if you address Echo as Madame, myself as Sir, and since my son would insist upon it, call him Harry."

Dobby twitched slightly at being required to use such titles, but the wizard was right. He was not a bonded elf, but free. It was, as Potions Master Snape said, proper.

Dobby nodded rapidly and stood up. "Sir is good. Dobby move from castle today. Master Headmaster will be pleased." The elf popped out and Severus frowned. Had this been Albus' idea all along?

Once his tea was finished, Severus Floo'd to Molly's little red schoolhouse. Perhaps later he would inquire of Albus if he were doing his little bit to meddle again.

Harry had been knocking the chalk dust out of the erasers, so when he met his father, he was rather grey with chalk dust. Severus removed the chalk dust with a quick spell and then sent his son back to the cloak room for his bookbag and warm outer clothing. While he waited, Severus looked around the classroom.

Over the first month of school, the interior of the schoolhouse had lost a bit of its 'brand new' look. The walls were covered with artwork and homework. There were shelves that held a variety of things from rocks, to dried herbs, to little curios the children had collected for various projects. There was a shelf now full of student textbooks and workbooks, and books that Molly read during Quiet Time. There was also a shelf full of magical toys for use during Playtime.

In the cloakroom Harry saw a pretty little wrapped box by his bookbag. Most children would not have thought twice and would have picked up the innocent looking gift and taken it home. Harry had been taught by his father, ex-Spy and all around suspicious wizard, to be wary of such things. Harry was, rightfully so, even more worried that it had his father's name on it.

"Dad! There's something in here for you!" Harry called out.

Severus had been looking over a poem his son had written in class that day. He pocketed the poem and moved swiftly to the cloakroom. Molly followed and pulled Harry back with her when Severus took out his wand to check the gift by casting a Curse Detection Spell.

That was the trigger.

The explosion itself wasn't damaging. What was were the contents in the package which were bits of glass. Severus' face, hands, and neck were peppered by bits of broken glass. His eyes had escaped damage as he'd instinctively brought up his hands to protect his them.

"DADDY!" Harry tried to wrench himself away from Molly, but she had an iron grip on him.

Severus was prone on the floor, apparently unconscious. Molly spun Harry to face her. He was sniffling and his chest was hitching with tears that hadn't quite come yet.

"Harry. Listen to me." Harry wiped his nose with his sleeve and nodded. "Go to the Floo and say, Madame Pomfrey, Hogwarts, Weasley Schoolhouse, Emergency."

"Bu' my Daddy..." Harry whimpered.

"Repeat that to me, child!" Molly's voice wasn't angry, but firm.

"Madame Pomfrey, Hogwarts, Weasley Schoolhouse, Emergency."

"Go now, Harry. I'll take care of your Daddy." Harry ran out of the cloakroom and to the Floo in the main room of the schoolhouse. Molly went quickly over to Severus.

"Har...ry?" the wizard moaned, as he tried to sit up.

"Harry's fine, Severus." She pushed him gently back. "Stay put. Harry's calling for Madame Pomfrey right now. As soon as she's here, I'll contact Albus."

Severus briefly closed his eyes, but very soon heard Poppy Pomfrey's no-nonsense voice. Poppy didn't ask for details as she began her work. Her Diagnostic Spell showed no extra curses, just hundreds of tiny cuts from broken glass. She gave Severus a Pain Potion and set about healing the cuts.

"Thank goodness you still have your reflexes, Severus," tutted the medi-witch. "Your eyes are fine. You may have a little scar here and there, but I think they'll fade after awhile."

Severus would have scowled appropriately at the medi-witch, but he was more concerned about Harry who knelt by him as closely as possible without getting in Poppy's way. Severus stretched out his healed right hand for his son and Harry grabbed onto it. "You've been very brave, my good boy," he said softly.

Harry, on his knees, leaned a little closer to his father. He very carefully removed a few strands of hair from his father's face. "Are you afraid, Daddy?" he asked very softly.

"No. No I'm not. I have you here with me, don't I?" Harry gave Severus a slight smile and nodded.

Poppy helped Severus to sit up just as Albus came into the cloakroom. "My boy! What happened?"

"A very shoddy shrapnel device, Albus. It was triggered by my Curse Detecting Spell," replied Severus perfunctorily.

"Not something a Death Eater might create?" asked the Headmaster. He slipped a comforting arm around Harry who leaned thankfully against the older man.

Severus carefully shook his head. "It's too amateur. This is something a sixth year might throw together in one night."

Poppy interrupted. "That's it, Severus. How do you feel?"

Albus helped the younger wizard to his feet. "Angry," he replied stonily. "My son could have been in front of that bloo... blasted thing. Albus, I think it would be a very good idea to speak to Emily Soong. Tak Soong wasn't exactly a Death Eater, but he did help financially."

"Severus," warned Albus. "You know that couldn't be proven. There wasn't enough evidence."

Severus eyed Albus narrowly. "No, that couldn't be proven, Albus, because Soong was better at hiding his financial paper trail than Malfoy or Parkinson were. But, Soong put an explosive device in my son's way. At the very least this merits questioning under Veritaserum." His smile was grim, and dangerous.

The investigation into who made the bomb, and placed it, was a short one. A visit from Mad-Eye Moody was enough for the child, Emily, to point at her father.

Tak Soong vehemently denied having made the device until he was questioned in front of the Wizengamot under Veritaserum. To everyones astonishment, Soong hadn't created the bomb for either Harry or Severus, but for the Minister of Magic, Arthur Weasley. Still under the truth potion, Soong expressed his disgust that a 'blood traitor' was now in power. Soong was also displeased with his daughter's disobedience in using the bomb against Harry and Severus. Emily was supposed to have placed it within the Burrow.

That was the extent of Tak Soong's trial. He was immediately taken to Azkaban and given over to the Dementors. Emily and her mother left for France in disgrace, but not before dissolving the bond promise between Emily and Hamish.

Severus recovered in just two days time with no damage but for a small, white scar beneath his left eye. Harry, on the other hand, was loathe to let his father out of his sight. Although he had one or two nightmares, he wasn't as plagued by them as Severus was worried he might be.

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