Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Chapter 50

Harry was racing around his bedroom, picking out his clothes for school that day. He finally alighted, on the floor, and that's where his mother found him as he was tying the laces on trainers.

"Harry, you can't wear shorts," chided his mother as she saw the child in his favourite khaki shorts that had a camouflage pattern on them.

"Why not?" asked Harry working on the laces of his other trainer.

"It's cold outside. Your legs are going to freeze." She went to his wardrobe drawer and took out a pair of trousers.

"I'm not cold." He pulled himself to his feet and huffed at the black trousers his mother held up.

"Put these on," she ordered mildly.

"No." He replied just as mildly, but with an undertone of stubbornness.

Echo sighed. Harry was saying 'no' a lot these days. It had garnered him several unpleasant chores, and a few times staring at the corner. It had almost earned him a spanking, but his very quick and heartfelt apology to his father had funneled the possible spanking into helping his father harvest Bubotuber Pus which Harry was developing a healthy disgust for.

Echo wasn't in the mood for morning defiance, so with a wave of her hand, the shorts were replaced by the black trousers. Harry crossed his arms and glared.

"That's not fair, mum!"

Echo smiled. "I know, but I love you anyway."

Harry couldn't stay angry when his mother said something as nice as that which made him all toasty inside. He gave up his rebellion and met his father at the Floo. Severus handed his son his heavy purple robe, hat, and gloves. Once those were on, he then handed his son the small phial of Anti-Nausea Potion. Harry drank it down, grimaced, and then wrapped his arms around his father.

"Dad? Can't we get a car?" asked Harry plaintively, right before his father tossed in the Floo powder.

"A car? We're not Muggles, Harry."

"I hate Flooting and Appertating. They keep making me sick. And that potion tastes like wet dog." Harry buried his face in his father robes and closed his eyes for good measure.

Severus refrained from correcting his son. He knew Harry's penchant for getting dizzy and sometimes vomiting from the two travels was beginning to get annoying for the child. None of his friends at school ever got that way. Harry was embarrassed, but Severus was getting concerned.

Patting his son's back, he called for Molly's Schoolhouse, "Weasley Schoolhouse!" and Severus and Harry vanished into the green flames.

Once his son was delivered to school, Severus returned home and went downstairs to work more on his lab. He had most of the supplies he needed and, as he ran his hand over the pitted surface of one of the tables, he was considering new worktables.

"Raw marble would be best," he murmured to himself. His words were caught by a silver Dictating Quill that hovered along by his right shoulder. His hand touched the rough, wooden surface of the other table and he grimaced as he felt a sliver embed itself in one of his fingers. "Budget for two, maybe three new work tables. I'll sand these down and seal them for the greenhouse."

After an hour, tea appeared for him and he smirked at how cleverly Dobby was taking care of him, and staying away from the lab. Transfiguring a work stool into a more comfortable chair, he settled down with his tea. And yawned.

Harry seemed convinced that he was now a Seer since he'd dreamt at the Dursleys about his father getting hurt. Severus had learned enough to understand that children, especially children Harry's age, tended to take their dreams at face value when they seemed so clear and about people they cared about. Harry couldn't quite understand that his worries about losing his father were translating themselves into his nightmares. Harry had dreamt before about losing Severus. Those dreams had been annoyingly frequent in the first three months he'd adopted the child.

Severus would read Harry's Wolf & Snake story him, and that helped, but it wasn't perfect. There were still nights when Harry would wake his parents. Sometimes Severus could steer the half-asleep boy back to his room.

Last night's nightmare had brought forth a fear Severus really hadn't thought he'd have to deal with so soon.

Severus slid from his wife's warm embrace, put on his slippers and dressing gown, and escorted Harry back to his room. Summoning some cocoa, they sipped from the warm mugs for a few minutes as they sat beside each other on Harry's bed.

"Same nightmare?" asked Severus.

Harry nodded. "This time I lost you in the forest. I heard a lot of scary noises, and I kept calling for you. I was soooo afraid you were hurt or dead or something bad."

"But you can see I'm fine now, can't you?" offered Severus.

"But... but what if someday you aren't? Look what Emily's Daddy did to you? I thought you were going to be with me forever, but now..." Harry stared deeply down into his hot chocolate.

"Did you think I'd never die?" Severus asked softly with dawning comprehension.

Harry looked embarrassed and shrugged. "You and mum are s'posed to live forever, cuz that's what I want. 'Cept, it's not really true, is it? You can get hurt." Harry closed his eyes tightly trying to banish the site of his father in the cloakroom, falling and bleeding from dozens of cuts.

"I wish it were, little one, but all of us have to die someday. Wizards and witches have a longer lifespan than Muggles do, and sometimes, by accident, we can prolong our lives, but eventually, we all die. It's natural."

There was a tiny 'plop' as one of Harry's tears fell into his cocoa. "Do... do we know when we're gonna die?"

Severus shook his head. "We don't know. The important thing is that we live, and enjoy each day that we have with those we love."

Harry pressed tight against his father's side. He still hadn't given voice to his tears, but they were there, trailing down his cheeks and chin.

"Daddy, when my first mum was killed, were you afraid and sad and alone feeling?" Harry asked very softly.

Glancing down at his son, Severus saw the tell-tale frown that wrinkled his forehead when he was trying to understand something.

"I was all of that, and angry, too. I was angry at the Dark Wizard that killed her, and mad... mad at myself for not being able to do more to prevent it. It took a very long time, but eventually my heart healed. You had a lot to do with that."

Harry looked up and smiled, pleased to see one of his father's rarely seen, full smiles. He could also see the truth of his father's words in his dark eyes.

"I learned, from you, that I hadn't really lost Lily the way I thought I had. There is so much of Lily in you, Harry. She lives, through you. And, I am content knowing that each day that you grow older, you'll have more of me in you, too. You'll have your memories of me, my words, and more. Even if I die..." for just a moment, Harry's smile faltered worriedly. Severus placed his palm against his son's chest. "Someday, when I do die, you won't be completely alone because here is where you'll have me forever."

Harry placed his own hand over his father's. "Is mum there, too?" Severus nodded. "And Draco?"

"Everyone that you love, or who ever loved you, is there forever."

"Soooo, mum and James are already there?" Harry smiled.

"They are."

Vanishing the empty mugs of cocoa, Severus summoned Harry's dragon which had tumbled to the floor. Harry grabbed the stuffed plushie and cradled it close to his chest. He curled more snugly against his father's side as Severus draped his arm around him protectively. With his other hand he stroked Harry's hair until he was deep asleep.

Severus finished the last of his tea and stretched out his legs, yawning once more. He'd allow himself an hour of sleep, and then he'd get to work on the lab again.

Friday, Harry didn't go to school. Severus took Harry to see his pediatrician, Healer Saroyan about his problems with Floo travel and Apparition.

Harry sat next to his father in the Healer's waiting room looking sullen and entirely unhappy that he was back in such a short time. Severus had brought a small book for Harry to read, but he seemed too pre-occupied in banging his heels against the chair he was seated on in the Healer's waiting room. Just when Severus was about to lose patience with his son, they were called in to see the Healer.

Harry tried to drag his feet, but a little warning squeeze on his shoulder as his father nudged him down the short hallway had him trotting alongside Severus. Once in the exam room, Harry plopped down on the exam table but only after Severus had silently pointed at it.

Healer Lya Saroyan greeted father and son, and did a quick check of all of Harry's vitals. She smiled at the good report.

"So you're still having trouble with wizard travel, are you, Harry?" she asked warmly.

"No." He replied obstinately.

Severus frowned. "Yes, he is. He also seems to have developed an inordinate fondness for saying 'no' all the time."

Healer Saroyan laughed lightly. "Well, the rebellion is just going to have to wear itself out. I'm afraid little boys and girls all develop a fondness for that word around this age. However, I think we might be able to remedy the traveling difficulty." She smiled at Harry and then addressed Severus. "Harry rides a broom doesn't he?"

"He's had it for a few months," Severus replied. He kept one eye on his son who was starting to salivate over the Healer's Therapy Crystals that sat off to the side of the exam table.

"Has he ever shown any difficulties on his broom?"

Severs shook his head. "No. Before he de-aged himself, he was a very natural flyer, with a bit of a penchant for heart-stopping Quidditch maneuvers."

She tapped the folder with her wand, then asked, "Harry used to wear glasses?"

"The poor eyesight was a result of the glamour Lily had placed upon him at birth. It was a combination of Charms of Lily's own creation that we believe might have been somewhat influenced by James Potter's DNA."

"Ah yes. He was nearly an exact replica of his step-father?" the Healer asked.

"With exception of his eye colour." A faint shadow crossed Severus' features as he recalled, uncomfortably, his very first sight of the 11 year old Potter. The boy, with the exception of Lily's deep emerald eyes, could have been James' twin.

The Healer incanted several Diagnostic Spells. She 'hmm'ed' over the results of each and made notations in Harry's patient file.

"Mr. Snape, you discovered recently that you're actually Harry's biological father. Did you ever have any balance problems as a child?" the Healer asked, tapping her wand against her thigh.

"I didn't," he replied. "Lily did, occasionally, trip when leaving the Floo. She did well Apparating, but she preferred port-key travel above Flooing or Apparating."

"How has Harry done with port-key travel?"

"A bit better. Slight disorientation, but he's never gotten ill." He removed the quartz crystal Harry had picked up from his hands, and put it back with the others. Harry grumped silently for a few seconds and then had his gaze back on the crystals.

"Many children and adults respond better to port-key. It doesn't affect the inner ear the way that Floo and Apparation does. Let me test his hearing."

Harry had to return his wandering attention back to the latest task, a hearing test. It was much easier than he thought and it didn't look like he failed. He smiled, then ignored the two adults, and reached for the onyx crystal. Severus caught Harry's hand and pointedly forced the questing hand into the child's lap. Harry huffed and glowered.

A few minutes later after reviewing the results of the test, the Healer declared, "His hearing is perfect." The Healer reached over, grasped an egg-shaped sodalite crystal and handed it to Harry. She then sat down.

"I think we're still just dealing with a normal developing equilibrium. Usually by age six most children's balance has stabilised. Considering the de-aging, and Harry's circumstances with the Muggles, he may just be taking a bit longer to stabilise. I would suggest the application of a Balancing Potion ten minutes before Floo travel and Apparition. It will work far better than a Calming Potion and an Anti-Nausea Potion." The Healer wrote out a prescription for the potion and handed it to Harry's father.

Severus glanced down at the prescription form. "A year?"

The Healer nodded. "You still have Harry on a Nutrition Potion?"

"Yes!" Harry answered for his father, giving Severus a smug look. He wanted to show his father that really, he wasn't all that enamored of the word 'no'. "Dad created four flavours, blueberry, orange, grape, and pumpkin. I get one at breakfast and one at dinner and they're really good."

Severus smirked at his son and the Healer smiled indulgently. "Mr. Snape, I'd like you to increase the calcium, and the B and D vitamins in the Nutrient Potion. I think it would also be a good idea to encourage Harry in eating more citrus fruits and vegetables." Harry showed his opinion of that by making a 'yucky' face. Healer Saroyan laughed. "I'm sure there are some vegetables you like, Harry."

"Nope. I hate all of them," he declared firmly.

"Then I suppose we don't have to buy pumpkin juice anymore," countered Severus.

"What? Why?" asked his son sharply.

"Pumkin juice is made from the pulp of pumpkins, son. Pumpkins are vegetables." Severus gave his son a triumphant smirk.

Harry's jaw only dropped in response.

"Are Harry's bones weak?" Severus asked in concern, cutting off any retort his son might have been working on.

Healer Saroyan nodded. "Not terribly, but after I received the report on his broken ankle earlier this summer, I was concerned. As you know, de-aging sometimes brings along weaknesses from a person's past, or even making them worse. Due to severe dietary neglect, amongst other factors while he lived with the Dursleys..."

Harry interrupted staunchly, "Dudley didn't mean to hurt me. Aunt Petunia was always mean to him, too."

The Healer was struck dumb for just an instant, then she continued. "I just want to make certain that while he's still growing and developing we do all that we can to see that he grows into a healthy adult."

Severus simply nodded and took the potion adjustments from the Healer. Petunia may have starved Potter, but she'd also done no favour to her own son in allowing him to become dangerously obese. After Vernon had shared a particularly disturbing medical report on Dudley's other health problems due to his obesity with the Potions Master, Severus had brewed a Joint Strengthener Dudley was to use before workouts, and an Immune Boosting Potion to take once a month to reduce the boy's increasing bouts of illness.

Severus was pleased for both father and son Dursley looked well, trim, and on their way to better lives. Everyone was healing.

After the Healer's appointment, Severus took Harry on a few errands in Diagon Alley.

Their first stop was Slug & Jiggers Apothecary where Ecklon Jiggers proudly showed off the live Slugworm he'd acquired. The Slugworm was actually a fish that appeared as though it were a bad genetics accident between a snake and a catfish. It had a long, sinuous, yet greyish-brown muddy body with tiny flippers near the front of its body. Its head had a ferocious mouth with dozens of small, pointed teeth that just seemed to be too many teeth. Lastly, there were thick protuberances over the bulging eyes, cheeks, and beneath the mouth, that looked like fat whiskers.

Father and son were both fascinated by the creature that was lazily swimming back and forth in its tank of mud fogged water.

"How much for the Slugworm?" asked Severus.

"Forty galleons," Jiggers replied.

Inwardly, Severus blanched at the price. Harry asked, a bit worriedly, "You wouldn't kill it, would you, Dad?"

It was an unfortunate aspect of Potions that many ingredients had been living things. Severus had never had any of his students kill any of their ingredients, including the Lacewing Fly which had a lifespan of three days. For one, he'd always felt that children had enough cruelties to face that he didn't need to add to the erosion of their innocence by teaching them to kill Blind Mice for use in the Vision Obscuring Potion.

Whenever possible, Severus preferred to procure ingredients that had already been taken care of by the Apothecary's supplier. As soon as Harry had asked his worried question Severus recalled an incident that had occurred at Hogwarts only a few months after he'd adopted Harry.

Severus had placed an order with a different apothecary for Rainbow Snake Viscera. The apothecary had not sent the preserved viscera, but had sent the actual, living snakes. Rather beautiful, iridescent magical snakes, the minute Harry had seen the two dozen living snakes, he'd wanted to keep them all as pets.

Not seeing the potential for distress, and simply not thinking, Severus had muttered in disgust that he'd have to kill the snakes before his students could use them in Potions class. Severus had turned away from the box of snakes, and when he'd returned his attention back to them a moment later, Harry was already fleeing the Potions classroom with the doomed snakes.

Harry had hidden in Hagrid's pumpkin patch until his father found him. Together father and son sat amongst the large pumpkins, Harry holding onto the box of snakes, while Severus explained one of the less glamorous sides of Potions making. Harry wept not only for the snakes, but all the once living ingredients, such as scarabs, dung beetles, and even ugly flobberworms, that had provided ingredients he'd helped his father to prepare.

"But why?" Harry was still weeping as he abandoned the box of snakes and crawled into the comfort of his father's arms and lap. Severus pulled his robes around his son as his own heart slowly shattered for the child.

Severus had patiently explained that there were many beneficial potions that were made using dead animals. It was an awkward explanation that several times the older wizard was certain he was only messing up and thus scarring his son for life.

It was Harry, in his own, childish way, that salvaged Severus' awkward explanation, and also gave him a new appreciation for the art of Potions creation.

"Hermione read me this neat story about the Inuit. Their Shaman, I think that's like a wizard, maybe? Anyway, he'd bless the hunters and then he'd ask the Great Spirit to bless and thank the souls of the animals they hunted for feeding the tribe. Do you think that the souls of animals and bugs and stuff used in potions are happy that they did good magic?"

"A balance of Soul Magic," Severus had whispered in wonder. He hugged his little son. "I suppose, as long as the potion is a helpful one, their souls would be pleased. How do you manage to teach me such wonderful things, Harry?"

Harry only shrugged and looked mournfully over at the snakes. "I kinda understand, but does it have to hurt the snakes if they gotta die?"

"No, Harry. There's a way to make it completely painless. They won't feel any pain, and they won't be afraid. I promise."

They sat and watched the snakes for several more, long minutes before Harry followed his father back to the castle, carrying the box of snakes. Severus' throat was tight as he watched his son say goodbye to the snakes.

"You're going to help teach my Daddy's students make good potions. Daddy will be kind to you," Harry whispered. The little boy then ran out of the classroom, leaving the snakes with his father.

It was only after he had taken care of the snakes, and prepared their viscera for his students (a task he'd usually assign as a detention, but this time he felt it was something he had to do himself), that Severus realised- Harry had not spoken a single word of Parseltongue.

"A Slugworm has many uses alive, Harry. However, they only live for about a year," explained his father.

Harry tapped the tank and gazed sadly at the ugly fish taking lazy turns in the tank.

Severus patted Harry's back. "I think we'll leave the Slugworm here, Harry. It looks happy enough."

Harry let out a barely audible sigh of relief. "Yeah, he does." Harry waved to the fish and let himself be gently pulled away by his father.

Severus bought several items and also gave Ecklon Jiggers a large order of items that weren't currently on hand. Once finished, father and son then went across the street to Scribbulus Everchanging Inks. Severus bought several rolls of parchment, stationary for Harry, quills, several bottles of ink, and sealing wax. Harry found a set of inks that had glitter in them and so Severus added them to his purchase as well.

"Can we have ice cream, Dad?" asked Harry as they walked out of the stationary supply store.

"You'll spoil your dinner," Severus stated.

"But, that's like hours and hours away!"

"It's forty-five minutes away," corrected Severus.

"But I really want some. Please? Please Dad?"

Severus frowned down at his son. "Did I, or did I not just say no, Harry?"

"No. You dint say no." Harry pouted.

"Don't be a smart aleck, child, you know precisely what I meant." He tried to nudge his son toward Flourish & Blotts, but Harry shrugged away and stood in place.

"I was good today and mum always gets me ice cream when I'm good. So there!"

Severus met Harry's scowl with one of his own. As he crossed his arms over his chest, he somehow seemed to get taller and possibly... although no one else would have confirmed it, but Harry was sure the sky got darker.

"You know your mother doesn't indulge you like that, so don't you dare lie to me."

People passing by father and son gave them an extra wide berth. A few mothers knew exactly what was coming next and didn't want to get caught in the fallout.

"You're being mean to me! I'm not lying and I want ice cream!"

"Stop your shouting!" Severus did not shout, but he was angry at his naughty child.

"I want ice cream! Now! I earned it an' I deserve it you mean old git!"

The second he saw his father's dark eyes flash with anger, Harry knew he was going to become smushed up, gloppy, potions ingredients. Harry broke formation and tried to run, but this time Severus was expecting an escape. He smoothly caught his son, who decided it might be a good idea to start screaming and crying.

It wasn't a good idea.

Severus was very tempted to Apparate straight home, but that, on top of his temper tantrum would make Harry rather sick. Annoyed at some of the murderous looks he was getting, the Potions Master was about to head down the street, when he saw a solution.

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

Severus hefted his now flailing little boy over his shoulder and marched into the store. The few customers there wisely exited quickly. Fred stared at his old Potions professor with his jaw open. A second later George emerged angrily from the back office.

"Fred! What's that awful caterwaul... Professor Snape! Harry?"

"Might I have the use of your office, Mr. Weasley?"

Fred replied. "Yeah, go ahead, sir."

Harry yelled angrily, "I want my ice cream!"

Father and son disappeared and there was instant, deadly silence as the wizard cast a Silencing Spell.

"Something tells me he isn't getting ice cream, Gred," snorted George.

"Makes you sort of miss mum, doesn't it, Forge?" smiled Fred.

"Think we ought to visit this weekend? See how the old folks are doing?" asked George.

"Capital idea, oh brother, mine!" Fred summoned quill and parchment, and began writing a short note.

A few minutes later, as George was attaching the finished letter to their owl, Puck, a very teary-eyed, sniffling, embarrassed and horribly contrite little boy emerged from the Weasley twins office. Standing behind him was his frustrated, yet rather stone-faced father. Severus nudged Harry's shoulder.

"I... I'm sorry for... for being an... inko... incon... for being trouble." Harry sniffled again as his right hand slipped behind and rubbed his very sore bum. Harry's left hand grasped a portion of his father's robes in his fist.

"My apologies as well, gentlemen. I thank you for the use of your office." Severus bowed slightly, sharply, and then left the store with his son.

Fred snorted. "That really isn't funny, Fred," admonished George with a slight smirk.

Fred shook his head. "It just makes you want to make sure you don't have kids for a long, long time, doesn't it?"

"Oh yes. Very long time."

The twins returned to work knowing they'd have a little tale to tell their parents when they visited that weekend.

The Floo at Fairwinds whooshed to life, depositing Echo into her living room. She smelled the aroma of cooking and followed her nose to the kitchen where Severus appeared to be brutalising the lettuce. He did not smile, nor look up when his wife came in.

"Severus?" she asked softly. "Is everything all right? I mean, is Harry...?"

"Harry is quite healthy. I'll be changing the formula for his Nutrition Potion to make his bones stronger, and his pediatrician has prescribed a Balance Potion for when he travels. The lettuce was finished so he attacked the tomato next. Echo winced as the knife was nearly slammed all the way through the poor thing.

"That's good. So am I to guess that there was trouble on the way home?"

Severus slapped the knife onto the table beside the rather mutilated tomato. He finally looked up at his wife.

"A temper tantrum. Right in the bloody middle of Diagon Alley. The whelp managed to get himself so worked up, I couldn't Apparate him home to take care of his punishment so I had to take him into Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and punish him there!" He took a moment to breathe and went over to the sink to wash his hands. He allowed the cool water the splash over the pulse points on his wrists to help him calm down.

"It was a minor embarrassment. Something that Harry and I could both just live down and let pass, but no... it's never that damned easy is it?"

The cool water hadn't helped and Echo was becoming more concerned by the minute. A wave of her hand turned down the heat under the pork chops on the stove.

"Severus, what else happened?" she asked softly.

He pointed sharply to a slightly torn scroll on the kitchen table. Echo approached the parchment, unrolled it, and began reading it. Her expression went from puzzlement to horror and then drifted over anger.

"This is outrageous! Severus, can they do this?"

"It seems they can," he grumbled darkly. He swept out of the kitchen, paced for a moment in the living room, and then dropped heavily into his chair. He then leaned forward and dropped his head into his hands.

"Sev... Severus, have you spoken to Albus?"

"I've been too upset," he replied wearily. When he raised his head, Echo saw the brief glint of fear in his eyes and she shivered. The anger came back as he ground his teeth. "He's mine," he stated darkly.

Echo gritted her own teeth for a moment and then she summoned a Calming Potion. She tried to hand it to her husband, but he refused it. "Take it, Severus. I know your anger is justified, but it isn't going to be much help. Take it, and then sit here until you're calm enough to contact Albus. Is Harry in his bedroom?"

Severus nodded. He took the potion, but only stared at it. "Is Harry all right now?"

With a resigned air, he downed the potion. "He's been asleep since we got home. Hector is with him and so is Dobby."

Echo smoothed her fingers over Severus' brow and felt the slight rise in his temperature. She then leaned over and kissed him. "Give the potion a few more minutes, and then call Albus. I'll go and finish up dinner."

Just as she was about to turn away, Severus caught her hand, and held tight. Echo turned back.

"I won't let them take our son," he breathed out.

"Oh Severus. It won't come to that. I know it won't." She gave his hand a squeeze and then he let her go.

Albus sat in the living room at Fairwinds while Severus tried not to pace. The Headmaster was carefully reading over the notice Severus had received from Wizarding Children Services an hour after Harry's all too public temper tantrum at Diagon Alley. Echo sat next to her husband, a quiet presence that he reached out for every few minutes, as if making certain shew as real.

"I believe you've simply panicked..."

"What? I don't panic, Albus!" Severus reacted angrily. "They've threatened to take my son!"

"Severus, calm yourself," Albus ordered, firmly, yet gently. The younger man clamped his mouth shut and tried to steady his breathing. Echo rubbed his back soothingly. "This is merely a warning, my boy."

"It's a damn intrusion!" blurted Severus. At a stern, warning look from his mentor, he clamped his mouth so tightly shut, his lips became thin and nearly white.

"Severus, I'm not going to say another word on this until you get your temper under control. I am not the one at fault here and I will not put up with your shouting. Is that understood?"

Severus shoulders slumped. The tapping foot wasn't there, but this was his Headmaster of old. This was the one that caught him brewing late at night in one of the abandoned Potions Labs in the dungeons in his second year. This was the Headmaster who had scolded him, privately, in his third year for following the older boys in Slytherin in a nasty prank on a Hufflepuff girl.

"My apologies, Headmaster," Severus said thickly.

The smile and twinkling eyes returned at the sound of his title from an abashed little boy in an older man's body.

"Severus, you knew this was going to happen someday. Harry is a normal, seven year old child and public displays of temper are inevitable." He held up a restraining hand as it appeared as though Severus were about to say something. "Your past coming back to haunt you so distressingly is an inconvenience, but not insurmountable. This is a warning. The people that reacted to Harry's outburst were only acting as any concerned parent might."

Severus looked skeptical about that. He rather thought there might have been at least one vindictive person, who hated Severus Snape - Death Eater, that possibly took this opportunity to make life difficult for him.

Albus shrugged. "Perhaps the reasons may not have been all so altruistic. It really doesn't matter, my boy. What does matter is that you've been put on notice by the WCS in regards to how Harry has been treated under your care. They are required by law to investigate any possible hint of abuse, no matter whose child it is. This notification is only a warning that someone was concerned. I will contact Arthur in the morning, and he and I will speak on your behalf."

"You shouldn't have to," ground out Severus. "I did nothing to harm my child. Granted, he was screaming bloody murder at the time over ice cream and I would have dearly loved to hex him..."

"Oh stop it, Severus!" snapped Echo. "You're a much better parent than you realise and you shouldn't let this worry you."

Severus glowered at his wife. "I was angry, though! All I did was tell him bloody 'no' over a request for bloody ice cream and he turns into a screeching brat!" He jumped to his feet and snatched the letter from Albus. "What if Harry goes off again? What if he wants a toy and I won't get it for him? Am I going to have to capitulate to his every little desire just so he doesn't get in a snit that ships me off to Azkaban?" He threw the letter to the floor. Echo leaned over and picked it up.

"Sit down!" Although Albus didn't raise his voice with the command, Severus knew better than to continue his tirade. He dropped heavily back into his chair. "This behavior is unbecoming, my boy, and does nothing to aid the situation."

"Albus, I'm a good father," Severus said softly. "I know that I went into this blindly and it felt like I was questioning myself every hour. Each time Harry cried over something, I second guessed myself. Everytime he was afraid, I wasn't sure I was offering him enough comfort. For Merlin's sake, Albus! The first time I had to punish him I wound up running away to you!" The distraught wizard clasped his hands tightly together. "I am a good father," he whispered.

Albus leaned over and placed his cool, slim fingers over Severus' hands. He smiled warmly. "You are what I always knew you would be, son. Try not to worry anymore about this tonight. I'll call on Arthur tomorrow, and by the end of Monday, this will merely be a bad memory."

"Daddy?" a very timid, somewhat sleepy voice called to Severus from the foot of the stairs.

The adults looked over to see Harry in his pyjamas, bare feet, and dragging his dragon by the tail. Once he was noticed, Harry hurried over to his father and leaned against his thigh.

"Is something the matter, Harry?" asked Severus gently. Harry nodded. He picked up his son and settled him onto his lap. Echo summoned an afghan to drape over her son's lap, covering his bare toes.

"I'm real sorry about today," Harry said, laying his head against his father's chest. "You really aren't mean. Not ever. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

Severus' worry over the disaster of a day this had turned out to be vanished as he held his little boy in his lap. He was still concerned about the warning from Wizarding Children's Services, but that didn't matter when his child had come to him for comfort. And, of all things, apologised to him.

It was mid-morning when Albus walked into the Minister of Magic's office at the Ministry. The office, once a luxurious testament to Cornelius Fudge's pomposity, now had a distinct 'Molly Weasley' flair to it. There was a comfortable sofa draped in a patchwork quilt, a large desk that was handsome, yet gently used, several cabinets of books, and one wall that held dozens of photos of Arthur's large family.

Arthur Weasley himself had never been considered an organised man especially since he had rather a bad habit of collecting Muggle items that tended towards junk. His office was neat, though, and the amount of paperwork on top of his desk was organised into neat piles. Albus was certain that Percy, Arthur's son, was responsible for keeping his father's ministerial world tidy.

"AWWWWK! Beware of twinkling gems!"

"Merlin's Beard!" gasped Albus as he looked at the great blue parrot that perched near the door regarding the Headmaster slightly upside down.

Arthur sighed a half glare at the bird. "Meet Kohl, a Hyacinth Macaw the twins gave me for my birthday, Albus."

"Canary Creams! Buy some today!" squawked the parrot, and then gave what sounded like a wheezing laugh.

"I thought your sons liked you, Arthur," chuckled Albus.

"Perhaps they don't any longer," smiled Arthur wryly. "The whole family thought it was time I stopped wearing out little Pigwidgeon so this is his replacement." Arthur scratched beneath the bird's chin and gave it a piece of food.

"Awww! Sweet Artie!" cooed the bird.

"Come and sit down, Albus." They both seated themselves by the fireplace and Arthur summoned tea. "Kohl is actually rather useful as a familiar. He detected someone under Polyjuice yesterday."

"Polyjuice! Polyjuice! Zzzap!" This time Dumbledore was certain the bird was laughing.

"Another assassination attempt?" the Headmaster asked gently.

Arthur sighed heavily and nodded. "Another Death Eater pretender."

There came a knock on the door and Percy stuck his head in. "Merridwyn Cross from WCS, Minister."

"Show him in, Percy."

Percy's head ducked away and Arthur and Albus both rose as a florid, spidery looking man in grey and maroon robes stepped into the office. His grey hair hung below his shoulders and looked stringy. Half moon spectacles, very much like the Headmaster's, perched on his nose.

"Good of you to come to my office, Mr. Cross," greeted Arthur. "I'd like you to meet Albus Dumbledore.

Cross bowed slightly to each man. Arthur conjured a third chair and bade his guest to sit.

"Shouldn't Mr. Snape be here?" he inquired sharply in a distinct, nasal tone of voice.

"I am acting on Severus' behalf, Mr. Cross," said Dumbledore with a smile. The twinkle in his blue eyes was reserved.

Cross's nose seemed to wrinkle slightly and then he dropped his gaze to Arthur. "I must admit, Minister, that I'm rather more concerned about these allegations since it appears you've involved yourself."

Arthur's tone was firm and confident. "Normally I would take a neutral position in such matters and intervene only when necessary. However, I consider Severus Snape to be not only a friend, but someone I confidently entrusted with the lives of all my children. Since my wife and I have long considered Harry Snape..."

Cross interrupted and glanced down at a folder suddenly in his hands. "Potter, Minister. I've no record of a formal name change."

"If he's in trouble, it's Potter-Snape. However, Harry prefers his father's last name. He will not answer to Harry Potter as he considers that to be someone else."

Cross frowned and made a few notes. "Irregular," he snapped waspishly.

"Mr. Cross," Albus addressed the man from Wizarding Childrens Services and his tone of voice made the man snap his head up. "The matter of Harry's name is not the issue here. We've come to discuss the allegations of child abuse."

Cross paused for a long moment as he realised he sat before two of the most powerful wizards (one politically, the other in magic) of the wizarding world. He swallowed, then nodded. "I take it then, that you both feel there was none. However, I do have pensieve proof of Mr. Snape reprimanding his ward..."

Albus interjected sharply, "His son. It was recently proven that Severus is Harry's biological father."

"Hi... what?" Cross gaped and began madly to flip through the folder. Albus summoned the potion test results that he and Severus had filed with WCS and the Ministry, and it floated in front of Cross's nose. The man snatched the report and scrutinised it. After several minutes, he stuffed it back into the folder. "Ah, well! That does not prevent me from investigating the possibility..."

"There is NO possibility that Severus would harm his son." Although Albus was smiling genially enough, with the lack of twinkle in his watery blue eyes, there was a touch of frost to the wizard's tone that made Cross shiver.

"B-but I have evidence!" Cross stammered out, looking to Arthur for help.

Arthur smiled. "Pensieve, you said, Mr. Cross." The WCS wizard nodded. "By all means, then, let us have a look, shall we?"

Arthur retrieved the pensieve that all Ministers of Magic inherited with the job. The WCS agent drew out a long, slim phial from the seemingly bottomless folder he had in his hands, and dripped the silvery memory into the pensieve. All three men dipped their faces into the memory of a spectator's point of view of Harry's temper tantrum in Diagon Alley.

Albus emerged from the memory shaking his head and chuckling. "Ahh, poor Severus."

Arthur was smiling, too, and his eyes sparkled. "Harry is growing to be quite a handful, isn't he? Reminded me of when Charlie was eight and I'd brought him to work. He was fine for a few hours, then got cranky, and he threw such a terrible tantrum I had to wallop his bum right in my office. My poor secretary, she was just appalled at me."

Cross stared incredulously between both men. "But, didn't you see how SCARY he was? Snape's terrifying!"

"Was he now?" asked Albus, seemingly genuinely puzzled.

"Severus always looks like that, Merridwyn," clucked Arthur. "It's a look he perfected as a teacher and although he may not have been liked by his students, they did respect him. His record at Hogwarts is exemplary."

"Hogwarts?" Cross looked down at his file. "He was a teacher?"

"Really, Mr. Cross," scolded Albus. "Shouldn't you know such pertinent facts about the parent being accused of abuse?"

Cross looked up at the Headmaster, pushed up his spectacles a bit further up his nose, and gaped in reply. He had the very uncomfortable feeling that he was twelve years old again.

"Little Harry Snape absolutely adores his father and has since apologised for that behavior in Diagon Alley. Severus acted quickly to get his son off the street where he was able to deal with him privately." Albus smoothly handed a rolled up parchment to the wizard. "I thought this might assist you. An affidavit from Fred and George Weasley who report that Harry merely received a well-deserved spanking from his father. Quite appropriate, don't you think, given the child's behavior?"

"I don't agree with corporal punishment," Cross declared starchly.

"I wasn't aware you were a father, Merridwyn," interjected Arthur calculatingly.

"Uh... no. I'm not, sir."

"Well then, I won't argue the merits or demerits of CP with you and shall wait to do so when you do have children. However, this isn't a question of whether or not Severus Snape should have spanked his son. He was accused of abusing his son on public grounds. Frankly, other than the fact that you consider Severus 'scary', I saw nothing in that memory to even remotely suggest that Harry was being abused. If anything, I think I might have to accuse Harry of abusing his father for publicly embarrassing him with that outburst."

"What?" cried Cross. "That's absurd! Minister! Really, this is becoming farcical and I must protest...!"

"I quite agree, Mr. Cross," declared Arthur. "This whole charge is a farce, and I believe, that in my capacity as Minister of Magic, I am going to dismiss it."

Cross glanced down at the formal declaration of abuse that was in his folder and watched, in shock, as it was magically signed by Arthur, and stamped CLOSED.

"Mr. Snape will have to be put on probation, sir," began Cross a little lamely.

Arthur straightened sharply and glared. It was the look he had used countless times on his children when they were in trouble. "Mr. Cross, under no circumstances does Mr. Snape's behavior towards his son require him to be put on probation and I will have you fired if that happens. Severus Snape is a good father. If my word, and the word of Albus Dumbledore who has known Severus nearly his entire life, isn't good enough for you. Believe me, I can fill your office in seconds with people who will testify to that fact. Am I understood?"

Cross nodded rapidly, closed the folder and it vanished. "Y-y-yes sir! Completely!" He bowed to Arthur, then to Albus, and practically ran from the Minister's office.

Albus nodded at Arthur, his eyes at full twinkle. "Arthur Weasley, I truly am impressed." He patted the now blushing wizard's upper arm. "It is well you took this job, Arthur. Very well."

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