Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Chapter 20


"Yes, Harry?" acknowledged Severus as he ran a comb gently through his son's shoulder length hair. He didn't often comb Harry's hair anymore, but the young boy did like the attention when they had someplace special to go.

"What's a circus like?"

"Have you never been to one?" Severus asked softly, knowing full well that his son probably hadn't.

Harry winced as the comb encountered a knot. "I saw one on television once. When Dudley was five, Uncle Vernon was going to take him, and I think he might have taken me, too, but Dudley got into trouble with his friend Piers Kolkiss and though Aunt Petunia was gonna let Dudley go, Uncle Vernon said no. Dudley was real mad at Uncle Vernon for a long time."

"I'm sure he was," mused Severus. "A wizarding circus is much like a Muggle circus but many of the acts use magic. And, there's one act I know that will be your favorite." He smirked as he finished Harry's hair by tying a velvet ribbon around it.

"What's the act?" Harry asked eagerly.

"That is a surprise that Lucius swore us to secrecy about." Harry pouted. Severus chuckled, "Trust me, son, the surprise will be worth it."

"Okay. Fine," he huffed, but not really in anger. It was more for show. His father ushered him out of his bathroom and into his room.

"Get your jumper, Harry. It might get a little cooler later."

Harry went over to his wardrobe and picked out his favorite jumper which was one knitted by Dobby with a picture of Hector on the front.

In Tabitha's room a similar scene was playing out as Echo brushed the girl's long dark hair that glinted with a touch of dark red. The highlights could not be seen when Tabitha's hair had been so greasy and dirty. Now, after a few washes, the hair was softer, silkier, and more waves than discerned before.

Tabitha herself, who had been quite pale and thin, was starting to put on a bit of weight and gain colour in her skin.

"Is there anything scary at the circus, Echo?" asked Tabitha.

"There are some things that will appear scary, but don't worry. You'll be very safe, especially with Severus and I beside you." She put down the brush and looked into a small box that was gathering a growing collection of hair ribbons, barrettes, and combs. "Do you have a preference?"

Tabitha pointed to two butterfly combs that glittered with green and gold crystals. They had belonged to Sophie, but Sophie had given them to Tabitha and they were her favourites. As she picked up the combs her fists suddenly closed over them possessively.

Echo placed her hands on the girl's shoulders as she watched Tabitha's reflection in the vanity mirror.

"What's going to happen to me?" Tabitha asked in whisper as her own, reflected eyes met those of Echo's.

Echo knew that the WCS now had the medical history on Tabitha. The child didn't know that a representative from WCS had Floo called late that evening with a demand to hand over Tabitha while they did their investigation.

Severus had spoken quickly and firmly, even as he summoned the copy of the Foster Child paperwork that he and Echo had just finished filling out.

The gimlet eyed WCS agent, Annabelle Doloren, huffed in annoyance as the fostering paperwork hovered in front of her head that was sticking through the green flames.

"You do realise that this... thoroughness is rather suspect, do you not, Mr. Snape?" she asked in a whiny tone that seemed to dismiss the legal papers before her.

Severus rolled his eyes at the imbecilic statement. "Suspect of what, Miss Doloren? Have the WCS a suspicion that my wife and I are concerned about the child's welfare? Does the WCS worry that we are taking better care of the child than her own parents did? Perhaps the WCS disagrees with our decision to refer to the child as Tabitha rather than her legal name of 'Rat'?"

The last declaration, and reminder, caused the agent to swallow tightly. "I just meant to imply, Mr. Snape, that I do not know of anyone who has been as conscientious and thorough in regard to a child's welfare as you and Mrs. Snape have been." She let out a sigh which clearly registered her pleasure at saving face. Severus merely scowled at the witch. "Well, since all is in order, I shall leave you to your evening."

Agent Doloren's head vanished, as did the green flames, and the Floo call was ended.

"You will stay with us," Echo said plainly, crossing her arms lightly over Tabitha's chest in a gentle embrace. With her pregnancy, it was difficult to give strong hugs, but Tabitha smiled, and it seemed to be enough.

Draco and Hermione sat in the two chairs in the living room usually occupied by Severus and Echo. Lately, Echo abhorred the sofa. Lucius sat in the leather back chair that was very similar to Severus' chair. On the sofa were seated an animated Albus Dumbledore and a reserved, but quietly smiling Minerva McGongall-Dumbledore.

The Headmaster's wardrobe wasn't as blistering to the eye as it once was; not with Minerva now able to have a stronger influence over Albus' generally outrageous colour sense. Though still obnoxious in its pattern of silent lions roaring (although, Draco had snickeringly confided to Hermione that they looked more like they were yawning) the colors were nevertheless a pleasing red and gold. There was no ermine or gold trim, just the simple robes and a matching, pointed hat. The pointed hat that had been fashionable a short time for both witches and wizards, now only was sported by the older generation. Wizards Severus and Lucius' ages, and young people like Draco and Hermione, preferred a more modern, though Muggle Edwardian cut to their robes and clothing.

Albus, hands waving in the air as he described something, could be heard saying, "... up into the air and sailing round the heads of the crowd..." as Severus, Harry, Echo, and Tabitha came down the main staircase.

Walking round the sofa to the small gathering, Sophie could now be seen kneeling against the Headmaster's shin with her forearms crossed over his knees as he spoke.

"What's going on?" asked Harry dashing over to Draco and throwing his arms around the young man.

Draco replied as Albus interrupted his story and smiled at his grandson. "The Headmaster has been telling us about the wizarding circus he and his brother and sister were taken to when they were very young." Draco had a soft smirk upon his lips, as though it was hard to believe that Albus Dumbledore was ever a child.

"I want to hear it!" declared Harry with a large grin.

Severus put a restraining hand on Albus' shoulder. "As much as we'd all like to listen to your grandfather's tales, Harry, we do have a schedule to keep to or we'll miss the circus entirely."

Harry's face fell. "Oh." He then looked at Albus. "You can tell us later, right, grandpa, cuz I don't want to miss any of the circus."

Albus rose to his feet, an indulgent smile upon his face. "I will tell you all about my stories later, then, Harry." Albus extended a hand to the young boy who took it. "I'm rather excited to see the circus today, are you, dear boy?"

"Yeah! I want to see the tigers Uncle Lucius told us about! Those will be cool!"

Albus kept hold of Harry while Lucius escorted his daughter, and Tabitha kept to Echo's side as they all Apparated to the edge of Flitwick Field where the O'Gilvey Brothers Circus was set up.

The field was crowded with the circus tents and carriages, and the folks that lived and performed for the circus. Milling about all this chaos was the crowd of witches and wizards, many with children, come to see the final show under the big top tent. Along the way to the big top were many wonderful distractions that the children all had to see, or in the case of fairy floss, soaring cremes, spinning sugar quills, giggling caramels, and chocolate frogs, taste.

As each child was given something sweet to assuage a temptation, Severus grumbled mildly about the sugar and their effect on their offspring until his wife presented him with a curmudgeon sour ball. Severus sneered at Lucius' rich laughter, and popped the tart sweet into his mouth. He just, barely, managed to keep from sucking in his cheeks as the tartness of the sour turned the interior of his mouth into an astringent cavern. As it was, he was completely unable to object to the fairy floss that Lucius bought for the three children as they followed the crowds into the big top tent.

There was no rhyme or reason to the seating so Harry led the way, leading everyone to a set of seats that he thought had a good view of all three rings. Lucius cast a very good Cushion Charm (his magic was increasing each day and he was getting very good at controlling it) on the hard wooden benches and they were able to take their seats with some comfort.

Tabitha, Harry, and Sophie weren't entirely aware of the wait they had while the rest of the crowd milled around for seats as they were busy trying each other's fairy floss. Harry had grape (because it was purple), Sophie had pink (and was tickled to discover it tasted like bubblegum), and Tabitha had chosen the blue one, with no thought to what it might taste like.

Sticky fingers, mouths, and lips dyed ghastly blue, deadly purple, and ridiculous pink were the end result of the sweet, spun sugar. Severus cleaned up his son, while Echo took care of Tabitha, and Sophie twice ducked her father's Scourgify causing him to clean the vest of the rotund wizard that sat behind them. Thankfully, the wizard had a generous nature and just shrugged off the cleaning with a good-natured chuckle. By then, Sophie's father had her pinned against his chest as he wiped his child's face with a damp cloth that Hermione had considerately conjured for him.

Lucius was just finishing when Sophie let out an ear splitting squeal as all the circus performers began to parade into the tent. She bounced and waved at the various performers, excited to see people she knew.

Both Harry and Tabitha had gone quiet as they watched the parade of gaily bedecked elephants, bejeweled performers, white tigers, and clowns of all sizes and shapes. They each tried not to blink as they both were worried they might just miss something spectacular.

With one circuit around the perimeter of the big top, the performers scattered to the three rings just as the ring-mistress, Journey Leeds, Apparated into the center ring. She was resplendent in a red uniform with large gold buttons and a tall standing, red velvet hat with gold trim and buttons on her head. Using the Sonorous charm, she was able to amplify her voice so that everyone could hear her.

"Welcome witches, wizards, and all of you wide-eyed little ones to the greatest spectacle on earth! The O'Gilvey Brothers Magical Circus!" The ring-mistress turned towards the ring to her left and pointed with her staff. A flourish spilled red and green sparks at the ring from the end of the staff.

"Please direct your attention to our graceful fliers, the Sedry Family!"

Music, that had been jangling in the background, swelled with the sudden applause as seven members of a family, all of them redheads and wearing skin tight costumes of blue and silver, ran into the ring and bounced around the ring performing small performances of acrobatics.

"I'm beginning to think that redheads may be more feracious than any other sort of magical folk!" commented Severus with a wry, tight grin upon his face. Lucius just laughed. Severus, however, was heartened when his sentiments were corroborated by Hermione with a smirk of her own towards her old professor.

The attention returned to the Sedry family as thick ribbons of blue fell from the very top of the tent. Each family member grasped a ribbon and rose high above the ground. For awhile their acrobatics from the ground continued in the air as they each, skillfully wove themselves dizzingly around their ribbons. Then, suddenly, the ribbons blinked out of existence! The entire crowd gasped in horror, thinking to see the talented family plunging to their deaths. Harry quickly gripped his father's hand and drew in a deep breath. The horror was just a blink as the seven were caught, just before hitting the earth, by new ribbons of silver that sprouted upwards from the ground. Applause, whistles, and shouts greeted the Sedrys as their performance was met with admiration.

As the dance of the fliers ended, Harry jumped to his feet, bouncing with excitement as he grabbed at Severus sleeve. "Dad! Dad! Did you see that? They were flying and then they fell but they were caught! That was soooo cool! Did you see it?"

"I'm afraid I missed it, Harry," teased Severus, "as someone was gripping my hand so hard, I thought my fingers might break."

Harry's excitement dropped like a rock, but before he could stammer an apology, Severus laughed and gave his son a quick hug. "I'm joking, son! I saw it all and it was wonderful!"

A breath of relief brought the smile back to Harry's eyes. He then turned to Albus who was seated on the other side of Harry. "Did you see them, grandpa?"

"I did indeed, my boy!" enthused Albus as his eyes twinkled merrily at the small boy.

The next spectacle appeared to be two Quidditch teams in uniforms of purple and yellow, and green and orange, that sparkled many times more than normal uniforms would. One team arrived in the left ring, the other in the right.

"Those colors are just foul!" grimaced Draco.

"Do you really think so?" Albus asked with genuine puzzlement. The headmaster received glares from Minerva, Lucius, Severus, and Draco. Hermione tried to stifle her laughter.

Echo chimed in, "I quite think you need a set of robes in each of those colour combinations, Albus!"

The glares were immediately transferred to Echo as Albus agreed with the young witch. "I do! I quite think I do!"

The Snapes, the Malfoys, and the Dumbledores all became quiet as the two teams rose up into the air on their brooms. Instead of the expected Quidditch balls and a Snitch, a variety of objects were conjured by each player. As the teams flew, dove, raced above, and spiralled, they batted or juggled the items between them.

As a large plant that resembled Devil's Snare was tossed back and forth by two opposing players, the plant fell away like a tentacled missile towards the far side seated audience. Screams rose up from those audience members only to be replaced by laughter as the deadly plant burst apart, showering the audience with trinkets and sweets.

More objects fell and burst and showered everyone in the Big Top Tent with trinkets and sweets until the last object. It resembled nothing more spectacular than a multi-striped beach ball. As everyone watched, the beachball became larger and larger as the players all circled it until it, too, burst and showered sparkles upon the entire audience.

The glittering Quidditch players swooped down closer to the ground, flew once around the perimeter, and then vanished. Each disappeared in a glorious show of sparkling colour.

The next acts were simple ones that had even been shown to Muggle audiences. A lion tamer, clowns that jumped and bounced acrobatically across all three rings, elephants, and snake charmers whose snakes eventually changed into sinuous ropes that carried the snake charmers up above the audience until they disappeared.

"Dad?" asked Harry as he tugged worriedly upon his father's sleeve. "They didn't come back! Are they all right?"

Severus smiled at his son. "They're fine, Harry. It's all an act."

"Okay," Harry agreed dubiously as he settled back down on the seat and leaned against Severus.

The crowd instinctively hushed as the ring-mistress re-appeared in not the center ring, but one of the side rings.

"Witches and wizards! May I direct your attention to the center ring?" Journey's voice echoed over the audience. "As this is our last performance in the wizarding world, we have a special treat for you... please, show your appreciation for..."

The audience began to clap, to hoot, whistle, and shout as they focused on the center ring. Sophie partially hid behind her father's arm while Harry stood up and began to bounce in excitement. Severus' put his hands lightly on his son's shoulders so he didn't jump onto the family in front of them. Tabitha was a bit more subdued and her hand curled tightly into Echo's as she lifted her chin to watch the coloured lights that danced over the center ring.

When all eyes were most definitely upon the ground of the center ring, the tip top of the Big Top opened with a great tearing sound. The sunshine spilled down upon the center ring just as four, pure white Pegasii flew through the hole in the tent and then landed gracefully within the center ring.

"Wings!" both Harry and Tabitha breathed in awe.

"They're beautiful!" gasped Tabitha as she leaned eagerly forward to better watch the winged horses.

Harry stood in front of his father and watched the magnificent dance of the Pegasii beneath the Big Top. The winged horses flew with more grace than the Quidditch players had. Slow, deliberate, and powerful. Their riders were uniformed in black with gold trim and they shouted orders in a staccato beat as they put the magical animals through their paces.

Finally the Pegasii flew back through the hole in the Big Top and the performance was over. While the crowd filtered out to the rousing music provided by the circus band, the Snapes and the Malfoys remained behind. Nearly a half hour later, Journey Leeds, now in her gypsy garb, motioned the families down from the stands. She looked down at the children.

"So, was the show to your satisfaction?" she grinned.

Journey's question was met by a chorus of childish delight, that even Hermione and Draco found themselves joining in.

"I've never read anything anywhere about the Pegasus," Hermione blurted. "I thought they were a myth!"

Draco snickered and Hermione elbowed his ribs as she smirked over her shoulder at her fiance'. Journey replied, "The Pegasii are one of the wizarding world's best kept secrets. Unfortunately, that's because those are the last four in known existence."

"They're endangered?" Hermione was suddenly stricken for the small group of horses and Draco suppressed a sigh. This was the Hermione who found lost causes even when there were none to be found. "Does the wizarding world have endangered species protection laws?"

Puzzled glances met Hermione from Draco, Albus, and Minerva. It was Severus who explained, "The Muggles have laws in place that protect their endangered species. Unfortunately, Hermione, the wizarding world does not have such laws in place. Hogwarts Forbidden Forest is one of our worlds largest sanctuaries for Unicorns and for Blood Fairies."

"Where do the Pegasii reside?" asked the inquisitive bushy-haired young woman.

Journey replied, "They live on a reserve in Spain not far from where the Muggles Lipizzaner stallions originated. I'm guessing you're familiar with them?"

Hermione grinned. "I was about five when my parents took me to an exhibition of the Lipizzaner stallions. It was... probably the closest I'd ever come, then, to magic."

"Dad?" Draco turned to his father as they left the Big Top, "Didn't you own one of those horses when I was young?"

Lucius nodded as he topped his white hair with his favorite black, cowboy hat. "Narcissa and I saw them just after we married and I fell in love with the stallions. I knew I wanted one to own one, but Narcissa didn't really care for horses in general. When you were about 8 years old I managed to get my hands on a young gelding. I remember letting you name it," smirked Lucius with a twinkle in his grey eyes.

Draco smiled. He had remembered that horse. "Snow!" Draco blushed at the memory and then laughed. "Not very imaginative, but I remember really loving Snow." The young man glanced over to his father. "Those were some very good memories when you and I would go to the stables to take care of Snow, dad."

Lucius draped an arm over his son's shoulders and pulled him closer to his side at they walked. Sophie skipped along beside them, grinning happily.

Journey Leeds invited them into her tent. It was spacious, as most magical tents were, but standing within the main space was a rather smug looking house elf, Dobby. Behind him was a large cake surrounded by a feast that could feed at least twenty.

Tabitha was getting used to Dobby, but even so, she crept a bit closer to Echo, just in case.

Sophie skipped forward and flung her arms around Dobby's neck, nearly sending him toppling to his side. He caught her, set her right, and she spun to face Lucius. "Happy birthday, papa!"

Lucius smiled and swept his daughter up into his arms. "Did you do all of this for me?"

"Dobby made the food, and Draco hid the presents, and Miss Leeds was really nice about letting us celebrate here." Her smile sobered briefly. "You didn't think we forgot that your real birthday was a couple days ago, did you, papa?"

"Me?" Lucius had wondered about the quiet dinner that consisted of his favorite foods, but no fanfare over the day. He held his index and thumb apart a small bit, "Just a tiny bit."

"Oh papa!" Sophie hugged her father and then wriggled to be let down. She glanced over towards the Potions Master. "Uncle Severus? Do I hafta wait anymore?" she half pleaded.

Severus smiled. "Well, I think we're all rather hungry..." he teased.

"Please?" wheedled Sophie as she grasped the Potions Master's hand. "Please, please, Uncle Severus?"

Lucius didn't intercede, as he was rather curious about what Sophie wanted. His curiosity was answered when Severus floated what looked to be a pink soap bubble from the interior of his robes. Once again, the older wizard had to wonder how and where the younger wizard hid things in his robes.

The bubble flitted lightly down towards Sophie who caught it with a giggle reminiscent of the day that she and Harry had Gathered the Spirits with Severus. Although Sophie held the bubble towards her father, her posture showed she wasn't, yet, going to give it to him. He brow wrinkled as she remembered her little speech, and then spoke carefully.

"Uncle Severus, uhm, I mean Professor Snape says there is a special potions magic called the Gathering Spir... of the Spirits. Professor Snape helped my magic to gather this spirit just for you, papa. You don't hafta drink it or anything just, uhm, hold it close to... to your heart." Very daintily Sophie slipped the small, delicate sphere into the palms of her father's outstretched hands.

The bubble weighed nothing in the palm of his hand, but he felt warmth from it. It was the same warmth he felt when his daughter would hug him. Although he'd been told what to do with the bubble by Sophie, his instinct still had him cradle the pink bubble within his hands, close to his heart. It was then that he heard the soft sound of laughter. It was more than just laughter, though. Lucius could feel his daughter's joy from the day this treasure had been created and his heart nearly broke with the love his child held for him.

"Happy birthday, father," Draco spoke with a slight shyness as he held forth a white, pine box that appeared to be just the perfect size to hold the sphere.

Lucius was only reluctant to withdraw one hand from the small sphere, but as he looked up at his son, and then the box in the boy's hand, he was drawn to the box as he had been to the bubble. Upon touching it he was able to feel all the love and the truly earned pride his son had ever felt for him.

Seeing that his father wasn't capable, yet, of speech, Draco spoke quietly, "Uncle Severus told me a long time ago about the Gathering of the Spirits, but I was... too young to really appreciate the magic. He... I... Uncle Severus helped me gather the spirit, and brew it, and then I infused it within the box. It's so... uhm... you'll always have Sophie and I near, fath... dad."

Lucius carefully placed his daughter's bubble of joy within the box, which was lined with black velvet, then closed it.

With that they set upon Dobby's feast and ended with a colourful pile of presents that Lucius attacked with wild abandon, to the appreciation of the children who encouraged the ripping and tearing of silver, gold, red, green, blue, and yellow papers with shouts and clapping.

That evening, after Harry, Sophie, and even Tabitha, were all tucked away in their beds, the adults, which now included Hermione and Draco, sat in the living room with either brandy, a lemon water for Echo, and white wine for Hermione.

Lucius leaned back in his wingback chair and regarded his grown son and the lovely young woman seated on the sofa next to him. "How does it feel finally leaving Hogwarts behind, Dragon?"

Draco sipped slowly at his brandy as his hand reached for Hermione's and squeezed it. "Strange. I don't think it has really hit yet."

"You'll have a week to adjust," Severus interjected.

Draco smiled warmly at his godfather. He had debated with himself over what he might do with his life and had finally decided he wanted to be more than just a rich wizard. He certainly had no interest in politics, for which his father had groomed him for. During his third year in Hogwarts, Lucius had wisely given that ambition up as Draco had shown more of an interest in books and in creating things. It pleased Lucius that Draco had asked Severus to apprentice him in Potions. In a week, Draco would be joining Severus and his father in the lab at Fairwinds where Severus would teach him.

"How long before I'll learn the Gathering of the Spirits, Uncle?" Draco asked, a slight, sly smirk upon his lips.

Severus' eyebrow arched and he answered the cheeky question seriously, "When you are ready, Draco. It is a discipline that few are attuned to, but it is something I believe you'll have talent for."

Draco grinned and blushed at the compliment. He was looking forward to earning his Masters in Potions. He was also looking forward to working with his father and spending more time with Sophie.

Lucius turned his gaze to Hermione, "Have you plans, other than the bookstore and marrying my son, Hermione?"

"I'd like to teach at Hogwarts," she replied. "Professor Flitwick plans to retire in a few years so he's taking me on as his Charms apprentice."

"Between that and the bookstore," began Severus, "won't you be rather stretched to your limits?"

"I've discussed it with Echo and I'll work part-time at the bookstore until Echo delivers. She'll take two months off and I'll take over at that time. When she comes back, then I'll begin my apprenticeship with Professor Flitwick."

Echo laughed, "She's really very organised, Severus!"

Severus smirked, "I know of several Gryffindors who wouldn't have made it past their first year without Miss Granger's organisation and tutoring abilities."

Hermione blushed. "Thank you, sir."

At nearly three o'clock in the morning, Fairwinds was settled, quiet, and all its inhabitants were asleep. Harry dreamt of riding a magnificent Pegasus with silver wings. Sophie giggled in her sleep as she dreamt of running through a field of fragrant lavender while colourful pixies danced around her. Echo slept lightly, as she often did the longer she was pregnant. If she didn't dream of her son or daughter, she dreamt of dancing with Severus. Severus, who wasn't as plagued by nightmares as he once was, simply dreamt of a current problem with one of his experimental potions. A ghost of a smile graced his sleeping visage as a solution presented itself in his dream. Lucius dreamt of the puzzle of Ollivander's daughter. He was terribly intrigued by the beauty, but until he could remember her, she flitted away, always just out of his reach.

The stillness of Fairwinds was shattered as a terrifying scream woke everyone from their pleasant dreams. Echo, who usually needed help leaving their bed, shoved her husband, impelling him to tend to the owner of the screams, Tabitha.

Severus barely registered his wife's nudge as he was already propelling himself from bed. As he ran out of the bedroom, he automatically summoned his dressing gown and was pulling it on as he raced the short distance down the hall to Tabitha's room.

Tabitha's screams had dropped into great gulping sobs. Severus found the girl cradling her feather down pillow to her stomach as she wept. When the Potions Master touched her shoulder, Tabitha let out a yelp and scrambled backwards, falling off the opposite side of her bed.

"Please, Gipple! I didn't do anything wrong!" Tabitha was now firmly squashed into the corner of her bedroom, curled up as tightly as possible.

"Tabitha!" Severus spoke firmly, but did not shout. "You're all right, child." He moved around to the other side of the bed, and knelt down in front of the girl. As she opened her wide eyes and looked into his face, he was not prepared for the girl to launch herself at him. It took every muscle he had to support her momentum and to keep him from falling backwards out of his crouch. He was not as smooth as he wished, but he was able to scoop the trembling girl up into his arms and rise to his feet.

Echo arrived just then and with a wave of her hand, she Transfigured the single chair in the bedroom to a larger, plush rocking chair that Severus gratefully settled in, with Tabitha on his lap. She was still crying, but her face was firmly pressed to his shoulder.

"I'm going to make sure Harry's all right," Echo said softly to her husband. "Lucius is already with Sophie." Echo left Tabitha's room, certain that Severus would be able to take care of the girl.

Severus patted Tabitha's back rhythmically and soothingly as he rocked. He had worried about Tabitha's nightmares and had honestly thought it might be weeks before her accidental magic stopped placing a Silencing Charm up to keep anyone hearing of her distress. It appeared her trust in Echo, and then in Severus, was happening quicker. Severus thought this might be due to Harry and Sophie, whom the girl doted on.

When her tears had become hiccups, Tabitha seemed to realise who was holding her and she began to pull away from Severus' arms. "I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I didn't mean to..."

"Hush, child," Severus spoke softly. He did not allow her to wriggle away, but held her firmly. If she put up a fight, though, he was ready to let he go at once. Tabitha stiffened, but made no more move to leave. She hung her head, obviously embarrassed at her childishness.

Severus conjured a soft cloth dampened with a bit of cool water. He lifted Tabitha's chin and began to gently wipe away at the remains of her tears.

"Can you tell me what you were dreaming of, child?" he asked quietly.

Like Harry did when he was upset, Tabitha curled a fist in the folds of his dressing gown. She averted her eyes from his. "The turkey platter. I didn't mean to break it, but it was heavy. Gipple was so angry at me." She hiccuped as the tears threatened a return. Looking up suddenly, her eyes were full of fear, and anguish. "Please, sir, don't make me go back! I don't want to be Rat anymore!"

Severus pulled the girl against his chest and she laced her arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. "You'll never go back to those people, Tabitha." Disentangling her carefully, Severus made sure her watery gaze was locked upon his as he spoke solemnly, "I promise you, Tabitha. You won't leave us. Ever. And Gipple will never hurt you again." Once again he thought about telling the young girl about what Dobby had done, but remained quiet. It might ease her nightmares, but the house elf's death could bring other guilt onto the child they didn't want her to have to deal with.

A light knock on the frame of the door alerted Severus to the arrival of Echo. With her was Harry holding a mug of what could only be hot chocolate. He waved them in. Harry stepped closer to Tabitha.

"Here, Tabby. I made some hot chocolate for you," Harry held out the mug and Tabitha looked at it for a moment before taking it. "Mum or dad always makes me some when I have nightmares, too. It makes you feel better."

Tabitha took a tentative sip, then smiled at Harry. "Thanks. It does make me feel better, Harry."

Harry beamed happily. "Time to go back to bed, sweetheart," Echo verbally nudged her son. Harry gave Tabitha a quick, slightly awkward hug, and then kissed his father's cheek before running back to his bedroom.

"I think I can go back to bed, too, sir," Tabitha said softly, though she didn't make a move to leave Severus' lap.

Severus cradled the back of the child's head with his hand and pulled her gently against his chest and shoulder. "A few more minutes," he said softly as he kissed her cheek. Tabitha relaxed, closing her eyes just as Severus began patting her back.

By the time he slipped her back under the covers of her bed, Tabitha was fast asleep. Severus brushed a strand of hair from her cheek, tucked the covers about the child, and then returned to his own bedroom. He had expected to see Echo back in their bed, but she was seated on the edge of the bed, looking slightly ashen.

"Beauty?" he asked softly as he moved closer to his wife.

The look of abject fear that met his own, concerned gaze, sent a wash of cold chills down to his bare feet.

"Severus," Echo began in a voice that trembled, "something's wrong..."

Chapter End Notes:
Feracious = fruitful

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