Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Its Halloween. Harry and his friends do battle with a troll. Severus keeps a very important appointment.
The Troll and the Lily

It was Halloween, and Harry couldn’t quite believe that he had been at Hogwarts now for two months.

A lot had happened in that time, too.

He, Ron, and Hermione Granger had discovered that the reason the third floor was off limits was because it was guarded by a large three headed dog.

They’d also found out that a vault was broken into at Gringotts on the day of his birthday, the day he and Hagrid had been there...the same vault Hagrid had gotten the mysterious 'package' from.

Hagrid, albeit unwittingly, had told him and Ron that the ‘package’ he had delivered was what was hidden on the Third Floor…which was what Fluffy (the threed headed dog's name!) guarded...and that it had something to do with a man named Nicholas Flamel.

They had decided to try and discover just who Flamel was, as it might possibly give them a clue to what the 'package' was.

Harry had also began to practice with the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Oliver Wood was really impressed with him, as the team’s new Seeker.

"You’re a natural, Potter," the Keeper/team captain told him after their first practice, with a firm pat on the back. "We’re gonna wipe the floor with those snakes this year, for sure!"

Harry had beamed at that and felt really proud of himself.

It was the first time he could remember anyone ever praising him for something.

Well, except for his teachers…all of them except Snape, that is.

Things in potions had not improved, the Head of Slytherin still continued to be hard on them—especially him—but there was also still that something in his eyes whenever he looked at him.

And, of course, his eyes seemed to be on him all the time—but, oddly enough, he was getting used to it.

That night in the Great Hall, there was going to be a huge feast to celebrate the occasion and Harry was really looking forward to it.

"C'mon, 'Arry," Ron told him, "we're gonna miss breakfast!"

Harry smiled. Ron always hated the idea of being late for any meal.

Sometimes, he thought his best friend's whole life revolved around his stomach!

Luckily for Ron, they didn't miss breakfast and once it was all over, they headed to their Charms' class.

"Today, class," Professor Flitwick, who due to his small size had to teach while standing on a pile of books, told them, "we are going to be covering levitating objects. Now then, you have in front of you a single feather. This is the object you will be attempting to levitate. The incantation is a simple one but you must say it exactly right. Repeat after me, please. Wingardium Leviosa!"

They all did so, watching how he twirled his wand as he spoke the words and then flicked it sharply at the end.

"The movement is also very important," Flitwick told them, smiling. "Just remember to 'swish and flick' and you'll do fine. Now, you lot have a go at it. Go on!"

Over and over again, each student tried to get their feather to levitate. Poor Neville actually made his explode, trying so hard.

Harry glanced at Ron, who was getting red with frustration.

"You're doing it wrong," Hermione Granger told him, sighing. "It's Wing-gar-di-um Lev-i-osa. You have to stress the syllables. Like this: Wingardium Leviosa!"

She swished and flicked her wand and the feather began to float and dance in the air.

"Oh, goodness me, see here," Flitwick said, happily. "Ms. Granger has done it! Fifteen points to Gryffindor!"

All the Gryffindors smiled at this, all except one. Ron.

"Did you hear her in there?" he complained to Harry as they were leaving class. "It's Wing-gar-di-um Lev-i-osa! Honestely, 'Arry, the girl is just not right in the head! It's no wonder she ain't got no friends 'sides her stinkin' books!"

Just then, Hermione shoved past them with her head down. It looked like she was crying.

Harry and Ron exchanged a glance. "I think she heard you," he told his friend, quietly.

Ron snorted. "Good," he said, sniffing. "Maybe she'll quit being a prissy know-it-all now!"

Harry nodded, but he wasn't really agreeing with him.

Feeling eyes upon him, he glanced toward the doorway that led to the dungeons and found Professor Snape standing there.

Once again, he was leveling him with a penetrating gaze--only this time, it made Harry feel exceedingly guilty for some reason.

Maybe you should have said something in Hermione's defense, a small voice that sounded like his own said inside his head.

Not liking this feeling at all, he quickly averted his gaze from the stern-looking man and said, "C'mon, let's go."

Ron nodded and the two of them headed on to the next class, but Harry knew those dark eyes followed them all the way down the corridor.

That night, the Great Hall was decorated for the holiday and it looked magnificent.

Everybody was excited, even the professors.

Well, Harry thought to himself, not all of them...

Snape looked gloomier than ever, or maybe even more so, tonight.

I wonder why? Harry frowned. He was still no closer to figuring the dark clad man out.

Just then, the evening mail arrived and Harry was surprised when his snowy owl Hedwig landed in front of him with a folded piece of parchment.

Harry took it, offering Hedwig some of his chicken in thanks, and unfolded it.

It read: Your parents would have wanted you to enjoy this night with your friends, but do not forget the price that was paid for that enjoyment.

The note was not signed and Harry did not recognize the handwriting.

What did whoever sent this mean, he thought to himself. What price?

He thought a moment, and then his eyes grew wide.

Of course, it had now been exactly ten years ago that his parents had been killed.

On this very night, at their home, when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named came for them.

I almost forgot, he thought to himself sadly.

He felt a lump rise in his throat and foud himself glancing up at the teacher table.

Just as he thought, Professor's Snape's dark eyes were upon him once more...staring at him intently.

Could he have sent the note?

But...why? Harry thought. What did he have to do with my parents?

Harry folded the note and put it in his pocket. He would do what it said.

He'd enjoy tonight, but he wouldn't ever forget again to honor his parents in some way on this night.

Tonight, all he could do was offer a simple prayer asking that they understand and thanking them for their sacrifice.

It wasn't much...but at least it was sincere.

"You okay, mate?" Ron asked him, from where he was busy eating two turkey legs similtaneously.

"Uh, yeah," Harry told him, and then glanced around. "Hey, where's Hermione?"

It just dawned on him that he had not seen or heard the mousy girl since Charms that morning.

Ron scowled. He still had not forgotten what happened, either.

"Who cares?" he snorted. "She's probably up in her room studying!"

"Nuh uh," Neville told them. "One of the girls said she's been in the girl's bathroom all day today...crying!"

Harry swallowed, feeling that guilty feeling again.

He glanced at Ron, who seemed to have gone a very interesting shade of red.

"Maybe you should have apologized, mate," Harry told him, honestly. "You were kinda rough on her."

Ron sighed. "Fine," he said, looking sour. "I'll go after the feast..."

Just then, however, the doors of the Great Hall flew open and Professor Quirell came running in with his purple turban all askew.

"Troll!" he shouted, hoarsely. "Troll in the castle--d-down in the d-dungeon! J-Just t-thought y-you'd like to know..." He then promptly fainted.

All Hell broke loose at that point. Boys began shouting. Girls began screaming and crying. The teachers began rising from their chairs to make their way of the Hall.

It took Professor Dumbledore shooting fireworks from the end of his wand to regain everybody's attention.

"Prefects, escort your Housemates back to your dorms," the Headmaster ordered, sternly. "Everyone is to remain in their common rooms until your Head comes to inform you of the situation. All teachers should head to the dungoens immediately!"

As everyone began to file out of the Great Hall, Harry couldn't help but notice that Professor Snape had disappeared somewhere during the comotion.

Unfortunately, an even horrible thought filled his mind at that. "Ron!" he hissed, grabbing his friends arm tightly.

"Ow! 'Arry, that hurt!" Ron said, scowling him. "What is it?"

"Hermione, Ron," Harry told him, rolling his eyes. "She doesn't know about the troll!"

"So?" Ron asked, rubbing his arm and scowling.

Just then, a loud roar occurred, causing everybody to jump.

"Everybody," Percy Weasley, Ron's older brother and who was also a prefect, "move faster...but in an orderly fashion."

Harry gave Ron a look.

"So," he told him, snorting. "The troll could leave the duneons. What if it finds her before she can get back to the Tower?"

Ron bit his lip. He was really feeling guilty now about the things he'd said to the Muggleborn witch.

"C'mon, 'Arry," he whispered, "before Percy sees us. Let's go get 'er."

Harry nodded, he'd been thinking the same thing. The two boys quickly ducked out of line and headed for the girl's bathroom.

Unfortunately, a loud crash greeted them just as they reached. A loud crash...followed by a girl's scream.

Harry and Ron glanced at each other, horrified. "The troll!" they said at the same time. "Hermione!"

With that, and not really stopping to think things through, they dashed into the girl's bathroom.

Hermione was cowering in the corner, using the sinks as a form of protection.

The troll was huge, ugle, and smelled worse than a manure pile! It brandished a club and destroyed tow of sinks.

Water was going everywhere, the bathroom was quickly feeling with water.

Harry didn't even bother to plan out his next move. "Hey, ugly!" he yelled, and then leapt onto the troll's back.

The troll did not appreciate giving him a piggy-back ride and began thrashing about wildly trying to dislodge him.

To make matters worse, Harry then jabbed his wand up the creatures bulbous nose--causing it to roar in rage.

Suddenly, it managed to grab Harry's leg and pull him from its back.

Dangling upside down and being shaken like a rag doll, Harry shouted, "Ron! Do something before it kills me, you idiot!"

Ron, who had been frozen with fear, suddenly realized his friends needed him.

"Uh, right," he said, swallowing. "Wingardium Leviosa!"

He pointed his wand at the troll's club and magical pulled it from its grasp.

He then levitated it above the creature's head and brought it down upon it.

The troll dropped Harry onto the sogging wet floor of the bathroom and then promptly fell back...knocked out cold.

"I-Is it dead?" Hermione asked, as she crawled out from under the sinks.

"Just knocked out, I think," Harry told her, getting up and retrieving his wand. "Ugh! Troll buggies!"

He quickly wiped his wand off, but then glanced at Ron. "Good job, mate," he told him.

"See?" Hermione told him. "I told you all you had to do was stress the syllables." She started laughing, relieved to be alive apparently.

Harry and Ron glanced at each other and then promptly burst out laughing. Who'd have thought she'd ever make a joke!

Unfortunately, their laughter was cut short as Professor McGonagall, Professor Quirell, and Professor Snape raced into the room.

"What the...?" Professor McGonagall gasped, shocked to see the three first years near the unconscious troll.

Harry, however, found he was more concerned with Professor Snape.

The man's black eyes were all but smoldering...the look of utter rage on them was so terrifying he was afraid the man was going to explode.

"What is the meaning of this?!' McGonagall growled, finding her voice again. "What are you three doing here?"

Harry and Ron glanced at each other, but before they could answer Hermione beat them to it.

"It was my fault, Professor," she told the older witch. "I went looking for the troll, you see."

"You what?" McGonagall declared, outraged. "You foolish girl! Why in Merlin's name would you do that?"

"Because," Hermione lied, "I-I read about them, you see, and I thought I could handle it...but I was wrong. Harry and Ron saved my life, Professor."

Harry and Ron were trying very hard not to hang their mouths open.

Hermione Granger was actually lying to a professor!

When did Hell freeze over? Harry wondered to himself, stunned.

"Young lady, I half a mind to..." McGonagall growled, looking furious, but then sighed. "But I am too tired. Therefore, for your utter lack of regard for your own safety, Miss Granger, you will lose five points for Gryffindor. And as for you two boys...you shall be awarded five points each. For sheer dumb luck, if nothing else!"

"Minerva!" Snape shouted, his black eyes bulging. "You can't be serious! They risked their fool necks needlessly!"

"It was not needlessly, Severus," McGonagall told him, smirking. "They did save Miss Granger's life and take down a full grown mountain troll, to boot. Not many first years could have done that."

Snape looked like he wanted to smack the older witch, but restrained himself.

Instead, he focuses his gaze upon Harry.

Harry swallowed. There was that look again...the one he'd given him that afternoon.

Was it...disappointment?

"Return to the Tower immediately, you three," McGonagall informed them. "We shall handle this from here."

"Yes, Ma'am," all three said and quickly scampered out of the bathroom.

Harry made sure he did not dare look Professor Snape in the eye as he passed him.

Once outside, Hermione turned to him and Ron. "So?" she said, holding out her hand. "Friends?"

Harry smiled, placing a hand on top of hers. "Friends," he said, and then they both glanced at Ron.

Ron smiled.

"Anybody who can lie to a teacher without blinking, Granger," he told Hermione, "is all right in my book. Friends." He placed his on top of theirs.

Wow, Harry thought as they made their way back to Gryffindor Tower, now I have two best friends!

This had been the best Halloween of his life!


Severus winced as he applied a healing salve to leg. Damn that three headed monstrosity Hagrid had the nerve to call a 'pet'!

When Quirell had announced there was troll in the castle and knowing that the only way it could have gotten in was if someone--and he had his strong suspicions who that was--had let it in, he knew there was trouble afoot.

He also knew that this could not have been some foolish child's Halloween prank, as trolls were dangerous and no student would dare try and ensnare one.

He'd headed to the third floor to guard it, in case someone did try and get the 'package' guarded there.

Unfortunately, in his haste, he had forgotten about the three headed guard dog and thus had been bitten for his troubles.

Next time I see Hagrid, Severus thought sourly, I'm putting a boot up his overly-large ass!

Sighing, as he rolled down his pants leg, he reached for his jacket and put it on.

Straightening his tie, he glanced at himself in the mirror.

Dressed in a black suit and tie, he had pulled his hair back into a tail at the nap of his neck.

Given all the excitement, he was almost afraid he wasn't going to be able to go this year...but luckily the troll was taken care of quickly.

Yes, Severus thought angrily, by Harry-Can't-Stop-Putting-Himself-Into-Danger-Potter!

When he and McGonagall and Quirell (though he was utterly useless with his whimpering and whining) had entered that bathroom and saw those three children, he'd felt his heart leap into his throat again.

It took ever ounce of his will power not to march over to the dark haired Gryffindor and tan the living daylights out of him!

And as far as that cock-n-bull story Granger told Minerva...he didn't buy it for a second.

The girl was lying...no doubt covering for the two boys...

They had no business being there in the first place, Severus thought scowling, and they definitely had no business attempting to take down a full grown mountain troll!

And then Minerva had the nerve to actually award them points for the reckless escapade!

He'd wanted to smack her for it, too, but had wisely kept his mouth shut.

Potter had noticed the look he'd given him, he was sure of it.

Little brat refused to look me in the eye, he thought to himself smirking. He knew he'd done wrong!

Now, what the two boys managed to do--taking down the troll--was impressive, he'd give them that, but it still had been a needless and reckless act.

Severus sighed. No use dwelling on it, he supposed. He had appointment to keep, after all.

Picking up the remaining item he needed, a single lily, he turned and headed out of his quarters.

Once he was able to, he apparrated to St. Mungos Hospital for Magical Maladies and headed up to the fifth floor.

"Hello, Sir," an older nurse, the same one who was on duty every Halloween at this time, greeted him pleasantly. "I've been expecting you."

He nodded. "My thanks, Gretchen," he told her, as they headed down the corridor towards room number seven. "Long night?"

"The same as usual," Nurse Gretchen told him, smiling. "My grandkids stopped by to see me on their way to trick-or-treating."

"How are they?" Severus asked, curiously. He'd always liked Nurse Gretchen and her overly large family by extension.

"Growing like weeds, they are," the plump mediwitch said, happily. "My eldest will be attending Hogwarts next year."

"I will be sure to keep an eye on him for you, then," Severus told her, smiling. "How is she?"

They had stopped at the closed door of room number seven.

"The same," Nurse Gretchen said, sighing. "Though she did look as if she had a bit more color in her cheeks today...I reminded her she'd have a visitor tonight."

Severus smiled at that. "Thank you, Gretchen," he told her. "I won't stay long."

The mediwitch nodded. "You know where to find me," she told him, winking.

With that, she turned and headed back down the corridor to her station.

Severus swallowed, glancing at the closed door, but then he gathered up his nerve and opened it.

Entering it, he found a petite young woman about his age with long red hair lying in the hospital bed.

Had her eyes not been closed in a magically induced slumber, he knew they would have shined brightly.

A bright emerald green, he thought with a smile, just like her son.

"Hello, Lily," he spoke to her, quietly. "It's me....but I suppose you already know that, eh?" He chuckled.

"It's Halloween," he told her, "and you know what that means. The little monsters stuffed their faces with loads of sweets. I'm sure Pomfrey will be calling me later tonight for some indegestion tonic..."

He reached out and took her hand, feeling its warmth. He smiled.

"Harry's started Hogwarts this year, love," he told her, quietly. "He's doing well, though he is a bit too reckless. I'm going to have to do something about that, I think. Do you know what he and his friends did tonight? They took on a full grown mountain troll...and won! Can you believe it?"

He paused, biting his lip.

"He's also going to play Quidditch," he told her. "I bet Potter is jumping for joy in the Here After. His first match is this Saturday. I'll have to write you about it and have Gretchen read it to you, won't I?"

He sighed, running out of things to say. He always did during these visits. 

"Oh, Lily," he whispered to her. "How I miss you...how I wish you were here with me now. Maybe your son wouldn't be driving me to distraction then, eh?"

He swallowed. Staring at her sleeping form, unsure what else to say.

Even after all these years, he still could not forget that night...ten years ago this very night...at Godric's Hollow...


He ran into ruins of what was left of the small house in Godric's Hollow.

Lying in the living room was Potter, dead with his eyes still wide open.

Feeling his heart leap into his throat, he stopped to bend down and close the still blue eyes.

"You got the death you always wanted," he told his rival, bitterly. "That of a hero!"

With that, he raced upstairs. Racing into the nursery, he found her lying on the floor.

"Dear god, no!" he cried, dropping to his knees beside her. "Please, Lily, you can't leave me...not again!"

Scooping her into his arms, he cradled her to him and almost recoiled. His eyes widened in complete and utter shock.

"You're alive!" he gasped, reaching up to touch her--very warm--cheek. "You're alive!"

Tears of relief and joy fell down now, but he quickly brushed them aside.

"Lily, sweetheart," he said, gently. "Wake up, please. Honey?"

Giving her a gentle shake, he hoped she would stir. Unfortunately, she didn't. He frowned.

Looking around, he saw no sign of young Harry...which meant Hagrid had been in gone.

The gentle giant probably took one look at her prone form and concluded she had died just like James.

Scooping Lily into his arms, he stood up. "Hang on, my Lily," he told her, gently. "I'm going to get you help."

Taking out his wand, he cast an illusion charm causing an exact replica of her to appear.

Lily Potter was now dead to the world. That was fine with him.

Hopefully, once she awoke and was reuinted with her son, she would be his once more.

With that, he apparated away...taking her with him.

***end flashback***

Severus remembered how hard he tried to revive her, using ever spell he knew and every potion he could concoct, but finally realized that whatever charm she had used to protect her son had somehow protected her, as well.

Instead of slaying her, the Killing Curse only put her into an enchanted slumber.

Like Sleeping Beauty, Severus couldn't help but think with a smile. Ironic, since it was always your favorite fairy tale...

When he realized he could not waken her, he decided to bring her to St. Mungos...where she could be looked after properly.

He had paid for everything and continued to do so to this day. He visited her five times each year.

On her birthday. On the anniversay of thier wedding. On Harry's birthday. On Halloween. And on Christmas.

In ten years time, he had never once failed to visit her.

Standing up, he smiled.

"And I never shall," he promised her, bending down to place a gentle kiss upon her lips. "Nor will I ever give up hope you shall come back to me one day. Goodnight, my beautiful Lily."

Placing his usual gift--a single, perfectly shaped lily--upon the nightstand he turned and exited the room.

"Goodnight, Gretchen," he told the mediwitch as he passed her station. "Happy Halloween."

"To you, too, Sir," the mediwitch called after him. "See you at Christmas!"

He waved, acknowleging her, and then apparated back to Hogwarts.

I won't fail in my promise, Lily. I won't fail you...or your son. Ever.


When Nurse Gretchen came into check on her patients before her shift ended, she couldn't help but notice the small smile that played across the red haired young woman's face.

"Well," she said, smiling. "I'll be..."

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