Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Different Recovery
The Forest Battle, as it came to be called, was Hogwarts legend within about ten minutes of the battle ending. Fully half the school, returning to the castle from the game, had seen the Forest getting torn to shreds, had seen the flashes of light that indicated spellfire. The castle was alive with rumor and speculation, and had he been awake, Severus would have been secretly amused at how centrally he figured in all of the rumors, as one of the few bits of information anyone knew for sure was that he had been seen racing for the forest at top speed. Practically his entire House (and half of the rest) attempted to invade the Infirmary at one point or another over the next few days, once it had been confirmed he was, indeed, in the infirmary.

There had been no amount of persuasion or magical force that would have gotten Harry (once Pomphrey had seen to his wrenched arms) out of the infirmary. She eventually managed to chase Hermione and Ron out, but Harry curled himself up in a chair next to Severus's bed (now surrounded by curtains for privacy) and refused to move.

It scared Harry, more than a little, how still and silent Severus was. More than once, he caught himself counting the slow rising of the covers that indicated the man was still breathing. He found himself grateful for the fact that Pomphrey had actually locked the infirmary doors for half a day that first day to keep people out, as it allowed him to stand watch uninterrupted. Well, mostly. Remus, concerned about Harry, had convinced Pomphrey to allow him entry a few times, and Dumbledore had been in and out, checking on them both.

Severus finally woke a day and a half after the battle (though he was unaware of how long it had been at first), and scowled, even with his eyes closed, as his body reported in no uncertain terms that it did not appreciate whatever the hell he'd done to himself this time. It took a few seconds for memory of the battle to find its way through the fog, and once it did, the scowl increased and he made a sound of disgust. He despised being cooped up in the infirmary. It happened infrequently enough, thankfully, but any time spent here was too much.

He was pleased, however, to discover himself alone for the moment when he opened his eyes. No Poppy or Dumbledore hovering annoyingly. It allowed him to assess his condition for himself. His scowl deepened when he realized that aside from aching abominably, he felt as weak as a newborn kneazle. Not all that surprising, given he had vague memories of fetching up against something (a tree, obviously, given their surroundings) rather hard, on top of whatever that last curse had been.

Unfortunately, at that point, his solitude was interrupted by both meddlers, as they left Poppy's office.

"Severus!" Poppy sounded quite pleased to see him awake again. "Don't you even think of trying to move, young man!" She scolded, and then started scanning him, tutting and nodding by turns. "Yes, you're healing up fine. You're not to move from that bed, however, for at least three more days. And I will have no compunctions about Sticking you to the bed if you fight me!" Poppy warned, glaring at him balefully. "That curse did a lot of internal damage, and you've lost a lot of blood. You're not going to be able for much for a few weeks."

Severus scoffed at her mollycoddling. "I'll be back to normal in a week." He growled.

Poppy humphed at him, and then headed back to her office to give him and Dumbledore some privacy.

"I am glad to see you on the mend, Severus." Dumbledore told him. "You had us worried for a while."

Severus snorted. "Unlikely. How long have I been out?"

"Almost two days. And if you do not believe people were worried ... " Dumbledore motioned off to Severus' right, and Severus glanced that way ... and did a double take when he realized that Harry was curled up in a chair, sound asleep, with a blanket wrapped around him. "Harry has refused to leave your side since the battle. Neither Pomphrey's orders nor my reassurances moved him. And if that still does not convince you, the mountain of gifts Poppy has had to remove to another room lest you be buried ought to do it."

Severus pushed aside the knowledge of Harry's concern for later contemplation. "Gifts?" He asked, rather a bit stunned.

"Indeed. Most of the school witnessed the forest being engulfed in the battle. Many of them saw you racing that direction, and Miss Granger made no bones about you chasing after Quirinus in an effort to apprehend him after his malicious endangerment of Mr. Potter. In consequence, your popularity has reached new heights, I'm afraid."

Severus scoffed. He'd not been out to apprehend Quirrell, and Dumbledore knew it, even if he didn't like nor was comfortable with it. There was, after all, a reason Severus was so good at the Dark Arts, and it had nothing to do with him being a Voldemort in the making. As for being popular ... bah. Who needed that? It'd just end up making his classes a pain in the ass.

The Dark Arts were so named because they were a collection of entirely malicious spells, with no 'redeeming' use, that required a certain emotion and frame of mind to be used. The Unforgivables, of course, were the most famous of the Dark Arts spells, but there were many, many others. Spells such as Sectumsempra had no real application outside of doing a person grievous injury. And while most any idiot could (and did) summon the homicidal rage, hate, and desire to see one's enemy suffer and die most horribly (among other such unpleasant emotions) that was required to wield a Dark Arts spell in extremis (such as having just seen a loved one killed), it took a very particular sort of personality to summon the requisite emotions at any time ... and an even rarer one to be able to do so, yet not have the desire to delve into the blackest depths of the Dark Arts, nor fall prey to the ... madness ... that was a frequent result of playing about with forces one did not truly understand as Voldemort had done.

Unlike most of the Order (and Dumbledore in particular) Severus never had, and never would, believe in giving second chances, and was wholly in favor of immediate, painful and preferably permanent retribution against an attacker. Everyone who knew him knew that, and was aware of the danger they put themselves in if they were fool enough to cross him. He was aware that his disdain for Dumbledore's policy on forgiveness and second chances was the worst sort of hypocrisy, given that he himself had benefitted from it, but he didn't truly give a damn.

"Rest, Severus. Poppy would be most displeased with me if I were to ask you for details the moment you woke. We'll talk later." Dumbledore said after a moment, then reached over and patted Severus' arm. "I am just glad I got there in time."

"That makes two of us, Headmaster." Severus grumbled. He was less than pleased to discover that despite having been awake for all of perhaps ten or fifteen minutes, he was beginning to have trouble following the conversation, and was battling an increasing desire to go back to sleep. He scowled blackly. Damn but he hated being ill or injured. Within moments of Dumbledore's withdrawal, Severus lost the battle with his exhaustion.

When next he woke, it was to the sound of Harry's rather peevish voice, interrogating Pomphrey. "Why didn't you wake me!"

"Perhaps, Harry, because I was hardly awake for more than a few minutes." Severus growled.

"Severus!" Severus was surprised to detect no small amount of near-panic and relief in Harry's voice. A moment later, Harry's face came into view, every bit as upset and worried as his voice had sounded. "I was really worried." He admitted quietly.

Severus grunted. "I am far too stubborn, Harry, to die so easily as all that, I assure you." From the wide, relieved grin on Harry's face, the underlying message had been received, loud and clear. Severus fought down his own sense of ... pleasure, perhaps? ... that someone other than Dumbledore, Poppy and Minerva were worried for his welfare. "Now that you have been assured as to my continued state of living, you should perhaps return to your dorm and classes."

"Can't!" Harry said, sounding entirely too gleeful about it. "Classes got cancelled for the rest of the week. The castle's crawling with Aurors wanting to talk to everyone to see what they know, and I don't think there's more than about a dozen kids, all told, who'd be able to concentrate on lessons even if they were being held. And besides ... you can't do classes for a while, 'ccording to Pomphrey, and by the time Dumbledore finds someone qualified, you'd be on your feet again anyway. Practically the entire school's tried to get in here to see you!" Harry grinned widely. "You should have seen Madame Pomphrey."

Severus could well imagine that redoubtable woman's ire at her infirmary being invaded in such a manner, especially when there was someone in dire straits under her care. "I imagine all and sundry left with their tails firmly between their legs and their ears blistered?"

That made Harry snicker. "Yeah, more or less."

Poppy gave an amused huff. "Now that you two have caught up on the gossip, I need to check on Severus. Harry, you know the drill."

To Severus' surprise, Harry willingly scooted beyond the privacy curtains. Poppy, seeing the look on his face, smiled. "I promised he could stay, so long as he did not interfere in any way. He's been desperate enough to watch over you to not defy me." Evidently, it was the day for Severus to be unable to keep his expression neutral, because she smiled again. "Oh yes, that young man's been fretting something fierce, Severus. I don't think he quite realized how attached he'd gotten to you until this happened."

Severus snorted as Poppy began her diagnostic scans. "I assure you, Poppy ... "

"Oh, don't even start, Severus. That boy's quite fond of you. And even if you'll never admit it, you're just as bad. Personally, I think it's well past time, for the both of you."

Severus scowled at her, but she was, evidently, on a roll. "I know you blame yourself, Severus, for a great many things. And it is quite apparent to me that you seem to think that the only way you can make up for your perceived mistakes is to live a life of misery. Which is complete nonsense! Aht!" She scolded when he opened his mouth to rebutt. "I keep telling you this, Severus! And I know Dumbledore has in the past, as well as Minerva, and I know you've ignored us all. Well, this time you're going to listen, whether you want to or not!" She glared at him. "Yes, Severus, you made a mistake." She motioned to his left arm. "One mistake. And you're hardly the only one to fall for that ... creature's blandishments. You weren't the first, I'll wager, to be utterly horrified by who and what that madman really was, and really wanted his people to do! But you came back ... and far's I know, you were the only one to even try! You put body and mind in mortal danger for best of a year playing spy for us. You paid your toll, Severus, whether you think you have or not. It's far and beyond time for you to start living again."

Severus sighed. He liked Poppy, as much as he liked anyone, anymore ... but she was not in possession of all the facts. She didn't have a clue about the prophecy ... or his part in Lily's death, which was something he'd never be able to forgive himself for, no matter what anyone else said. She'd been the only ray of light in his world.

Poppy let the matter go at that point, thankfully, and handed over several vials of potions. "Drink these, and then if you've energy enough, Dumbledore's wanting to know what happened. He's gotten parts of the story from Harry and young Miss Granger, but there's gaps he's wanting filled in."

"I imagine so." Severus agreed, swallowing down the potions without more than a token sneer. He was not feeling well enough to interrogate her about them ... which was really all he needed to know to know he needed them.

A minute or so later, after Poppy withdrew, Dumbledore stepped into the area surrounded by the privacy curtains. "Severus. How are you feeling?" Dumbledore wanted to know as he sat down.

"As well as can be expected, I imagine." Severus said, then started with his report. "I didn't realize instantly that Harry was in trouble, but I figured it out when the broom jerked a second time. After that, I mostly lost track of what was going on, as I was concentrating all my attention and strength on a counter jinx. The only thing I knew was that whoever was jinxing the broom was damnably strong. It should have been a warning." He admitted. "I was one of the first to head for the pitch, but before I could get to Harry, Miss Granger intercepted me." He frowned as he considered that. "What she was doing on that side of the stands, I've no idea."

"Miss Granger spotted Quirrell doing the jinx and ran over to stop him." Dumbledore explained. "She lit him afire rather dramatically."

"Ahhh, that explains it ... and why his cloak was so singed when I caught him up." Severus said. "She alerted me to the fact that Quirrell had headed for the forest. I thought he was trying to run from the scene of the crime, and gave chase. Tried to hit him with Incarcerous, and he dodged it like he was Filius. Then he started flinging Dark spells even I would hesitate to use. And the longer the fight went, the better he got at them. And the more familiar the fighting style got. I'd realized who I was truly fighting about a minute before you arrived. To be perfectly honest, Headmaster, I was rather surprised that none of the Unforgivables featured in that fight."

"I must apologize for my own tardy arrival." Dumbledore said. "I was not aware there was a problem until the ward alarms went off, and it took me a minute or two to find out what was going on ... and where." He sighed. "If this year is any indication of things to come, I fear it will become necessary to raise the wartime wards."

"That would probably be wise, Headmaster. And my thanks for coming to my rescue. What little I remember of your part of the battle was rather ... spectacular."

Dumbledore chuckled. "Hagrid is in quite the state, as are the centaurs. It will be quite some time before that area is fully put to rights."

Severus snorted. "I've no doubt. Harry mentioned something about all classes being dismissed for the week?"

"Yes. The aurors are investigating the attack ... Poppy's been forcing them to stay away on pain of her wrath until she clears you for questioning. The students are in no shape to pay attention to classes at this point, especially your Slytherins, so attempting to run classes as normal would be foolhardy, at least until the aurors have finished their inquiries."

Severus nodded. "With luck, I'll be on my feet by the time classes begin again." He ignored Dumbledore's disbelieving look. "But I'll be .. requesting ... the assistance of one or two of my less detestable seventh years, as I have little doubt that chasing after ignorant, dunderheaded first years will be quite beyond me."

Dumbledore, of course, got the message ... if Severus wasn't cleared for teaching, have certain of his seventh years watch over the first, second, and third years (preferably doing book study only, not practicals!) until he was, since it was likely to only be a difference of a few days or a week. He trusted the sixth and seventh years to keep to their books on their own. What Dumbledore would do with the fourth and fifth years, he wasn't certain, but at least it was a partial solution.

"I think that would be a splendid precaution, Severus. Do let me know which of your students you would prefer to assist you when you're up to it. And now, I had best be on my way. I imagine you'll be cleared for questioning later today, so you ought to rest while you can." And Dumbledore gave Severus a pat on the shoulder before disappearing beyond the curtains.

Moments later, Harry scurried in, curling back up in the seat next to Severus' bed. Severus half expected the boy to talk his ear off, but Harry seemed to be content to keep his nose in the book he'd brought with him ... one of the books he'd gotten for Christmas, Severus realized when he spotted the title. Within a very few minutes, he drifted off to sleep again.

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