Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Some language in this chapter. Thanks for all the reviews, everyone. I appreciate every single one of them. Hope you all like this chapter.
Chapter 6
Severus always graded papers on Saturday. He made rounds of the Slytherin Common Room and the grounds maybe three or four times but spent the rest of the time holed up in his office with a cup of tea grading essays and assignments. Although he knew that some teachers did not assign much homework the first week, he felt that it was important to jump right in and his students had considerable work the first week of classes. He had read the same poorly constructed sentence on Theodore Nott's paper six times and it annoyed him more every time he read it. In the wizarding world, education was largely the parents' responsibility until the child came to Hogwarts. He disliked the obvious signs in his students' work that said that responsibility had been neglected. His job was to teach them potions; not basic spelling and reading comprehension. The fact was that he was distracted from his work by the current situation with Harry.

He had made an effort to be nice this week; he had tried to be forgiving and actually look for things to praise Harry about. Lily would have been proud, he thought. But the boy wasn't responding the way that he had hoped. Indeed, the child seemed to be avoiding him more than ever. He didn't know what to do to fix the problem though he supposed it was difficult to build trust overnight. Maybe he should sit down with the boy and they could have a frank discussion; tell the child he could be honest without fear of being punished. Lily would probably have to play referee. He would have to ask her if she thought it was a good idea.

He'd even helped the Granger girl who Harry seemed to be making good friends with. If not for her friendship with his stepson, he probably wouldn't have paid her much attention. She was bright, yes; exceptionally so and seemed to take an interest in potions. However, by all accounts she took a great interest in all of her subjects. If she had showed a special interest in potions in a couple of years, he might have started to pay her more attention. He was glad his attention had been drawn to the girl though who was apparently being treated quite poorly by her classmates.

Severus had very little tolerance for bullying; his own teenage years had been too miserable for him not to be aware of the possible effects it could have. The fact that it seemed to be largely because of her blood status was the icing on the cake. He was endlessly frustrated by the ideas that pureblood parents pawned off on their offspring. There was very little he could do to dissuade them from these ideas, however, without inciting the ire of their parents. The fact that he had believed it would earn him points with Harry had been an added bonus.

"Sev," A voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts; there was only one person who called him that. He looked over at the fireplace whose ashes now bore amazing resemblance to Lily, "Can I come through?"

"Of course," He stood up to go greet her, surprised by her appearance. She had been working so much lately they'd hardly had time to talk at all. She disappeared only to reappear seconds later in the flesh.

He kissed her, which she allowed, but she had a rather annoyed expression, "Sev, what are you doing?"

"Grading papers. That's what I always do on Saturdays. You know that."

She frowned, "Did you forget about me? Did you and Harry both forget about me? I know Hogwarts can be quite exciting, but we did make plans."

Severus frowned back, "I didn't make plans with you for this weekend."

"Of course we did. I sent Harry the letter at the beginning of the week."

"It's news to me."

It would be very unlike Harry to miss an opportunity to see his mother, no matter how much was going on at Hogwarts. The realization dawned on both of them nearly simultaneously. Severus was afraid of very little; he had seen horrors during the war that most people could not even imagine and was rather desensitized. Now, however, he felt his stomach clench and his heart started beating rather fast. But no, surely not. Even Harry, son of James Potter, could not be so reckless. So stupid.

Lily had gone pale at the idea that her son was missing, "We have to tell Dumbledore right away. Who knows how long he's been gone? Oh, Severus . . .”

"Now, let's not jump to conclusions, Lily. Let's check his dorm and see if he's there. He very well could have forgotten." He had done one sweep of the common room and tried to remember if he had seen Harry or not. He couldn't remember seeing the boy but he had assumed he was just out with his friends.

There was a horrible truth, however, that Harry would have run off. Lily had many admirers in the wizarding world and Severus would say that most people wished her and her son well. There were a lot of people, however, who had lost a lot when Voldemort had been destroyed. Severus and Lily had argued about whether or not to make Harry aware of the fact that some people may wish him harm, but had eventually decided not to scare the child. Lily had been so frightened directly after the end of the war. She had not let Harry out of her sight; did not trust him with anyone other than herself. Order members had escorted her nearly everywhere for nearly a month following the attack.

Severus quickly threw some floo powder in his fireplace and said, "Slytherin Common Room."

Lily was close behind him and they nearly ran to the first year dormitories.


Draco was lying on his bed eating a cauldron cake and reading a letter from his mother. It was rather vapid and superficial but he was still glad she had taken the time to write him. He had spent most of today in his dormitory because he figured the best way to help Potter was to avoid Snape altogether. While he prided himself in being a great liar, his skills seemed to falter around his head of house. Not that he was afraid of Snape; of course, he just liked his arse quite like it was, thank you very much. He had caught it way less than Harry did, but he had gotten in trouble like that a few times in his life and he had no desire to repeat it. He couldn't even complain to his father because then he was very likely to catch it twice if he did. And it hurt much more when Lucius did it as opposed to Snape.

He was reading about his mother's latest trouble with her garden when the door to his room burst open to reveal Snape and Lily. By the look on his godfather's face, he could tell they already knew something. He jumped up and put the bed between him and the two adults.

"Where is he?" Demanded Snape.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Draco tried, uncertainly.

Lily walked toward him, her eyes pleading, "Draco, if you know anything, anything at all, you have to tell me. Harry could be in danger."

He sighed and then looked at her sharply. Why was she even here? He said in a rush, "He was supposed to be meeting you for lunch. What are you doing here? He didn't make it to the three broomsticks?"

Lily didn't answer; she had already broken into a full run toward the Headmaster's office.


Harry tried to feel inconspicuously for his wand, though he didn't know how much use it would be against a fully trained wizard. Still, he would feel better to have it in his hands. It wasn't there; he didn't know if he had lost it or if it had been taken for it. Completely desperate, he tried to make a run for it but Lucius flicked his wand lazily and Harry was sent head over heels back into the middle of the clearing. Lucius smiled as though Harry's attempt to escape was too laughable to even be taken seriously.

"Snape will never forgive you if you hurt me," Harry tried, struggling to remind Lucius that he was friends with his stepfather.

"Ah, yes," Lucius actually looked a little remorseful, "I have thought about that. I must admit, I think Severus will be a little upset with me at first until he realizes the immense favor I have done him."

That stung. For all their problems, Harry had never really felt his place in the house was threatened. Did Snape really want him gone? His mum and, yes, even Snape to some extent had always made him feel that he had a place in the family. Even if that place often seemed to be in his room of in Snape's potion lab.

Lucius had crouched next to him and grabbed his arm in a vice grip. He was close enough that Harry could smell him and he really wished he would get his hands off him. Harry was quite sure the man was out of his right mind; who else other than someone not in their right mind would kidnap an eleven-year-old with the intention to hurt and possibly kill them.

"Do you know what really bothers me, Harry? Do you know what almost hurts my feelings?" He didn't wait for Harry to answer him, but gave him a little shake, "I was always very good to Severus. I introduced him to the Dark Lord. I introduced him to the pureblood world. He would have been nothing without me."

Harry didn't know what Lucius was talking about but he had the idea that maybe if he kept him talking he could figure out a way to get out of this, "Why are you doing this to me?"

Lucius released him and stood up with a sigh. "It's not really your fault, of course. Just like it wasn't your father's fault, the poor bastard. It's all your mother. Your meddlesome mother. Do you know what she's like, Harry? She's like a particularly nasty disease. Infectious. She worms her way into a man's mind and pollutes it with all kinds of poisonous ideas. I'm said it before and I'll say it again, you mother always has been and always will be a social climbing whore."

Lucius was still very close to Harry who at this last statement kicked him in the shin as hard and he could. The man winced in pain and stumbled a little bit but recovered quickly. His face twisted in anger and he retaliated by kicking him back in his side. Harry gasped in pain and found that he was having trouble breathing now. Lucius shook his head, regaining his composure, "Do you see what you made me do?"

He turned to Quirrel, "My Lord, you know, I have never cast the cruciatius curse on one so young. I do wonder how it affects the spell. Do you think they break more quickly? Do you think the famous Harry Potter would last longer than most children his age?"

Lucius smiled cruelly, "Crucio."

Harry's skin felt like it was on fire and his muscles hurt, and he could feel the spell all the way in his bones. He had no idea how long he was under the spell; every second felt like an hour. He felt his body convulse involuntarily and felt as though he might throw up. Finally, Lucius released the spell and Harry rolled over and actually did throw up. The smell of his own sick made him continue to dry heave for a few moments. Lucius raised his wand again and Harry flinched, "Please don't."


The boy fell back and arched his back against the ground. He looked so contorted that Lucius thought for a moment that he might break something. He didn't even hold this spell as long as he had the last one before the boy passed out, his body going limp but continuing to twitch even after he released the spell. Lucius frowned; the boy hadn't lasted very long at all. It was disappointing. He could 'enervate' the child but he caught Quirrel's impatient look that clearly said Lucius had had his fun and was to end it now.

He raised his wand to cast the killing curse when he heard a rustle in the woods. He frowned and turned his head slightly, distracted. A faint, hissing voice came from Quirrel's direction, "Kill him, kill him now!"

"Yes, my Lord." He raised his wand again but caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. He hesitated; he wouldn't be the first person to go to Azkaban on a life sentence for doing the Dark Lord's bidding. Lucius Malfoy was concerned first and foremost with Lucius Malfoy's welfare. He'd barely escaped prison the first time by insisting he had been under the Imperius Curse. The Dark Lord was, as even he had admitted, weak. That was why he had needed Lucius' assistance in the first place. Quirrel couldn't risk his cover if they were to check his wand. Lucius began to suspect that he was a sacrificial lamb.

He raised his wand, looking for all the world like he was going to cast the curse before apparating.

"Lucius Malfoy," hissed an extremely displeased voice as Quirrel doubled over in pain before taking off into the woods.


A full-scale search was launched immediately with Albus, Minerva, Lily, and Snape canvassing the area between Hogsmede and the Hogwarts grounds. Severus had an extremely bad feeling about what might have happened to Harry. He walked through the woods quickly, scanning the woods and straining to hear any tell-tale sounds. It was unlikely that anyone who took him would have forgotten to cast a silencing spell, but it didn't hurt to be alert. The woods gave way to a clearing in which he spotted his stepson laying in the most unnatural position. His heart caught in his throat and he hesitated to approach him. What if he wasn't breathing? What if he was dead?

He pulled together his courage and rushed over to the boy and was immensely relieved to find his chest still rising though his breathing sounded strained. He quickly cast a levitation charm and made his way to the castle as quickly as the thick undergrowth would allow.


Madame Pomfrey was working urgently on the boy. She spelled a potion into him to help repair the rib she suspected might be fractured and ran a diagnostic spell which showed tell-tale signs of having been under the effects of the cruciatus curse. The idea was repulsive; to use the spell on a child. There were many horrid things that Severus had done during the war, but he had never harmed a child. Lily was at the bedside holding onto his hand; she looked worried but there was something else there. A fury that was barely under her false calm composure. Severus hovered over the end of the bed, not sure of his place in the situation.

It wasn't long before Madame Pomfrey had to wake him from his sleep. He moaned and pulled his hand away from his mother, curling in on himself. Severus frowned; that was not a good sign. His eyes slowly flickered open and he looked around at the three adults surrounding his bed. He said softly, looking a little dazed, "What happened?"

"We were hoping you could tell us," Severus said.

Harry paused, frowning, "I don't remember. I remember leaving the castle and then . . ."

The boy put his head in his hands as though his head hurt. Madame Pomfrey explained, "He's been getting headaches even before today. I'll get a pain potion for him."

"Harry," Severus said, "Can I have your permission to use legilimency on you?"

"Why?" Harry's mother had tried to take his hand again, but he didn't seem to want to be touched.

"Sometimes even if a person cannot remember an event, an outside perspective can find clues."

Lily tried to rub his arm encouragingly but he scooted to the other side of the bed. She looked increasingly worried. Harry avoided looking at Severus and whispered, "Fine."

Severus connected with the boy slowly, which was usually more comfortable. The first thoughts he reached were powerful and angry. 'He hates me.' 'Hate him.' 'I'm just in the way.' The thoughts were so strong that he momentarily lost the connection. Lily frowned at him, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Severus snapped.

He formed the connection again, quickly pushing past the surface thoughts and trying to find the memory of the incident in the woods. It was extremely difficult to find specific thoughts and memories. People beginning legilimency often found it difficult to control the thoughts they received and were instead overwhelmed by a flood of information. He frowned. He couldn't find anything. He couldn't even find a jumbled memory that would be there if he had been obliviated. His probing for information produced blank, empty space. He broke the connection with a sigh.

Harry's face expressed discomfort. Interesting. It appeared that pursuing the memory was causing him actual physical pain. Very dark magic and very powerful. Perhaps even a new spell that someone had taken it upon themselves to develop. He shook his head in response to Lily's inquisitive stare. She looked frustrated. Madame Pomfrey returned with a potion that would ease the pain and also put him quickly to sleep. She then gestured for Lily and Severus to follow her into her office.

"I think it might be wise to take Harry home for a little bit." Madame Pomfrey said, "It doesn't appear there are any serious physical problems, but he seems jumpy. It might not hurt to have him talk to a Mind Mender. They might even be able to help him recover the memory."
Lily sighed, "I agree, but I'm working almost constantly right now. They're so short-staffed at the hospital. It will be difficult to get time off. I don't want him to be alone."

Severus said, "I might be able to get someone to substitute my classes for the week to help out at home."

Lily regarded him a bit coldly and was silent for a moment, "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Severus. I'll see if Sirius can help out."

It was only then that he realized her anger was directed at him.

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