Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The next morning, Severus got up with a start as soon as the nights memories came back to him.it had to be a dream. It was not possible. Severus stood up soundlessly and glided into the guest room. The bed was empty. Severus took a deep breath and sat down, getting a sinking feeling in his heart. He was right .It had been a dream. A very vivid one though; he frowned. Maybe Lily’s spirit was trying to tell him something, informing him of her son’s predicament and asking him to rectify it. How could the muggles have treated Pot—no Harry like that? Snape decided to refer to him as Harry, to help keeping his dislike of Lily’s son—because of James to a minimal. The boy couldn’t help it if he had his father’s hair. He would try to see more of Lily in him. Maybe he was being blind and Harry was really not what he had thought him to be. What had Lily said? “Harry is not his father.”

Lily came out of the bathroom, her hair damp from the shower. Severus sat with his back to her. Lily put her hands over Severus’s eyes and exclaimed, “Morning!”

Snape jumped.

“What Sev?  Wait let me guess.. hmm.. you thought that last night was a dream, right” Lily laughed pulling her hands back as Snape flushed.

“Well, forgive me for thinking that,  It’s not every day that your supposed –dead since ten ears—best friend decides to return back to life.”

“So every morning you’re gonna look at me like I’m a ghost or something?”

“Ghosts are not that unusual.  This on the this hand..” said Severus waving a hand

“hmmppf!” Lily turned her head around in mock annoyance.

A minute late they both were laughing their heads off.

Wiping tears off his face Severus said “God Lily , I haven’t laughed like this since…” he trailed off

“since the last time we were together.” Lily said more as a statement than a question.

Severus nodded.

Suddenly Lily let out a sudden laugh

“What?” Severus asked sounding annoyed

“Just trying to imagine what your students would say if they saw you laughing. The mean bat of the dungeons can laugh? The snarky Professor Snape has a funny bone in his body?”

“You know only you can get away with saying that to my face”

“I also know that only I can get you laughing like that.”

To that Severus smiled. Lily looked breathtakingly beautiful. Her firery red hair cascaded down to her shoulders.Her peaches and cream skin glowed in the dimly lighted room and her emerald eyes shone with life. Just like Harry’s.  “ Well my lady, What would you prefer for breakfast?”

“You got bagels?”


“You know the glazed doughnuts”

Severus rolled his eyes.

“I cannot understand this fascination you seem to have with unhealthy sugary junk”

“You’ll understand it when you try some”

“What are you going to do?” asked Severus warily

“Ever heard of Dunkin’ Donuts?”

Severus groaned inwardly.

Half an hour later they were seated at the table, with a dozen doughnuts of different kinds and two cups coffee in front of them.

“You expect me to actually eat that?”

“Aww, come on Sev, Just try it. I’m telling you, you haven’t lived until you’ve had one of these. Pretty please ” Lily looked at Severus with pleading wide eyes.

“You know I cannot say no when you look at me like that”

Lily smirked then began loading his plate. “Here, try this one first” she said holding out a doughnut.

Severus looked suspiciously at it , then carefully bit into it. Surprisingly it was quite good. Not too sweet.

“So?” Lily prodded him “ do you like it?”

“it will suffice” Snape responded curtly

“Coming from you it means that it is absolutely scrumptious”

“hhmpff. I do not understand how you put away all you do and still look like that”

Severus realized what he had just said and blushed

“I did not mean it like that. I meant—“

“Oh so you mean that I am fat?” Lily asked, hands on her hips

“Oh No, you’re beautiful!” Severus tumbled out the words one over the other in his haste.

“See now that wasn’t too hard was it?” Lily asked smiling before she got up and hugged him. An instant later she felt Severus’s strong arms encircling her and that was when she realized it.

“I was meant to be with you” she whispered into Severus’s ear as she rested her head on his shoulders. “I was meant to be with James before. But now I am meant to be with you. You are a part of me. That’s why I’m not dead.”

Happiness surged through Severus at those words. He felt like a different man. They stood there in each other’s arms for a long time before breaking contact. Both were misty eyed. The rest of breakfast was a more silent affair with each gaining comfort from the other’s presence.


Dumbledore’s face appeared in the flames “Severus, my boy. Is something wrong?”

“Why do you assume that?”

“Forgive me but you hardly ever Floo me over the summer break”

To that Severus inclined his head towards the couch. Dumbledore followed his gaze and gaped, mouth wide open. It took some time for him to regain his composure and he said in a course voice. “Step aside Severus, I’m coming through.”

Severus smirked smugly at having been the one to cause Dumbledore to lose that blasted twinkle in his eyes.

“How?” was the only thing Dumbledore said as soon as he stepped through.

“What Albus? No Hello? No lovely to see you again? No—“

“I apologise Lily. I’m still in shock” said Dumbledore as he sat down on the couch.

“It appears, Albus that Lily had been hovering between life and death for ten years.” Severus offered.

“It was an disembodied voice which told me that I had not served my whole purpose in this world, merely part of it” Lily explained.

Dumbledore seemed at a loss for words. He shakily accepted the glass of water Lily offered him. After a few minutes he said “ You look as beautiful as ever, dear”

“Thank you”

“Well this is- to say the least-, most unusual. Death hardly ever makes exceptions. Hmm” Dumbledore stroked his beard, deep in thought. “And how is it that you were able to come back now and not before?”

“I don’t know, really. I sat there day after day, watching the proceedings here and just….thinking….It was clear that I would be going back, as the voice had informed me in no uncertain terms. “ When the time is right, you shall return” it said”

“Hmm. I think that your train of thought had something to do with it.  Tell me, what was going through your head at the time you were released?”

Lily blushed and glanced upwards as Severus met her eyes and knew immediately what she had been thinking of. Dumbledore watched this interaction closely then smiled. “Well it seems that this mystery is solved” he declared .

After a few awkward moments of silence Severus cleared his throat and said “ How is Lily supposed to make her entry into the Wizarding World?”

“That will not be a problem.I will take a picture of her now, and write to the Daily Prophet. You will have to make a few public appearances though, my dear”

“ DO NOT write about – “Severus started

“Don’t worry my boy. I will keep your private affairs private. Until you make them public, ofcourse.”

“Ofcourse.” Snape stated silkily

“Well, if that is all” Dumbledore said waving his wand and taking a picture.

“No that is NOT all.”Lily hissed

Dumbledore looked bewildered at her sudden change in demeanour

“ My son, Albus, how dare you leave him with my sister? You know how she feels about us. Do you have any idea what he has been through?”

“He may not have had the most pleasant childhood, my dear but aren’t you over reacting a little?”

Now it was Dumbledore who was the target of not only Lily’s but also Snape’s unwavering glare.

“She is not over reacting, old man. I saw how the boy was treated by those filthy muggles”

“Of all people I never thought you would be defending Harry” Dumbledore mused.

“Well the world is full of surprises, isn’t it” Severus said smirking as Lily lead Dumbledore towards the pensive.


Dumbledore looked very green by the time he stepped out of the pensieve. “Oh my! What have I done?”

Lily looked at him coldly, then sighed. “At least you did not do it on purpose. What is done is done. I cannot change his past but I will give him the life he deserves now.”

“One thing at a time,  dear. First we must make your return public. We cannot risk anyone seeing you before that. Then, in a few days’ time you can go get Harry”

Lily sighed. In a few days time she would find herself as the mother of an eleven year old. She did not know if she could handle that. She had so much to make up to her son.

“You will make be a good mother Lily, don’t worry” Snape intruded  her thoughts

“That, you will” Dumbledore agreed

Lily smiled “ I certainly hope so. “

“Well, I’ll be leaving then” Dumbledore said approaching the fireplace

They said their goodbyes and Albus stepped into the fireplace. “ Dumbledore’s Office, Hogwarts!” .With a swish of his robes, he was gone.

Lily sat down on the sofa exhausted as Snape made hot cocoa. A moment later he sat beside her and offered her a mug, which she took gladly.

“Im kinda nervous about the public appearances”

“Oh? I have never known you to be shy before”

“Well I have never spent ten years alone before”

“You are going to be in the spotlight for quite a while, I admit. But soon it will blow over.

“What about Harry?”

“What about him?”

“How am I going to make up for all the lost time?”

“it will come … naturally to you”

“Will you help me?”


(few days later)



Lily Potter came to the home of childhood friend Severus Snape (Potions Master at Hogwarts) explaining how she never died. This is the second Potter to survive the killing curse. The Potters continue to amaze us…….”

Severus read aloud.  “It seems you are now The Lady Who Lived”

Lily scowled. “I hate that title”

“Well at least there is nothing in here about us” said Severus finally putting the paper down

“I think we should wait a while before announcing our marriage. At least until they have come to terms about this .” Lily said carefully

“You’re right. Besides I dont know how your son will react to…” Severus paused “—to us—“ he said softly.

“It will be difficult for him to view you as a father, yes.”

“Don’t say that”

“Why? Harry’s real father cannot be here. You will technically be his step father.”

“I suppose you are right” said Severus grudgingly. “I have to tell you Lily that I have been less than civil to him.I had him in detention every week—or more often”

“Did he deserve the detentions?” Lily inquired suspiciously

“Not all of them” Snape admitted.

“Hmmm. It seems that you have much to make up for as well”

“Yes but old habits die hard, Lily. I don’t know if I can do this”

“You can and you will. Listen to youself. It is hardly believable that the person who managed to deceive You Know Who, is now scared of a mere eleven year old”

“I am not I scared  of him Lily”

“Yes you are . You are scared of showing your feelings to him”

“I am not the typical Arthur Weasly father figure, Lily. You cannot expect me to be that”

“No . But you can be the loving, kind although very sarcastic man with a dry sense of humour, and absoulutely no taste in clothing—

“Yes I get your point.” Said Snape sardonically. “ And here I was thinking that you would actually praise me”

“ You know what I mean Sev “ said Lily earnestly.

 “Oh alright. I will try.”

“That’s all I ask”



Severus himself marvelled at how much he had changed, just spending a few days with Lily.  He never remembered a time when he could smile so easily, so naturally. Lily always saw through his stoic exterior façade, and managed to break into it.  He strode down Diagon Alley with Lily, thinking about the tumultuous past week.

(Flash back)

“ Don’t you get bored of black.I mean its so bland.”

Severus rolled his eyes

“You need to come with me to Hogsmeade  on a shopping spree.”

Snape looked bewildered. “ No I don’t .I like my attire”

Now it was Lily who rolled her eyes

“Even Dumbledore wears more interesting clothes”

“Too interesting for my taste” said Snape, shuddering at the image of himself with a purple cloak and a hat with yellow stars.

“I was thinking more on the lines of….” Lily said  and waved her wand, “there now that’s much better” said Lily giggling.

Severus was dressed in a bright pink T shirt , with floral patterns all over and black leather trousers. He looked down at himself and grimaced. Then he suddenly pointed his wand at Lily who found that her casual striped t shirt had changed into a Little Bo Peep costume, complete with a bonnet.

 Lily burst out laughing “ You remember Little Bo Peep!”

“I remember that you happen to hate that particular muggle character, yes” said Severus casually

(end of flashback)

Yes, Severus had changed. After all his arguments, he had been persuaded by Lily, as he knew he would be. She was the one person who could get him to do anything.

“Why so silent Sev?”

Severus sighed “ Just thinking”


“about how much my life has changed in the past week..”

“ hmm” Lily remained silent for a while. ” You needed change”

They entered into Twilfit and Tattings, the best wizarding clothing store in Diagon Alley, also the most overly priced. “ fifteen Galleons for that?” a woman said shaking her head as she passed Severus and Lily. She looked up and noticed them. Her eyes grew wide.

“ Stop gawking woman” Severus snapped

“Really,” the woman huffed “ theres no need to be so rude” she turned to Lily “ Pleased to meet you dear. “

“thank you,  I…”

“ Well we must get going now . We have a busy day ahead” Severus interrupted.

“Ofcourse ofcourse,” the woman said and left

“ Is this what it is going to be like from now on?”  Lily wondered aloud as they wet she set about the task of picking out a whole new wardrobe.”

About two hours later they finally left the shop. Lily had got a wide variety of clothing from simple t shirts, to dresses, skirts and gowns. Lily had even managed to buy Severus some t shirts, though he was adamant that they be black, grey or emerald green. 

Lily had to make an appearance at Flourish and Blotts later that evening so she and Severus had decided to while away time in Diagon Alley.After buying the essentials, clothing,groceries and the like, Lily said that she wanted to buy something special for Harry. So they stopped at Quality Quidditich Supplies where Lily bought some Quidditch magazines, a Broom Servicing Kit and a pratice Snitch. She wanted to buy more gifts but Severus stopped her. “Its you he wants, not all this. Besides if you give him everything now, what will you do on his birthday and Christmas?”

Lily had grudgingly acquiesced. After icecream at Fortesque’s , they headed to Flourish and Blotts. As soon as they entered, exited whispers broke out, much like every other shop they had visited so far. Lily was quickly getting annoyed. There were many photographers and reporters, the flashes blinded Lily as she made her way towards the center. Severus gave her an encouranging nod. She cleared her throat and the room went silent.

“Good evening, everyone. “ she paused. “ I really don’t know what to say. I understand that it must be strange to see me now, as I was considered to be dead for ten years, no less. However I must ask you to treat me normally. My friend Severus has been kind enough to help me get my life back on track, for that I am really grateful to him” Lily smiled in Severus’ direction who blushed, but then promptly scowled as several cameras flashed in his face. “I am hoping that you all will accept me as an average member of the wizarding community, for I really am just that, like every other person. nothing more. Well I guess that is all I wanted to say.so… umm… thank you..”

The people burst into applause as Lily made her way back to Severus. “You did great” he whispered as he laid his arm around her shoulder as they walked towards the nearest floo.

“when can we go get Harry?”Lily pestered Dumbledore once again

“Just a few more days, dear. “

LiIy scowled “ Its been two weeks already. I hate to think what my sister and her whale of a husband could be doing to him. I can’t even see him now”

“They kept him alive for ten years, a few more days cannot hurt that much”

“Is that all you care about Albus? Keeping him alive? What about keeping him healthy and happy?”

“ I did not say that dear. I doubt he even knows about any of this”

Lily sighed.  Albus was right of course. Her sister was completely cut off from the wizarding world. Lily still harboured a love for Petunia, even though at the moment she hated her for what she had done to her son.

“In the meantime, why  not decorate his room?”

Lily cheered up a bit

“We have already picked out the furniture but the walls and floor are quite plain”

Severus came out of the room which was soon to be Harry’s bedroom. He groaned when he saw Dumbledore.

“Severus, my boy, how are you doing?”

“Fine” replied Severus curtly

“Sev,  Albus and I were just talking about painting Harry’s room.” Lily chimed in


“What about red and gold?” asked Lily cheekily

“Not a chance”

“Well I’ll leave you to it” said Dumbledore getting up “Thank you for the tea Lily, Severus”

Severus scowled. It was just like the headmaster to set up an argument and leave him to handle it.

As Dumbledore disappeared through the floo Lily started again

“ Okay then, what is your suggestion. What would a boy of eleven like?”

“How would I know”

“Work with me here”

“Oh alright,hmmm, how about sky blue and white? Like the sky. Merlin knows how stuffy his cupboard must have been, I think he would appreciate the natural colours.”

“Brilliant. We could even charm the ceiling with moving clouds and paint some broomsticks and snitches on the walls.”

After some hard work, the job was done. The room looked magnificent. The floor was adorned with a fuzzy white carpet. The walls were an abstract blue and white with snitches and broomsticks randomly zooming across the walls. The ceiling was charmed to look like a sunny day, with a few moving clouds here and there. The furniture was light brown, fitting in perfectly with the themed room.








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