Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Story Notes:

Warnings: This story will involve child abuse - neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse. I realize that this is a serious issue and I plan to do my absolute best to be as realistic as possible about the effects. 

It will take a few chapters to actually get to the guardian portion of the story, but I tried to make it fairly clear that the story is heading in that direction.

Prologue and Chapter 1

June 25th, 1993

It was the day of the leaving feast and Harry was wishing desperately that he didn't have to go. As he began putting food on his plate, he ignored the relieved looks on his friend's faces, reminding himself that as far as they knew, the only reason he hadn't been eating very much was due to what had happened in the chamber. They had no way of knowing that he had spent the last two weeks intentionally eating less to get himself used to the lack of food that he knew would once again come with Summer. The only reason he was allowing himself to eat a normal amount at the feast was because he didn't know when he'd be eating again.

He picked at the food in front of him, knowing he needed to eat, but his appetite was gone at the thought of going back to the Dursley's house. His 'family' was far from pleasant normally, but considering the way he had left the year before, he didn't like to think about what could be waiting for him. Ron had finished his second overflowing plate and seemed to be debating on a third by the time Harry had finished with his food. Seeing that Harry was finished, Hermione made Ron's decision for them by standing up and nearly dragging the two of them with her.

"Come on! We need to go back to the dorms and make sure that we didn't forget anything before it's time to get on the train!" she said as Ron started to complain and Harry smiled slightly knowing that it was only himself and Ron that she was worried about leaving something behind.

Ron sighed and seemed to give in and Harry smiled a little more as he had a feeling Ron was remembering the fact that his method of packing had been to simply throw everything in sight into his truck. It was more than a little likely that Ron had forgotten a few things. Harry knew that he had everything packed already, but he wasn't going to protest and risk an argument with Hermione. He didn't have enough things to be able to forget them, his school supplies, uniforms and the Christmas presents from his friends were all packed in his truck. He wouldn't claim that his truck looked much neater then Ron's did, but he knew he had everything.

Harry steeled himself for a fight when he spotted Malfoy walking towards them with a look on his face that seemed to indicate he had been hoping to run into them. He would have been shocked enough when the other boy did nothing but intentionally bump into him and push past him, but the fact that the action disguised Malfoy slipping what felt like a piece of parchment into his hand had him blinking momentarily in shock as he turned to watch the other boy walk off as if nothing had just happened.

"What was that about?" Hermione asked, looking puzzled.

"Guess he's not brave enough to start anything without his bodyguards around." Ron replied with a shrug.

"Yeah, I guess." Harry added, still distracted by whatever the other boy had handed him as he slipped the parchment into his pocket. For some reason, he wanted to find out what it would say before showing his friends. There was no reason in upsetting them if it was just another taunt.

Once the trio had made it into the dorm rooms, Ron instantly began nearly turning the room upside down in search of anything left that belonged to him. As his friend began throwing additional items into his truck, Harry sat on the edge of his bed, the half-closed curtains keeping himself out of Ron's line of sight. Curiosity keeping him from waiting any longer, he pulled the slip of parchment he had been handed out of his pocket and began to read.

I know you have no reason to trust me, but I hope that you will at least give me a chance. For as long as I could remember my father told me that I was to befriend Harry Potter when I came to Hogwarts. Father has always known that the Dark Lord was not truly gone and his plan was that either a friendship with a Malfoy would turn you to 'our' side of things or it would enable to Dark Lord to easily be able to capture and defeat you once and for all upon his return.

There was someone who always tried to help me understood that my parents way of thinking wasn't the only one and the older I became the more I realized that their way not the right way. There are too many important people in history who were half-bloods or muggleborns for blood status to really be as important as Father says. I know that I have been … unpleasant in the past, but I did not want you to become my friend and be subject to my father's plan and as time went on, it was necessary to keep up appearances.

I tell you this now because my father has gone too far. I know of his involvement in what has happened this year and I know that he wishes for me to be involved with some of his plans in the future. I will attempt to free myself from my father's wishes this Summer. I know that your relatives are unpleasant, though I do not understand why others have not realized this as well. If the person I seek help from proves trustworthy, perhaps they will be able help you as well. I will attempt to send word to you later this Summer if all goes as planned.

- Draco Malfoy

Harry sat in shock for a moment after finishing the letter. He had no idea what to make of what the other boy was saying. Could it be a trick? If Malfoy knew about his relatives then he could have already told the press or used it as blackmail … unless he wanted Harry to admit it and give him proof. He had been so careful to hide everything that he knew the other boy couldn't yet have anything more than suspicions. It was always possible that Malfoy was telling the truth, but Harry wasn't one to trust easily. He would have to be careful.

"Harry? You finished? I think I have everything now." Ron called from the other side of the room.

"Yeah, I'm done." Harry said, quickly shoving the letter back into his pocket.
He decided to put it out of his mind for now. He wanted to enjoy the rest of the time he had with his friends. He would have all Summer to figure out what was going on with Draco Malfoy.





Chapter One 
July 10th 1993 


It was two weeks after the end of his second year and Draco Malfoy was ready to enact part two of his plan. After two weeks of careful spying, he hoped he had enough evidence both in his memory and on his body to ensure that his father would be arrested. He felt another slight pang of guilt at the thought, but he knew that it was the only way. He had heard his father reminiscing about muggle hunting with some of his friends and he was horrified that anyone could do the things his father described. He couldn't let himself end up being forced to do those kinds of things, he wouldn't.

He had waited until he knew his parents were asleep before pulling out his school trunk and packing it to the brim. With that done, he pulled out the overnight bag that he had asked a house elf to charm to be much bigger on the inside when he was seven. At the time, it had been so he could pack half of his toys to take with him to his Uncle Severus' house, now it was to make sure that he had all of his important belongings packed inside. He couldn't afford to forget anything. Anything that didn't come with him tonight he knew he would likely never see again.

With the bag and trunk packed he took one last look around the room and gathered the courage to do what he knew he had to do. The soreness from his last punishment reminded him why it had to be done. It would only get worse if he stayed and he would find himself forced into doing the same and worse to others. He tapped the top of his truck and shrunk it before placing it into his pocket and picking up the overnight bag. Draco took a deep breath before walking as quietly as he could to the sitting room.

He took a pinch of floo powder from the jar by the fireplace and threw it into the fire before calling out "Severus Snape's Quarters, Hogwarts. Lily." and stepping inside. His godfather was the only chance he had. The man had promised him long ago that he was the only person who had the password to his floo and he desperately hoped that was true. As he stepped into his godfather's quarters, he knew there was no going back.

He quickly dropped his bags in shock as an alarm began sounding his godfather came rushing into the room with his wand drawn, "It's me, Uncle Severus!" Draco said quickly.

"What are you doing here?" the man asked quickly, casting a quick spell to turn on the lights before lowering his wand and looking as though he wasn't sure whether to be angry or worried.

"I can't do this anymore." The boy replied softly, "I can't stay there."

"What do you mean?" his godfather questioned as his face shifted completely to a worried expression.

"You always told me not to except everything I was told without doing research and you gave me all those books about how Merlin and Morgana and so many other important people were muggleborn or half-blood." Draco began carefully, "You're … you're not loyal to the Dark Lord are you?" he asked with fear and hope clear in his face.

Severus looked as though he was fighting a war with himself and it was nearly a solid minute before the man responded, "No. I was truly a spy for the light." he admitted.

With that response, Draco lost all composure and threw himself at his godfather, wrapping the man in a hug, "Please help me, Uncle Severus. I can't stay with them, I can't do the things they want me to do." he pleaded.

The man looked startled for a second before gently patting the boy on the back. Draco's quick intact of breath at the contact caused him to pull away from the child's embrace and drop down to his knees, looking the boy in the eye, "Did he hurt you?" he asked, the look of worry on his face suddenly becoming even more intense than before.

Draco looked down at his feet for a long moment before replying, "It's not that bad." he said softly.

Severus closed his eyes and took a deep breath as if to compose himself, "Where are you hurt?" he asked gently.

"My back." The boy replied, "Granger beat me for the top of the class and ... he caught me spying on him a of couple times."

"Oh, Draco, let me see." was the man's response.

Draco sighed, knowing that it had to be done but still trying to fight back a blush as well as tears as he carefully pulled his shirt over his head before turning around to allow his godfather to see the damage.

"The cane?" the man questioned, anger clear in his voice as he saw the bruising and Draco simply nodded.

"Don't heal it yet." the boy pleaded, "He'll come after me if can. Take a picture or … or take me to Saint Mungos … whatever you have to do so they arrest him. I know things now, Uncle Severus. If they let me give them my memories he won't get away this time. I can't go back, I can't."

"Are you certain, Draco?" Severus asked in a tone that Draco knew was reserved for only the most serious situations.

"I have to." was the soft reply.

"I have training as a healer, if I treat you I will be allowed to testify and as a healer I can ask for versitarium when they question me as to your injuries so they cannot deny that it is the truth." Severus said before standing up placing a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder, "Come with me and I shall treat your injuries. I'm afraid it may take a while to heal those bruises, but I have a balm that will help."

As they made their way towards what Draco knew was the man's guest bedroom, the boy gave a small sigh of relief. The second part of his plan had gone off perfectly and he knew that his godfather would do everything possible to keep him safe. Now if the ministry would believe what he told them, his plan would be complete and he would finally be truly safe. Then he could see about making sure Potter didn't need help as well.

It was blatantly obvious that the other boy's guardians didn't care for him. He never received letters or packages from them and he never went home except when it was mandatory for Summer break. He had noticed the other boy flinching when touched on more than one occasion and his careful movements at the beginning of the year were cause for worry as well. He didn't want anyone else to go through what he had and if he was going to place himself on the side of the light, he knew that it was time to start looking out for the-boy-who-was-clearly-very-important.


Severus had spent most of the morning following Draco's appearance at his quarters at the ministry where the boy was questioned endlessly on what he knew about his father's less legal activities. Severus had requested that Madam Bones be there and as she was one of the few people who knew the full truth about his spying, she had agreed. She had allowed Draco to give his memories for evidence and she had agreed to give the boy versitarium with the pretense that she herself be the only one to question him. By the time the interview was done, no one in the room doubted that Lucius Malfoy would be spending many years in Azkaban, if not his entire life.

A team of Aurors had been informed of what was happening and instructed to distract Lucius until he could be arrested when he came to them about his missing son. It was nearly eleven in the morning and Madam Bones had just turned her attention to Severus, casting a one-way silencing charm so that Draco would not overhear and beginning her questioning of him when Lucius's loud and angry demands for someone to help him were heard in the room. Severus noticed Draco's fear and quickly asked the woman to cancel the charm for a moment as he headed to comfort his godson.

"He does not know that you are here, he will not find you." the man said as he placed a hand on his godson's shoulder, "I will not let him harm you again."
The thirteen year old simply nodded and Severus waited until they could no longer hear the other man's yelling before stepping away again and heading back towards Madam Bones who had an approving look on her face. He once again sat down in the chair across from her and she cast the silencing spell and resumed her questioning. After a long interview that consisted of seemingly endless questions on what he knew of Lucius' Death Eater activities as well if he had ever noticing anything suspicious about the man's behavior with Draco in the past, she had exhausted her questions and he was able to give his statement and memories of the previous night.

Once the interviews were finally finished, the pair was escorted to another room where they were given a late lunch. The meal wasn't particularly impressive, but after the long morning, Severus did not truly care very much and he knew that it wasn't likely Draco would either. After watching the child nervously picking at his food for several minutes, he decided to step in.

"You need to eat child, you have had a long day and it will be Saint Mungos after this." the man said softly.

Draco sighed softly, "Why do I have to go there too? They already have your memories of last night." he asked before sullenly picking up his fork and taking another bite of his food.

"The more evidence they have, the stronger the case will be, Draco." Severus replied, "And I believe that we both know it will be the abuse charges that will convince many of the Wizengamot members to convict your Father."

Child abuse was highly frowned upon among pureblood wizards as many purebloods were only able to have one child and abuse could damage or kill the only heir to the family line. Though abuse still occasionally occurred if the family felt that if their heir was not 'brought in line' they would not even be worthy of being the heir – a situation that occurred more often if the family had more than one child – it was still an uncommon occurrence and even for those who would privately support it, public support would be political suicide.

He watched the child give a small nod of acceptance and fought back a sigh. He had been teaching nearly as long as the boy sitting across from him had been alive and he hated the fact that he had still missed the signs of abuse. Draco was his godson and though his friendship with Lucius may have been an act, he had always cared for the young boy and though he had thought that Lucius might have been slightly too hard on Draco, he had never suspected actual abuse. The thought that he had missed that Lucius was hurting the boy was killing him and he was becoming more and more worried at just how much else he had missed if he had missed the signs of abuse in his own godson.

"It will not be as bad as you are expecting." Severus spoke, "They will want to photograph the bruises themselves as well as any scars. However, the rest of the visit will simply be the healer performing the medical history spell. It will take a short while as the spell will list each illness and injury you have ever fallen victim too, but unless an something has not healed correctly or has left side effects, that will be all."

"Promise?" Draco asked and Severus felt his heart clinch as he remembered just how very young thirteen really was.

"I promise." He replied as he made another promise to himself that he would do everything in his power to keep this boy safe from that moment on.

Chapter End Notes:
So ... I've had an this bouncing around in my head for over a year and I made the 'mistake' of mentioning it to my sister. My sister is very persuasive. She fully plans to drive me insane until I finish this. One of the things I really want to touch on with this story is the guilt that comes with not noticing the signs of abuse in a child. I hope people don't find it unrealistic that Severus didn't notice anything even with how close he is to Draco, but many time abuse is just hidden too well. I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! I'm so happy about the response this has gotten so far and I will do my best to update very soon!

Also, once I figure out this website, the story will be formatted a lot better. Sorry!

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