Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Harry Potter and all of its subsequent characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I just play around with them.

Hello, dear readers. This idea has been floating in my head for a really, really long time. This is the sequel to Sword of Slytherin. Now, I'm going to be writing this, however, a little differently from how I usually do. Each chapter will follow a specific couple for the ball. The first one being Harry and Luna. I'll admit that I am horrible when it comes to writing Luna, but I try. :) So I apologize if she comes off a little out of character at times. The reason I'm writing it this way (with each couple getting a chapter) is because I feel like this is the best way to incorporate everything I'd like to in this story. So, without further ado, enjoy. :

I stare down the hill towards the front gates near my friend Hagrid's hut. It's over. It's finally over. Voldemort, the dark wizard who murdered my real parents, is dead. His faithful followers, confused and dazed as they are, are for the most part captured and being led away by the Aurors with a few lying dead in the Great Hall. Mum's people after her are gone with Mezra's death too. I, the Boy-Who-Lived or the Chosen One as some have dubbed me thanks to the Prophet, am finally free to live my life normally. Right?

I smile when I feel a familiar hand on my shoulder. I glance up and nod at Dad as he glances down at me. We can be an ordinary family now: Dad, Mum, Dray, El, and me. Hell, I can just worry about Quidditch and girls instead of who is out to get me this year. No more suffering nightmares of people taking my second chance at happiness either. I can finally be a normal fifth-year Gryffindor!

"Ah, good," the headmaster suddenly murmurs near me as he walks past flanked by Professors McGonagall and Flitwick. "The students have returned. Let's get them resettled in their rooms before we inform them of the events, shall we?"

I glance towards the growing masses of students heading up the hill towards us. It seems like a lifetime ago since Draco and I handed our little sister off to Fred as the whole school evacuated. Was she all right, I wondered as I waited to see her usually cheerful face in the crowd. The whole battle, if one could call it that, seemed to last only a second in my eyes, but I knew it wasn't in hers. One moment Draco and I were cowering outside an empty classroom wondering if Dad and Mum were alive, and the next I was throwing a wand to Draco and watching him then kill Mezra with the Sword of Slytherin.

Snorting, I shake my head. My brother the hero.

My eyes then find Hermione and Ron in the crowd. Hermione's waving at me with Ron looking at me strangely. I'll have to ask him what that look is all about. I then see Blaise and Theo before finally the twins with Angel in hand. All of them are rushing up towards us. I can't help but smile wider at this. They're all safe. We're all safe.

"Harry!" Hermione shouts before she hugs me tightly. "Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

"Jeez, Hermione. You're worse than my mother with him," Ron drawls, shaking his head. "He's fine. Can't you see that?"

I glance down when I see her glare directed at him. One of these days he's going to learn to keep his mouth shut when it comes to things like that. I mean, he has to at some point. Doesn't he?

"What?" Ron frowns, looking at all of us seemingly confused. "She is. I mean, I can't help it if the truth hurts sometimes."

The moment I hear the hard whack, I close my eyes. Ron, you idiot.

"Blimey! What was that for?" he grumbles, likely rubbing the spot she hit.

"If you can't . . . honestly, Ronald! Sometimes I just want to . . . ugh!" Her eyes then dart up to my dad. "I apologize for my actions, sir." She then glances towards me and gives me a sad smile. "Harry." And with one last dirty look at Ron, she turns away and storms towards the castle.

"What crawled up her knickers and died? Merlin. I didn't say anything wrong." Ron then glances at me. "Right, mate?"

I, however, am not going anywhere near that comment, so I remain silent. Another voice, though, speaks from next to me.

"Ten points to Gryffindor."

My eyes widen when I hear my dad awarding Ron points. I glance up at him in shock. What in the actual Nine Hells is happening? Dad agrees with Ron? Since when? I stare at Dad, wondering if maybe he has a concussion or something. There is no way he agrees with Ron. None.

"See? Even Snape agrees with me! I didn't do anything wrong!"

I watch my dad's smile contort into his 'Oh, really' face then and feel my heart race. Oh no. This is not going to be good.

"You're once again mistaken, Mister Weasley," Dad drawls coolly. "The points I awarded were for Miss Granger, not you."

"What? But that's not fair! She hit me!"

"She defended herself," Dad corrects, leveling a glare on him. "And you're lucky that she only slapped you, Mister Weasley. She could have very well cursed you for that and all your heirs."

"But I didn't do anything wrong!" Ron argues, throwing his hands up into the air.

"And that right there is why you will never be a worthy suitor for Miss Granger."

"Suitor?" Ron glances at me before he whirls back outraged. "You don't know what you're talking about, Snape. Hermione loves me. Maybe you're just too—"

Recognizing Ron's temper flaring instantly, I step in front of him and Dad. "Ron, stop." For the love of God, I add in my head, stop before you get us both killed.

"No, you stop, Harry," he growls at me. "I didn't do anything wrong. Why doesn't anyone see that?" He shakes his head before he too storms away.

I sigh as I watch him leave. I'm certain I'm going to hear all about it later tonight when I'm in the dorms, so I don't go after him. That can wait.

"Harry?" a soft voice murmurs softly close to me.

I turn instantly and smile when I see my little sister Angel. "Hey, El." I step forward and feel her arms wrap around my neck at once. Fred gently hands her over to me the rest of the way before he and George head up to the castle with Blaise and Theo.

"Where's Draco?" Her warm brown eyes stare deep into mine.

"He's with Mum." I can tell by the look she's giving me that answer won't suffice. "They're in the hospital wing." Her eyes widen into large saucers. "No, no, it's okay. Everything's fine. I promise." Oh, please don't start crying, Angel, I plead in my head. I hate when she cries. Actually, I hate when any female cries. "Draco and Mum are fine." I suck at this whole big brother thing. I really do. "He's just keeping Mum company. That's all." Angel's eyes dart behind me, likely to look towards Dad to see if I'm telling the truth.

"They are both fine," Dad says next to me.

"Are you sure?" she asks.


With a quick nod, she accepts Dad's answer and rests her head on my shoulder again. I smile when I feel her start to relax. It's strange, but I like knowing she feels safe. I don't know why, but I do.

When I notice Dad turn and head towards the doors a moment later, I know my time is up. Though, to be fair, Dad had told me that we were only there to collect Angel and then head to the hospital wing. But I can't help but feel sad for some reason.

I mean, I honestly have no reason to feel this way. I have two loving parents and a brother and sister now. And we're all alive and safe. So, why do I feel incomplete still? What more could I possibly be wishing for in life?

"Harry?" El whispers as we near the front doors, her breath tickling my neck.

"Yeah?" I ask, turning my head towards her while still walking. A moment later, I connect with someone that hadn't been there just a moment ago. My arms wrap protectively around my little sister even tighter to make certain she isn't hurt, as all thoughts are on protecting her. As soon as I'm certain we're both fine, I glance to see who I ran into. And I stare.

"Hello, Harry," the soft, dreamy voice says, swirling around me briefly.

Unable to think, I continue to stare into the silvery-gray eyes. So much life is in her eyes. So much innocence too with maybe some fierceness as well. I can't help it. I just keep staring into the mysterious orbs that are her eyes.

"Harry?" I hear Angel say, clearly confused by my behavior.

"Luna." Her name rolls off my tongue so naturally. Luna. Sweet Luna.

"Sweet Luna?" Dad's voice echoes in my head.

My eyes dart up to him and notice the raised eyebrow. Uh-oh. I forgot about our link. However, a second later, when I feel Luna's hand rest briefly on my arm, my eyes dart down to her hand. She's touching me. Like, really, she's touching my arm. My eyes then narrow. She's done that before, though.

"I'm glad your family is safe now." Luna then smiles, and I, in return, stare back at her like an idiot. "It was nice seeing all of you," she says, her hand moving from my arm, before she then leaves.

"Merlin, help us all," Dad mumbles, his hand resting on my shoulder in order to steer me towards the door. "Come along, Harry." Naturally, I obey.

I can feel Mum's eyes on me every now and then through our dinner. However, I keep my head down and continue to pick through my food. Around me, I can hear Draco going on about something with Angel, but I don't catch what it is. Not that I really care after all.

In fact, in my head, I keep replaying my encounter with Luna earlier outside. I mean, why did I act all stupid with her back there? Luna's my friend. Well, sort of is my friend. I mean, we went to Mum and Dad's wedding together. Oh, Merlin, this is confusing. Is she my friend or isn't she?


I blink before glancing up. "Yeah?" It's then I notice that everyone but Mom and me have left. I sigh and hang my head. "Sorry," I mumble.

"What for?"

I glance back at her and sigh. "For spacing off." I then shake my head again. "Dinner was good, Mum. I just, I don't know, I guess I wasn't hungry or something."

She snorts, rolling her eyes as she grabs my plate. "It's the 'Or something,' love. Let's be honest there, all right?"

My head falls forward dejectedly. Here she was, having made all of us dinner, and I could not even pull myself out of my own thoughts long enough to eat it. I'm a horrible son. It's official.

"Oh, will you cease with the dramatics?" she drawls with another quiet laugh. "It's fine. I'm not mad, Harry. You're a teenager. You're perfectly in your right to stare off and contemplate the confusing world at the dinner table every now and then. It's fine. Really." She then turns her back to me and heads to box up my leftovers.

I don't deserve having such a kind mum. I really don't. Holding in another sigh, I ask, "Where's Dad and the others?" Maybe a distraction will get my mind off things for a bit.

"Well, Draco went to his dorm," she answers. "And Severus is getting Angel ready for bed."

I nod slowly. That makes sense on second thought. "Oh. Well, I should probably head back too." I push myself up from the table to leave. However, the moment she snaps her fingers at me and points back at my chair, I know that I'm not going anywhere.

"Sit." She then turns around and heads back to the table before she takes a seat opposite of me.

I can't help but feel nervous as she stares at me for a few minutes. I mean, what's going through her mind right then? How horrible of a son I am? How she wishes she could get rid of me once and for all? How—

"All right, young man. Spill it."

My brows furrow. "Spill it?" I repeat, slightly confused. Spill what?

"Harry, you're great at many things. Controlling your emotions and thoughts is not one of them. So, come on. Get it off your chest. I'm all ears."

I stare at her, though. I mean, she can't be serious. Can she? She wants to hear all about how stupid I am? No. No this has to be a trick.

"Harry, I have nowhere to be tonight. So, we can sit here all night until you're ready to speak."

"But what if I don't?"

"Then it's going to be a very long and silent night for the both of us, isn't it?" she remarks, knitting her fingers together on top of the table.

It's clear now she's not going to back down from this, so I sigh heavily.

"Whatever you have to say, I promise it's not as earth shattering as you think it is."

"You don't know that."

"No, I don't, but I'd be willing to bet on it, though."

I run a hand through my hair and close my eyes in defeat. "It's stupid, though."

"Most adolescent problems are," she quips with a faint smile. I glare at her, which in turn makes her laugh. "Come on, Harry. Just get it off your chest. You'll feel better. I promise."

"No I won't, Mum. I'll just be even more confused than I already am."

"Okay, so this is about a girl then."

I blink. How . . . "But I haven't even said anything yet!" I squawk.

"Oh, love, at your age, it's always about a girl. And if it's not, then it's about Quidditch or some other sort of 'boy' thing. Like whose is bigger and that sort of thing."

My mouth drops. There is no way she just said . . .

"Really, Harry?" she replies, snorting. "I've been around adolescents most of my life. Trust me. It's the same for both sexes. Now, what is it about this girl that has you all twisted up inside?"

Frowning, I rub the back of my neck. "I wouldn't say I'm twisted up inside."

"Don't let him fool you, Aurora," Dad says suddenly as he walks into the room. He tugs on his sleeves. "He could barely say two words when he saw her earlier."

"Hey!" I growl, glaring at Dad.

"Severus," Mum says with a pointed look. "Let Harry speak."

Dad inclines his head then before he sits down beside her. There's no way I can talk now with him there. He's just going to make fun of me again. Shaking my head, I push myself up off the table.

"Actually, you know, I think I'm going to head out. Long night and all," I say weakly, turning away and walking towards the door. I'm fleeing, I know, but it's out of self-preservation.

"Harry James Potter, you sit back down at this table right now," Mum commands, her tone forcing me to stop in mid-step. She never uses that tone with me.

I stare at the door, my salvation.

"I will not repeat myself, young man," she states.

I can't describe it. There are just no words for what happened next. One minute, I'm standing with my back to them, wishing I am anywhere but there. And the next I'm facing them, yelling at the top of my lungs and flailing my arms like a lunatic.

"I think I love Luna! All right? Or at least love her like a friend. Or something. Gah! I don't know! Everything is just all too damn confusing for me right now. And you treating me like some five-year-old is not helping! Because I know it's not what either of you want . . . it's not what I should want either, but that's the way it is. Okay? So, forgive me for not wanting discuss that with either of you two, two people who couldn't even manage to declare your love for each or understand it until just last year!" I can see the shock on their faces. Not wanting to hear their responses, I sprint out of there.

Considering it's been two days since my outburst and I have yet to see Mum or Dad, I think it's safe to say they're giving me my space. Though, I admit that I sort of miss them. A part of me finds myself heading towards the dungeons sometimes, but I always stop myself as soon as I reach the staircase that leads down. I can't face them. Not yet at least. I mean, I yelled at them. Like, I really yelled at them like some crazed idiot. No, no I'll stay up here in my dorms, going to every class but theirs like I've been doing.

An elbow hard to my gut a moment later makes me wince before I turn towards the person.

"What, Ron?"

"Have you figured out yet who you're asking?"

My brows furrow. "Asking about what?"

"To the ball of course. Remember? Dumbledore said that we can still have it, sort of like a victory ball now with Old Moldy and Snake Lady dead now. It's tomorrow night, remember?"

"Oh." I smile weakly. "Uh, no. I don't know yet. You?"

Ron's grin widens. "Oh yeah. I'm asking Hermione."

"Hermione?" I repeat, staring at him like he's grown a second head.

"Yeah. See the way I see right now, Draco is being all smooth with her and stuff, but that's just because I haven't worked my magic with her yet."


"Once she sees that I can be sweet too, she'll forget all about him."

"You're mad."

"No. I'm brilliant," he declares proudly. "You know what? I think I'm going to ask her right now." He claps me hard on the back. "Thanks, Harry. See you." He then dashes out of the room, leaving me all alone up in the dorm again.

The moment the door closes, I groan loudly. It's going to end in disaster for him. Knowing Draco, he's probably already asked Hermione like ages ago. I sigh and head over to my own bed, flopping back.

It seems hours pass before the doors open again. I peek one eye open and glance towards it. When I see Neville, I smile faintly.

"Hi, Harry," he says quietly, walking to his own bed.

"Hi, Neville." It must be getting close to curfew if he's already back.

"So, did you hear?"

I shrug. "Hear what?"

"I asked Ginny to the ball tomorrow."

"Yeah?" Good for him.

"And she said yes. Can you believe that? Ginny. I'm going with Ginny." He then pauses. "You don't think Ron's going to be upset about that, do you?"

I snort. "I think Ron's going to have enough on his plate than to worry about that."

"What do you mean?"

"He's asking Hermione."

"Wait. Isn't she already going with Draco?"

"Probably," I respond with another shrug. "But he thinks he can woo her." When I hear Neville's loud wheezing laughter, I glance at him and see him doubled over.

"He's mad."

"You'll get no argument from me on that. But you know Ron." I catch his nod and then glance up at the ceiling again.

Good for Neville for asking Ginny out. They're a good match. I guess. I don't know. I mean, I know she likes me for some reason. Probably the fame. But I'm happy for him. He's being brave for once, instead of me who is currently being a big coward feeling sorry for himself.

I mean, who cares what anyone thinks anyway? So Luna's a little strange. It's not like she's a murderous Muggleborn hater. She's a free spirt. And she's kind. So very kind. And she gets me. Like, really gets me sometimes.


"Yeah?" I sigh, wishing Neville hadn't just interrupted me.

"Who are you taking?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe no one. I don't know."


I nod and sigh. "Yeah."

"What about Luna?"

If I weren't already sprawled out on my bed, I'd surely have fallen off. "Luna?" I choke out.

"Yeah. I know what everyone says about her, but she's not really that bad."

"I know that. They just don't understand her."

"Yeah. Like we do." He smiles faintly to me. "Everyone thinks they know us from what they see, but they don't know that you hate the attention they give you all the time."

"Or that you're wickedly smart at Herbology and stuff."


I think about what he's said then. Luna does understand me better than anyone else. It's one of the reasons I like her so much. But if I ask her, then she's going to get harassed by others. But if I don't ask her, I'm going to regret it. I sigh heavily. Why do these things have to be so damn complicated?



"Do you really think I should ask Luna?"

"Harry, don't take this the wrong way, but it's obvious to anyone who sees the way you look at her that you like her. So, honestly, I think you should have asked her two days ago." When I turn my head to look at him, I see his shy smile. "In fact, I've been trying to figure out why you haven't."

"Because I don't know how to ask her."

"Well, if it helps, I just walked up to Ginny, asked her, and then ran."

I snort and smile back. "Yeah. Thanks." He nods before climbing into bed. I'll ask her tomorrow.

After consulting the Marauders' Map a half a dozen times, I finally find her. She's outside in the Forbidden Forest on the very edge of the map. A part of me knows that if I'm caught out here, I'm going to be in huge trouble with Mum and Dad. But another part of me is totally wanting me to ignore that and ask her. I have to, don't I? So I don't spend my entire life wondering what could have been.

It takes me a few minutes of navigating the forest before I see her. She's feeding the Thestrals again. I approach very slowly.

"Hello, Harry," she says with her back still to me a few moments later.

"How did you know it was me?" I ask with a laugh.

She slowly turns towards me with a smile. "You're the only one who doesn't mind being seeing with me," she answers in her usual brutally honest way.

I can't help but wince when I hear her answer. "I'm sorry, Luna."

"That's nice." She then turns back and starts rubbing one of the Thestrals.

"So, I, uh, don't know if you heard about it or not, but I guess we're still having the ball." She doesn't say anything so I trudge forward. "So, you know, I, well, that is to say, I was sort of wondering if you, you know if you're not busy or anything, would like to go with me." I watch her stop petting the Thestral and turn towards me. "If you'd like to, that is."

"I've never been to a ball before."

I smile. "Yeah, me neither. But it might be fun."

"We'd go as friends?"

"Yeah, if you want." This is going so much easier than I thought it would. What have I been so worried about? Honestly.

"That's nice," she responds a moment later before turning back towards the Thestral.

"So, then do you want me to come by Ravenclaw Tower about, say, five then?"


"Okay, then when do you want me to come by?"

"I don't," she replies, metaphorically slapping me in the face.

"Wait. What?" But didn't she just say she'd . . . "Luna, I don't understand. I just asked if you wanted to go to the ball with me, and you said yes."

She turns back. "I can't go to the ball with you, Harry."

"Why?" I then frown. "Did somebody already ask you?"


"Then why can't you go with me? I mean, we went to Mum and Dad's wedding together."

"Exactly." She smiles faintly. "So if I go with you to the ball, then it'll be our second date."

"Our what?"

"Our second date," she repeats. "And I have no intention of drawing attention from the fairies, Harry. So, respectfully, I'm going to have to decline."

I stare at her, utterly bewildered. What in the Nine Hells is she going on about this time? The fairies? Second date? What?

"How is us going to the ball together going to draw attention from the fairies? And why would they even care, Luna?"

"They'd care because fairies are the ones who guide you onto the path of marriage. And I wouldn't want to upset them when they realize we're just friends. An angry fairy is not one we should cross paths with ever." She then rests a hand against my arm. "I'm sorry, Harry, but I can't go with you and risk that from happening."

"Well, what if I spoke with the fairies beforehand? Told them that we're just friends?" Luna laughs quietly, rubbing my arm gently.

"Oh, Harry. They'll know the moment they see you that you're lying."


"By the Wrackspurts in your head, silly. It really is quite alarming how many there are in there now." She then lowers her voice. "You have been thinking positive thoughts lately, haven't you?"

"Then what do I tell them?"

"The truth."

"That I like you more than a friend?" I blurt out, my eyes widening as I hear what I said echo. I watch her smile widen before she leans towards me and kisses my cheek.

"If you speak with the fairies and they're all right with it, then I'll go with you to the ball."

"Done." Though, I have no idea how in the world I'm going to accomplish this. I watch her eyes then dart behind me towards where I know the castle is.

"Your father's coming." She releases me. "You should go before he finds you here."

"What about you?" She pushes me, though.

"Go, Harry. I'll be fine."

I don't want to leave her, but if what she's saying is true, then I have to. With a heavy sigh, I run off in the direction she pushed me. A moment later, I feel a warm sensation and notice that the sounds of my feet shuffling through the leaves has been silenced. I can't help but smile. Thanks, Luna.

Once I reach the entrance hall, I duck into an empty alcove and pull out the Marauders' Map once more. Dad is out on the grounds still, but my eyes search for where Mum is. I find her name a moment later up in the Astronomy Tower. So off to the tower I go.

I make it there in record time. Honestly I have no idea how, but I guess it's true what they say, 'Where there's a will, there's a way.' I find the area where Mum was previously and knock against her office door. It opens a moment later, so I walk inside.

Good, she's alone.


"Harry?" she says, setting down her cup of tea.

"I need to talk to you."

"Oh?" She then crosses her arms, leaning back in her chair. "You mean, after three days of absolute silence, now you want to speak with me?"

"Yeah. Um, sorry about that, but where can I find fairies?"


"Fairies, where can I find them?" It all just tumbles out of me then. "Luna says the only way she'll go with me to the ball is if I talk to the fairies and tell them that we're not dating or ready for marriage or any of that, but just want to go and see if we're compatible together."

Mum stares at me blankly.

"So, do you know where I can find some?"

"Um, well, they're known to inhabit woodlands or glades."

"Good. So, would the Forbidden Forest count or do I need to go further out from there?"

"Harry . . ."

"Mum, I need to talk to a fairy."

"Yes, I understand that, but—"

"Wouldn't you do everything in your power, like finding a fairy, if it meant you could be with Dad?" I point out.

"What I was going to say before you interrupted," she states "is Filius has a few fairies here in the castle you could speak with."

"He does?"

"Yes. He uses them sometimes to decorate the Christmas trees."

"Wicked. Thanks, Mum." I then whirl around to sprint out to find Professor Flitwick. However, the door to Mum's office refuses to open. I pull harder on the handle, and still it does not budge. I then turn back and see her wand in hand pointed towards the door. "Mum, I have to go!"

"No. You don't."

"Yes, I do. Luna said—"

"Harry, love, listen to me. You do not have to go right this moment."

"But what if someone else asks her and she says yes because I didn't get to the fairy in time?"

"Oh, sweetheart," she murmurs, lowering her wand and walking around her desk. "Do you honestly think she'd say yes to anyone other than you?"

"But she said if I spoke with the fairy, then we can go together."

"She's wanting you to make an effort, Harry. To see if you'll really do it."

"But why?"

"Likely because some of the other girls have been telling her that's the normal thing to do."

"I don't understand." I mean, that doesn't make sense. This is Luna we're talking about. She's not going to listen to what other people tell her to do or even care what the normal thing is.

"Think back to when you first heard about her. What did you hear?"

I shrug. "I don't know."

"Harry, think."

"I guess some people called her 'Loony Lovegood.' But she's not crazy."

"She's not," Mum agrees with a nod. "But to them, she's different, strange even, because she's not like them."

"Well, that just shows people suck."

Mum laughs softly. "They do sometimes. But the point I'm trying to make is, well, when you first heard about her, did you find yourself wanting to be friends with her? Wanting to get to know her a little better?"

"Not really."

"Exactly." Mum then sighs. "She's had it rough here since she's arrived. Some of her housemates have stolen her shoes and hid them on her. Others just openly mock her. You, though, have been nice to her, kind even. You listen to her and don't do any of that."

"Okay." I know Mum has a point somewhere here, but I don't see it yet.

"My point is that sometimes when you're getting treated like crap day after day, you start to become suspicious of even the nice people, Harry." My eyes narrow. "Your dad is the same way. He was suspicious of me as well at first, waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak."

"So, what you're saying is that Luna wants me to find this fairy because she wants to see if I'll actually do it? Not just say I will and then go to her later and lie my way through it."

"Yes. Sort of." She laughs quietly, running a hand through her long hair. "I know I don't have to tell you that she's very perceptive. In fact, she probably knew you liked her before even you did. But there are sometimes I've learned over the years with her, that she'll use her uniqueness to see a person's true self. And there are times when she'll attempt to adapt to her surroundings. I'd imagine this is one of those times. She's likely been hearing from all the other girls about all the hoops they're asking their dates to go through."

"So, then, do I find the fairy or not?"

Mum shrugs. "You could, but I don't think she really believes that the fairy will be the one to decide if you're compatible together or not."

"So, what do I do?"

"I don't know, Harry. In the end, that's up to you to decide. But I'd say that if it were your father and me, and I had been like Luna asking for him to find a fairy, I'd be more relieved if he asked the fairy with me there. Sort of as a way to show that he accepts all of me. Even the strange side."

I nod, thinking for a moment. "In other words, to show one you like them is to show them acceptance first?"

"That's the way I've always thought of it, yes." She then laughs. "But then again, I'm a hopeless romantic according to your father, so what do I know? I could totally be wrong about this whole situation with you and Luna."

I laugh at her honesty. She might be, but what she's said does sort of make some sense.

"Thanks, Mum."


At the sound of loud, persistent knocking on her door a second later, I glance at her.

"Professor Sinistra, I need to speak with you!" Draco's voice filters through the cracks. He sounds almost half-crazed.

I watch Mum flick her wand at her door and hear the lock click open. The door flies open soon after, causing me to jump out of the way as it comes swinging towards me.

"I need your help!" Draco declares, seemingly not seeing me at all.

"All right," Mom starts, her voice calm somehow. She motions towards the chair I've vacated. "Sit down." Her eyes then meet mine. She doesn't need to say goodbye. I just know it. I leave her office a moment later. "Now, what's going on?" I hear her say as I close the door quietly behind me.

It's funny if you think about it. I came in just as half-crazed however many minutes ago, and now so has Draco. Is this what it means to be a normal family? To burst into a parent's office, half out of your mind for whatever reason, so she can bring you back down to some sense of calmness again? I laugh quietly, walking towards the staircase. It makes you wonder why anyone would ever want kids.

With the fairy in hand, or rather with the fairy's cooperation to follow, I stand before Luna in the Ravenclaw common room with everyone looking on. It's a little unsettling, but I'm learning to ignore all the looks. All that matters here is if Luna's happy.

When I feel something sprinkled on me a few moments after Luna pulls back from speaking with the fairy, my eyes narrow. What is that? I hear the audible gasps around us soon after. It's then I see it. The fairy has tossed some sort of sparkly substance towards us. Fairy dust, I wonder.

"Well?" I ask quietly.

Luna grins instantly before she nods. "I'd love to go to the ball with you, Harry."

"You would?"

She nods again before she leans in and kisses my cheek once more. "I'll meet you in the entrance hall in an hour."

"Wicked!" She's said yes. There are no words to describe my happiness at hearing her say that. I grin and whirl around to leave, stumbling slightly as I lose my balance temporarily but recovering nonetheless. I can see the looks of contempt from the other Ravenclaw girls who are glaring at me now, but I brush past them. Luna said yes.

Take that world!

I've got a date with the coolest girl around!

For an hour we've been here now at the ball. An hour full of awkwardness at times and definitely a lot of uncomfortableness. Luna is in good spirits, though. I have no idea how. So far, I've managed to spill my glass of pumpkin juice on her dress and stepped on said dress a half a dozen times. Not to mention how many times I've stepped on her poor feet. Thankfully, we've now decided to sit down at a table for a bit. Probably so she can rest her sore feet thanks to me.


I glance back at her, having looked away from Hermione and Draco sharing a slow dance. He makes this look so damn easy. Stupid git. That's how I was hoping this would go for Luna and me.

"Yeah?" I say back quietly.

"You're not having fun, are you?"

I force a faint smile to my lips and sigh. "I'm sorry, Luna. It's not you. It's me. I just, ugh, I suck at all of this."

She laughs quietly. "I actually thought you were doing quite well considering all the Nargles in here." She then looks around at the other couples on the dance floor.

"Yeah, and my head being filled with Wrackspurts isn't helping either."

She turns back to me, still smiling. "That's because you're not thinking positive thoughts. They'd vanish if you did."

"I'm not sure if I have anything positive to think about right now." Her eyes narrow instantly. "I didn't mean it like that. I like being here with you at the ball. I just mean I don't have anything else positive going for me." Instead of helping, that only makes her eyes narrow even more.

"You have two parents who love you, who have risked their lives for you, and a brother and sister who adore you. You have more good things in your life than most people do, Harry."

I can't help but wince at her words. "No. I know that. I didn't mean that either. I just, well, I spilled my drink on you, Luna."

She stares at me for a moment before she reaches across the table and grabs a glass of pumpkin juice someone had left behind at our table previously. Before I have time to react, she tosses it at me, splashing the juice into my face.

"There. Now, I've spilled a drink on you as well," she states proudly. "We're even."

I stare at her, though, with my mouth slightly open. What in the actual hell just happened?

"Do you want me to step on your feet as well, Harry?"

"No," I answer instantly. I know her heels are going to hurt. "Luna, I . . ." I'm at a loss of words.

"Accidents happen. There's no need to allow the negativity to fester, Harry." She then rests a hand against my arm. "I actually thought it was cute when you stepped on my feet earlier."


She nods. "I know you didn't mean to."

"I didn't. I just, I was clumsy."

"Exactly." She smiles. "Look at your parents." She turns her head towards Mum and Dad, who are dancing slowly. "Even your dad has those moments. Not that he'd let anyone know it. But watch his feet for a few minutes."

I do as she says, watching Dad. They seem to be in perfect sync with one another. If Mum goes right, Dad goes with her. I smile as he twirls her away from him before spinning her back into him, her back know against his chest. They look absolutely perfect together. So I don't understand what Luna is going on about. And they're laughing too, having fun with one another. The longer I watch them, the more I think about how Draco and Hermione look like this as well. They're not nervous with each other. They're just there in the moment with one another as if no one else is there. That's probably my entire problem right there. I can't find a way to get to that point with Luna.

My eyes then widen as I see Dad stumble unexpectedly. He pulls Mum towards him, but she seems to have been off balance as well. I watch in horror as they both tumble back as a result before crashing into a nearby dessert table.

My head whips around to glance at Luna, noticing her look of shock as well.

The whole hall has gone absolutely silent.

I turn back, unable to think of what to do. Should I try to help them? Or leave them alone? Or . . . I watch Dad shake off some of the frosting that's covering him and see Mum shaking slightly as she lies on top of him, her face buried in his robes. Is she all right? I then hear her laughter as it grows louder.

"You look ridiculous," Mum says through fits of laughter.

"I look ridiculous?" Dad repeats, a hint of amusement in his voice. "You should see yourself, Sinistra. You're not exactly one to look at right now either."

"Says the man wearing red butter cream frosting."

When I see Dad grab a bit of destroyed cake beside him, I start laughing, knowing what he's about to do next. He smears into her face a moment later. Mum, however, isn't going down without a fight. She grabs globs of frosting and cake from her side before tossing it at him. It's soon all out food fight between them, causing the other students to join in.

Draco is protecting Hermione, I see, from Blaise and Theo and their dates. Hermione is covered head-to-toe in red velvet, and Draco looks like he rolled in some sort of jelly. As a volley of pumpkin pasties come hurtling towards Luna and me, I duck. My eyes then catch our attacker as I toss back a chocolate frog. Fred I recognize, but his date . . . It's strange, but I've never seen her before at Hogwarts. And I'm pretty sure I'd recognize her seeing as how gorgeous she is. The young woman about Fred's age winks at me, though, before darting off in the opposite direction, her long golden-blond hair flowing behind her. She seems so familiar to me, but I know I've never seen her before. However, before I can think any more on it, Luna pulls my hand sharply.

I glance at her and notice her look towards Professor McGonagall and the other teachers headed our way. I nod to Luna. Time to go. We run as fast as we can towards the doors. Behind me, I can hear the other professors taking points from every House and hear McGonagall going on about how disgraceful it is to have a food fight at a ball. Wait until she learns that it was Mum and Dad who started it. I can't wait to see the look on her face then.

We dodge left and then right before sliding right under a table as we near Professor Flitwick. Somehow by the grace of Merlin we evade him. I don't even know where we're running to, but Luna and I are just running. We rush up the staircases, jumping onto the landings as soon as we come close to them. I'm laughing loudly like a crazed man in love. Luna's laughing too, skipping now as we head down a long corridor. Ravenclaw Tower, that's where we're headed I recognize after a bit.

It's not long after that we reach the door to her common room. I smile at her, my heart racing.

"I had fun tonight, Luna."

"So did I."

I nod slowly, unsureness starting to creep in. What am I supposed to do now? I know I'm supposed to walk her back to her common room. Draco's done that with Hermione at least. So, now what do I do? He never told me that part.

"So, how much trouble do you think we'll all be in?" I ask suddenly.

She laughs, shrugging. "Probably not as much trouble as your sister."

"What?" I reply, slightly confused. I know Angel's in the dungeons being watched by house elves. I remember the whole fight that was earlier because she thought she was grown up enough to go to the ball too. Dad, however, didn't agree.

Luna only smiles, though. "Good night, Harry."

"Um, good night, Luna." I watch her start to turn and sigh. That can't be all there is, right? I mean, we had a perfect night. Well, once I got over my stupidity. I hate this. I hate that she's leaving. I hate that I haven't gotten a chance to give her a proper goodbye. "Luna?"

"Yes?" Her eyes sparkle beautifully in the moonlight.

Biting my lip, I throw aside all thoughts and step towards her. I lower my head and brush my lips against hers gently. When I feel her kiss me back, I smile and pull back. Her eyes are wide as she stares at me, and I laugh. "Sorry. I was trying to get rid of the Nargles."

She bursts out laughing at once, rolling her eyes. "That's silly. Everyone knows the only way to get rid of Nargles is this." She grabs ahold of my tie and yanks me towards her before she kisses me again. Now it's my turn to be speechless. When we pull apart, she smiles. "Good night, Harry."

Merlin, I love her. I walk back to my common room. I can't wait to see what's next for us.

Chapter End Notes:
What do you think? Up next, Draco and Hermione. :)

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