Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Story Notes:
This story will be told completely from Severus's point of view.
Author's Chapter Notes:
This chapter contains corporal punishment (in the form of a spanking).
That insolent brat! Severus thought as he strode down the dark hall of Hogwarts. His leg was slowly starting to feel better after that damn three-headed monster had bitten him, but the massive headache that that boy caused had grown worse. No matter what the savior of the wizarding world did, he was always rewarded instead of properly discipline. Being allowed on the Quidditch team instead of at least a detention, awarded points for facing off a mountain troll, and even displayed the nerve to disturb his privacy while he had Filch look at the wound on his leg. Just an insolent, spoiled, incorrigible brat!

Severus grinded his teeth together. The boy needed more than a detention at this point. He had been rewarded far too often for his dangerous, life-threatening stunts. The connection between risking one's life and punishment would simply not be made in the child's mind if he were to suddenly be disciplined properly. How very unfortunate for the child. He would just keep risking his and his friends' necks if something didn't change. But neither Minerva nor Albus would step up and put an end to such daring behavior.

At least he could find some peace in nightly strolls through the castle, patrolling the halls for wayward students. He didn't run into any miscreants often and if he did, they were usually upper year Gryffindors. He loved taking away points and explaining to Minerva how her house had lost points overnight. Once or twice he would come across a student from another house – rarely his own, however, which he was proud to admit. Ah, yes, nights like these were just what he needed to take his mind off that spoiled child.

Turning a sharp corner, Severus nearly growled at the shadowy figure wandering through the hall. He softened his footsteps and advanced the student swiftly. When he was close enough to grab the night wanderer, he revealed his presence by casting a lumos. The young figure turned around sharply.

Severus damned himself silently.

"Why, if it isn't Mr. Potter," said Severus in a low tone. "And what might you be doing out of bed at this hour? Surely even the hero of the wizarding world needs his beauty sleep to look his best for his fans."

Harry bit his lip and said, "I was, err, I was just, erm . . ."

"Eloquent, as usual," Severus smirked.

Harry glared. "I couldn't sleep."

"So, naturally, you decide to wander aimlessly around a large, potentially dangerous castle in the middle of the night."

Harry said nothing, just kept his head down, watching his shoes dig into the floor.

"Despite how fascinating your shoes are, you should show some respect to your elders and look up at me when I am speaking to you. I'm sure that must be exceedingly difficult for you, considering your status and all the pampering you've been given, you spoiled –"

"I'm not pampered or spoiled . . ."

"Do not interrupt me, boy!"

Harry quickly fell silent.

"Ten points from Gryffindor, Potter," Severus decided after a long, intense moment. "And a detention with me tomorrow –"

"But sir!" exclaimed Harry. "The first Quidditch match is tomorrow!"

Severus raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"Well, I have to play. I'm the only seeker and . . . I just can't miss the game."

"As much as I would love to sabotage Gryffindor's chances of winning tomorrow, I am in no mood to listen to complaints and crying from you lions. And had you not interrupted me once again, you would know that your detention is tomorrow evening at seven, long after your game is over."

"Oh," Harry looked back down at his feet. Severus could see a slight reddish color blooming on the boy's cheeks.

"And for your interruption, that will be another five points from Gryffindor."

"What!? That's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair." Severus nearly rolled his eyes at the overly used phrase. "I don't care how famous you are, you will learn that you are not above the rules."

"You're the only one who thinks I'm above the rules!"

"And yet you find yourself privileged to take midnight strolls through the castle when all students are supposed to be in bed."

"I told you I couldn't sleep."

"That does not negate the fact that you still broke school rules. I wouldn't care if you laid in bed and counted a million sheep, but you decided that leaving the safety of your dorm was the best course of action to solve your problem. And now you will have to face the consequences of your actions."

Harry was glaring at him now. Severus was probably enjoying this more than he should be. Finally, a chance to knock the brat down a peg or two. This would teach him that he couldn't get away with everything.

"Fine," Harry snapped. "I'll head back to bed."

As Harry turned around, Severus's sharp hearing caught a softly muttered, "greasy git."

He didn't know what compelled him to do it, but he snatched the boy's wrist and yanked him into a nearby classroom. It may have been a terrible impulse, but Severus didn't resist it. He would teach this boy some respect if it was the last bloody thing he did. Taking points didn't work. Handing out detentions didn't work. Nothing ever seemed to faze the child. He would fix that. He dragged Harry to the nearest desk and pulled out the stool from under it. Harry struggled against his grip, but Severus kept a firm hold on him.

"Let me go!" Harry shouted at him.

Severus ignored him and sat down on the stool, setting his wand down on the desk to light up the space for him. He pulled the boy to him and tipped him over his knees. He felt the boy's demeanor shift dramatically at that. Severus wrapped an arm around Harry's waist, pulling the boy in close, trapping one arm between himself and the child. There wasn't much he could do about the kicking legs but he was sure they would lose the effort to kick soon. The position he was in felt both natural and unnatural. He had never done this before. It was odd, feeling the weight of a wriggling child over his knees; a small child whose toes didn't even reach the floor. But Potter was unusually small. Perhaps he was just a late bloomer – a growth sprout would change that soon.

"What are you doing?" Harry panted, struggling to stand back up, his feet kicking violently.

"What I should have done the day you first stepped foot in this school!" Severus answered.

He raised his hand and smacked the pajama clad bottom. It produced a loud slap and his hand tingled from it. He heard Harry gasp and the child seemed to freeze for a second, probably more from shock than pain.

"Professor! No! You can't!"

"You are in no position to tell me what I can and can't do," Severus retorted, raising his hand and smacking the small bottom again.

"Ow! Stop!"

"In fact, you are never in any position to tell me what to do."

Severus smacked Harry again.

"No – stop it!"

Harry threw back his free arm and covered his bottom with a hand. Severus stared down at the hand, unsure of how to carry on. What was he supposed to do – slap the hand? That didn't seem right. He could just spank the child's thighs until the boy removed his hand. After a brief hesitation, Severus shifted his arm slightly so he still had the boy restrained against him and grabbed the small wrist, pinning it to the small of the child's back. Harry struggled more, his legs kicking and his feet smashing into Severus's calves. It didn't hurt much since the boy wore slippers but it irritated Severus enough to start his punishment back up.

He raised his hand and smacked Harry hard twice more.

"Ow! Please, sir, stop!"

Another smack.

"Ah! Snape! No more!"

A harder smack.

"That's Professor Snape to you."

"Ow! Professor, please!"

Severus decided to ignore the cries and pleas and began spanking the child, laying down hard, evenly timed smacks. He wasn't counting how many or measuring out how hard. He was just letting the message sink in – no matter how long that might take. Harry continued to cry out, begging him to stop, his legs still kicking. What was he waiting for? The child to give and break? Sobbing? the boy had yet to shed a single tear – was that the goal?

"Please, Professor, I'm sorry!"

Severus hesitated at that. Harry had stopped kicking now and his voice seemed a bit choked. He had to have placed a good twenty smacks by now. Maybe a few more, with a lecture to end it.

"I hope you learn from this, Potter," Severus began, smacking the boy again. "I will not tolerate disrespect from you. If I hear anymore rude commentary come from your mouth again, you can expect a mouth full of soap. And the rules do not exclude you, Potter. This nighttime exploring ends tonight. I don't care what your reasons are for being awake at this time, you will stay in the safety of your dorm from this point forward. Am I clear?"

Harry was crying. Severus could feel the child shake with sobs. The message was sinking in. Severus wondered if he should bring up any of the other misadventures the child had had, but those were in the past. It would be pointless to punish the boy for those now after he had already been praised for them. Best to fix what he could now. Harry continued to cry over his knees, not even acknowledging his lecture.

"I said, am I clear?" Severus gave a very hard smack to the boy's bottom, which had to be red by now. Severus's own hand was tingling and he flexed his fingers and rubbed his palm with his fingertips.

"Yes, sir!" Harry choked out. "I'm sorry. I'll be good now."

"Is that so?" Severus sneered down at Harry. "No more naughtiness?"

"Yes," Harry sniffed. "No more. I'll be good."


Severus gave Harry one last smack and lifted the boy off his knees. He stood up and pushed the boy down on the stool. Harry yelped and tried to stand back up, but Severus kept a firm grip on the boy's shoulders, keeping him seated on the stool. Harry stared up at him with hurt green eyes. Severus had to look away from those torture devices after a moment.

"Stay sitting," Severus demanded. Why did Potter have to sit down again? "It's part of the punishment." That'll have to work as an excuse.

Harry whimpered but when Severus released him, Harry didn't try standing again. Severus stared down at the boy, watching as the child hid his face in his hands and cried softly, resting his elbows on his knees. Severus wasn't one for comfort so he just waited for Harry to collect himself together. It gave him some time to think.

Had he really just spanked Harry James Potter? Dumbledore's Golden Boy? What went through his mind that made him think that that would have been okay? Spanking wasn't even technically allowed at Hogwarts anymore. He would be fired if word got out about this – fired for sure. After a tongue lashing from the headmaster and maybe a few curses from Minerva.

It had really been an impulse. The boy was far too privileged in the school and he had just wanted some way to punish the brat and even out the score of awarded points and punishments. He had stepped over a line, however. How would he slither his way out of this?

And more importantly, why did he give in to the impulse?

A smacking was a rather intimate form of punishment – something usually done by parents. He was no parent figure to the great Boy-Who-Lived, but he would have to justify his actions somehow.

Harry had stopped his blubbering now and was sniffing quietly, staring down at his shoes, his hands itching to reach back and rub, Severus was sure. Severus sneered down at him, resuming his usual self after his little out of character bout.

"You will learn to obey the rules, Potter," Severus said.

Harry just sniffled.


Harry snapped his head up at Severus and gave a small "yes, sir." He sniffled again and swiped at his nose. Just wonderful, child snot everywhere.

"Hmph," Severus reached into his robes and pulled out a handkerchief, briskly handing it to the boy. "Clean your face and blow your nose."

Harry did so, watching Severus warily.

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered, scrunching the handkerchief in his hands.

"So you've said. Tell me, Potter, what are you sorry for?"

"For disrespecting you."


"And – and being out after curfew."

"Far past curfew," Severus nodded. "And you will do well not to repeat your nightly adventures or you will find yourself over my knees again."

Damn it, he shouldn't have made such a threat. What was he thinking, saying that to Potter? He couldn't possibly follow through on that – could he?

"Yes, sir."

At least the boy's compliant – for once. The wonders a spanking could do – why hadn't he tried this tactic sooner? A few of his Slytherins could use a hiding, especially another first year who seemed to believe himself over privileged. Even though Harry looked ready to cry again at the threat, he was giving him no attitude or rude remarks. Improvement in Severus's eyes. Severus watched as Harry tried to hand back the soiled handkerchief. He narrowed is eyes at it and then glared at the boy.

"What makes you think I want it back?" he snapped. "Hold on to it for another episode of your childish dramatics."

Harry slowly pulled his hand back to him, looking even more upset, those green eyes glistening with unshed tears. Severus rolled his eyes at the waterworks building up. Just great. Perhaps the boy was just tired – that was a common issue with kids, wasn't it? They were always tired and in need of a nap. He figured it was late anyway.

"Come, Potter," Severus waved a hand impatiently. "I shall walk you back to your tower."

Why was he walking him back? Oh, yes, in case Harry ran into any more professors. He would let the others know that he had taken care of the problem. That was all. Harry stood and reached his hands back to his bottom.

"No rubbing," Severus commanded, picking his wand back up and herding the boy out of the classroom with a hand on the boy's shoulder.

Harry removed his hands but they twitched to reach back once more.

It was a silent walk to the tower and they didn't run into any professors, not even Filch. It was a quiet night at Hogwarts, even given what had occurred in that empty classroom.

"Sir?" Harry finally broke the silence as they neared the Fat Lady's portrait.

"Yes, Potter?"

"Are you – umm, can you even . . . err . . ."

"Spit it out, Potter."

"Are you allowed to even do that?" Harry finally asked, blushing. "Smack me, I mean."

Of course, Severus thought, he would ask about that. Why would the boy not? Severus considered Harry for a moment.

"I believe it might be best if we kept this incident between us," he decided.

They stopped in front of the Gryffindor Tower's entrance and Harry looked down at his feet, shuffling slightly. Severus waited for a response – the boy practically had blackmail against him.

"Yes, sir," Harry said.

Yes, sir? Severus raised an eyebrow. He had been expecting threats from the boy – threats to have him fired so he could never dare lay a hand on the brat again. He had threatened to repeat the punishment, after all. Agreement was the last thing he anticipated from Harry. Some Slytherin you are, Potter, Severus thought curiously.

"Very well," Severus inclined his head. "Remember, you have detention tomorrow at seven pm sharp. Do not be late."

"Yes, sir."

"Go to bed." Severus pointed at the portrait and Harry stepped up to it. "And stay in bed this time."

"Yes, sir."

Severus watched as Harry disappeared behind the portrait. He let go of a heavy sigh. That child would be the death of him. Yet, the boy had been willing to keep what had happened that night a secret. And to what gain? To save his own dignity? Embarrassment? Was the wondrous boy-who-lived spanked like the naughty, little boy he was too humiliating to take up to the headmaster? Severus was surprised the spoiled prince wasn't whining to someone now, letting someone know that his pampered behind had been assaulted by his hated potions professor. Why keep the secret? How very curious.

Why did he care? Severus shook himself from his stupor and made his way back towards the dungeons. He hated the Potter whelp. The boy agreed to keep the incident a secret. Lucky him if not so lucky for the boy.

He had at least punished the brat properly.
Chapter End Notes:
The first chapter is short but the following will be longer.

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