Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Harry and Snape visit Diagon Alley, and Harry gets his eyes tested.
Chapter 15 The Oculist
Petting his snowy owl, Harry stood by the chest of drawers, dressed and ready to go to Diagon Alley. He was just saying goodbye to his feathered friend before he left.

The owl, seeing as it was morning, continued to peacefully sleep, enjoying having her human beside her. Nothing would harm her with him around and vice versa. She knew without a doubt, she'd do anything to protect her boy, even if it means her death. Aside from that, they were bonded for life, have been, ever since her boy had named her.

At the sound of a pop, the startled owl ruffled her feathers, repeatedly hooting in panic.

“Calm down girl.” Harry told her, soothing the snowy. Since Hedwig's been back, he noticed the poor thing has been easily startled with almost any sound she wasn't expecting to hear. “It's just Lucy,”

When the elf made herself known, Hedwig eyed the creature suspiciously and only drifted back to sleep by her boy's calm, genuine words and his soothing pets.

Lucy stood there wringing her hands together as she looked up at the young wizard with an apologetic expression. “Lucy sorry young master Harry Potter, sir.”

Harry shook his head. “It's okay Lucy.” He looked at the elf, giving her a small reassuring smile. “You didn't do anyth—hey, Hedwig!” Harry let out in a shocked tone. He hadn't been expecting a nip on the ear from his owl, knowing exactly why she did just that.

Looking at his owl, Hedwig hooted at him, sounding very much like she didn't agree with what he had said. Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes.

“Hedwig doesn't agree, Lucy,” Harry said to the house elf, who had been standing there quietly the whole time, “but like I was going to say Lucy, you didn't do anything wrong. You're just doing what Snape wanted you to do, right?”

Lucy nodded, her eyes wide like tennis balls as she responded, remembering the reason why she popped into the room in the first place.

“Master Severus sir is waiting for yous, young master Harry Potter sir.” She told him,

Harry thanked the elf and told her that he'll be down in a minute. Lucy nodded, popping back out of the room and going to tell Snape. Leaving the teenager standing in the room, to let out a reluctant sigh.

Ever since Snape's uncle had left last Sunday evening, everything basically went back to normal, with Snape snapping at both Lucy and Harry. For the first part of the week, he had somehow assumed Snape snapping was his own doing. Maybe he had finally had enough of him and wanted to send him back to the Dursleys.

Harry had packed his trunk, leaving the clothes Snape had bought for him, he had also left the stuffed bear on the bed. It was better off at the manor than in Surrey with him where his uncle would surely rip it apart right in front of his eyes. He had tried to do that with Harry's wand, but luckily Hagrid, before dropping him back at the Dursleys, had put a protective spell on the wand, stopping uncle Vernon from destroying it.

The bear, the stuffed bear, that Harry had named Winnie after the infamous children's book character, one that had kept him company all those long nights and sometimes days in his dark cupboard, he thought the bear was to blame, that if he hadn't wanted to buy the ‘stupid' thing, then Snape would not be fed up with him.

Towards the end of the week, Friday afternoon, when Lucy had popped into the room where Harry was sitting up in bed reading, waiting until Snape said he was going to bring him back, Lucy told him that Snape wanted to see him, Harry had nervously gone down with his packed trunk and Hedwig's empty cage.

The look on Snape's face said it all, when the man caught sight of Harry's stuff.

In the end, Snape had calmly explained in firm yet gentle voice that he wasn't going to bring him back to Surrey. He had also reassured Harry that he didn't mind spending money on him, and that he, being Harry's guardian, it was his job to make sure Harry's needs were met, and that included, toys, food, clothes, and anything else that he thought Harry might need.

When Snape had finished with that explanation, Harry was still not convinced due to Snape's behaviour throughout the week, Harry asked about that and Snape had explained that it was because he had a lot of requests for certain potions he had to brew. If he didn't brew the requested potions and deliver them to the waiting customer then he wouldn't get paid.

Harry had felt bad and had, without thinking, offered his assistance next time. Snape had casually changed the conversation to what he had originally wanted to talk to Harry about.

Flash forward to the next day, Saturday, and Harry was back down in Snape's Study again, standing there calmly, or what he hoped was calm, while the professor reminded Harry what they'll be doing once they get to Diagon Alley.

“Any questions?” Snape asked, once he had finished repeating to Harry what they will be doing once they get to the popular wizarding shopping outlet.

Harry shook his head in the negative. “No sir.”

“All right, well....do you have your supply list with you?”

Before he decided they should go, Severus wanted to make sure they had everything. He sighed, relieved that was one thing they didn't need to worry about forgetting.

Severus checked his pockets, making sure he wasn't forgetting about anything either. He had his wand, his floo powder pouch which he had shrunken and placed in his pocket for when they were coming back here and he also had his coin purse.


“Do you have everything you need, for our day out in Diagon Alley, Mr Potter?”

“Yes sir.”

“In that case, we should be heading to your appointment,” he suggested, turning to go over to the floo, when Potter started asking him something.

While listening to his ward, Severus lit the fireplace, he pocketed his wand shortly when an orange flame flickered brightly in the hearth.

“Sir, do you...well, uh, you said you're my guardian this summer,” Potter sighed, “I was hoping you might be able to sign my form the Hogsmeade form?”

Severus reached for the pot of floo powder, picked it up in his hand, then turned back round, giving the boy a serious look.

“I am afraid I cannot be the one to sign your Hogsmeade form, Potter. Though I am your guardian, it's only for the summer, meaning if I were to sign the form now, then my signature wouldn't count when you hand the form in. Does that make sense?”

From where he was standing, Severus could see that Potter was trying to hide his disappointment.

“Oh, well...maybe I can ask whoever you or Dumble-professor Dumbledore find, can't I?”

Knowing that he nor Dumbledore haven't yet found anyone yet, apart from one person, but not wanting to tell the boy this, Severus just nodded, not wanting to get the boy's hopes up and at the same time, not wanting to crush what little hopes Potter no doubt has.

“Come along, then, let us go.” He said, motioning Potter over to him.

The young Gryffindor sighed, making his way over to Severus, who held out the ceramic pot of floo powder, ready for Potter to take some.

“Have you ever used the floo before, or is this....” he started,

Potter interrupted. “Yes sir, I've uh...used the floo before. Once, last year with the Weasleys, I--"

“Alright, so you know you have to say the destination you plan to go in a clear voice.” Severus said, cutting off the boy.

He held out the ceramic pot of the green powder, so Potter could take a handful.

Potter did.

“Now, remember it is Diagon Alley we're flooing to.”

Severus only received a small nod from the boy as Potter made his way over to the floo. He listened to Potter's nervous tone as the teen yelled out their destination, while chucking the powder into the grate.

Grass green flames appeared and Potter stepped into them. Severus reminded the boy to keep his arms and legs together while keeping his mouth and eyes closed. He was pleased to note that Potter listened to his instructions, before he vanished along with the flames.

Next it was Severus's turn. He decided to wait a little bit, before flooing to the popular wizarding village.

Out on the other end, Severus arrived in the grate, gracefully in the Leaky Cauldron floo. Using his wand, he used a quick spell, ridding his robes of the soot that was no doubt blending in with the black material.

Scanning the already busy pub, Severus spotted the familiar raven black hair. Not saying anything, he just motioned the boy to follow him.

Without waiting to see if Potter did follow him, Severus already turned away from the floo and towards the back entrance door of the Leaky cauldron which led to a courtyard surrounded by a brick wall.

The potions master took out his wand and tapped the code on the wall. When he was finished, an archway appeared and Severus stalked ahead expecting Potter to follow him.

Thankfully, like always whenever the potions master was out and about, the crowds of shoppers parted when they saw the scowling man, making it easier for him to get to his destination, quicker.

Luckily for him, Potter, unlike most children or the buffoon the headmaster had hired last year as the Défense professor, did not want to draw any attention to himself, so sometime between Potter being in the Leaky Cauldron waiting and Severus flooing to said destination, the boy made sure to cover up his scar with his hair.

The two wizards soon reached a small building in between the Junk shop and the 2ND hand broom shop, the sign above the door, said the word, oculist.

Pulling open the glass door with a timber wooden frame, causing the bell mounted high on the door to softly ring a few times, Severus motioned for Potter to go through first.

“Well, inside Potter. This is the place where you'll be getting your eyes tested.”

Potter frowned. “It is?”

The potions master nodded as he followed Potter into the building, and the bell rang another few times as the door closed behind him.

Inside the building, the Gryffindor boy glanced around the area, from the spot he had stopped still in. He noted the walls were painted a soft yellow with white skirting boards at the bottom of the each wall.

The area where he currently stood, had a few clear plastic chairs and a matching oval shaped coffee table with a stack of magazines. On the opposite end of the room, was a huge row of different pairs of glasses. On the left side of the room, was a plain white door with a sign on top, writing, a little too blurry for Harry to see.

A loud pop was heard, startling the two quiet wizards.

“Good morning sirs,” said a cheerful voice. A bit too cheerful. “How can Floppy help yous?”

Harry looked down at the small creature, one that reminded him a little bit of Dobby and a little bit of Lucy.

“Uh, morning....” he said, a little unsure of how to greet the house elf.

“Floppy, you said your name was?” Snape thankfully took over. The house elf nodded.

“Yes sirs. I's Floppy, Floppy the—”

Snape raised hand signalling the elf to stop talking.

“Cut the introductions, Floppy. I am Severus Snape and this is my ward Harry Potter,” Snape introduced,

Harry had to hold back a snort. Hypocrite. That was short lived however when he unexpectedly felt a large familiar hand land on the back of his shoulder, the one, nearest the professor, causing him to flinch.

“we are here because, I have booked an eye appointment with a Healer Smith for eight o'clock this morning,” Snape continued explaining why they were there to the elf.

Floppy's head nodded up and down in understanding.

“Yous wait here sirs, Floppy will get mistress Healer Smith.” The elf told them, pointing at the plastic chairs, before popping away.


Nervously, Harry paced up and down the waiting area while Snape took the time to sit down on one of the uncomfortable chairs and read an old dated potions magazine.

The teen paced a few times, resembling some sort of animal in a tiny cage.

“Quit your pacing Potter before you ruin the floor and come sit down.” Snapped Snape, finally fed up with his pacing.

Harry flinched, not at all expecting to hear Snape's voice.

Thought he had his abnormally large nose stuck in some magazine?


Startled, Harry stopped pacing, turned and looked and the potions master. He averted his eyes to the ground, “sorry sir, I—I,”

“Accio Quidditch magazine.” Snape said

Harry jumped, not expecting that. He averted his eyes back up at Snape, frowning in confusion when the man was holding out a magazine in his direction.

“Here, read this.” Snape motioned for Harry to take it. This caused the teen’s frown of confusion to deepen.



Snape rolled his eyes.

“I would have thought, with you going into your third year of Hogwarts Potter, that you'd be able to read clearly by now....guess I was wrong.”

“It's for me?”

“Do you see any other Gryffindor star seeker in here?”

Harry shook his head in the negative. A small smile forming on his lips as he walked over to the potions master and politely took the magazine from the man. “Thanks sir.” He quickly said, going over to an unoccupied chair and sitting down.

Snape's face showed no emotion while he picked up the potions magazine he had placed on the chair beside him, Harry guessed it was so he could catch the Quidditch one had summoned.

Handy spell.

“Harry Potter?”

An unfamiliar voice called, startling the teenager who had been focused on looking at a particularly interesting Quidditch trick, that the seeker on the team Ron likes, had done at their previous match.

“Uh, yes...” Harry lifted his head up and glanced in the direction of the unknown voice, “ma'am?” he finished when his eyes spotted a witch looking older than Snape, perhaps around the same age as McGonagall, maybe a little younger than the professor.

“Healer Smith.” The healer with graying blonde hair styled in a neat pony tail, introduced herself, a gentle smile on her lips.

Nervously, the teen smiled back. “Hello, ma'am.”

“Call me Healer Smith,” she informed, holding a hand out for him to shake.

Nudged from behind, he was forced to stand. Placing the magazine on the chair he had been occupying, Harry, with another nudge went over to the healer. Nodding his head in response, Harry shook the healer's waiting hand with his right. It was short and when they were finished with introductions, the teenager awkwardly stood there in one spot as he thought about whether to try and run or not.

A chair scraping against the floor startled the boy,
glancing back in the direction of the noise, the teen noticed Snape was no longer sitting and was on his way over to them. Whatever hopeful expression on his face was a minute ago, was no longer there when the young Gryffindor realized he wouldn't get very far with Snape being there.

Hell, I won't even make it out the building without Snape summoning me back or using the petrificus totalus spell on me.

“Healer Smith, I am Severus Snape.” Snape told the witch, in a formal tone.

The healer nodded to Snape before flicking her blue, doe shaped eyes, back to Harry. She nodded to him as she said, “if you would, please follow me Mr Potter,”

Not really wanting to follow her, but having no choice due to the look Snape was giving him, the young teen made to follow. A glum look showing on his face, that soon changed when he glanced back once more, noticing Snape wasn't following.

Heart rate increasing the teen's mouth opened, ready for words to come out. Seeing Snape was only placing both magazines they were looking at back on the coffee table, before following, Harry felt a strange feeling wash over him.

"Close your mouth Potter, you look like a Grindylow."

Snapping his mouth shut at that comment, the teen continued following the healer, walking alongside Snape.

Healer Smith pushed open a door, which had a sign. When he was close enough to read, Harry did just that, noticing the words in bold, black writing. Healer Smith.

Harry let out a sigh, entering into the office, followed by Snape who put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, which was removed shortly afterwards just as the healer turned to face them.

Severus took his time to look around the office, while the healer told Potter where to sit and what was going to happen first.

During that time, the potions master noticed the room was painted the same soft yellow with the same painted white skirting running along the bottom. Opposite where Severus currently stood by the closed door, was a lone window, the blinds closed for the time being.

On the left side of the window was a small desk with a box of different types of lenses.

At the front of the room, hanging up in the centre of the wall was an eye test chart with black and bold letters, ranging in different sizes all on a pale sandy coloured background. On the opposite side of the room, was a soft, comfortable looking chair, facing the chart, which was where Potter was sitting, nodding his head to whatever the healer was telling him.


Hearing the healer calling him, Severus turned to look at the witch, giving her a questioning look.


“You're welcome to sit down, over there on the chair,” the healer pointed with her long bony finger to a chair that was situated right behind where Severus was standing. Practically by the door.

Knowing the witch probably wanted to start, Severus nodded, turning to go take a seat on the offered chair. He held back a sigh, glad the seat was comfortable compared to the ones out in the waiting room.

“Would either of you like a drink before we start?” blue eyes flicked from wizard to wizard.

Potter shook his head in the negative. Severus, on the other hand accepted the offer.

“A green tea would be fine.” He said.

Healer Smith wasted no time in calling her house elf and ordering Severus his drink.

The elf nodded saying she won't be long, before popping back out of the room. Seconds later, she popped back into the room, this time by where Severus was sitting and handed the wizard his drink.

Severus thanked the elf just before she popped away. He then sat there, quietly sipping his drink.

The potions master listened while the oculist asked the teen some questions before she actually got started on testing the boy's eyes.

The questions she had asked were stuff like;

When was the last time you've had your eyes tested? ‘Several years ago...think I was about seven, ma-healer Smith'

Who prescribed your current glasses? A shrug from the boy, ‘not sure.’

Have you always worn glasses? A shake in the negative.

When was the first time you wore glasses? ‘when I was about seven.’

Do you sometimes see auras/flashing colours? Shrug of the shoulders. ‘Sometimes.’

Any head injuries in the past?

Severus who had started to slouch, sat up at this question. He remained quiet and waited until Potter answered.

“....no ma'am....healer Smith.” Potter answered,

Picking up on Potter's blatant lie, Severus was ready to reprimand the boy right there and now. He would have, if the healer hadn't beaten him to speaking. But instead of asking Potter for the truth, she instead, finished off with the question,

How often do you get headaches? ‘Sometimes.’

Reprimanding the boy forgotten about, for now, Severus frowned at Potter's answer, deciding that he was going to keep a better eye on the boy during the rest of summer. He had potions for headaches and as Potter's guardian, he felt bad for not knowing the boy got headaches.

As this happened, the healer next thing she did was, take out her wand, turned round, pointed the tip at the chart and waved it about, muttering a few words, the chart enlarged a few centimeters more than it's previous size.

“Alright, Harry,” she started, stepping back a bit so the boy could see the chart. “You see that chart over there? I want you to read the third from bottom line for me.” She told the boy.

The thirteen year old boy nodded his head.

“I?...F? Uh...P? O...D....”

There was a long pause before Healer Smith spoke again. “That was good Harry. We'll try again without your glasses shortly. Before we start, would you care for a drink at all?”

“No ma'am...Healer Smith.”

Healer Smith nodded, “that's alright dear. Would you like to try again, this time without your glasses?”

The boy nodded, already taking off his glasses. He placed them on the desk near him where the Healer was currently sitting at.

“I want you to read the same line again Harry, this time in the opposite direction you just read from.” She told her patient, giving him an encouraging smile.

While the teenager sat there reading out the letters he could see without his glasses on, Healer Smith wrote down his progress.


“...E? Uh, F?...I?”


"All right, Harry, we've finished." Healer Smith said, smiling warmly, "you can go and choose your new glasses out in the waiting room, while I talk to your Dad."

Startled by the Healer's choice of words to describe his and Potter's relationship, Severus ended up choking on his tea. This ended up causing not only Potter to look at him, but also Healer Smith.

With a scowl forming across his face, Severus looked away from them as he put his half full mug of tea down on the ground, not at all caring if he spilled a bit on the floor. He then folded his arms against his chest and focused on the view through the window. Unfortunately there wasn't much of a view except for a brick wall and some blue sky.

'Ridiculously stupid woman.' Severus thought, huffing to himself. 'I don't even look anything at all like the boy's father.'




Severus teared his eyes away from the horrible view and looked at the boy, his eyebrows creasing into a frown and his eyes narrowed. 'Dad?' Severus silently repeated to himself, while he remained glaring at the boy. 'Did that brat just….'

Remembering where they were, Severus occluded. 'Boy's lucky we're not back at the manor.' He thought, while out loud he asked, "what is it Potter?"

The boy stood there awkwardly as he stared at the ground. "I'm going to the bathroom, is that okay?" He whispered.

Severus was just about to nod his head in response, but then a thought occurred and he instead asked, "where is the bathroom?"

Based on Potter's reaction, Severus had a feeling he wasn't going to like the answer.

Potter hesitated for a moment then he let out a reluctant sigh. "Only bathroom in the Alley is in the Leaky Cauldron."

'Of course it is.' Severus thought as he refrained from rolling his eyes. "Can you wait? We'll go there once we–"

The Gryffindor seeker shook his head in the negative and Severus went quiet, thinking about what to do. With a sigh, he realised there was no other options apart from letting Potter go to the Leaky Cauldron to use the bathroom.

Hesitating, Severus took his wand out from his pocket and waved it until the time was shown. He looked at the time with his eyebrows furrowed, then he told the boy, "all right, you may go. But if you're not back here in ten minutes and if I have to come look for you, then I swear to Merlin, Potter that you'll be scrubbing the dungeons with a toothbrush for eternity." He hissed at him, warningly.

Potter grimaced.

"Ten minutes, Potter." Severus reminded him.

The boy let out a sigh as he nodded his head. "Okay, I won't be longer than ten minutes. Can I go now, sir?"

Severus nodded, indicating the boy could leave.

Once Potter had left the room, Severus looked at the Healer as he stood up from the chair. He was unsure of whether or not he wanted to know the results of Potter's eye test.


The doorbell mounted high above the glass entrance door of the oculist building, rang softly a few times as a scowling Severus stalked out and back into the streets of Diagon Alley. He paused, turning his head from left to right, a frown on his face as he wondered which direction to go in first.

“Sir,” his ward, Potter, started as he followed the man dressed in black, out of the tiny building, “you uh, really didn't have to--"

“Not now Potter.” Severus cut the boy off, rolling his onyx eyes as he did. “What is first on your supply list?” he said, before the boy could finish off what he had been going to say, something he has already said before, earlier on, back in the oculist. He held out his hand, basically telling the boy to give him the list of things so he could have a look at it himself.

Potter paused beside him, shortly after closing the door behind them.

“I uh...I think its--" Potter took out his supply list from his jean pocket, something Severus couldn't help but wonder why he had allowed his ward to leave the manor in such an outfit. An outfit that would represent not only the boy, but himself and Snape manor. He restrained himself from sighing and instead took the crumpled parchment from the Gryffindor’s hand, no sooner was it out.

Severus scanned the list of items Potter needed for third year, the very minute he could. When he saw what was on top of the list, he turned right, heading north, already heading in the direction of where he decided they would go first. Thankfully, like a trained dog, the boy followed at the potions master at his command.

Soon they found themselves entering the book shop, Flourish and Blotts, they paused in the entrance. Severus took out the supply list from his own pocket, looking at the list again, the potions master scanned the first few books.

The Monster book of Monster's was at the top, and if his memory of seeing Potter opening a book from the Groundskeeper hadn't entered his mind at that moment, the potions master would have sent his ward over to ask for the book by the shop window, a book they had seen as they had entered.

Instead, Severus continued scanning the first few books after that one, he then turned to look down at the boy. “Potter,” he called, turning to look down at his ward who had stood there silently, looking like a lost boy.


“Go and look for these books.” Severus told him, he showed the boy the list, his index finger showing Potter the books he was to collect.

Potter nodded, “yes sir,” turning and was already going and doing what he had been told to do.

Walking around the book shop himself, Severus scanned the next few books, deciding to go and collect them himself, then he'd go look for his ward.

With seven books soon collected and Potter and Severus standing in the spot they had stopped in after entering the store earlier on, Severus was scanning the last of the book that Potter needed for the upcoming school year. He frowned, re-reading the book title.

“Tell me Mr Potter,” Severus started in a silky tone, as he held up the supply list in the air in Potter's view, luckily, the boy was looking up at him the moment he had said his name...or at least surname. “What....exactly gave you the notion to take Divinations as a class for next year?”

Potter shrugged. A frown forming on his face. “Nothing sir. I-I uh, just wanted to give it a try....see how the subject is,”

Rolling his eyes, Severus said, “sorry to burst your bubble Mr Potter, but Divinations is a load of utter rubbish. Anyone who wishes to do Divination for their N.E.W.T exams are nuts, if you ask me,”

“I know sir. But Ron's brothers, Fred and George, they uh, suggested to us the subject is a bit like History of magic and well, Ron and me, since we like that subject we thought we'd give...”

Narrowing his onyx eyes at the raven haired boy, Severus, who had been entirely confused when Potter had said Divinations was like History of magic, he finally figured out the connection.

“Taking a class so you can lounge about, snoozing all lesson is not good and I, as your professor and a head of house at the school will advise you to drop the subject and choose something more of value....like Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, or even Muggle Studies,”

Ignoring Potter's scrunched up face, Severus put his hand up to stop the boy from opening his mouth to say something, no doubt negative about any of those three subjects and instead, he continued, advising the boy.

“Any of those three, plus Care Of Magical Creatures will help you a lot more with your career choice in a few years to come, unlike Divinations. You don't have to pick a different subject now Mr Potter, but it might help if you had some books of the third year elective subjects to read up on, before judging them based on their titles...” pausing, a thoughtful look crossed Severus's mind.

Continuing to speak, the potions master kept his voice low. “Take my advise Potter and drop Divinations.”

Once, after Severus and his ward had all of the books they needed, they went over to the counter where they paid for the books. Shrinking them, he placed them in his cloak pocket, while sending a look to the boy when he heard the familiar words starting to come out of the young teen's mouth, quieting the boy.

The potions master left the book shop followed by his ward. “You really didn't have to—”

“Quiet Potter,” Severus said, stalking ahead of the boy.

Potter followed him all the way to the Apothecary. Pushing the door open, Severus held it open, motioning with his head for the boy to go inside the shop first.

After the bookshop, Severus led the way through the alley to the Apothecary.

Pushing the door open, Severus remained standing on the step, holding the door open, while motioning with his head for the boy to go inside the shop first.

“Don't touch anything.” Was all he told the boy in a warning tone.

Harry nodded his head as he walked past the potions master, entering the Apothecary. He immediately regretted it though, the moment, his nose wrinkled at the musty odour coming from all of the different ingredients that were inside the shop.

“Good morning Severus,” the shopkeeper greeted from behind the counter, causing Harry, who had not seen the old man at first, to jump in surprise.

The teenager darted his eyes over to the potions master, who nodded his head in response to the older man with grey hair and silvery eyes.

“Morning Mr Swoopstikes,” Snape greeted back, “how’s your son?”

Harry stood there next to Snape, listening to the conversation. He was quite surprised to hear the shopkeeper's response to the potions master.

“Thomas? He's doing much better now, thanks to you, Severus. In fact, he should be back to work sometime next week after he's finished with the batch of that healing potion you brewed and sent over to him last week...”

Raising an eyebrow in surprise, Harry looked up at the potions master, who turned, no doubt catching him looking out of the corner of his eye.

Snape told the shopkeeper that he did not need anything, nor did he need any ingredients for his own use. He then guided Harry around the shop, gathering the ingredients that were on the supply list. At first, Harry was about to suggest to the professor if they should have a look and see what ingredients he needed. In fact, he did indeed say this to the older wizard, forgetting about the fact that Snape was the potions master and remembered off by heart what was on the supply list for the third years.

That was until Snape reminded him. “I am insulted Potter,” the professor started in a silky tone.

“Sir?” Harry just looked at him, not getting the hint.

Looking at him as if he was an idiot, the professor, grabbed a couple of paperbags. Placing one in his cloak pocket, the professor unfolded and opened the other as he stopped by a large cilander glass container, filled with some strange ingredient labelled, shrivelfig. At the professor's gestured nod, Harry went to lift up the lid, then stood and watched while Snape, with his free hand, picked up a nearby scoop to take out a couple of shrivelfigs and place them in the current paper bag. While he did this, he continued in the same silky calm tone, “that you've completely forgotten I am the potions master at the school, meaning I was the one to make this list for the potions ingredients you and your year-mates to bring to school for September.”

“Oh....sorry sir, I uh...I forgot." Harry said with a shrug of his shoulders.

Snape sealed the paper bag and handed it to him, before taking out the other paper bag. Once they had stopped by another large glass container containing caterpillars. Harry lifted up the lid again so Snape could collect some caterpillars, using a different scoop, explaining he only needs one but it would be good to have an extra ingredient on hand in case he ruins the first.

Snape raised an eyebrow. “Indeed, Mr Potter.” Drawled the professor.

When they had the ingredients Harry needed for his potions classes next school year, they paid at the counter, where the shopkeeper asked if Harry was staying with the potions master.

Harry was about to respond, but stopped when Snape jumped in to say, “no, Mr Swoopstike. I am only fortunately tasked with bringing Potter here to Diagon Alley for his school supplies today. Once the boy has his things, then he will be out of my hair.”

Confused and worried, Harry opened his mouth to say something. “But—” he stopped when catching the serious look Snape was giving him.

A look that sent shivers down his spine. With that, he closed his mouth, keeping it shut.

“Come Potter.” Snape instructed, taking both paper bags and sending them off to the manor with Lucy after calling the elf, “the sooner we finish this shopping trip of yours, the better.”

“Yes sir.” Harry gave a small nod, hesitating a little before following the man out the shop.

Next shop they made their way over to, was Scribulus writing instruments. Harry made sure to follow Snape to their destination.

He was a little nervous and confused by what the potions master had said earlier in the Apothecary, but hoped to whoever, it wasn't at all true.

After all, he reassured himself, Snape said I'm not going back.

Quietly following the potions master back down the cobble stone street of Diagon Alley, Harry did his best to keep up with the professor. It was easier said than done.

Snape, being Snape, stalked fast, ahead of him with his long legs and his black cloak billowing behind him, the crowd parting, forming a path when they noticed the scowling man, while Harry, well, they kept on walking in front of him, knocking him about as if they hadn't noticed he was there, or they just didn't see him. Too caught up in their own little bubble.

“Don't dawdle Potter!”

The professor’s sharp tone cut through the crowd, flowing to Harry.

“Yes sir.” He quickly responded, nodding his head even though Snape couldn't see him, although, he was starting to think with the more time he spent with the man the professor has another pair of eyes on the back of his head.

On the way to the shop, they passed a few of the shops Harry remembered passing by when they were making their way up to the oculist. They passed; Madam Malkins Robes for all occasions, Amanuensis Quills and a few others along with Quality Quidditch supplies, where Harry couldn't help but stop and stare at the new broomstick in the shop window. Firebolt. Slightly disappointed by the price, he managed to cheer up a little, reminding himself of his perfectly good broom, one he wouldn't be giving up anytime soon. Not even for millions of galleons.

Hearing Snape calling him, the teen startled, continued to follow the potions master a few more feet until they reached the shop. The two wizards entered, Snape stood there, holding the door open, indicating to Harry with one look to go in first. Hesitating at first, Harry nodded, stepping into Scribulus writing instruments.

Snape followed behind, closing the door as he entered.

All was quiet in the small shop with only a few customers currently walking around. Harry was one of them, over by the quill section.

Amazed by all the different types of quills, Harry glanced at each one of them, silently reading the labels.

There were several feathered quills with feathers all from different species of birds; including, Owl, Eagle, and some local birds like; Robins, pigeons, crows ect. And some from exotic birds-they were being sold for a higher price than the other feathered quills. Along with feathered quills, there were, self writing quills and a quill that Harry wouldn't mind giving up quidditch for if he had to, the colour changing quill. A quill that changes to whatever colour the person is thinking,

“Ooh, look mother, look!”

A girl, a little younger than Harry, with light brown hair appeared by the colour changing quill. “Lower your voice Holly. I'm coming.” The mother responded back in a harsh tone.

Without waiting for her mum to catch up to her, the girl with bright blue eyes, who had a few more inches to grow then she'd be Harry's height, excitedly picked up the quill and ran back to her mother. Harry couldn't help but stand there silently watching the exchange between mother and daughter. He blinked a few times as a familiar feeling coming back, causing his chest to hurt and his eyes to sting.

A large hand clamped down on his shoulder, causing the teen to flinch.

“What did I tell you, Potter about wandering off?” Came Snape's familiar silky tone.

Frowning, Harry turned, confused, he looked up at the man. Trying to remember what the potions master had told him yesterday evening back at the manor when Snape was telling him they'll be coming to Diagon Alley today. Remembering, Harry didn't understand.

Technically he hadn't wandered off, not exactly, anyway. Though he was already known around school to have a reputation of not preserving his life, the teen did not dare risk angering the professor. Instead he said the first thing that came to mind.

“Sorry sir, it won't happen again.” He ducked his head, feeling uncomfortable with Snape narrowing his eyes at him.

With the professor silent for far too long, he chanced looking up at the potions master, who gave him a small nod. “Better not, Mr Potter.” Snape unfolded his arms from his chest, with one hand, he reached into his pocket, taking out the supply list. He stood there, silently scanning the supplies they still needed. When he was finished, he nodded, folded up the parchment, pocketed it while instructing Harry. “Go and get twenty rolls of parchment for yourself. While you do that, I shall go get the quills you will be needing along with an ink pot.”

Harry nodded, turned and was about to head off in the direction he assumed the parchment was, but he turned back to face the professor, his conscience disagreeing with what Snape had suggested.

“I could get both sir if you—”

Snape, who had been about to turn to head towards the shelf with the standard quills, turned back round, shaking his head in the negative. He raised a hand, silencing Harry. “If I have managed to survive most of this shopping trip with you, then I am perfectly capable Potter of getting a couple of quills and an ink pot.” The professor sarcastically responded. “Now hurry along. I don't have all day.”

Knowing there was no point to change the man's mind, Harry glanced once more at the colour changing quill, held back a sigh and nodded his head in response. Silently, he turned away from the quills and headed off towards the parchment, several feet away.

Severus watched Potter leave towards the parchment. Satisfied, he turned to the quills, scanned the rows and rows of quills until he found the standard quills. Walking a few paces over, he wasted no time with picking two up. He couldn't help but be reminded of his shopping trip with Lily when they were eleven, getting their stuff for Hogwarts.

His mother had brought them and the Evans family to the shopping outlet. Lily had been fascinated by everything and while Severus's favourite about that day was choosing a wand, Lily's was, choosing a quill. She had spent ages choosing a colour and feather and finally settled on an eagle feathered quill, she had been fascinated by the colour changing quills, to the point where her parents decided to buy her one.

Lily's older sister, had not come, for reasons Severus cannot, at the moment, remember, nor did he want to. Not right now, anyway.

After paying 98 galleons for the twenty rolls of parchment and the quills and sending the items off to the manor with Lucy, Severus led his ward back out of the shop.
To be continued...

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