Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
I only wish they belonged to me!
Perchance to Dream

Harry wandered aimlessly around the common room, unaware of the concerned gazes of his friends. He and Ginny had met his father at the front doors over three hours before, how long could a simple meeting take? Harry realized suddenly that he had reached the end of the room, and was standing staring at the wall in front of him.

"Harry, come sit down, you'll just wear yourself out wandering like that." Ginny put a consoling hand on Harry's arm and led him toward where Hermione and Ron were sitting, clustered around the fire.

Harry sat in the chair he was directed to, stared at his feet for a few seconds, and then jumped to his feet and resumed his wandering.

"He's driving me mad! There must be something we can do!" Ron had leaned closer to Hermione and Ginny in an effort not to be overheard by Harry.

"Ron, look at it from his point of view. He knows his father is out there with Death Eaters, he doesn't know what's going on, and none of us know how long this is likely to take!" Hermione managed to sound like she was scolding Ron even in a whisper.

"I know, I know, but this wandering around is driving me batty!" Ron collapsed back in his chair in defeat.

Ginny looked around the room, suddenly realizing that she hadn't seen the twins in several hours either. "Ron, where are Fred and George?"

Ron and Hermione's heads both swiveled as they looked for the twins. Their absence and the quietness of the tower was a faintly ominous sign.

"I haven't seen them since dinner. Have you Herm?" Hermione shook her head 'no', and Ron stood up and headed for the boy's door. "Heaven knows what they've gotten up to; at least there haven't been any explosions." Ron paused as the portrait hole door swung open.

"We were just wondering where you two were. What's all that?" Ron pointed at the collections of things in the twin's arms.

"Harry seemed a bit unsettled; we thought a snack might cheer him up." Fred put some pastries and biscuits on the table near the door and unloaded several bottles of butterbeer from his pockets. George put his armload of fruits and pastries next to Fred's, and pulled more butterbeer out of his pockets. "Oy, Harry, come here mate."

Harry continued to wander aimlessly around the room, lost in his thoughts, pausing occasionally when he reached a wall or a piece of furniture. The Weasley's and Hermione watched for a minute, then Ginny got up, walked across the room, and redirected Harry back to the table laden with goodies.

"Buck up, Harry, Professor Snape's been doing this for a long time, I'm sure everything is fine."

"Ron!" Hermione glanced meaningfully at the twins, and then back at Ron.

"Hermione, if you're worried about Ron letting slip that Snape is out on one of his spying runs, we've known about it for quite awhile." Fred selected a juicy apple and took a big bite. "Try one of these Harry, they're really good."

Harry ignored the apple Fred held out to him. "I don't understand what's taking so long!"

"This isn't long, really. Severus is often gone most of the night when he attends death eater meetings." Dumbledore had entered the room unnoticed. "Ahhh lovely, my favorite pumpkin éclairs. Harry, why don't you try one..and sit down."

Harry took the offered pastry, and sat in one of the chairs in front of the fire, while his friends watched from the table. Dumbledore followed and took the chair opposite him. He watched as Harry fiddled with his pastry, rapidly reducing it to gooey crumbs.

"Harry, your father has been spying for us for many years. He is very, very good at what he does. I won't lie and tell you that he's not in danger, any time he goes to a meeting there is always the chance that he will be discovered. But knowing him as you do, you should also know that he would never do anything rash or unthinking, and that steadiness is precisely why he has always come home." Dumbledore forbore to mention the times that Severus had crawled back from the meetings injured; there was no reason for the boy to know about that when he was already so upset.

Harry stared into Dumbledore's kindly eyes, drawing hope from them. "It's the not knowing Sir, and having to wait so long. It's driving me crazy." Harry stood up, scattering a shower of crumbs from his lap and continued pacing.

"I know Harry, it is always hardest for those left behind to wait for news, but wait is precisely what you must do. I believe you promised your father that you wouldn't leave the castle?"

Harry nodded his head, wondering if Dumbledore did indeed know everything that happened in his castle.

"He is absolutely correct, Harry. This castle is built upon ancient magical wards laid down by the founders themselves, and expanded upon by succeeding generations of wizards and witches." Hermione never lost an opportunity to work wizarding history into the conversation. Why don't you settle down with a good book? I've just finished one on the historical bases of modern wizarding household practices."

"In my experience, sleeping is the most effective way to make time pass quickly." Dumbledore stood as he spoke, and moved toward the portrait hole. "Professor Snape did say that he would let you know when he returned, didn't he?"

"Yes Sir." Harry moved toward the table, suddenly feeling a bit hungry.

"He always keeps his promises, Harry, he will let you know. It is very rare for him to return before day break these days, try not to worry." The door closed behind Dumbledore, leaving the six students to themselves with the food.

"The Headmaster's right, Harry, the best thing you can do is go to bed." Hermione had finished her food and was tidying up the remains of the snack.

"I know, Herm, but I'm not sure I can sleep." Harry grabbed another bottle of butterbeer before Hermione could neaten it into the trash bin.

"You should at least give it a try." Ginny rose and helped Hermione finish disposing of the wrappers and bottles. "I'm sure Madame Pomphrey could give you something to help you sleep."

"I want to be able to be awakened when he gets back. Madame Pomphrey's sleep potions work too well for that." Harry had entirely too much experience with Madame Pomphrey's potions to want to resort to that extremity unless absolutely necessary. "If I can't sleep, I'll just come back down here. Maybe I will read Hermione's book."

Ginny watched as Harry walked toward the boys' tower, eyes narrowed in thought. "Harry."

Harry turned and looked at Ginny questioningly.

"I'll take your shoes." Ginny held her hand out for them.

"Ginny!" Ron stared in horror at Ginny while Hermione tried unsuccessfully to hide a grin behind her hand.

"Ginny, that's not necessary, I gave my word." Harry started to turn away again, only to be stopped by Ginny's voice.

"You know as well as I do that you'd be off in a second if you thought he needed you. I want those shoes, and I'm not above stealing them." Ginny was glaring at Harry as she moved closer to him.

"Ginny Weasley! I'm sorry Harry, I don't know what's got into her," Ron apologized to Harry.

"Gin, if I promise I won't leave without telling you, will that do?" Harry was trying to be reasonable.

"No. I'll take those shoes." Ginny was standing directly in front of him now, hand held out for his shoes.

Harry sighed in defeat, reached out to the wall with one hand to help his balance while he took his shoes off with the other. "Satisfied?"

"Yes." Ginny turned her back on Harry and marched to the girl's door. She turned as she went through the door, grinned a little at Harry, and said "sleep well Harry," before disappearing up the stairs. Hermione waved goodnight as she went through, still grinning at Ginny's unusual behavior.

"What was that all about?" Ron was still confused. "She seems to have some strange desire for your shoes."

"Ron, wake up." Fred tousled Ron's red hair on the way by, smirking slightly at Harry.

"Ow! Cut it out!" Ron ducked his head and aimed a smack at Fred's back.

"She likes Harry, Ron. She doesn't want him slipping out in the middle of the night and getting into trouble." George grinned companionably at Harry, who was turning red.

"Well of course she likes Harry, he's a good friend." Ron was obviously not getting the point.

"Just like Hermione's your good friend, right Ron?" George closed the door to the boy's rooms in Ron's face, narrowly missing shutting it on his toes.

"She is my friend!" Ron's ears were turning red as he said it. He turned to Harry and said "She's your friend too, right mate?"

"Right Ron." Harry did his best not to grin at his friend's defensiveness as they ascended the stairs toward their room.

"I don't get Ginny's behavior lately. She's always been so shy and quiet, especially around you. Let me know if she's bugging you." Ron had managed to get himself settled in bed, and was drawing the curtains around it.

"It's fine Ron, I don't mind." Harry smiled a little in the darkness as he settled in. It was rather nice to have someone worried enough about him to take such drastic steps.

Silence descended on the room, and Harry tried to still his mind enough to allow sleep to settle in. A sudden rustling came from Ron's bed.

"Harry! Ginny likes you?" Obviously what the twins had said had finally sunk into Ron's brain, but from the incredulous sound of his voice, he was having trouble believing it.

"You said it Ron, we're friends." Harry could feel his cheeks turning red in the darkness.

"No, I mean she likes you. Like I like Hermione."

"Finally admitted it have you. It's taken you long enough!" Harry could hear more rustling from Ron's bed, and then the curtains were abruptly drawn back from his bed and Ron settled on the foot of the bed.

Ron frowned at him in silence for several minutes. Harry rapidly grew tired of Ron's staring, and said "What!"

"I'm not sure I like this. You had better not do anything to hurt Ginny." Ron had obviously decided that he needed to play the role of older brother here. Never mind that it was his best friend.

"Er, nothing's happening Ron. Nothing. And besides, if it were, the twins would have already sorted things out. What about you and Hermione, eh? Should I be talking to you about your behavior with her? After all, she doesn't have the benefit of an older brother like Ginny does." Harry eyed Ron quizzically for a minute, watching as his ears turned red.

"Fine then, just so we all know where we stand." Ron went back to his bed, thumped down on it, and noisily drew the curtains around it.

"Goodnight Ron." Harry found himself grinning at the absurdity of the last few minutes.

"Night Harry."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Severus watched intently as the Dark Lord summoned several Death Eaters from his 'inner circle' forward. He had not been summoned, which in and of itself was not that unusual. His 'skills' were not always integral to whatever mayhem was being planned. When he wasn't involved in planning, he could almost always get the details from that idiot Goyle. He was no better than his son in the brains department, and could always be depended on to divulge everything over drinks. Severus casually made his way over to the edge of the clearing, listening intently to the banter between several of the newer recruits. It wasn't uncommon for them to let bits of information slip in an attempt to look more important than they actually were.

"Severus, join us." Voldemort was beckoning from the center of the circle.

"Yes Master." He always felt a faint shiver of revulsion that he was very careful to hide when he approached Voldemort. The circle of Death Eaters clustered around Voldemort parted to let him in.

"I have decided that we will attack the wizarding village of Upper Hesrod on New Years Eve. Goyle and Avery will be leading the groups approaching from the south, Nodd and Anders will lead those approaching from the north. The others have their orders, and they do not concern you. What I need for you to do, Severus, is provide them with some of your excellent 'confusion powder.' You do still remember how to make it, don't you?" His tone made it abundantly clear that Severus had better remember how to make it.

"Yes Master." Severus bowed his head in acquiescence. "Am I to accompany one of the groups?"

"Oh yes, Severus, you will be with Lucius and I." Snape felt a shiver of foreboding looking into Voldemort's yellow eyes. Did he know something?

"As you wish Master." Severus began to back away from Voldemort.

"Stay a moment." Voldemort raised his voice so as to be heard over the noise of his followers.

"Silence!" The crowd immediately grew silent and gave Voldemort their entire attention. They had all learned to their sorrow the pain of not paying attention.

"We will be launching our most massive attack to date against the wizarding world in 5 days. Your group leaders will give you your instructions in a moment. It has come to my attention that we have a spy in our midst. That person will be dealt with at that time."

Severus very carefully kept himself still. This was not the first time that Voldemort had identified a 'spy'. To his knowledge, Voldemort had only once fingered an actual spy, the other times it had been poor followers who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the Dark Lord had used that excuse to "deal" with them. Still, the possibility that he had been exposed was real. Not that it made a difference in the long-run. He would still have to attend the Revel on New Years Eve and hope that once again he was overlooked.

"Wonder who it is this time?" Goyle had approached and whispered messily in Severus' ear.

"No idea." Severus inched away from Goyle's alcohol scented breath.

"My money's on Sanders. He let a mudblood get away the other night. Thought she was 'pretty.'" Goyle giggled drunkenly.

"What's your part in all this?"

"Never you mind, you just pay attention to those potions we need. That confusion one is a real help in keeping the dears from running away." Goyle giggled again, while Severus winced mentally, thinking of all the harm his potions had done over the years. Not this time, if he could help it.

The sun was just starting to lighten the eastern sky as Severus made his way back to Hogwarts. The apparition point was just beyond the forest, and he made haste through the trees, thinking about the information he'd gathered that night. The side door he used at night opened quietly, and he swiftly ran down the steps to the dungeon, stripping off his death eater cloak as he went. A loud, indignant, squawk startled him as he pounced through the door to his private quarters.

"I beg your pardon, Praesidis." Severus was slightly taken aback to find himself being glared at by his owl. "What is the matter?" Praesidis turned his back and ruffled his feathers. Severus laid his cloak and mask on a chair, and checked to be sure that the owl had food and water. "You have water, you have food, what's the matter then?" Severus reached a hand out to stroke him, and Praesidis clicked his beak threateningly at him.

"Praesidis!" Severus pulled his hand back and looked at the owl consideringly. This was unusual behavior. He'd only had the owl two days, but it had already impressed him with its loyal behavior. One of the small, mildly poisonous snakes from the forest had managed to find its way into the castle yesterday, undoubtedly seeking warmth, and Severus had almost blundered onto it in the hallway. Praesidis, seeing the danger, had screeched loudly and attacked it vigorously, driving it off. Ah! Perhaps he was feeling neglected at being left behind.

Severus thought for a moment. "Praesidis, I am sorry that I could not take you with me this evening. There are times when I must go out, and you are not allowed to go with me. It would be more dangerous for both of us if you were there." Praesidis was listening with his head cocked to the side. He slowly shuffled around to face Severus and fixed him with an unblinking gaze. "If it would make you feel better, I'm sure Harry wouldn't mind if you stayed with him while I'm gone." It might be good for both of them if they were occupied while he was gone the next time. Severus walked over to his desk, scrawled a quick note, and approached the black owl.

"Would you be so kind as to take this note to Harry?" Severus attached it gently to the leg Praesidis held out. "I'm going to see the Headmaster, I'll be back soon." Praesidis hopped onto Severus' shoulder, and allowed himself to be carried up the stairs to the outer door, and flew off toward Harry's room. Severus watched him go, a slight frown on his forehead. He'd not counted on the absurd bird becoming attached to him so fast. He sighed, fatigued, and headed for Albus' office to make his report.


Harry woke to the sound of tapping at the window. He raised his watch to the level of his eyes and tried to focus them well enough to read the time. The tapping sound came again. Harry shook his head, swung his feet over the edge of the bed, and parted the curtains. Looking toward the window he could just make out the form of an owl sitting on the ledge outside the window. He sprang to his feet, hurried across the cold stone floor, and swept open the window, letting in a blast of extremely cold air. The black owl hopped in, twittered imperiously at him, and thrust its leg out. Harry quickly closed the window.

"Praesidis, is that you?" Harry whispered, trying not to wake Ron as he untied the message on Praesidis' leg. The owl hooted softly and flew away from the window.

"Oy, Praesidis, come back! The window's over there!" Harry watched, astonished, as the black owl settled in front of the door and hooted impatiently at him. "You want to use the door?" The owl continued staring at Harry. Rather than risk it waking Ron up, he went to the door and opened it, watching bemused as Praesidis flew threw and down the stairway. An indignant screech from the other end of the stairs sent Harry scurrying down as quickly as he could in the dark.

"Quiet down you, you'll wake everyone up!" Harry still clutched the note in his hand as he opened the other door for the owl, and then followed it to the portrait hole.

"Will there be anything else," Harry asked ironically as he bowed deeply to the owl and opened the hole. Praesidis hooted softly and then flew down the hallway.

Harry remembered the note in his hand as he closed the portrait hole and unfolded it quickly. He retrieved his wand from his pocket, muttered 'lumos', and read by the light that sprang to life on the tip of it.

"Harry, I am back. Do not be alarmed if you do not see me in the morning, I must report to Dumbledore and then will need to catch up on some sleep. Father"

Harry snorted softly to himself. He could see where his father had started to write 'Professor Snape', and then tried to erase it. At least he kept his promise and let Harry know he was back. Harry went back upstairs to his bed, but before he settled back into sleep he tucked the note from his father into the box Severus had given him for Christmas.


Severus, meanwhile, had trudged wearily up the many stairs to Dumbledore's office. He'd given the password, ridden the moving staircase, and knocked on the office door all the while pondering intently the information he'd gathered this evening. Something seemed a bit off about it all, but he was too tired at this point to see what it could be. Dumbledore was sitting at his desk as he always was when Severus returned from Voldemort's meetings.

"Sit down Severus, you look tired." Dumbledore waved his wand at the tea pot on the cabinet in the corner, and poured two cups of strong tea when it began to steam. He waited patiently as Severus sipped at his tea, obviously still deep in thought.

"We were right, they are planning another attack. This time for New Years Eve, when many will be celebrating. But I don't understand the target. It doesn't seem to have any importance attached to it. "Severus continued to sip at his drink, brow furrowed in concentration.

"What is the target this time," Albus asked, retrieving a large map of the British Isles from a drawer and spreading it out on his desk.

"A place called 'Upper Hesrod. I have never heard of it before." Severus leaned forward to look at the map, trying to find the village.

Dumbledore's head rose abruptly and he stared at Severus is dismay. "Upper Hesrod you said?"

Severus looked up from the map. "You appear to know of it."

"Oh yes. I do indeed. You may not have known, you were heavily involved in spying at the time, but the last time that Voldemort rose in power, we used Upper Hesrod as a safe place. A place where we would send the children who had been orphaned in the war. Many of the families there provided not only a safe haven for the children, but also a place where those injured in the fight could recuperate from their traumas. Many of those good folk offered testimony about the condition of the victims they helped, and that has obviously gotten back to Voldemort. We cannot allow this to happen." Dumbledore settled back in his chair and steepled his fingers in front of his face, thinking intently.

Severus leaned his head wearily on his palm and tried not to doze as Albus thought, but fatigue overtook him, and he nodded off in the quiet and warmth of the room.

"Severus, you are obviously extremely tired. If you've nothing else to report, go to bed. We'll discuss this later." Dumbledore's words woke him up with a jerk.

"Oh, there was one other thing. Voldemort claims to have identified a 'spy' and will be dealing with him the night of the attack." Severus rose with those words and headed for the door. "Of course we both know how often he has made those claims."

"Severus, you cannot afford to become overconfident. He may have deduced who has been giving us information all this while. I think it's about time for you to turn your attention from spying to other matters my friend. Especially now that Harry's.." Dumbledore's words were cut off by an imperious squawking from the door. Severus opened the door cautiously, just barely getting out of Praesidis' way as he flew through the doorway. He zoomed around the room once and then landed on Severus' shoulder, hooting in satisfaction.

"I take it that you delivered my note to Harry?" Severus turned his head to look at the dark owl, who nudged his head affectionately. Dumbledore watched the interplay between the two in fascination.

"Did you know that your owl and Fawkes became good friends while I kept him for Harry?" Fawkes was trilling softly from his post. "Obviously the two of you are getting along well."

"Indeed sir, but I was in deep disgrace earlier this evening." Severus stroked the bird gently as he talked; unaware of how different this was from his usual behavior toward animals and people.

"What did you do?"

"I left him at home. He appears to think that I need protecting, and didn't appreciate being left at home while I was gone. When I leave on New Years Eve, I think I'll ask him to watch Harry for me. Goodnight, Sir." Dumbledore smiled softly as the Potions Master let himself out of the office. The owl was working out very well indeed.

Harry waited impatiently during the day that followed for Snape to appear. When he finally did emerge from the dungeons, he said little to Harry of the meeting. The only information that Harry managed to glean was that his father's owl had been something of a nuisance, and Harry was going to be owl-sitting New Years Eve while Snape was out doing something. Something that was unspecified and sounded suspiciously like more spying.

Despite many attempts to worm more information out of him, and despite the willing help of all four Weasley's and Hermione, the only information they obtained from anyone during the next few days was that the adults were upset and on edge for some reason. A fact they had already been able to discern for themselves. Severus locked himself up in his lab for hours at a time, forbidding Harry or anyone else to enter while he worked. In the evenings he made time for the two of them to meet and discuss any questions Harry might have regarding the Chateau, family history, or any other topic except his work against Voldemort. By the time the day before New Years Eve rolled around, Harry and his friends were as much on edge as the teachers, but with no idea as to why they were feeling that way.

Harry had settled into an uneasy sleep finally, after spending much of the night turning possible scenarios over and over in his mind, and reaching no new conclusions. He gradually became aware of a drifting sensation, feeling as though he were carried along on the tide as it washed toward the shore. His senses returned to him, and he realized that he was dreaming. He could see lit building all around him in the dark, and it appeared as though many of the buildings were housing parties of some sort. In his mind he wandered among the houses, gazing in windows at the people gathered within. Obviously this was a wizarding community, all the people he could see were dressed in formal dress robes, and many had owls or cats with them. Suddenly he could hear rustling in the bushes, and he watched as silent, dark figures slid into places around the houses. The moon provided enough light to see the steel masks on some of the figures. Harry tried to cry out in warning, but was unable to do anything but watch in horror as house after house was raided, people tortured and killed, and the dark mark left floating above the smoking remains of the houses. When they were done, not a house was left standing nor a person left alive among the ruins. Harry tried desperately to wake himself, as he had several times during the raid, to no avail.

He gradually became aware of a burning sensation in his forehead. The pain was centered on his scar, as it had been during that awful fight in the graveyard with Voldemort last year. Harry clapped his hand to his forehead and sank to his knees on the cold ground as several figures strode toward the center of the town square. He could vaguely make out Lucius Malfoy, Peter Pettigrew, Voldemort, his father, and several other people he didn't recognize. Another figure in the cloak and mask of a death eater approached.

"All are dead my Lord, and no damage was done to our forces except one or two singes."

"Very well, assemble them." Voldemort waited, staring into the distance as the death eaters assembled in the square before him.

"Well done, my faithful servants. The first large battle has been struck with resounding success. The battle of Upper Hesrod will be written of in the history books as the first blow in the death of the mudblood lovers! This victory will be celebrated! Severus Snape, stand forth."

Harry watched in horror as his father stepped forward to stand next to Voldemort. He'd known logically that Severus was required to be a part of this as a spy, but watching it was another matter entirely.

"Severus Snape, for years you have been a faithful follower, providing us with the best in potions. All the while, you have been playing the spy! For this I condemn you to death." Lord Voldemort raised his wand, pointed it at Severus, but instead of saying Avada Kedavra as Harry expected, he said "Crucio!"

Harry tried to run forward as he watched his father slam to the ground and writhe in pain, but found himself unable to do anything but shout "NO!" Voldemort continued to pin Severus to the ground, laughing insanely as he watched his former potions master struggle on the ground.

Harry slowly became aware of the scene fading away from him. He tried desperately to return to it, to give some aid to his father, but he was pulled inexorably toward consciousness.

"Harry, come on, wake up!" The words were accompanied by shaking hard enough to bounce his head on his pillow. He slowly opened his eyes, aware of the dull ache in his scar. He could see Ron's pale face looming over him in the early light of dawn, and the twins looking with concern at him over Ron's shoulders.

"All right Ron, I'm awake." Harry slowly sat up, putting a hand on his scar and noticing in surprise that he was sweating.

"Are you ok? We could hear you yelling all the way in our room. I'm rather surprised the girls haven't.." George's words were cut off abruptly as the door slammed open and Hermione and Ginny ran in, looking scared.

"What's wrong?" Hermione's hair seemed almost electrified.

"We heard what sounded like yelling!" Ginny's eyes were wide in her pale face.

"I'm sorry," Harry mumbled, sitting up, still keeping a hand on his forehead.

"You've had another dream, haven't you." Hermione stated, sitting on Ron's bed and staring at Harry. "Another one about Voldemort." The Weasley's shuddered slightly at the name.

"Yes." Harry stared down at his feet, reluctant to relive the experience.

"You might as well tell us now mate, you know Hermione will never let it rest until she's wormed it out of you." Ron settled next to Harry on his bed and ignored Hermione's indignant snort.

Harry looked at the people assembled in the room. They'd all been involved in some way or another with his previous brushes with Voldemort. Ron was right about Hermione too, she would never let the matter rest until she knew exactly what was going on. Harry heaved an enormous sigh and started from the beginning.

By the end of his retelling, he was shaking slightly and sweating. The horror of watching Voldemort torture his father was just as bad during his recitation as it had been during the dream. And the pain in his forehead continued to pound. Silence fell as he finished.

Ginny put a hand on Hermione's arm as she opened her mouth and shook her head slightly. Hermione looked at her in surprise, and then closed her mouth. Ginny leaned toward Harry and said, "You have to tell Professor Dumbledore."

Harry stared at her for a minute, he'd not thought of that. "I don't want to bother him.."

"But." Ron started to say something, only to be interrupted by Ginny.

"Ron, hush. Harry, both Professor Dumbledore and Sirius told you that you were to go to the Headmaster if you had any more of these dreams. The ones where your scar hurt. It's obvious that it's still hurting. You have to tell someone." Ginny leaned back, still watching Harry.

"Why not tell Professor Snape then," Ron asked as he watched Harry think about what Ginny had said.

Harry looked at Ron and thought a minute before saying, "No, Gin's right. I could tell Father about the dream, but he'd still go on to whatever he's doing tomorrow night. The only chance I have of stopping him is going to Professor Dumbledore." Harry stood up, wobbled a little on his feet, and reached for his robe and slippers. His friends formed a tight, protective knot around him as they descended the stairs and headed for the headmaster's office.

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