Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive


Chapter 57



Thud, thud, puff. Thud, thud, puff. Thud, thud, puff.

Ron Weasley was positively flying- running faster than he ever had in his life, his footsteps thunderous, his breath short and rapidly drawn, his face the color of freshly cut watermelon- through the empty corridors of Hogwarts castle.

It was the middle of second period and he was currently supposed to be sitting in greenhouse four, harvesting Snargaluff pods with Harry and Hermione. He could not, however, for Harry was nowhere to be found. He had not been in his bed, as Ron had expected, nor had he been hiding under it, or locked in his own trunk. Ron had checked. He was not studying in the common room, or doing homework in the library. And he was not sitting next to Hermione, who was currently being held captive by Professor Sprout and unable to join Ron despite all of the frantic beckoning motions he had made to her through the windows behind their teacher’s back. And only this morning, The Daily Prophet had announced Lucius Malfoy’s lucky return to the the School Board of Governors. It was too great a coincidence to be ignored.

And so Ron ran, furiously, to the dungeons in search of Professor Snape- the last man on Earth he had ever expected to run towards (but had considered running from on several occasions).

It was only sheer panic that kept Ron from considering the result of his actions as he burst through the door to Severus’ classroom. A room full of first years stared at him with wide eyes as he hung on to the door handle, bent over, gasping for breath, and choked out the words, “Harry… couldn’t… find… gone…”

Snape at first stared at Ron in a mixture of shock and disdain until he realized what he was trying to tell him. He then turned to his class and barked, “Keep working. If I hear so much as a whisper of tomfoolery, you will spend every night for the rest of the school year in detention with Mr. Filch.” He then swept from the room into the hallway, pulling Ron out along with him.

“What is going on, Weasley? Harry’s missing?”

Now regaining himself, Ron stood up straight and nodded, though he was still panting slightly. “Yes. He said he was going to sleep through his free period, so I told him I’d come back before Herbology, but when I got there, he was gone.”

“There are a thousand places he could be, stupid boy,” said Snape harshly, though he appeared instantly worried. “Have you checked-”

“Everywhere!” said Ron. “The library, the Great Hall, the common room- every nook, every cranny. And he’s not in class, I checked there too. Hermione’s there now.”

Snape stared at Ron for a long moment, his own chest beginning to rise and fall at a quickened pace. Then, suddenly, he jerked the door to his classroom open and stalked towards his desk. With fearful expressions, a few students stared furtively into the hallway at Ron, while others followed Snape’s movements as he rummaged through his drawers. The smarter ones kept their eyes on their work, as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

Unsure of what to do, Ron followed Snape into the classroom but stopped a few feet before his desk. When Snape didn’t reprimand him but instead pulled out what he immediately recognized as Harry’s map, he moved to his side and stared down at it.

“I nearly forgot I’d taken this from him,” said Snape, sounding regretful of the fact. He looked back up at his class; the students who had been staring hurriedly redirected their attention at his doleful glare. “Come, we should step back outside.”  

Once they were in the hallway, Snape tapped the map and whispered the incantation. He offered Ron one edge of the map and together they spread it out, scanning for Harry’s name amongst a thousand small black dots on the map.

“Well, he won’t be in a classroom,” muttered Snape as he traced the hallways  one long finger as though to keep track of his path.

“There!” Ron shouted after a moment; only a few corridors away, in the depth of the dungeons closest to the Slytherin common room, one small, immobile dot labeled Harry Potter captured both of their attention.

“Professor- he’s not moving-”  

Snape made a sudden movement as though to bolt from the classroom, but looked back at the door with wide eyes. His gaze turned back to Ron as he said, “I cannot leave a room full of first years by themselves with explosive materials-”

Ron snatched the map back. “I’ll go get Filch, he’s only a few hallways over- they’ll be fine for five minutes. You go, you’re more use than-”

But Ron had could not even finish his sentence before Snape turned abruptly from him and swept away. “You’re welcome,” muttered Ron at the mass of billowing robes flapping behind the Professor as he ran. He turned and headed in the opposite direction, following Filch’s tiny dot along on the map and making to cut him off at the next junction.

Severus’ mind was moving just as fast as his feet as he raced down the corridor; he had an idea of exactly where Harry was, and hoped that the fact that he had been alone and unmoving on the map didn’t mean anything as dire as the scenarios running through his head.

He reached the broom closet he suspected held his son and pounded on the door. “Harry?”

“Dad?” His voice sounded just as relieved as Severus felt.

Severus rested his head against the door and exhaled a breath he’d been unconsciously holding since leaving his classroom. “Yes, Harry, it’s me. Hold on, this will only take a minute.”

A few seconds and an incantation later, and he had the door open. Harry poured out of the closet and fell to the ground, but he jumped right back up and brushed off a few spiders that had made their home in his hair.

“Thank god, I’ve been locked in there for hours- couldn’t get anything to work-”

“Peeves put some sort of a sticking solution on that lock years ago to mess with Filch, but we haven’t been able to sort it,” Severus explained. “The caretaker normally just leaves it cracked so he can get in and out. What on earth were you doing in there?”

In an instant, Harry’s expression changed from relief to vexation, and he muttered, “Malfoy locked me in.”


“It’s a long story, and probably not one we should discuss here- but wait a minute, how did you find me? Don’t you have a class?”

As if on cue, Ron appeared from around the bend, holding the map and grinning from ear to ear at the sight of Harry. “You’re okay!” He rushed forward and gave him a pat on the back before promptly knocking him over the head. “Why didn’t you wait for me?”

“It’s a long story,” Harry repeated, rubbing the back of his head and frowning.

“Why don’t you wait for me in my quarters,” said Severus, “while I dismiss the first years. I can only trust Filch with them for so long… you did find Filch, didn’t you, Weasley?”

“No, I left them on their own to blow up the castle.”

“Very funny, Mr. Weas-”

But at that moment, a very loud BANG could be heard from down the corridor, and Severus’ eyes went wide before he turned and fled in that direction.

“Ron, you didn’t-”

“No, I swear! I left them with Filch!”

But Filch, it turned out, was just as inept at Potions as every other type of magic, and had been powerless to stop the tiny Hufflepuff girl from sending her Forgetfulness Potion shooting in streams across the room along with several sharp pieces of copper that had formerly been her cauldron.

Harry and Ron looked on in horror as Snape moved swiftly around the room trying to contain the damage.

“IF you have been hit with the Potion and it is near any of your orfices-” one of the boys erupted into giggles and was promptly silenced by a monumental glare from Snape’s direction, “put your hand in the air and do NOT open your mouth or eyes until I have attended to you. IF you have any potion near open wounds, move in an orderly fashion- SIT DOWN, WELLINGTON, I HAVE NOT FINISHED- to the sink and rinse the affected area. If you have been injured by a cauldron bit and are NOT covered in the potion, please accompany Mr. Filch to the hospital wing.”

Filch stood at the door, holding a rag to his bleeding head and waiting for the small group of first years to organize themselves into a line.

“Professor, I can’t tell if I- wait, what are we supposed to do again? I forgot.”


Harry and Ron backed slowly out of the room to leave Severus to his tirade, feeling sympathetic to the first years that were suffering but not wanting to get drawn into the maelstrom themselves.

“Let’s just get to his rooms, I don’t want to be caught not following instructions.”

Harry and Ron waited patiently in Severus’ quarters, Ron seeming particularly uncomfortable as he perched himself on the edge of Snape’s couch and stared around at the objects in the room as though he had never seen anything so peculiar as a coffee table, a fireplace, or an armchair before. After some time, the door opened and Harry looked up expectedly, but instead of Severus, it was Hermione that entered.

“Professor Dumbledore came to Herbology and asked Professor Sprout to excuse the three of us,” she explained at their quizzical expressions. “He told me to come here while he helped Professor Snape clean up the mess in the Potions classroom. What happened?”

“A cauldron exploded- first years-”

“I know that,” said Hermione exasperatedly. “What happened to you?”

“Malfoy,” Ron responded before he had a chance, not without a trace of annoyance in his voice. “And near gave me a heart attack, at that.”

“Well, I wasn’t much better off! Sitting there, unable to leave class and join you while you were flapping your arms like a maniac through the greenhouse windows. Why didn’t you wait for Ron, Harry?”

Her tone was accusatory, and Harry felt instantly defensive. “Listen, when I couldn’t get back to sleep, I came to join you in the Great Hall-”

“Then why didn’t we see you?”

“Well, I just felt a little weird about the fact that you were obviously talking about me, so I left!”

“What are you talking about?”

“I saw you and Ginny, talking, and she was clearly angry, and I remembered what you said yesterday-”

“Harry, Ginny was angry because Lucius Malfoy had just made an appearance at breakfast. It shouldn’t be lost on you how much this is affecting her as well, considering what he put her through second year. If you hadn’t automatically assumed we were talking about you, we could have told you Malfoy was in the castle today and this might have been avoided!”

Harry felt suddenly stupid, and more than a little embarrassed that he had jumped to the conclusion he had. “Yeah, well… I’m sorry.”

“You should be! You could have gotten yourself killed!”

Harry opened his mouth to respond, but at that moment, the door opened and Severus strode inside followed closely by Dumbledore.

“I will second that,” said Severus as a way of announcing his presence. Hermione jumped at the sound of his voice and sat down next to Harry.

From first glance, Harry could see that taking care of the cauldron explosion had left Severus more than worse for the wear. His hair was a horrible frazzled mess, his normally pristine robes were covered in patches of congealed potion, and his face was filled with irritation.

“You could indeed have gotten yourself killed,” Severus was saying, as he stripped off the top layers of his robes, crumpled them up, and threw them forcefully onto the ground. “Didn’t I tell you not to go after Malfoy?”

“I didn’t!” Harry protested. “It was an accident- I was on my way to see you!”

“A likely story-”

“Severus, perhaps we should let Harry start from the beginning,” said Dumbledore serenely, as though he had not just walked in on something of a family feud, “before making any judgments.”

Severus stiffened as though Dumbledore’s interruption had physically pained him, but said, “Very well,” and moved around to one of the armchairs facing the couch. “Out with it, then- I can’t wait to hear this.”

Harry could tell the last was said with sarcasm, but he launched into his explanation hurriedly nevertheless, as he didn’t wish to give Severus any more time to contemplate his anger.

Harry recounted his story almost word for word, with as much accuracy as he could give from memory. He told them of how he had hidden around a corner, unable to leave without being seen. How Malfoy had threatened Draco, and how Draco had promised results- that he was supposed to get Severus to agree to Occlumency lessons, and that he complained of being bound from revealing any of his information. As he rushed through his story, the expressions of those in the room grew dark and increasingly confused.

“.... and I heard them coming down the hall. I was ready to fight, if I needed to… but Draco got to me first, and he led me to that closet to hide me from his Father. If he hadn’t done that, I don’t know what would have happened… I don’t know what to make of it.”

Severus was quiet, contemplative. During the Harry’s explanation, his anger seemed to have been replaced with deep thought; his brows knit closely together as he stared ahead, looking at nothing in particular, with his hands folded over his abdomen.

“What do you make of it, Severus?” asked Dumbledore beside him.

“Draco has never asked me for Occlumency lessons,” said Severus quietly, his eyes sliding over to the Headmaster. “Not once. In fact… if anything, he has been more withdrawn, these past months. It is difficult to be certain of his aims… but he has not made an attempt to get closer to me, as it would suggest was his mandate.”

“But could he be biding his time, as he told Lucius?” asked Harry. “Maybe he didn’t want to seem too eager. You’re his Head of House. He knows you well enough to realize it would make you suspicious…”

“As suspicious as it made you of Kinnaird,” added Hermione.

“Right. And with Kinnaird failing to earn your trust, and Malfoy not even trying… that must be why he’s sent Lucius. Not to get to me; not directly. You have to admit, it sounds more like they are trying to get to you…”

“An interesting theory,” said Severus, inclining his head. “Albus?”

“I must admit, it holds merit… that neither has made an attempt on your life suggests that Voldemort needs you alive… something he believes he can get by invading your mind, perhaps.”

“Why would he want to get into your mind?” asked Harry. “Voldemort, I mean. And why would Malfoy refuse? And what about Kinnaird? None of this makes sense.”

“I think it makes quite a bit more sense than any of us realize,” said Dumbledore calmly, drawing all eyes in the room to him. “Voldemort has seen that you will risk your life for Severus and that Severus was willing to sacrifice his position for you. His next logical conclusion is that this is the person closest to you; logically, he must know your weaknesses best- but in seeking to discover them, he has not counted on the ineptitude of Severus’ replacement, or reluctance on the part of a boy to whom he has promised great and terrible power. He has, it seems, put measures in place to ensure he cannot be betrayed again; he is arrogant enough to think me a fool and himself infallible, in putting Kinnaird here and waiting until such a time as he can use the information he has gathered to take advantage of the relationship between the two of you.”

“So then you admit that Kinnaird is inept!” Severus’ voice was somewhat triumphant.

“In many ways… yes,” Dumbledore agreed mildly. “But he has served my purposes, faithfully.”

“And what are your purposes, Albus?”

But Dumbledore did not answer, instead sliding his gaze over the three young people in the room before looking back to Severus and responding, “I believe that is best left between Kinnaird and myself, Severus. I am sorry.”

Severus opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by a knock at the door. Everyone in the room seemed to pause at once as he rose to answer; as he opened the door just slightly and peered into the hallway, Dumbledore leaned forward and said quietly, “Though I will not ask you three to leave, it perhaps would be better if it appears that you have…”

Harry frowned, but Ron and Hermione stood quickly and took him by the elbows, guiding him into the nearest bedroom and snapping the door closed. Scowling, Harry rounded on them, but Ron was already pulling a pair of Extendable Ears from his bag and snaking them under the door.

“Christmas present, from Fred and George,” he explained. “Come listen!”

Hurriedly, Harry rushed to his side and tilted his head to listen. In the other room, Draco Malfoy was speaking.

“...suppose Potter already came to see you. I went to Dumbledore’s office firs- oh, Headmaster.”

“Good afternoon, Draco.”

There as a long and strange pause in which Harry imagined Dumbledore smiling pleasantly at the Slytherin while he struggled to choose his next words. When he spoke, it was in a rush, as though the words were spilling from him like water overflowing the brim of a glass.

“Listen, I know what this looks like. I just thought I should explain-”

“Why you left my son locked in a broom closet? Every Slytherin knows it can’t be opened without knowledge of the sticking jinx on the lock.”  

“Well, when I went back for him, he was already gone! I probably saved his life, don’t I at least get some credit for that?”

“Is it credit, you want? If I were you, I might ask instead for leniency. I suspect you know how much Harry overheard, or you would not be standing here.”

“Yes- I suspected, which is precisely why I made him hide.”

Harry, Ron, and Hermione shared a glance of perplexity and huddled a bit closer to the earbud, not wanting to miss a word.

On the other side of the door, Severus and Draco stood facing each other, Severus looking cold and evaluative while Draco remained rigid and defiant under his glare. Dumbledore sat comfortably in the high-backed leather armchair, his withered hands folded gracefully over the sides, observing the scene with what would seem to be mild interest to a mere spectator, but to Severus seemed a calculated form of impassivity.

“Explain,” Severus commanded at last, prompting Draco to fidget nervously.

“Listen,” said Draco again, a touch of desperation to his voice now as his eyes darted back and forth between the Headmaster and the Potions Professor. “My Father is not foolish enough to attempt anything on Potter in this school… he can’t Apparate or activate a Portkey within these walls, and the Dark Lord has commanded that no one lay a hand on him other than himself. I do not think you need to worry on that account… however, if he knew that Potter overheard… I am not so certain he would continue to obey that order.”

“So you would like me to believe,” said Severus silkily, “that you had Harry’s best interests in mind, this morning? I should forget everything else, as long as I give you credit for saving him from uncertain harm…”

Draco appeared outraged at his incredulity. “Well, I certainly didn’t have my  best interests in mind, did I? I knew Potter would come running to you-”

“Ah, but here is the crux of the issue!” said Severus as he finally lowered himself into the chair next to Dumbledore; Malfoy’s clear indignation meant he now had the upper hand on the situation, and as Severus sat, Malfoy began to pace in front of the couch, shaking his head with each step. “You went back for Harry, thinking he would still be locked in that closet. It was only after you had discovered he escaped that you came to me. You didn’t count on the fact that we would find him before you could return.”

Draco now looked offended rather than anxious and whipped around to face him. “What are you saying, Professor? That after everything I have done to help you two, you still believe my intentions to be-”

“Self-serving?” Severus finished in a clip, lifting an eyebrow and folding his long fingers over his bent knee. “Absolutely. But I must admit, I have not quite deduced your purposes… so perhaps you would be so kind as to enlighten us.”

Before Draco could respond, Dumbledore lifted one finger as though to pause the conversation, and both halted, waiting for him to speak. He slowly leaned forward in his chair, searching the boy’s expression.

“I am curious, Draco, why you had stopped at my office before coming to Professor Snape. I was under the rather consistent impression that you felt my interference to be- ah, more trouble than it is worth, might be the phrase here.”

Draco appeared intensely uncomfortable at this question, but he lifted his chin as though in defiance of the emotion and responded, “I thought… maybe I was mistaken in not utilizing every resource at my disposal.”

“But I am not a resource to be used and discarded, Draco, I think you know that. That is why you have resisted me thus far. You did not wish to find yourself indebted to me. Has that changed?”

Despite the nature of the conversation, Dumbledore’s tone was not accusatory; he spoke as though merely inquiring the state of the weather, or something equally benign. His nonchalance continued to wear on Draco, however, as the boy was looking more and more uncertain of the correct words with which to respond. Whereas he had responded with immediate defensiveness to Severus’ challenges, he now hesitated to answer.

“I… I don’t know…”

Gently, Dumbledore said, “I am willing to help you, Draco. All you need to do is ask.”

“I don’t think you can help me, that’s the problem!” He was frantic, angry now. “If I knew what to ask for, I would ask. But you can’t keep my Father out, and I can’t stop returning to the Dark Lord.”

“Then help us to defeat the one to whom you must return.”

“I have been trying! Professor,” said Draco pleadingly, turning then to Severus, “haven’t I tried?”

“You have,” Severus agreed, inclining his head, but he did not elaborate. The Headmaster was having an effect on Draco that he couldn’t quite explain, and he was curious to see where this conversation could lead.

“Professor Snape has told me of the aid you have provided… Perhaps if you would permit me to ask you some questions…”

“I don’t know if I can answer them.”

“Ah, yes. There are some topics of which you cannot speak… well, I will be understanding if you will give me your best effort. Does that seem fair, to you?”

For all that he had been infuriated with Severus moments before, he now looked to him as though in question. Severus nodded and said gently, “The Dark Lord need not know anything about this conversation. There are ways in which to hide it from him.”

“Okay, then. But, the binding spell-”

“If you cannot say, you may simply remain silent,” said Dumbledore reassuringly. “Will you answer to the best of your ability?”

A moment of inward debate, and Draco nodded his concession as he finally sank to the black leather couch behind him.

“Very good,” said Dumbledore with a kind smile. “Now. Have you and Kinnaird been given the same instructions from Voldemort?”

“Some, I think, are the same…” said Draco, appearing to search the ceiling for his answer, “but he never speaks to us at the same time. Actually, Kinnaird often seems quite eager to find out what it is I’ve been told. But I don’t trust him… something about him is just… off.”  

Draco looked to Dumbledore as though for approval, and but the older man merely nodded in acknowledgement of the answer. “Does Voldemort wish to for either you or Kinnaird to break into Professor Snape’s mind through Occlumency lessons?”

“Yes. We are supposed to make it seem like an accident.”

“What are you meant to find?”

Draco opened his mouth to speak, but only a choking noise escaped. His hands flew to his throat and he clamped his mouth promptly shut. Severus stared at him in alarm, but Dumbledore did not seem surprised at the extent of Voldemort’s spellwork.

“Very well. What does your Father hope to accomplish within the castle?”

This time, Draco did not attempt to speak, but shook his head slightly and stared at the ground; he seemed scared, almost, at what might happen if he tried again to give up forbidden information.

“Headmaster, may I try?”

“Of course, Severus.”  

“Is Lucius attempting to get to Harry?”

“No… not directly,” said Draco.

“Is he attempting to get to me?”


“How should we proceed with Kinnaird?”

“Carefully,” said Draco, and now there was a warning in his eyes that Severus could not ignore. He looked to Dumbledore for his reaction, but the older Wizard’s expression remained inscrutable.

“Can you elaborate?”

“Don’t tell him anything you wouldn’t want carried back to-” Draco started, but something seemed to stop him from continuing to speak. He growled in frustration and Severus surmised that it was not of his own volition he had stopped speaking.

“Has the Dark Lord bound you to him as his prodigy?”

“Not yet… but I think he is close.”

“How does your Father feel about this?”

“He wants the family name cleared… I don’t think he much cares otherwise.” Bitterness.

“What does the Dark Lord want to know about Harry?”

“He needs to know how strong he is…” Draco trailed off as though deliberating whether he could say more, but couldn’t seem to find away around the rules that dictated which information he could reveal. Looking helpless, he shook his head and muttered, “I’m sorry… I can’t.”

“Your cooperation has been most appreciated, Draco,” said Dumbledore gently, rising from his seat. “Is there anything else you can think of that might be useful?”

“There’s plenty I can think of… but what I can say is another story.”

Though this morning’s events had truly left Severus doubting Draco’s loyalty, he found himself taken aback at the true regret in his tone. However, in an instant it was gone, and replaced with the usual haughtiness that characterized his manners.

“I just hope you realize the risk I’ve taken in helping you. However much I don’t like Potter, if you don’t believe by now that I’m not out to hurt him, then I don’t know what else I can do to convince you.”

“I think, Draco,” said Dumbledore seriously, “that if you consider the many convoluted ways in which Voldemort has attempted to get to Harry Potter, you will understand if it seems we are exercising too extreme of caution. It is not an attack on you, personally. Nor is it a sign that we are ungrateful for the steps you have taken towards helping us.

“But be warned, Draco, that we will continue to practice such caution, and anyone who represents a great threat to Harry is someone whom I cannot treat with too much trust. I hope you will continue your endeavors to aid our side, and that you will please let me know if you do determine a way in which I might help you.”

Draco seemed to recognize the reproach in Dumbledore’s words, but followed by a genuine offer of support, he didn’t seem to know which way to react. Looking to Severus, he rose from his place on the couch.

“Is there anything else you need of me?”

The boy’s tone was subdued, his shoulders squared and his posture stiff. Severus and Dumbledore stood as well; their meeting had come to an end.

“No, that will be all for now,” said Severus, stepping toward the door.

Draco followed him, but as Severus opened the door and stepped aside, Draco paused.

“And listen- will you tell Potter I wasn’t trying to hurt him? I don’t want him whipping out his wand every time he sees me…”

“I assure you that will not be a problem,” said Severus, unable to withhold a smirk and laying a firm but gentle hand on Draco’s shoulder, guiding him into the hallway. He took several steps forward, out of Dumbledore’s hearing range, and bent low. “And Draco- I am proud of the way you handled this today. Albus Dumbledore is a good man to have at your back; you will not regret this.”

“I certainly hope not,” said Draco contemptuously, pulling his robes straight as though for something to do with his hands. He seemed both uncomfortable and secretly pleased with Severus’ praise. “Good day, Professor.”

“Good day, Draco,” said Severus; he waited for the boy to disappear down the hallway before stepping back inside to join Dumbledore.

As soon as Severus had shut the door behind him, the one to his bedroom flew open and Harry stumbled out of it, followed closely by his two friends.

“Well, I had wondered where you’d gotten them off too so quickly,” said Severus dryly to Dumbledore as he joined them in the sitting area. “I suppose this will save tedious explanations.”

“So, do you believe him?” Harry blurted out at once.

“How efficient of you to skip the preamble,” Severus remarked as he sank back into his chair and crossed an ankle over knee. His fingers lifted to trace a path on his chin as he contemplated his answer. “I do think him genuine,” he said after some time. “Though my belief is not what you might call emphatic. The boy certainly is a Slytherin, through and through. He would not act if it did not benefit him in some way… but I think it is our aims that serve him best. Albus?”

“I think you may be correct, Severus. There is a desperation about his mannerisms that tell me he is truly fearful of what Voldemort’s victory may mean for him. I worry, however, at his motivations… should circumstances change and Draco’s needs change, he may very easily return to the other side. I think we had best watch him carefully, for both his sake as well as ours. It is difficult to say which way the scales will tip at this time.”

Harry’s eyes were narrowed as he looked back and forth between Dumbledore and Severus. After a few seconds, he said tentatively, “So…?”

“So,” replied Severus pointedly, tilting his chin downward and staring out at Harry from under raised brows, “we will wait and watch his actions very carefully, and you will continue to maintain your distance from him. Unless, Albus, you have any better suggestions.”

“I am afraid we have quite limited options, Severus. Yes, I believe it is best to simply wait and watch, for now.”

“So we are just going to sit around and wait? You don’t have any better ideas?” asked Harry indignantly.

“Well, not quite,” said Severus. “Albus, we’ll need to apprise Lupin of the most recent developments… see what he can garner from comparing Draco’s story to Kinnaird’s. And Miss Granger, Weasley, I would like you to join Harry and I after dinner tomorrow night, in the Room of Requirement, if you could.”

“What will we be doing, Professor?” asked Hermione.

“I am certain Harry has told you of the struggles he has faced during our training sessions-”

But from Hermione and Ron’s surprised and accusatory expressions as they each whipped to face Harry, Severus guessed he had not, in fact, done so.

“Harry, you didn’t tell us you were having trouble!”

“Thanks, Dad,” muttered Harry before addressing his friends. “I didn’t want you two to worry! And I was a bit preoccupied with Lucius Malfoy turning Hogwarts into his own personal petting zoo, where I’m the main attraction…”

“Harry, I don’t think Lucius Malfoy is interested in petting you,” said Ron, wrinkling his nose. “At least, I hope not…”

Harry rolled his eyes at this attempt at humor and elbowed him sharply.

“Anyway,” said Severus, looking perplexed at this exchange, “I think I may have a good solution to the problem- wherein Harry must be able to concentrate for a period of time without focusing on blocking an opponent’s attacks- but he will need some help. You two are the logical first choice, clearly.”

“Of course we’ll be there, Professor,” said Hermione.

“Thank you, Miss Granger,” Severus said and paused, contemplating them softly for a moment.  “I think it is in order to say that I am impressed by your loyalty to Harry and your efforts to ensure his safety. I would not trust either of you with such an important task if I did not believe you would take it seriously.”

Hermione positively beamed at the compliment and even Ron seemed to blush a little.

“That being said, I will continue to expect your greatest discretion in these matters. They are not to be taken lightly. And Harry, I would advise you to take your friends up on their offer to escort you throughout the castle. Another incident like today might not turn out as well, and I don’t think you would prefer if I were to take up the task.”

“Yeah, Harry, you dolt,” said Ron from his spot on the couch. “If you had just waited for me today, none of this would have happened.”

“I wasn’t trying to shake you off or anything,” Harry explained honestly. “I didn’t even think about it. I just thought, it was just breakfast, and I wasn’t really alone. I wasn’t trying to sneak around after curfew or anything.”

“Well, even so, Harry,” said Dumbledore, “there is no reason to take unnecessary risks. Hogwarts is no longer the safe place it once was.” Harry nodded, and Dumbledore smiled. “Now, Severus, I am going to locate Remus and inform him of recent events. I assume that is a conversation for which you would like to be present.”

“I would, Headmaster. However, I hope you will excuse me momentarily- I would like a private word with Harry, first.”

“Of course, Severus. Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley, would you care to join me for a lemon drop?”

At the mention of his name, Harry had snapped to attention, mildly worried at his Father’s dour tone. It was so similar to his normal voice, however, that he was unsure whether this feeling was borne of paranoia or good intuition. As Hermione followed Ron from the room with a sympathetic glance over her shoulder, however, he felt a bit more confident in his sense of uneasiness.

Severus remained where he sat while the others left the room, appraising Harry closely as they went. Unsure of how to respond to his scrutiny, Harry sat quietly in his spot, trying to look anywhere other than his Father’s face. When the door had closed, he found he could no longer avoid his gaze and looked back to see him frowning in apparent concern.

After a long moment, Severus sighed resignedly. “Swear to me, Harry, that you did not follow the Malfoys today.”

Harry was immediately indignant. “Seriously? Even after all that you really need to ask?”

Severus did not look angry as Harry expected; what he might once have perceived as a defiant outburst now barely seemed to phase him as he considered Harry with a touch of weariness. “Harry, you cannot imagine the panic I felt when Weasley burst into my classroom today, claiming that you were missing. Or the absolute horror at seeing your name on the map, unmoving in the depths of the Slytherin dungeons, when I knew that Lucius Malfoy had been in the castle. Is it too much to ask for some assurance that you did not intentionally land yourself in a situation too dire to imagine? Especially when your record is far from comforting...”

Harry’s outrage morphed seamlessly into guilt at Severus’ words and he found himself staring at his lap once again. “No, I suppose not. Today was purely an accident. I promise.”

“Good. Now,” said Severus as he stood and moved to the pile of robes he had thrown onto the floor in his earlier fit of rage following the cauldron explosion. He picked them up and reached inside them. When he turned back to Harry, he could see that they were his cloak and his map. He chanced a surprised glance at his Father’s expression; it was solemn as he returned to his chair and extended them to Harry. “I have been remiss in keeping these from you, Harry.” He hesitated and grimaced, as though the next words pained him deeply to say. “I am starting to see why the Headmaster allowed you to have them in the first place.”


“It seems that even when you are not actively seeking trouble, it finds you anyway. Cliched as it may be, it is true. If you had been in possession of these items today… I think much of this ordeal could have been avoided.”

Harry fingered the slippery silver material of the cloak, hardly daring to believe that Severus had given it back to him on today of all days. Moments ago, he had been so certain that the man’s reaction would be exactly the opposite.

“I won’t take this for granted, sir. This doesn’t mean I’m going to start running about the castle after curfew.”

“I know, Harry,” said Severus. “I trust you.”

“You do?” asked Harry, slightly taken aback.

Severus rolled his eyes. “Well, let us not get carried away. But yes, I trust you in this. I think you understand what is at stake.”

“I do,” Harry replied solemnly. “I really do. Thank you.”

Severus waved his hand dismissively, but Harry thought he seemed quite pleased.

“Now, I believe it would be better if you attended your afternoon classes. You’ve already missed Herbology and it won’t do to have whispers of your absences traveling to the wrong ears.”

Though Harry wanted to argue that he’d had quite enough stimulation today and could certainly use a few uninterrupted hours alone, he doubted it would be advantageous to press his Father on the issue now. He nodded his assent and rose from his seat; Severus, however, remained in his a moment longer and closed his eyes tight, as though willing himself to rise.


“If there is one more cauldron explosion today, I swear…” he responded in a low voice, growling at the thought.

“Should I just… go, then?”

Severus’ eyes opened and he pushed himself from the chair. “I think not. I’ve had just about all I can handle of your pet dog for the day…” He extended his wand and summoned a fresh pair of robes from the bedroom.


“Weasley,” Severus intoned, rolling his eyes as he buttoned his heavy woolen frock. “I’d prefer to go a very long time without him barging into my classroom like an overwrought sheepdog that’s lost track of its flock...”

“His patronus is a Jack Russell, actually…”

“Ah,” said Severus as he finished his top button. “Probably a far more apt comparison, actually…”

“How so?” asked Harry, stifling a laugh and following Severus out the door.

“Overly-energetic, eager to please, compensates for a relative lack of strength with an overabundance of yipping… I believe that’s Weasley in a nutshell.”

Truly laughing now, Harry responded, “But I thought you were impressed with his loyalty!”

Severus looked at him darkly. “Don’t make me regret saying that. Although, I think I already might.”

xxx End Chapter xxx


Chapter End Notes:
AN: Well, school started this past week and I got engaged last weekend! So I’ve been very busy. But here’s a chapter! Had fun writing this, hope you enjoyed! Drop me a line and let me know what you liked!

Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading and reviewing. You are all wonderful and I love you so much!

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