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sproutchild [Contact] Better be Ravenclaw!
Call me: Lisa (female) Member since: 10 Sep 2009
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Hi all,

I'm Lisa and I've read too many excellent fics on here not to be inspired enough to write my own and be part of this brilliant society of aspiring authors ^-^.  I love almost anything if it's well-written and firmly believe Snape and Harry should have had for more book-time... well, Snape... I think Harry had enough ^-^ but I'll settle for the multitude of fics in which they have the relationship they should have, both being so similar and all.  I have to admit I love the sappy fluffy stuff more than I should though... but that's just me ^-^ (beware of fluff in my own work ^-^)

I'll try to be original but I'm of the opinion that similar storylines can be written by different people to become something wholly unique because writing styles to me are like snow flakes (or something equally poetic ^-^).

As to my house... well as the quote from one of my favourite fics goes, "those that tended to escape reality in books gravitated toward Ravenclaw" and that's summed me up my entire life ^-^

I'm a bit whimsy but quite friendly and more than happy to chat, though I'll try not to bug people with an inbox full of adoring reviews... no matter how awesome their writing may be. 

Thanks for visiting ^-^

Have fun x

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Reviews by sproutchild

When Snape told Harry, "Look at me..." he wanted Harry to see the much better person he really was. After Harry's supposed death, he meets not Dumbledore but Snape at King's Cross.

Takes Place: 8 - Pre Epilogue (adult Harry) - Snape flavour: None
Tags: None
Categories: Snape Equal Status to Harry > Comrades Snape and Harry
Rated: K - Warnings: Character Death
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 12 Jan 2008 / 12 Jan 2008
Series: None - Challenges: None
Title: Chapter 1: Look at Me... 16 Jan 2010
Reviewer: sproutchild (Signed)
    I really liked this. It's still unbearably sad and I hate that Snape died more than just about anything else when it comes to the books (I hold out hope that they'll deviate from that in the movie... hahaha. If not I'll somehow organise a walk out ^-^) but I think it was horribly brutal to have Snape day and only let him have three more words before the end when he'd done so much. There should have been more, so thanks for providing that ^-^
    and nice job of keeping Snape so in-character ^^.

Potter and his band of ministering angels make the rounds every day.

Takes Place: 8 - Pre Epilogue (adult Harry) - Snape flavour: None
Tags: Alternate Universe
Categories: Misc > All written in Snape's POV
Rated: T - Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 15 Jan 2008 / 15 Jan 2008
Series: None - Challenges: None
Title: Chapter 1: Angels and Ministers of Grace 30 Jun 2010
Reviewer: sproutchild (Signed)
    And my throat just closed up. All your fics are fantastic for making me want to cry, 'spose you're just that good ^^
    Dont quite know how I'm still finding fic by you I havent read before but hey, gift horses and all that. Hope you're still writing.

A duel with Draco leads to drastic and permanent consequences for both Harry and Severus.

Takes Place: 6th Year - Snape flavour: None
Tags: Adoption, Alternate Universe
Categories: Master Snape > Slave Harry
Rated: T - Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Self-harm, Suicide Themes
Chapters: 79 - Completed: No - Updated: 17 Nov 2011 / 27 Jan 2008
Series: None - Challenges: None
Title: Chapter 56: Chapter 56 03 Dec 2009
Reviewer: sproutchild (Signed)
    Oh, you are such a tease ^^ You always manage to write just enough to leave me positively squirming for more ^-^
    I hope Draco's not suicidal, as much as what happened to his mum and everything sucked I really wont be able to feel sorry for him if he wanted to off himself... At least he can find some guilt in him now over Harry (hopefully).
    Cant wait for another update (so very very demanding, sorry ^^)
    Have fun x

    Author's Response:

    >>>Oh, you are such a tease

    Sorry about that, but I think I could say the same to you, lol!  When are we going to see more of "Antonomasia?"  I know I've got to leave a review for the last chapter still.  Sorry about that, it caught me at a bad time and I've gotten behind on several stories.  I have to admit that I'm sort of skimming right now cause I can't bear for poor Harry to be in pain, but I'm so excited for Severus and Harry to begin reconciling.  I just can't wait!

    Thanks again! 




Title: Chapter 52: Chapter 52 10 Sep 2009
Reviewer: sproutchild (Signed)
    Oh, I love this fic and your other fics and your writing style and the gorgeous way you depict Harry and Severus but... do you really have to leave it at such horrible cliff-hangery-like moments?! It's mean... *stomps foot*... besides that though I really do love this fic, it's mostly because of your fics and others like it that I finally signed up in the first place, so thanks - especially for chapter 24 in which you showed just how brilliantly you write - and think - and through which I'm sure I wasnt the only person who found solace during a bad time, so really, thank you ^-^

    Cant wait to read more... never can, its just that now I get to say so hehe ^-^
    have fun x

    Author's Response: Oh, thank you so much!  I really appreciate your kind comments.  I really loved writing Chapter 24, and if it helped you I'm so very grateful.  Sorry about the cliffies...I hate them when I'm reading, lol...but I just stop when it seems like a good stopping point, and it gives you something to look forward to, doesn't it?  Thanks again!   

Title: Chapter 53: Chapter 53 22 Sep 2009
Reviewer: sproutchild (Signed)
    Yay update! ^^
    It would sort of nullify Draco's punishment if Harry ended up doing half the work wouldnt it? ^^ Loved this chapter (as I have all the others, this is definitely one of my favourite Snape/Harry fics ever ^^) I especially love your Snape, he's so... gentle, with Harry I mean, you write a gorgeous gentle Snape ^^
    As for Draco, it's interesting to see how he's coping with his situation now (is coping too strong a word? ^^). Cant wait to see how his relationship with Harry progresses from here (and of course more gorgeous gentle Snape ^^)
    Looking forward to more ^^
    Have fun and smile heaps x

    Author's Response:

    Thank you, sproutchild, and I'm looking forward to your next chapter, too! 

    >>>It would sort of nullify Draco's punishment if Harry ended up doing half the work wouldn't it?

    Well, I'm not saying that Harry will ever offer to do any of Draco's work, or if he did, that he would end up doing half.  I don't know yet.  I have main events already planned, but sometimes smaller details just work themselves out as I write.  Should Harry ever help Draco with any of his chores?  Some people will be outraged if he does, and others may say it's all right.  Perhaps one way to look at it is to ask, which matters more...for Draco to be fully punished to the hilt, or to do things which might help him to grow and be a better person?  Justice or mercy, or is there a way to work out some combination?  Individual people will feel differently, and perhaps every answer has some right and some wrong in it.

    And I love writing Severus and Harry and I'm so happy you enjoy them.  Thanks again.   

Title: Chapter 54: Chapter 54 08 Oct 2009
Reviewer: sproutchild (Signed)
    It’s good that Harry seems to be healing slowly but surely, although with you I suppose there’s every chance it won’t last ^-^ and I wonder if there is a reason I’m suspicious of Alec or if it’s just me naturally distrusting OCs? I like Draco’s slow progression to being a nicer person too, that last sentence put in my mind the image of a ferret coming out of a hole with shifty eyes, trying to puzzle out the situation ^^ and I loved the art analysis, you did that quite nicely ^^ (brought to mind all my year 12 art essays, was it fun to write or a pain?)
    Anyway, looking forward as always to the next chapter, I’m always going back to the start and rereading my favourite bits ^^ - definitely one of those fics that last ^-^
    Have fun and stay safe, hope life’s treating you well ^^

    Author's Response:

    Thank you so much for your kind comments!  I'm so happy that you are enjoying SC.  Hmm, writing the mini-art essay was kind of fun...but only because it was part of the story.  I might not enjoy it as much if I had to write it for real.

    Poor Draco; he's never going to live that ferret thing down, is he, lol? 

Title: Chapter 57: Chapter 57 23 Dec 2009
Reviewer: sproutchild (Signed)
    Poor Harry. This must be like some kind of warped psychological torture for him; I mean, I realise it's more the situation than any one person's fault but seriously, Harry's life doesnt seem to be getting any easier does it? And as awful as it sounds, Draco's coming across a little dramatic. It's not as though he doesnt deserve punishment and instead of being grateful to be with his godfather instead of azkaban he's suicidal and throwing hissy fits because he has chores now... and I'm probably coming across quite the bitch arent I? ^^
    Great chapter still, I do love the way you nail Harry's emotions every time and I love your fatherly Sev, I only hope I can get a nicer Sev right the way you have ^-^
    And I hope you have a great christmas too!

    Author's Response:

    Hey, sproutchild!  Well, it's not the best for Harry yet, but I do plan for things to get better pretty soon.  As for Mr. Draco, well...I knew he wasn't going to come across as too sympathetic in this one, but his 'dramatics' are not because of his punishment or having to do some chores.  He is traumatized because of his mother's death, his experience with Dolohov and Greyback, losing Severus and feeling all alone.  But, being Draco, it's hard for him to show vulnerability or pain.  He's lashing out, like a wounded animal right now.  Also, his talk is defensiveness, because deep down he has realized that he did a horrible thing in casting that spell on Harry and telling the public...but again, it's too hard for him to admit his remorse and guilt yet.  So he's being very defensive about it all.

    Anyway, I'm sure you'll do great when you begin showing Severus in a softer light in 'Antonomasia'...and speaking of that, lol, when do you think that might be?  I literally can't wait!

    Merry Christmas! 


Title: Chapter 58: Chapter 58 19 Jan 2010
Reviewer: sproutchild (Signed)
    Yay! Good for you, getting your mojo back ^-^ Cant wait to see where it leads you... and us ^-^

    And I love Harry's turmoil in this one, you've always written his emotions extremely well and I'm looking forward to the way he handles (or doesnt as the case may be) his feelings, both about the tickets and Draco. I was reflecting in this chapter the way I felt about the previous one and I think I may have been a little harsh on Draco - especially considering his mum - but I think all of these events may prove to be a good opportunity for him to lose the spoilt-ness... which is so a word ^^... and maybe even make some proper friends based on personality rather than allegiance or money. Out of interest, is Draco older or younger than Harry in this fic? They always tend to have an interesting dynamic and it'll be fascinating to see where you take it.
    Not to mention, I'm looking forward to the possibility of Draco finding out just how badly his spell effected Harry and his life as well as how hard Harry's life's really been... as much as it's more understandable at the moment because of what's going on for him, Draco's head has kind of always been stuck rather firmly up his own... special place ^-^

    Congratulations again for getting some inspiration and mojoeyness (again, SO a word ^^) back, I noticed the difference in your writing (it wasnt bad last chapter of course, this one just seemed to draw me in that much more)
    Good luck and I cant wait for more ^-^ (is it bad that I kinda like Harry going through the tumultuous stuff he tends to go through? You just write it so well and it's lovely seeing Snape all cuddly and full of D and Ms ^^)

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!  Everything you said about Draco is spot on...that's exactly what I would like to show with Draco.  Yeah, of course he's always been an obnoxious brat before; just look at his parents, lol!  But he does have a second chance now and he is already beginning to change a bit.  Is Draco older or younger?  Well, I don't know Draco's real birthday in canon (I guess I could look it up, but I haven't yet), but I'm figuring they're pretty close to the same age, give or take a few months.

    Thank you!  Yes, I enjoyed writing this chapter more.  Well, I've said that the past few chapters have been at an awkward stage in the story for me, also.  But we're getting beyond that and I feel on firmer ground with it again as well.    

    I'm anxiously awaiting chapter 14 of Antonomasia too!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!  Everything you said about Draco is spot on...that's exactly what I would like to show with Draco.  Yeah, of course he's always been an obnoxious brat before; just look at his parents, lol!  But he does have a second chance now and he is already beginning to change a bit.  Is Draco older or younger?  Well, I don't know Draco's real birthday in canon (I guess I could look it up, but I haven't yet), but I'm figuring they're pretty close to the same age, give or take a few months.

    Thank you!  Yes, I enjoyed writing this chapter more.  Well, I've said that the past few chapters have been at an awkward stage in the story for me, also.  But we're getting beyond that and I feel on firmer ground with it again as well.    

    I'm anxiously awaiting chapter 14 of Antonomasia too!

Title: Chapter 59: Chapter 59 25 Jan 2010
Reviewer: sproutchild (Signed)
    Aww! I love the way you've written Harry's indecision - you write a troubled Harry very well ^^.
    Especially loved:
    'desperately trying to squash an anxious, hurt voice in his mind that put his greatest fear into words.

    I'm losing him. He'd rather be with Draco than with me.'
    That was the epitome of that feeling you get when you think you're going to lose someone important to someone else; very very well written ^^
    And I'm more glad than I can say that Harry isnt like me - the whole time he's been troubled about this I've been thinking he should cut and run from the relationship with Sev before Sev does it to him - thank God your Harry is more persistent ^-^
    And your writing really benefits from the direction you found in the way of future plot. *bows to your muse* (very glad it returned so spectacularly ^-^)

    Cant wait for more... but then, I'm usually just as impatient so dont rush or anything, I'm happy rereading this 'til there's more new stuff to throw myself into ^-^

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!

    >>>And I'm more glad than I can say that Harry isn't like me-the whole time he's been troubled about this I've been thinking he should cut and run from the relationship with Sev before Sev does it to him...

    Well, Harry can't quite do that as the slavery spell would kill him if he tried to escape, after all.  And it says that he has to live with Severus (for at least 9 months of a year), so running off just isn't an option there.  But otherwise, Harry might be tempted.

    Thank you.  I'm going to write again this weekend, but I don't know if I'll be able to get the chapter finished.  I'll try though.   

Title: Chapter 60: Chapter 60 16 Feb 2010
Reviewer: sproutchild (Signed)
    Oh very nicely done, I like Severus' attitude to Harry's insecurity especially (I do so dislike it when Severus decides the best thing to do is go on an adopting spree and give Harry a brother before even considering the problem, that you had them talk it through and showed Sev's reaction after was sweet ^-^)
    And Draco seems to be growing up a bit which is nice to see, you're writing his path to maturity well ^-^
    And even with this chapter... well, I think you just write a very huggable Harry because I always come away from this fic wanting to ^^
    Wouldnt it be great if Harry and Draco both got to be someone's sole focus... I cant but think Sirius or Remus could have handled him in the books (although perhaps Sirius and Draco alone would have been a bit of a disaster come to think of it ^-^)
    Anyway, tangents ahoy, I'm off to explore them and search out my muse, I hope yours stays more readily available ^^
    have fun ^^ x

    Author's Response:

    Thank you, sproutchild!  Well, there are some great stories out there with Harry, Severus, and Draco becoming a family, but I wanted to do something a little different here.  Yeah, Draco is maturing a bit. 

    >>>I can't but think Sirius or Remus could have handled him in the books...

    Very interesting that you commented on that, lol, very interesting....

    Oh, I do hope for another chapter of Antonomasia soon...you're getting to a very good part, it seemed like.

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