Reviews For Where Once Was Light
Author's Response: You and I are of like minds my friend. I've been updating every day since I began because I'm one of those people that hate it when people suddenly stop writing too! I also hate waiting for long periods of time. So I will do my best to keep up with this fast pace. I really do enjoy it. Thanks for the review because I enjoy those too! (sorry for the random rhyme)
Author's Response: Yeah, you guessed it! You caught me!! lol Thanks for reviewing!!
Please hurry up and post the next chappie soon please. I' dying to know what secrets Lily has. Although,I think that I can guess. Author's Response: Ha! Yeah, I think a lot of people can guess what Lily is hiding. As for updates... I think quickly and have to put them down as fast as I can or I start to forget. But it's also easy considering that I've been thinking about this story for a long time. Thanks for the nice review!!
Author's Response: Thank you! I read a lot of fanfic too, my favorite being Snape and Lily. I also hate it when authors don't update quickly as I always want to keep going with the story, so I've been trying my best to keep moving along. Plus, I think way too much, so it's easy to update quickly...at least for now. Thank you so much for the comments and the reviews! :)
Author's Response: Thank you very much!! Harry and Snape will know soon, just hold on.
Author's Response: He's really lucky, isn't he? Thanks for the review, by the way!
Author's Response: Thank you! Let's hope it'll be a good finish too! lol
Author's Response: Ten points to you for being sweet! Again, thanks for the review!! :)
Author's Response: Thank ya kindly!
Author's Response: Thank ya! I'm so happy everyone's responding positively to Severus being a Seer. *cheers to you* And thanks so much for the review!! |
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