Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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[Reviews - 309] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: After two weeks of torture by Death Eaters, Draco and Harry have to find a way to cope with all their memories. Severus, as their guardian, tries to help and spends some time with them at a therapy camp in the USA. Draco and Harry friendship

Takes Place: 4th summer Chapters: 66
Snape flavour: None Completed: No
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape, Healer Snape, Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape Genres: Drama, General, Hurt/Comfort
Tags: Alternate Universe Word count: 195045
Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Draco, Original Character Read: 235458
Rated: 16+
Warnings: Character Death, Torture
Series: None
Challenges: None
Published: 09 Jun 2009 - Updated: 15 Apr 2012
Story Notes:
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.

English isn't my mother tongue. Therefore please be patient that I can't update my chapters as soon as I have them written. They have to be checked by my beta first!

Thanks to my wonderful beta, Amaq Iraluq, for correcting my mistakes.

Table of Contents

1. Chapter 1 – On the Plane by grugster [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstar (1902 words) Printer

Dear readers,
I did a lot of research for this story. I tried hard to read as much as possible about the Cherokee to not make stupid mistakes. The last thing I want is that someone feel offended. Please read my description and explanations to this story in my Livejournal. The link to it you can find on my profile here. There you can find a detailed summary and descriptions to the characters. In this story will be a lot original characters and so this would make things easier for you to follow.
The story is canon conform until book four and from then on it is AU!!
I’ll mention rape and torture in this fic but it won’t be described in detail. All the characters are OOC because of his changes in Harry’s fifth year.
The Character death warning I only included because there will be mentione the death of Neville and Ron. No more characters will die in this story!

2. Chapter 2 - Arrival by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstar (1481 words) Printer

3. Chapter 3 – The first Shock by grugster [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2466 words) Printer

4. Chapter 4 – How to go on by grugster [Reviews - 6] starstarstarhalf-star (2112 words) Printer

5. Chapter 5 – Meeting the others by grugster [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2034 words) Printer

6. Chapter 6 – Separated Ways by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2610 words) Printer

Dear readers,

In this story I wiil mention a housespun remedy we use here. It's placing curd on sunburns. My beta told me that in the US it isn't common, but I didn't want to rewrite it. I hope you can forgive me.


7. Chapter 7 - I Tried by grugster [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2250 words) Printer

8. Chapter 8 - Draco by grugster [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (2104 words) Printer

9. Chapter 9 –Harry and Severus by grugster [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (2325 words) Printer

10. Chapter 10 – The Feast by grugster [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (2267 words) Printer

11. Chapter 11 - The First Night by grugster [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2609 words) Printer

Dear readers,

I made quite an effort and drew all characters(plus their totems) and horses of this fic, so maybe you are not so confused about all te original characters any longer. I uploaded them all on my DA account. You can find all the links to the character drawing on my fanfiction.net profile or direct on my DA account. Just scrowl down to Cherokee Camp and click on the link of the characters you want to see. Of course I would love to hear what you think about them.

There is also a new drawing from Amandine up on my fanfiction.net profile. She drew and amazing family portrait of all the characters and pets. Please have a look at it as well. The link is also on my fanfiction.net profile!!!


12. Chapter 12 – A Crying Girl by grugster [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar (3328 words) Printer

Thanks a lot to my beta-reader, Amaq Iraluq, for correcting my mistakes.

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.

I’m not a native speaker of English!

Dear readers,

I'm so happy to be finally able to upload a new chapter.

I hope you all were patient and still will read this story. I love it, and I hope you will do it as well.


13. Chapter 13 by grugster [Reviews - 13] starstarstarstarstar (2608 words) Printer

Thanks a lot to my beta-reader, Amaq Iraluq, for correcting my mistakes.

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.

I’m not a native speaker of English!

Dear readers,

I'm leaving for my hospital stay tomorrow and won't be back before wednesday next week. So I won't be able to upload any of my stories. Please be patient.


14. Chapter 14 – On the way by grugster [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstar (2217 words) Printer

Dear readers,

My hospital stay was very painful, and so I wasn't able to write anything new. I'm back home for 3 days, but still am in pain and very tired. I hope I will be able to start writing soon.


15. Chapter 15 - How to Fight by grugster [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3127 words) Printer

Dear readers,

I know you were all waiting so long for this chapter, and I thank you for your patience. I had problems contacting my beta, but now I hope things will go better. These who also read Harry and his new family I could keep on track about the problems and how far I'm with this story. For those who don't know it already:

1. I have 7 more chapters written for this story already and it is first priority at the moment.

2. I have a homepage now, where you can find Sneak Preview to new stories or long awaited chapters and also all ot of background infos about my stories and myself and all the drawings to my stories. For Cherokee Camp there also are drawings for each character. So please check it out and don't forget to leave me a few reviews over there or a guestbook entry. If the next chapter will take longer than a week to post, I will upload a new preview on my homepage.

Now I don't want to keep you on tenterhooks any longer. I hope you enjoy the chapter.


16. Chapter 16 - Tohiadedi by grugster [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar (2535 words) Printer

Dear readers,

so here is the next chapter. In a few minutes I will upload the sneak preview of the next chapter on my homepage. My beta hopes she will have more time now, so I hope I can upload the next chapter sooner than this one.

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and I wish you all a Happy New Year. Please read my little Christmas story "Merry Christmas" which is another sequel to "A better Childhood". And please leave me a review!


17. Chapter 17 - And the world brakes down again by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (2827 words) Printer

Dear readers,

okay just to warn you, here come the drama again! It would be too easy if things would go so easy as it went last chapter.


18. Chapter 18 – On the run by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (2531 words) Printer

Thanks a lot to my beta-reader, nancypants, for correcting my mistakes.

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.

I’m not a native speaker of English!

Dear readers,

first I want to thank Amaq Iraluq for her betaing. She was a wonderful beta and will still help me with the horse stuff in this story. My new beta nancypants took over now!

There are still 6 more chapters finished, and I will need some time to feel into this story again before I can restart writing on it. I think the last chapter I wrote two month ago. I will finish one of my other stories next week and then I will start chapter 25 for Cherokee Camp and hope it will fascinate me as much as it did when I started it.

I hope you all are still reading. Please leave me a review!


19. Chapter 19 – Getting Company by grugster [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (3027 words) Printer

20. Chapter 20 – Learning by grugster [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (2975 words) Printer

21. Chapter 21- One day with Black Hawk by grugster [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar (3478 words) Printer

Dear readers,

I fear some time will pass until I update the next chapter, so enjoy this one and let me know what you think.

I'm sorry that I promise Severus in this chapter! I was wrong. SORRY!!!!!


22. Chapter 22 – A new friend already lost? by grugster [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (2834 words) Printer

23. Chapter 23 - Someone else in Trouble by grugster [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (3762 words) Printer

Thanks a lot to my beta-reader, nancypants, for correcting my mistakes.

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.

I'm not a native speaker of English!

24. Chapter 24 - Ill stomach by grugster [Reviews - 1] (2431 words) Printer

Thanks a lot to my beta-reader,Sara Elizabeth G., for correcting my mistakes.

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.

I'm not a native speaker of English!

Dear readers,

this story seem to be cursed. My new beta became sick and now isn't able to edit my chapters. That's the reason why I couldn't upload for over a month, I have ten more chapters finished for this story. It WON'T be abandoned.

I found another beta and I hope the chapter is okay. I just wanted to give you something to read. I'm really sorry for this whole situation and I'm very sad that I couldn't upload this chapter earlier. :( Believe me this is effecting me even more than you. I hope you are still with me and PLEASE review. I need it VERY much!


25. Chapter 25 – Good- Night Talks by grugster [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (3207 words) Printer

Thanks a lot to my beta-reader,Sara Elizabeth G., for correcting my mistakes.

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.

I'm not a native speaker of English!

Dear readers,

a new chapter! I hope you like it!

All those who hoped to find the sweat lodge ceremony in this chapter, I have to really dissapoint. The sweat lodge will take part in chapter 37! Many more things will have to happen before and the way to the sweat lodge is very long! So please be patient. You will learn about the other characters a bit more in the next chapters before I let you sit with them half naked in the sweat lodge. ;)


26. Chapter 26 - Setback by grugster [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar (3149 words) Printer

Dear readers,

I think I need to give a bit of informations now. I could hardly find any texts/information about Cherokee. I fear they never used the sweat lodge ceremony, but I needed it for the plot. So please try to over see this. Most of what I write in this story is influence by experiences I made on a farm for drug addicted people in Austria. And of course many things are just made up by me. So don't take it all too serious. This is fanfiction not an attempt of me to show any real kind of therapeutic actions...

I also have to warn you that the next two or three chapter will be heavy stuff. Lots of drama. I wrote it during a time were I was very, very down, but I promise this mood won't last for a long time.


27. Chapter 27 - Healing by grugster [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarstar (3057 words) Printer

Dear readers,

Back when I wrote this chapter, over two month ago, I thought about stopping to submit this story and Final Breeze 2. The chapters became to overpowering because of my depressions then. So I thought it would be best not to submit any longer. Then I started to get it under control and the following chapters became more 'normal' again. I spoke with my moti-betas, and they said I should keep on submitting. I hope I did the right decision. I still fear you won't like this chapter and stop reading. I can promise you that it will get better again after one or two chapters! Please be patient with me!


28. Chapter 28 - Severus by grugster [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar (2501 words) Printer

29. Chapter 29 - Inseparable by grugster [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar (2884 words) Printer

30. Chapter 30 - Maya by grugster [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3435 words) Printer

Dear readers,

As you can see, I upload again. So my current beta is still with me, and I hoope she will stay for a long time!

Now you learn more about Maya! I'm sure you won't think so bad about her after reading this chapter. Don't judge people by the first thing they say to you or what you hear about them. Sometimes people just have a bad day or have there reasons to be like they are.


31. Chapter 31 – Opening Up by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (4776 words) Printer

32. Chapter 32 - Frustration by grugster [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2464 words) Printer

33. Chapter 33 – Cooling Off by grugster [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (3272 words) Printer

34. Chapter 34 – Supper by grugster [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (3255 words) Printer

Thanks a lot to my beta-reader, Bloodxtraitor and Tori, for correcting my mistakes.

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.

A great thank you to my moti-betas as well.

I'm not a native speaker of English!

Dear readers,

I would like to state again that this story is not REAL. I don't want to give you an inside view of any real therapy programs or so. I just put together a few experiences of myself and a LOT of imagination. I write my stories to balance myself out. That's also the reason why many of my characters have a control issue. I know that many of you are annoyed by it or even start to hate my stories but I need that to balance myself. At work I often feel helpless or restricted by laws or my boss. In my stories I can let my characters have power and control and it feels good for me to give them more than it is healthy in REALITY! I write my stories for me, but I realized that some people like them, even so they are a bit weird. That's why I upload them here. I won't change the way I write this or any other story. I'm not a good writer and it isn't my goal to become one! I like to learn but my main reason is to help myself with this stories. Feel free to tell me that you don't like the way I write things, but don't expect me to change it. Everyone has the right to have his own option, and you all have the choice to read or not read. Please just respect that I won't change the way I write. ( I added this information because of a review I got on another fanfiction site. It seems some people take my story too serious.)

So if you want to know if something is just made up or a real experience of me, just ask me in a review and I will tell you. Otherwise try to think that it is all just made up. There will come two chapters soon where something happens that wouldn't happen in any therapy, and if someone would do something like that, he would loose his work. I will give a warning before it happens to remind you again.

So now enough of this. I won't mention it again! So please keep it in mind.


35. Chapter 35 – Family Conversation by grugster [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (2849 words) Printer

Dear readers,

a fast update for you because I will be offline from the 11th to the 18th of June. Maybe I will upload another chapter before I leave, but I don't promise anything!


36. Chapter 36 - Brothers by grugster [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (3043 words) Printer

37. Chapter 37 – Preparing for the Sweat Lodge by grugster [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar (4424 words) Printer

Dear readers,

We are finally are coming close to the sweat lodge. I hope you haven't lost your interest!

I'm currently writing on chapter 60. So I fear this fic will become longer than "Harry and his new family". I would have never guessed. I originally planned it to be 20-30 chapters, now I think I'm hardly in the middle of everything.

It seems my reader on this site already loose interest. Of course I still know that a few are reading and so I will go on updating. Therefore I would like to thank especially silverstargirl and crazychick84 who reviewed my last chapters.


38. Chapter 38 – The Sweat Lodge by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (3579 words) Printer

39. Chapter 39 - Awaking by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (3030 words) Printer

40. Chapter 40 – Hard Decision by grugster [Reviews - 13] starstarstarstarstar (3814 words) Printer

Dear readers,

it's my birthday today, so please make me smile by reviewing. :)

This chapter is a bit controversial, but it is needed for the plot. So please don't lynch me.



41. Chapter 41 – Letting out some Steam by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (3764 words) Printer

Dear readers,

thank you for all the review on the last chapter. At the moment I have some motivation problems and you helped me some.

IMPORTANT!!! I know I scared you all with the end of the last chapter. When you read this chapter now, remember that it is fanfiction. It's not real and that are no real methods. Black Hawk is a character I created. He has his own terrible childhood and now is starting to learn to help others. He is no professional. He just does what he feels is right. I made him do what he does to Harry on purpose for telling his story and giving his character more depth. Light Arrow will reflect Black Hawk's behavior and the whole situation in the camp. Remember I tell a story here and don't try to give you a realistic inview in therapie camps/institutions.


42. Chapter 42 – Before School by grugster [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (2853 words) Printer

Dear readers,

for all those who haven't realized it by now, I uploaded a sequel to Harry and his new family. So if you are interested, have a look at it. So i'm a bit busy with it at the moment, but with a few lovely reviews you maybe get me back to Cherokee Camp as well. I still have a few chapters ready but they are not betaed at the moment.

This chapter is a bit confusing, and I didn't manage to make it clear that at the begining of this chapter we are at the beginning of the same day as last chapter with the wrestling and all, just this time out of Draco's view.


43. Chapter 43 – Helena by grugster [Reviews - 0] (3996 words) Printer

Dear readers,

I'm a bit overwhelmed and overworked because I write on four stories at the moment, and I just can't decide where to put my priorities. It's really hard when you have ideas for all your active stories and even more for new ones, but only limited time. So I switch between the stories and I'm not very sure if that is a good idea, but we will see.

I just hope you still like the story. You will get to know some new characters today. I really like them. Please let me know what you think about them.


44. Chapter 44 - The Town by grugster [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3653 words) Printer

45. Chapter 45 - Lonely by grugster [Reviews - 0] (3029 words) Printer

A new beta took over. Thanks BetaForRent! So i hope I can update more often now.

46. Chapter 46 – The Test by grugster [Reviews - 0] (2629 words) Printer

47. Chapter 47 – Problems with Aiden by grugster [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3282 words) Printer

48. Chapter 48 – Where is Draco by grugster [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (2915 words) Printer

Lately I have hardly free time, but still I try to write and upload. Please give me some reviews in exchange. Thanks!

49. Chapter 49 – Talk Talk Talk by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2881 words) Printer

50. Chapter 50 - Melissa by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (2600 words) Printer

Dear readers,

here is the next chapter. I waited so long because I wanted to upload a new chapter for HahnF 2 before this update but I have beta problems again. Sorry. So if you are reading HahnF as well, I can't tell you when I will be able to upload again. :(

At least I have something new for you from Cherokee Camp. So enjoy and leave me a review to make me smile again.


51. Chapter 51 - Totems by grugster [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3204 words) Printer

52. Chapter 52 - Hermione by grugster [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (2637 words) Printer

Dear readers,

I have problems with almost all my betas lately, so I can't tell you when I will be able to upload any of my stories again. I haven't heard from them for a month and longer.


53. Chapter 53 – Light Arrow is back by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3364 words) Printer

Current betas: Shizu66 and Alicia

54. Chapter 54 – Problems again? by grugster [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3749 words) Printer

55. Chapter 55 – Gathering the family by grugster [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (3679 words) Printer

56. Chapter 56 – Harry facing Light Arrow by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3117 words) Printer

57. Chapter 57 -Relationship or not by grugster [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (2903 words) Printer

58. Chapter 58 – Serious Talk by grugster [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3129 words) Printer

59. Chapter 59 – Mistakes by grugster [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (2477 words) Printer

60. Chapter 60 – Damaged Shoulder by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (3129 words) Printer

61. Chapter 61 – Realization by grugster [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (2438 words) Printer

62. Chapter 62 – The Schock by grugster [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (3166 words) Printer

63. Chapter 63 – Letting Go by grugster [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (3687 words) Printer

64. Chapter 64 – Talk with Severus by grugster [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (3267 words) Printer

65. Chapter 65 – Harry Runs Again by grugster [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (2382 words) Printer

66. Chapter 66 – The Letter by grugster [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarstar (2536 words) Printer

Dear readers,

I'm sorry you have to wait so long, but at the moment everything is complicated. I still write on my original book and won't finish it before July and then my laptop died and I had trouble to get my files back.

I won't abandon this story. I will finish it as soon as I have more time which should be from July. Chapter 67 is already half done.

"Harry and his new family II" and "The final Breeze II" are already done and I try to upload the chapters as soon as possible. But some still have to be betaed.


To be continued...
grugster is the author of 8 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 70 members. Members who liked Cherokee Camp also liked 1324 other stories.

Disclaimer Charm: Harry Potter and all related works including movie stills belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Bros, and Bloomsbury. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made off of this site. All fanfiction and fanart are the property of the individual writers and artists represented on this site and do not represent the views and opinions of the Webmistress.

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