Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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[Reviews - 270] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: For four years Harry Severus Potter has gone to school in the shadow of his secret father… the one everybody whispers behind his back about. For four years, said father has ignored him, and encouraged his second son Kenai to taunt, pick on, and bully Harry. They all look alike, but none are so much the same… or are they more alike than they think? Harry is finding unlikely allies and friends in all the wrong places. This story is part of the series, JAWorley's Challenges. The previous story in the series is A Seed in the Thorns.
This story is part of the series, My Secret Father. The next story in the series is Arcane.

Story Notes:

I just wanted to do something different, and this story has been in my mind for a while.

You can view the trailer for the story I made here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZMGaTD6hDs&feature=youtu.be

Table of Contents

1. P.S. I Hate You by JAWorley [Reviews - 15] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2088 words) Printer

Kenai is pronounced ‘Key-nigh’.

Please also note: This is meant to make you sad and angry for Harry. You have been warned.

2. Umbridge Hates You Too by JAWorley [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3666 words) Printer

Yes, this is an Umbridge story. I'm trying to portray her in cannon, but also sort of in my own way. This story will deviate a little from cannon obviously though, but I'm trying to keep it sort of close. Note too that Harry's personality is relatively close to canon, but also a little different because of his circumstances. I want him to be foolhardy still, but less outspoken.

3. Quidditch by JAWorley [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2557 words) Printer

Oh yes, prepare to be enraged by Severus.

4. Just A Girl by JAWorley [Reviews - 26] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2745 words) Printer

Some fluff to start off with, and more aggravation int he end.

5. A Desperate Cry by JAWorley [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (1636 words) Printer

We don’t get to hear from Severus in this chapter, but we will in chapter six, I promise! The coming chapters also detail answers to some of your questions regarding reasons for hatred and history, but bear with me until then. Chapter five will be the beginning of the turning of the tide!

6. A Man In Need by JAWorley [Reviews - 18] starstarstarstarstar (2472 words) Printer

Remember, Severus is human, and therefore can be in error all he wants.

7. Survival by JAWorley [Reviews - 22] starstarstarstarhalf-star (2721 words) Printer

Ok, fair warning, this chapter may seem a little confusing. It also may be a little aggravating to some of you. Keep in mind, things are not always as they seem, and we will NOT be jumping straight into any familial relationships. There are too many issues to be worked out to jump straight in, if at all.

8. Only Human by JAWorley [Reviews - 18] starstarstarstarstar (2997 words) Printer

This is where Severus' world falls apart all over again.

9. Just A Brother by JAWorley [Reviews - 20] starstarstarstarstar (3229 words) Printer

Eight pages of the DA for you.

10. Two Sons, Not One by JAWorley [Reviews - 22] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3479 words) Printer

We get to see brothers together and in trouble, and some of the inner workings of a slow moving relationship between Harry and Severus.

11. What Comes Will Go by JAWorley [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (1359 words) Printer

Seriously, sorry guys, but I think this is the shortest chapter I've ever written. It had to be done, and I'm too excited for the next chapter!

12. Christmas Party by JAWorley [Reviews - 14] starstarstarstarstar (4020 words) Printer

A whopping 10 pages for you to make up for the last short chapter.

13. In The Ranks by JAWorley [Reviews - 14] starstarstarstar (2327 words) Printer

6 pages that will probably cause you to hate me forever.

14. Snake And Bones by JAWorley [Reviews - 15] starstarstarstarstar (2248 words) Printer

A short chapter.

15. Hell Bound by JAWorley [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (2898 words) Printer

Sad, sad, angst, hope! (That was your four word chapter summary).

16. Summons by JAWorley [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarstar (3602 words) Printer

There are probably some errors. I'll fix later today. Just wanted to get this up for you guys.

17. The Journal by JAWorley [Reviews - 40] starstarstarstarstar (2660 words) Printer

I know it's a few weeks early, but consider the finishing of this story a Christmas present to the readers who have stuck with it!

The End.
JAWorley is the author of 61 other stories. This story is part of the series, JAWorley's Challenges. The previous story in the series is A Seed in the Thorns.
This story is part of the series, My Secret Father. The next story in the series is Arcane.
This story is a favorite of 145 members. Members who liked My Secret Father also liked 1596 other stories.

Disclaimer Charm: Harry Potter and all related works including movie stills belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Bros, and Bloomsbury. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made off of this site. All fanfiction and fanart are the property of the individual writers and artists represented on this site and do not represent the views and opinions of the Webmistress.

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