Takes Place: 7th summer | Chapters: 1 |
Snape flavour: None | Completed: Yes |
Categories: Parental Snape | Genres: None |
Tags: Alternate Universe | Word count: 4562 |
Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), James, Voldemort | Read: 3468 |
Summary: Harry faces the Dark Lord for the first time and learns the true price of failure. This story is part of the series, Good People and Death Eaters. The previous story in the series is Spectacles. The next story in the series is Revolt.
Story Notes: This story is part of the Good People and Death Eaters universe, which also includes "Blurring" and "Spectacles". I strongly advise you read them first. It probably won't make much sense if you don't. The universe is a dystopian AU with slavery. Attackfish is the author of 10 other stories. This story is part of the series, Good People and Death Eaters. The previous story in the series is Spectacles. The next story in the series is Revolt.
This story is a favorite of 1 members. Members who liked Mercies also liked 32 other stories. |
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