Takes Place: 1st Year | Chapters: 4 |
Snape flavour: None | Completed: Yes |
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape | Genres: None |
Tags: None | Word count: 18743 |
Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required) | Read: 22010 |
Summary: This is a series of one-shots in the universe of 'To Trust', featuring Harry's first year and onward. This story is part of the series, To Trust. The previous story in the series is To Trust.
Story Notes: Well, I'm back. I can't quite let go of this story, so I have decided to write a series of one-shots of the 'To Trust' universe instead, adding to it whenever the mood strikes. I hope you enjoy the little snippets I write, and that they live up to the tremendous praise and encouragement you all provided me with while 'To Trust' was still in progress.
Table of Contents
1. To Belong by Abie [Reviews - 25] In which Harry shares a good stretch of the train ride with a toad, and is Sorted. 2. To Find by Abie [Reviews - 11] In which Harry visits the infirmary, and later makes an unexpected discovery. 3. To Care by Abie [Reviews - 11] Hey there! Well, it certainly has been a while. Nearly a year, in fact. I had this one-shot floating around my head for months, and I finally got around to completing it. I hope whoever is still looking out for updates enjoys this one, 4. To Speak by Abie [Reviews - 15] In which I explore what may have happened had Harry been found at an older age. The End.
Abie is the author of 2 other stories. This story is part of the series, To Trust. The previous story in the series is To Trust.
This story is a favorite of 31 members. Members who liked To Trust One-Shots also liked 1356 other stories. |
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