Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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[Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star
Summary: Draco and Astranova are now 11 years old and about to head off to their first year at Hogwarts. Meeting new friends, professors, and foiling Dumbledore, the two siblings know that this year sure will be interesting. This story is part of the series, The Heirs of Ravenclaw, Prince, and Slytherin. The previous story in the series is Welcome to the Family.

Table of Contents

1. Welcome to Diagon Alley by Song of the Sea [Reviews - 0] (550 words) Printer

Nine years have passed since my previous story "Welcome to the Family"

2. How We Met by Song of the Sea [Reviews - 0] (998 words) Printer

This chapter details how Remus and Severus got together. I'll do a separate story on it, but for now, this is what you'll get.

3. The Sorting by Song of the Sea [Reviews - 0] (1157 words) Printer

This is the chapter where Draco and Astranova finally arrive at Hogwarts and get Sorted into their Houses. But, the Sorting Hat has a special gift for the Ravenclaw-Prince family.

4. First Day of Classes by Song of the Sea [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (841 words) Printer

Prince Draco and Princess Astranova are starting their first day of classes at Hogwarts! But some of the students might want to cause some trouble.....

To be continued...
Song of the Sea is the author of 10 other stories. This story is part of the series, The Heirs of Ravenclaw, Prince, and Slytherin. The previous story in the series is Welcome to the Family.
This story is a favorite of 2 members. Members who liked Welcome to Hogwarts, Draco and Astranova also liked 118 other stories.

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