Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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[Reviews - 0]
Summary: Takes place in the Marauders Era, but with a twist. Severus doesn't befriend Lilian, but instead befriends her younger sister, Snowdrop, and Tom Riddle.

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1. The Meeting by Song of the Sea [Reviews - 0] (655 words) Printer

I changed the names of some of the characters.

Eileen= Norabelle

Tobias= Salazar

Lily= Lilian

Lilian and Petunia also have a younger sister named Snowdrop Evans and there is no Voldemort.

To be continued...
Song of the Sea is the author of 10 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 1 members. Members who liked A True, True Friend also liked 117 other stories.

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