Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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[Reviews - 103] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: Taking place directly after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry is trying to deal with his trauma from the course of the events of the war and struggles to confront it, along with trying to manage his grief. Snape survived but disappeared in shame and remorse after the battle. Harry finds him, and they both discover that they have more in common now more than ever - Both are struggling with their sense of self and purpose. But stray Death Eaters from the battle are re-grouping for a final stand to take out the great Harry Potter, and their traitor, and Harry and Snape must put aside their differences to end the fight once and for all, whilst dealing with Snapes' illness along the way. Explores darker themes of grief, self-blame, PTSD, depression, and suicidal ideation.

Rated: 16+
Warnings: Character Death, Eating Disorder, Panic attack, Self-harm, Suicide Themes, Torture, Violence
Series: None
Challenges: None
Published: 01 Feb 2023 - Updated: 02 Sep 2023
Story Notes:
Hello readers! This fic began in 2020, primarily posted on FFnet, then over to AO3. There are tiny changes to canon, mainly derived from the films, however, it is primarily book-based. It was my first fic for many years as I delved back into the fandom once again, so bear with me within the first few chapters as I start to get back into the fic-writing groove. So the first 5-10ish chapters do not reflect my current writing style - I do plan on editing them at some point, but I am currently facing some personal things which prevent me from focusing on that.

This is a completed, novel-length fic that I aim to post sporadically. There is a sequel to this called Light of Mine which is currently a WIP, so if this receives good feedback, I may consider cross-publishing it here. So now I bring this fic to P&S for you to enjoy this wonderful, angsty, heartwarming rollercoaster of a ride!
Table of Contents

1. CH 1: Hollow by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3496 words) Printer

2. CH 2: Holding On by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (2700 words) Printer

3. CH 3: Injured Hearts by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4019 words) Printer

4. CH 4: Torment by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3810 words) Printer

Warning: This chapter contains suicidal themes and ideation, so just a heads up.

5. CH 5: In Memoriam by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (5160 words) Printer

6. CH 6: A New Problem by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4346 words) Printer

Hey guys! Just a head's up - any paragraphs in italics are flashbacks. As mentioned in the first chapter, I have blended scenes from both book and film in this story. I know this might be frustrating for some readers – I'm just flowing with my headcannon LOL. The flashback scene opening this chapter is mainly derived from the book events, although I like to keep a visual from the films. For the sake of copyright and avoiding the repeat of the scenes we already know from the book, I have added a few extra things within it to help enforce this story of mine.

Also – McGonagall to the rescue!

Enjoy! =)

7. CH 7: Lament by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (5315 words) Printer

8. CH 8: The Slow Ascent by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3687 words) Printer

9. CH 9: Into the Forest Again by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4751 words) Printer

Well, this one was super fun to write! There are a few sweet moments in here, so I hope you enjoy them! =)

10. CH 10: Back Within the Shadows by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (4628 words) Printer

11. CH 11: Rise Up by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (5228 words) Printer

12. CH 12: With Asphodel by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (5661 words) Printer

Harry and Severus scenes are always heartwarming and a favourite to write!

13. CH 13: Fade In by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4875 words) Printer

Things get a bit, err...explosive in this Chapter. Sorry ^_^

14. CH 14: Into the Depths by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4598 words) Printer

Hey guys! Snape POV chapters were never really my initial intention, so I won't be doing them too frequently. I find I will do a Snape POV chapter simply where it fits in the story, especially following certain conflicts/events. I always want to express that although this story is seen mostly from Harry's perspective, I do want to display certain points from Snape's perspective as well, as I find delving into both their minds, not only fascinating but imperative to the flow and intentions of this story. Hopefully by doing these POVs, it will help fill the gap and understand our Potions Master a little better in that mind of his given his new second chance, and his inner moral conflict. In saying that, I am trying my best to keep all of these characters as in-character (IC) as possible given the scenarios present, but please let me know if at all you think a character's decision is not IC enough. Any criticism helps.

15. CH 15: The Way Forward by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (4995 words) Printer

And the path to reconciliation begins. Enjoy xx

16. CH 16: A Call to Arms by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star (6296 words) Printer

Note the theme of choice within this chapter, and for the remainder of this story. Choices characters never had before. Brace yourselves for a chaotic chapter, and bear in mind that is has only been a few weeks since Voldemort's downfall.

17. CH 17: Falling Skies by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (6619 words) Printer

Cue the angst!

18. CH 18: The Dark of Night by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (5838 words) Printer

Just a teeny tiny insert from The Princes Tale at the end of this chapter. Enjoy!

19. CH 19: Reaching Out by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (5571 words) Printer

I have a few hectic chapters planned and upcoming, so I'm trying to break them up with slightly mellow chapters like these.

20. CH 20: Seeking Sanctuary by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (6804 words) Printer

Hey guys! This chapter has a bit of a magical info dump. There is a segment below talking about wards and given how little we know of protective enchantments in the Potterverse, and so I've taken the canon info and delved a little further into it, with my own extra spin on it just to give that branch of magic a little more depth.

Also, another nod to a film interpretation is in this chapter. Sorry.

21. CH 21: Memento Vivere by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (5977 words) Printer

Excuse the upcoming dark chapter. Heavy warning of depression and anxiety ahead.

22. CH 22: Exit Wounds by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (6435 words) Printer

Get ready for things to be kicked waaaay up a few notches in the next few chapters!

23. CH 23: Shards of Glass by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star (6713 words) Printer

The plot thickens with this fiery chapter!

24. CH 24: The Lunar Dilemma by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (6171 words) Printer

This was one of my favorite chapters to write, as it contains one of my favorite scenes

25. CH 25: Melancholy Reminisce by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (5179 words) Printer

26. CH 26: The Misty Dell by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (6979 words) Printer

Heads up for an upcoming dark, morbid, and spooky chapter ahead (sorry +_+)! The Misty Dell was one of three sites the DEs used, which as an FYI, are actually canon to the Deathly Hallow games only, and never mentioned in the books or films. During my research into Voldemort's reign, it gave me a cool idea to delve further into them and provides a creepy backdrop. There was no more information regarding the camps as they only served the purpose of holding prisoners. So, I took that information and decided to create my own little twisted lore and story about this location. I did not play the games, so the information I know it purely found on research.

On a side note, I do apologise for the references to 'Potter', 'Granger', 'Weasley' in this chapter. This one is written in Severus' POV. There is a good reason he does that.

27. CH 27: Raise the Banner by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (7246 words) Printer

This was a super fun one to write! Enjoy drill seargent Severus ^_^

28. CH 28: A Rocky Pursuit by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star (6891 words) Printer

This one was a little nuts to plan. For a visual reference, you are welcome to google Tintern Quarry, as it is a legit place in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, England. It actually closed in 1981 and is used as a rock-climbing location. Coincidentally (maybe?), 1981 was also the end of the First Wizarding War.

29. CH 29: A Hopeful Heart by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] (7023 words) Printer

30. CH 30: Second Light by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (7025 words) Printer

Another Severus POV chapter.

31. CH 31: Stepping Stones by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (5859 words) Printer

Just a heads up – This chapter overlaps and taking place simultaneously with the previous Chapter.

32. CH 32: The Risk of Morality by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (6895 words) Printer

Just a warning for an upcoming awkward scene (on Harry's part) at the start of this chapter, reminisce of something we know in Snape's past. There really was no alternative to it, but Harry's thoughts explain everything, vague because I didn't feel it appropriate delving into the details.

33. CH 33: Of Hearts and Minds by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (7163 words) Printer

Our favorite Potion Master's psyche continues to unravel.

34. CH 34: Ode to the Fallen by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (7138 words) Printer

There is a poem spoken below, which I will have referenced in a footnote at the end. It's not mine (I wish!). I did not write its full version, but I have posted the link below should you wish to read it in its entirety. It's rather beautiful.

Also, regarding the last chapter – I love Arthur, and I don't intend to paint him in a bad light. He is a father protective of his children and simply does not trust Severus anymore. But he trusts Harry, hence why he is not telling the authorities he is there. He wouldn't go that far. Part of this story is dealing with such ramifications that no matter what sacrifices Severus made for the Order, he still did bad things (even beyond his control), and some will still see him as a Death Eater. This is just another obstacle that Severus (and even Harry) must navigate through. Because the only living person that knows the entire truth about our Potions Master is Harry.

35. CH 35: Crimson Sky by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (7667 words) Printer

The first phase of the ritual is here! ^_^ Now, I just want to touch upon a few things.

The ritual itself takes some elements of modern-day witchcraft, which I am familiar with, but I want to stress that these rituals are not fully reliant on it. That being said, the incantations spoken below will actually be in Latin, but I will place the English translations within the Footnotes as an FYI. I have researched Latin texts in favor of this story (and boy, it took foreeever +_+), and have approached more expert assistance on the language so I can avoid being completely amateur about it. Not that I'm saying that these are 100% accurate, but, this is to let you know that I spent much time in the research phase (I have seriously about 6 pages on the transference spell already, if that's any indication).

Lastly, yes, this will be a Severus POV chapter. Since Harry is unable to witness it, it just makes sense for the POV to change. But I will delve into Harry's thought process about it in the next chapter because it's rather important also from his POV.

I'm so sorry about what I'm about to put them through **cries**

TRIGGER WARNING: Touches upon physical, emotional, and verbal abuse (not in detail).

36. CH 36: A Time for Healing by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (6712 words) Printer

There are some cool little moments in this one and a funny scene towards the end which I couldn't resist writing. I had to give you guys some kind of reprieve after the previous heavy chapter +_+ Enjoy!

37. CH 37: Wish by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (8591 words) Printer

Things are about to get a little heated within the next few chapters, but there are also some cool upcoming developments. I hope you enjoy!

38. CH 38: Distorted Shadows by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (7873 words) Printer

Okay, I didn't entirely plan for this chapter to be split POV, but it seemed to work best against my original plan. Severus' POV will happen later in this chapter. And also, apologies in advance – a few characters are on edge in this chapter.

39. CH 39: Silver and Gold by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (8459 words) Printer

Hope you enjoy this chapter! I had a lot of fun writing this one! ^_^ Things are a little heated, but it will get better, I promise!

40. CH 40: Confessions by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (7530 words) Printer

***WARNING*** Some graphic depictions of violence/torture/gore upcoming, but in an alt-sequence of events towards the end of this Chapter. The text will be in italics, so if it's not something you want to see, you are free to skip over it. Kind of gross but…yay, my brain.

Sorry guys +_+

Aside from that, there is a special not-so-little moment here, which tugged at my heartstrings while writing. It's a big scene and a well-needed conversation. Apologies for the impending sadness.

41. CH 41: Strength In Unity by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (6710 words) Printer

42. CH 42: Crashing Waves by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (6954 words) Printer

Sorry for the slow-paced story recently. Just fleshing out certain events/relationships before I proceed. Once the Second Phase hits, things are going to fire ahead.

43. CH 43: Firewhiskey by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (7208 words) Printer

44. CH 44: Kaleidoscope by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (7024 words) Printer

I little bit of a nod to the late and great Alan Rickman in this one. xx

45. CH 45: Penance by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (8908 words) Printer

***WARNING: Self-harm within this Chapter (sorry guys).

Phase Two time! Originally this was intended to be split POV, but the Severus POV was far longer than originally planned. So, you'll get Severus in this one, and then the next Chapter back to Harry. At the end of the footnotes, I'll add the Latin text and its English translation for the second part of the incantation.

46. CH 46: The Desolate Silence by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (8423 words) Printer

WARNING: Suicidal/self-harm themes in this one (nothing graphic but mentioned).

NOTE: Just a heads-up that the next few chapters are going to get rather politically heavy, especially the chapter following this one.

47. CH 47: Remember to Breathe by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (8213 words) Printer

48. CH 48: Eighteen by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (11816 words) Printer

Just a little heads up – at the beginning of this chapter I've mentioned the scene when Severus was attacked and cast away as Headmaster. From the start of this fic, I did mention that there would be times I've blended both book and film. In that particular scene, I do like the film version, but I have added Flitwick and Sprout in that scene as per the book. It won't really change much, plot-wise, but there is a reason I made that decision which you'll find out in a later chapter.

This is a super big chapter – Hope you guys enjoy this one!

(Also, mini-side note – I usually enjoy listening to Life is Strange 1 + 2 soundtracks as ambient tracks while I write (esp number 2! 'Into the Woods'), which gives me a good headcanon theme song for Harry/Severus and helps me set the tone for their scenes)

49. CH 49: Risks & Consequences by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (10258 words) Printer

50. CH 50: Only the Heart Knows by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (7622 words) Printer

You'll be getting a lot of Minerva interactions in the next few Chapters! =)

51. CH 51: The Burden of War by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (9910 words) Printer

Split POV in this one – Both Harry's and Severus' POV will happen simultaneously. Also, by the end of this chapter, we would have begun the last stage of one (of two) of the major arcs of this story. Getting there, folks! Thanks for sticking around on this long haul! Hope you enjoy this chapter! =)

52. CH 52: One Step Closer by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (10637 words) Printer

These chapters from now on are going to get rather plot/character-heavy (if not already LOL), so bear with me! We have about ¼ of the story left, but home stretch…Things are going to get rather crazy and more intense!

53. CH 53: A Dangerous Puzzle by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (9167 words) Printer

I thought I'd mention it here, but you'll be getting a bit of an info dump in terms of the groups' planning upon the cave in the next few chapters. Each location mentioned is a real place, and I've combed through many of them to piece it all together to fit the story. I will try and keep the 'info dump' somewhat interesting, but if you ever feel curious about the locations mentioned and want more information about it, you are more than welcome to google it for visual/geographic references.

54. CH 54: Closer to the Edge by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (8570 words) Printer

55. CH 55: Trial & Error, Part 1 by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (9232 words) Printer

I wanted to take time to make sure these next two chapters are written-properly. They are dialogue-heavy, and all the trial-based legalities make my head spin +_+

56. CH 56: Trial & Error, Part 2 by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (10556 words) Printer

57. CH 57: Aftermath by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (9101 words) Printer

58. CH 58: At Great Risk by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (7171 words) Printer

59. CH 59: My Fault by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (9802 words) Printer

The Final Phase – Severus' POV.

I will also point out again, that I have included the final passage of the incantation, both Latin and English translations, to the Footnotes below. At the end of the story, I will post it all together as a little info page, with extra details of the spell for further interest, including the potions and the ingredients (not the weights/amounts, because I'm not that specific LOL). And apologies for not including the English translation amongst the Latin text – I really didn't want to mess up the flow/structure of the chapter.

I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Also, apologies for the next few chapters. **hugs Harry and Severus**

60. CH 60: Helpless by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (8738 words) Printer

61. CH 61: The Dark Descent, Part 1 by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (7441 words) Printer

62. CH 62: The Dark Descent, Part 2 by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (10561 words) Printer

One more chapter left after this one, folks!

63. CH 63: Open at the Close by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (10214 words) Printer

….Last official story chapter **ducks** I will add a chapter insert after this explaining more of the Transference Spell. I hope you've enjoyed this ride. **sends love**

64. Transference Spell: Anathema Exerptum by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 0] (1071 words) Printer

Ritual information and full transference spell notes.

65. Sequel: Light of Mine by SanctuaryAngel [Reviews - 0] (133 words) Printer

The End.
SanctuaryAngel is the author of 2 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 9 members. Members who liked Whatever It Takes also liked 242 other stories.

Disclaimer Charm: Harry Potter and all related works including movie stills belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Bros, and Bloomsbury. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made off of this site. All fanfiction and fanart are the property of the individual writers and artists represented on this site and do not represent the views and opinions of the Webmistress.

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