Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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[Reviews - 41] starstarstarstarstar

While the wizarding world struggles with the return of Voldemort, Harry struggles with the death of Sirius and his own out of control magic. His summer before 6th year is unlike any other as he trains alongside the Order, grows close to Severus Snape, of all people, and learns of an unfathomable fate assigned to one Draco Malfoy, a fate he is determined to stop. As the world falls apart, it seems Harry's life may finally come together.

Story Notes:

Updates will be slow and sporadic.

Table of Contents

1. Chapter 1 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (3262 words) Printer

Please, leave a review if you enjoy.

2. Chapter 2 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (4135 words) Printer

Snape might seem a bit OOC, but I feel he would be legitimately concerned if he learned Harry was even a touch suicidal as well as discovering his abuse. Also, I have just gotten through the slow-burn of making Snape come to care for Harry in A Bond for the Agesand I really don't feel like making it take so long again, so I'm speeding it up for this story. Haha! Plus, there is some inner thoughts and explanations to try and make it make sense.

Also, Dumbledore sucks. As usual in my stories. So, manipulative Dumbledore and there will be minor character bashing later on of some others.

I hope you enjoy. Please, leave a review (I love reading them!) if you enjoy!

3. Chapter 3 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (3438 words) Printer

Warnings: minor descriptions of child abuse

Harry and Severus are going to have a relationship with a lot of sassy verbal sparing. So, enjoy such interactions.

If you like this chapter, leave a review. :)

4. Chapter 4 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (3273 words) Printer

I hope you enjoy. If you do, leave a review. :)

5. Chapter 5 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (3435 words) Printer

Note, there will be some minor bashing of Ron and Hermione. This is not because I hate them. I just want it this way. They just turn out to not be great friends. Ron's angry and jealous; Hermione ends up afraid. They stay friends, but distantly. Harry will become good friends with Draco and Luna instead.

Also, a canon change: Ron will NOT be on the Quidditch team and is NOT Prefect with Hermione.

I hope you enjoy. If you do, leave a review.

6. Chapter 6 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3958 words) Printer

I apologize if you feel things are moving too fast between Severus and Harry, but, I'm not changing it. They are still hesitant, they are still confused, but they are both also very similar and are feeling that connection while feeling isolated from everyone else around them. There's an understanding between them. Both honestly believe this is just going to be for the summer and they'll go back to normal in September.

Also, I apologize if you feel like I have Harry not be friends with Ron and Hermione too often. I know Harry needs his friends, but that's kind of the point right now, that he doesn't have anyone when he really needs them. Also, I like to explore the relationships he could have with other characters. In this one, it will be Draco and Luna. Sorry if you like the Harry/Ron/Hermione friendship; I just prefer others.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, please, leave a review. Thank you :)

7. Chapter 7 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] (3592 words) Printer

Angst-filled chapter with the beginning of the minor Hermione bashing. Again, the Trio remains friendly in this story, but they're really not the friends they are in canon and there is slight bashing of Ron and Hermione as they treat Harry a bit poorly. Harry will find his friends, his family, as the story progresses, but it is not going to be Ron and Hermione. It'll be a journey, though.

If you enjoy this chapter, please, leave a review. I appreciate it! :)

8. Chapter 8 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] (4397 words) Printer

Thank you for all your continued support and love for this story. I'm having a lot of fun with it. I will be doing a lot of playing with the concepts of horcruxes, the Dark Marks, Harry and Voldemort's connection, and Mind Magic stuff. Also, Fred and George are going to remain slightly bigger characters. They remain friends with Harry despite not being at Hogwarts anymore; they will still be included in things. I hope you enjoy it.

If you like this chapter, please, leave a review. I love hearing from you!

9. Chapter 9 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] (3796 words) Printer

I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, please, leave a review. Thank you! :)

10. Chapter 10 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] (3313 words) Printer

I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, please, leave a review. Thank you :)

11. Chapter 11 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3878 words) Printer

Took me forever to figure out how to write this chapter only to discover that it apparently needed to be from Severus' point of view. I won't switch perspectives often in this story, but on occasion we'll see things from Severus' side. So, I hope you enjoy this angsty chapter and, please, leave a review if you do. Thank you! :)

12. Chapter 12 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3660 words) Printer

So, I am still working at getting chapters out for my other stories as well and apologize again for the wait. I really appreciate your patience. If you haven't yet seen, A Bond for the Ages was updated on March 2, so head over there after you're done here to check that new chapter out. 

As for this story, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I am doing a lot of playing with the horcruxes and the Dark Marks, so I hope you come to enjoy the different lore behind them. I also hope you enjoy a bit of a turn in Harry and Severus' relationship, a little progress away from just teacher and student.

If you enjoy, please, leave a review. Thank you :)

13. Chapter 13 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (3509 words) Printer

Hello! So, I am going to apologize again for the long waits, but I'm also going to give a little generalized warning or FYI, however you want to see it.

I will NEVER abandon a story. "Bond", "Shadows", "Morgan le Fay", and "Life"...none of these will ever be abandoned. Now, sometimes, updates may take longer than normal. I try to update every couple weeks, but I cannot guarantee that. Keep in mind, I have a job and I'm pursuing a Master's degree and I'm human. Things happen and life does take precedent. However, just remember, even if I haven't updated in 2 weeks, a month, 2 months, etc., the story is NOT abandoned. A new chapter WILL always come, but sometimes it will take a while. Just, keep all of this in mind when reading and waiting. Also keep in mind that I appreciate your patience in waiting for chapters. I really appreciate it.

And never think I don't see the views. I check my stories several times a day and see it all, and every time one of these numbers goes up, even by just one, I am thrilled and so thankful to all of you for your love and support and interest.

Now, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm loving the way I'm going with the horcruxes and the Dark Marks and all of that. It's very different from anything I've ever read or written, and it's super fun already. I can't wait to keep getting into it.


So, if you enjoy this chapter, PLEASE, leave a review. I adore getting reviews and hearing what you guys think, how you're enjoying the story. Thank you and see you soon, either here or in one of my other stories. Just keep being patient. Love you all! :)

14. Chapter 14 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (4220 words) Printer

Some canon changes with dates and characters:
- In canon, Voldemort found Ravenclaw's diadem sometime between 1946-1949 and made it into a horcrux. I am changing this to be that he did not find the diadem and make it a horcrux until 1979.

- In canon, Voldemort kills Bertha Jorkins at the start of 4th year to make Nagini a horcrux. I am changing this to be that Nagini becomes a horcrux now through a different murder occurring in this chapter.

- A connection between Pandora Lovegood and Voldemort that does not exist in canon.
Alright, that's all the changes. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please, leave a review if you do. Thank you and thank you for all your support for the author's note in the last chapter! :)

15. Chapter 15 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] (3964 words) Printer

Enjoy this chapter! If you do, please, leave a review :)

16. Chapter 16 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4906 words) Printer

Welcome back! So, a couple small things before getting into the chapter.

1. I'm a little unsure about the duel with Kingsley and the confrontation with the other Number Twelve residents after the duel. It just wasn't coming out very well, but I can only fight with scenes for so long.

2. I am making up all kinds of things about Kingsley's life because we know virtually nothing.

Onto the chapter! I hope you enjoy! If you do, please, leave a review. See you again soon.

17. Chapter 17 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3317 words) Printer

Hello! I hope you enjoy this chapter! If you do, please, leave a review! Love reading them! I love all of you so much. Thanks and see you again!   

18. Chapter 18 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 0] (4488 words) Printer

Continuing with the AU aspects of this story. Just go with it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, please, leave a review. Thank you for all your love! See you next time!

To be continued...
TheLostBoys333 is the author of 5 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 13 members. Members who liked Shadows of the Forsaken also liked 570 other stories.

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