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Re: the only good thing Petunia did for Harry (was a challenge or prompt here) 

Petunia taught Harry how to sew / mend clothes with needle and thread, and made him do cloth repair jobs round the house. 

When Harry's uniform rips, he realises that some cloth tears cannot be mended with magic, and he is scared to throw his uniform into the separate 'needs repairs' hamper cause he's afraid of repercussions. It happens in 1st  year since he doesn't know about the house-elves yet. 

Ergo, he asks Hermione to ask her parents to send needle and thread / he wishes for needle and thread for Christmas. Or better yet, instead of a 50 p piece, Petunia sends him a small spool of thread and a needle.

Fast forward, Harry now has a reputation and a small business as person who mends clothes better than the house-elves / being able to do it where the house-elves can't.

The only way Snape can show his support is anonymously sending Harry his orders, and sending Harry books about magically enhanced sewing... 

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Riddle's Diary is not planted in Harry's second year. It shows up later in Harry's Hogwarts career, and Harry is the one in possession of it. He can be obsessed with other people's diaries.

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Summary: Harry shows less ability at potions than he should/could have had because he got an aversion for cooking from the Dursleys. Muggle cooking doesn't react to subtle but deeply ingrained negative emotions so much; potions do.
Severus realises that Harry's potions ability is less than he would predict it to be both because of Lily's heritage and the way acceptable technique yields less than good results... What will he do?
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Summary: Teenagers often like to experiment with drugs. Teens with potions skills become popular because they can make tinctures and things similar to recreational drugs.
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Summary: Harry Potter has a random request. Something *nobody* would have ever expected him to ask for.....
Rules : Snape must hear about the request whether that's at the time or after is up up you. Whether it affects snape or not is also up to you. He must be canonical though-- so he can't be supportive of the request, at least not at first
An example: "the entire hallway was silent, you could hear a pin drop. All eyes were on the unlikely duo standing in the middle, one dark-haired and green-eyed hero looking sheepish and hopeful at the boy in front of him as he awaited an answer to his question. 'Will you be my date for the Yule Ball?''(obviously this is an example set during the tournament)
A 2nd example just to show how much freedom you have with this challenge: "The bushy haired teenager had never in a million years thought she'd hear these words from her friends mouth. They were downright cruel in fact! And he didn't even look sorry! How dare Harry James Potter ask her if she could have her parents fix her teeth because they were getting even bigger and it was hard for him to not laugh?! I mean, how rude of that boy!" 🙃😃
A 3rd possible example: "When Severus Snape woke up that morning, he had no idea he'd end his day staring open mouthed at the audacity of the dunderheaded brat in front of him. The little idiot had just barged into Snapes office and requested, nigh demanded, Severus Snape be nice to him! What in the blazes is going on?!"
This challenge is so wide open I think we can get some serious laughs out of it or if you go serious that's awesome too.
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Summary: Harry keeps the Resurrection Stone. Snape is at his beck and call.
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Summary: Severus has to use his real accent. Harry starts to pick it up.
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Summary: When Sirius falls into the veil, he falls out the other side--alive, and not alone. Lily is returned from the dead.
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Summary: After first year, Harry is told he has to return to the Dursleys for the summer. But Harry has other ideas... who cares what the adults want! It's not like they've proven they know better than Harry. He'd rough it on his own, maybe live in a Wizarding hotel, the country side, another country, even on the street if he had to! No way would he ever go back to Privet Drive.
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Summary: During the school year there's a ripple in the air, and out pop Severus and Harry. But there's a problem. There's already a Severus and Harry! They warn of dangers that may come, and that they left from their Universe to this one to help. What will the original Severus and Harry do, and how does everyone react to an extra Potter and Snape?
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