Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Lies
Title: Breakdown 18 Feb 2005 1:01 pm
Reviewer: Rachel A. Prongs (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well, at least *Gordon* can do something right. *sigh* What I'm thinking about is; how can they punish him with magic at all? For Harry magic was an escape from everything bad. The only ones who's hurt him with magic is his enemies - what is he to think when his friends starts doing the same? Go you. I loved it.
Title: Breakdown 18 Feb 2005 12:35 pm
Reviewer: annoyed (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This funky blue-gray background is hard on the eyes, and frankly the site is poorly setup. If someone is going to attempt to compete with established services, they should differentiate themselves in a positive fashion.
Title: Breakdown 18 Feb 2005 9:16 am
Reviewer: Harper (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Nice chapter and nice site :D i think the POV thing from Hermione was a bit awkward since you already wrote the beginning of this chapter in the previous one. Still, despite this and the fact Harry was a little ooc it was still a fairly good chapter. Keep up the good work!

    Author's Response: I argued with myself a lot over whether to overlap with the last chapter, and finally decided that it was going to happen no matter what, since I wasn't going to do Harry's perspective and it made no sense to start someone else's POV in the middle of Harry's breakdown. After trying several different approaches (part of the reason this chapter took so long!), I finally settled on Hermione for giving a different perspective (and explaining why his friends weren't in the room with him). I'm sorry to hear that you felt that Harry was OOC, but I'd like to hear more about *why* you felt he was OOC.
Title: Breakdown 18 Feb 2005 7:00 am
Reviewer: Mikee (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I was re-reading this story when suddenly I received an Author Alert from ff.net that the new chapter, 'Breakdown,' had been poted. Imagine my surprise.! This is not a site I visit a lot since it doesn't have an Author Alert. I love the story, and really loved Harry's breakdown. I thought it was very interesting that it was Remus to whom Harry was clinging after his 'breakdown' since Remus was one to whom Harry's anger was so strongly directed when he was 'kidnapped' from Privet Drive. I liked how Gordon and Remus dealt with Harry's breakdown, and the manner in which Gordon continued after Remus left. I am *so* looking forward to seeing what happens when Gordon talks to the adults about the book and what all went on with the 'punishment.' I'm thinking Harry's reaction to his 'punishment' must have had many components to it, among them being: he was (or felt as if he was) *trapped*, by both the book and by magic; he was *forced* to read much as he was forced into so many things by the Dursleys, and by staff from Hogwarts (especially Albus and Severus); he was esentially hurting himself albiet not in the same way as he was because of Umbridge, but hurting himself nonetheless by having to do something he *so* did not want to do, and he had to do something in spite of being terrified by it (terrified by it even before he knew what it was he was going to have to do). Add this 'punishment' to all that's been going on since he was kidnapped, and I imagine he was just totally overwhelmed -- by magic (ambient as well as his own new powers), by manipulative people, by the apparent hatred from Severus, by having to talke when he really doesn't want to, and by life in general. Will you continue to post on ff.net.? Will you e-mail updates to those of us who want to read it on 'Potions and Snitches.?' I *really* don't want to miss any of this story. Thank you Oh, I can be e-mailed at Scooter7232@c... if you want to respond. Again, thank you.

    Admin edit: Jan - Please don't list your e-mail in a review. There's no protection on the site for it. Thanks. :) You can add this story to your favourites and you will get automatic e-mail noices when it is updated if you set it to do so in your Preferences.
Title: Breakdown 18 Feb 2005 6:54 am
Reviewer: steffles (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I hope Gordon lays into them again. I really enjoy this original character. I does what an outsider character should, give you a fresh perspective, but he isn't jarring or falsely inserted into the story. I like that we got the kids' view of events as well. I hope the adults have FINALLY learned to be careful with Harry. Please be quicker with the next chapter, if possible. I'll for one be waiting eagerly no matter how long it takes.
Title: Breakdown 18 Feb 2005 6:13 am
Reviewer: zorro x (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh, poor Harry. I love Gordon, though. Absolutely cannot wait for Snape to live out three days as Harry Potter. Please update quickly!
Title: Breakdown 18 Feb 2005 6:13 am
Reviewer: ennui deMorte (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter!! I love seeing the scene from Hermione's point of view ~ definitely gave the scene a whole different feel. I am SO looking forward to two things: (1) The scene where Gordon explains exactly what happened with Harry ~ can't wait to see their reactions. Harry should be happy that Remus was angry with Arthur for the book. and (2) Severus at the Dursleys. Looking forward to more!!

    Author's Response: Due to some changes in the plot treatment, I've decided not to include Severus at the Dursleys in the main story. However, you can find it here (and eventually at FF.net) under the name "Snape's Punishment". :-)
Title: Breakdown 18 Feb 2005 6:11 am
Reviewer: raven (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Could you pretty please add another chapter.....please???
Title: Breakdown 18 Feb 2005 6:07 am
Reviewer: jbcna (Anonymous) [Report This]
    That was a really geat chapter so emotional finnaly he is opening up cant wait for more!!!!!!!!!
Title: Breakdown 18 Feb 2005 5:17 am
Reviewer: Tithe (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well, took you long enough to update, but it was definitely worth it. I've been waiting for Harry to break down forever now. By the way, I loved the whole 'Contrariwise' thing. Clever, I guess. Anyway, update soon.

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