Potions and Snitches
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Reviews For Walk the Shadows
Title: Chapter 43 06 Nov 2007 3:08 am
Reviewer: Polaris (Signed) [Report This]
    Oooh exciting, back to school and all. The Draco thing was a surprise to me! I like that he came to see Harry before classes started, that has to be reassuring for him. Lovely chapter, I loved Harry and Severus's interactions as usual. Can't wait for the sequel when you're ready. Thanks for a great story!

    Author's Response: Hi Polaris,  Thank you for the review!  Draco will have a significant role in the sequel, as he comes to better understand harry, and his Head of House, and there is plenty more healing in store for Harry.  I should have the sequel started in a week or two.  Thanks again!
Title: Chapter 43 06 Nov 2007 2:41 am
Reviewer: Andrea (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Haha, great ending. I liked the part with Draco, in canon and fiction, I've never imagined him truly walking in his father's footsteps. Can't wait to see the sequel!
Title: Chapter 43 06 Nov 2007 1:10 am
Reviewer: Ayana (Anonymous) [Report This]
    beautiful ending! loved it! all your stories are amazing, can't wait for the sequel! ^^
Title: Chapter 43 06 Nov 2007 12:51 am
Reviewer: Cora (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Sniff, sniff, my favorite story is over. Only the thought that there will be a sequel keeps me from breaking down. Thank you so much for all the exiting hours I had, reading your story.
Title: Chapter 43 06 Nov 2007 12:13 am
Reviewer: JMGodfreyIII (Anonymous) [Report This]
    *begins chanting like a silly fangirl* sequel, sequel, sequel...
    This is an excellent fic and I cant wait to read more from you XD

    Author's Response: Hi JM,  Thanks for the review!  I should have the sequel started in a week or two, but first I need a title . . .   ;-)
Title: Chapter 43 06 Nov 2007 12:07 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Fantastic ending! I really loved this story, and I'm so excited about the sequel!

    Although it was terrible how Harry had to suffer to get this point, it is satisfying to see how far he and Severus have come and how relaxed they are around each other now. To me, it seemed that Severus almost seemed to hover over Harry before leaving for the Feast. Very cute, although Severus would have my head for saying that.

    Draco certainly surprised me, but I'm quite thrilled that he seems to be on a redemption arc, and that Harry could see Draco as himself, and not a copy of his father. It'll be interesting to see what comes of this.

    Severus' plan for Harry to 'attend' class was brilliant, and I'm so glad Harry has someone to watch out for him, finally.

    One last thing, I was re-reading, and I came upon the part close to the beginning, when Harry thinks about how no one has ever said "I love you" to him, and how much he wanted to be loved. Well, I do think Severus loves Harry now, even if he isn't quite ready to call it 'love', but I really hope that at some point in the sequel he will actually say the words---Harry needs to hear it, and it would mean so much to him.

    Well, congratulations on finishing this one, and I can't wait for the sequel to begin!

    Author's Response: Hi Kristeh, thank you very much for your review!  Draco will definitely be a large part of the sequel, as he has a lot of things to work through now that Lucius is gone.  And as for those three little words . . . well.  I'm saving that for later.  ;-)  Thanks again!
Title: Chapter 43 05 Nov 2007 11:46 pm
Reviewer: pkrosche (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, I have never been as pleased with an ending as I have with this one. Really, really well done and good job. I'm kinda sad that college caught up with me and was thus unable to keep up with the updates, but I do think it was brilliant!

    In the previous chapters, Ron and Hermione were perfect, as was Severus, of course! They acted just as I would have imagined them to. One question, what was Severus doing as Ron comforted Hermione...that's the only thing that I couldn't see exactly. Was he sneering or genuinly touched at the depth of their friendship and connection to Harry that they would be so moved... I don't know.

    Excellent job of bringing Harry into the picture too, it was great to see his appearance described by Hermione and not be as peachy keen as we all would have liked. But, it was magnificent and I really enjoyed the trio's interactions afterwords and seeing their reactions to realizing that Severus really does care for Harry.

    Draco's appearance made me even more freaked out than it did Harry, I'm sure. It was a great plot point that you can then add to in your sequel and was amazingly set up. I was so proud of Harry when he realized that Draco wasn't his father, just as he was not James Potter. I just want to hug him he's so great!! It was also perfect how Harry called Draco back to show him that "there are no hard feelings." (if one can really even say that, but I think you understand) I'm just a little surprised with Severus, how did he miss Draco getting up during the feast from the table and leaving?! Or, how did Severus miss that Draco wasn't in the commonroom? (Unless Severus only talkes to the new firsties?) But still, I understand that IF Severus DID see Draco leaving the table, then Draco and Harry could not have had the chance to get these feelings off their chests.

    One major question I have that I hope you will address in the sequel is, how do the Death Eater children act towards Severus now that they (probably) know of his betrayl. I mean, is there going to be a constant war raging in the dungeons and potions classroom? I really can't see everyone being like Draco, as I would like them to be...but how is Severus going to survive this year?

    Really great story, it's definatly at the very top, number one of my favorites!! You are just such an amazing writer and I hope you continue on in the sequel and others to write as wonderfully as you did here. Best of luck!

    Author's Response:

    Hi pkrosche, thanks for the review! 

    I appreciate very much your kind words on the last few chapters.  I didn't describe Severus' response to Hermione's anguish, because she wasn't really paying any attention to him.  But imagination is a wonderful thing, so we can all fill in our own blanks about how he reacted.  ;-)  To answer one of your questions, yes, the response of various DE children to Severus' "betrayal" of their cause, and how he manages his classroom, will definitely be addressed in the sequel.  And for another question, I figured it was possible, with all the confusion that the start of term feast usually has inherent in it, that Severus might not notice if one of his Slytherins (even one of the most notorious) was missing or came in a little late.  Draco wasn't gone that long, after all.

    Thank you again, and hope you'll be back for the sequel!

Title: Chapter 43 05 Nov 2007 10:06 pm
Reviewer: wynnleaf (Signed) [Report This]
    This is one of the best recovery and hurt/comfort stories I've seen in HP fan fic. It has been very well paced with the characters not only IC, but behaving in a believable manner considering the situations. I recall back around Chapter 10 (sorry, I didn't go back to check which chapter, but you know what I mean), I was concerned that the story might become melodramatic or that you'd go for the "shock value" of abuse. But that never happened. You really did an excellent job of staying focused and keeping all of the arcs well managed. Your resolutions to the various pieces have been satisfying. With all the great pacing, arcs, believable characters, you also created many wonderfully moving scenes.

    And on top of everything else, you've been one of the most consistent writers at updating.

    Thanks so much for a great story!

    Author's Response: Thanks, Wynnleaf!  It's been quite a ride for me, emotionally, writing this story, too, and I'm glad that so many people seemed to find it realisitic in its portrayal of abuse and the subsequent survival of it.  I've very much appreciated your critiques all along, and hope you come back for the sequel . . .  --Rachel
Title: Chapter 43 05 Nov 2007 9:49 pm
Reviewer: FoxxNyara (Signed) [Report This]
    Excellent!! I'm really enjoying all this emotional angst and trauma, which I suppose doesn't say anything nice about me, does it? I like how this is a somewhat realistic view of trauma and the aftermath, rather than our stalwart hero shaking it off and being fine in the next chapter. I'm really looking forward to the sequel, which should be posted in it's entirety by noon tomorrow, right? Right?? :)

    Author's Response:

    ...which should be posted in it's entirety by noon tomorrow, right? Right?? :)

    Uh, sure.  No problem.  ;-)

    And, thank you very much for your review!  My entire reason for writing this story (besides the fact that I'm an angst junkie -- see, Miri, I can admit it!) is that I'd seen too many stories of abused/kidnapped/tortured Harry where he does just shrug off the ordeal and doesn't seem affected by it at all.  And, having worked with rape survivors, as well as abused children, I just had to write a (in my opinion) more believeable tale of recovery.  With, uh, magic, of course. Thanks again, for sticking with!


Title: Chapter 43 05 Nov 2007 9:31 pm
Reviewer: cathyrf (Signed) [Report This]
    This was a fantastic last chapter. Draco appearing at the door gave me chills!

    I'm really looking forward to the sequel. Thanks for this excellent story.

    Author's Response:

    Draco appearing at the door gave me chills!

    Well, he was meant to of course.  ;-)  Thank you for your review.  The review will be started in a couple of weeks, I think.  Maybe sooner, if I get more time at work.  Thanks again!


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