Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Walk the Shadows
Title: Chapter 13 24 Aug 2007 7:04 am
Reviewer: Foolish Wishmaker (Signed) [Report This]
    Excellent use of a mind/dream-type sequence. It was very creepy how that scene wasn't what it first seemed to be. Kind of reminds me of a recurring nightmare I used to have as a kid.
Title: Chapter 12 24 Aug 2007 6:52 am
Reviewer: Foolish Wishmaker (Signed) [Report This]
    I love that last line. Perfect way to end the chapter.
Title: Chapter 9 24 Aug 2007 6:42 am
Reviewer: Foolish Wishmaker (Signed) [Report This]
    I've been putting off reading this story starting with this chapter due to the warning/content, but I have to admit you've done a good job. I'll keep reading to see what happens to Harry now. It's an interesting direction to take the story, since it's likely to change Harry's whole character pretty drastically.

    Author's Response: Indeed.  The rest of the story is centered on his recovery from these events.  Glad you gave it a chance.  :-)
Title: Chapter 22 24 Aug 2007 5:39 am
Reviewer: Branwyn (Signed) [Report This]
Title: Chapter 22 24 Aug 2007 5:36 am
Reviewer: Solitare (Signed) [Report This]
    YES! *Dances* Go Snape go Snape go Snape!!! *skittles galore sour and all kinds* ^_^ excellent Chapter can't wait for the next.
Title: Chapter 22 24 Aug 2007 4:51 am
Reviewer: Caramello (Signed) [Report This]
    I just have to say THANK YOU for saving this moment until chapter 22. So many people throw it into the first chapter or two of their stories and it infuriates me so much. Lol. But yours is highly realistic in the scheme of things. In any case, I'm anxious for Harry's reaction to it, lol. His so volitile lately, it should be interesting, lol. I also loved that Harry was writing 'I don't care' over and over in his journal. After three hours, though, I'd get way bored of that. Lol.
Title: Chapter 22 24 Aug 2007 4:23 am
Reviewer: honore (Signed) [Report This]
    A bit cliffie? You think??? Please get back to this as soon as humanly possible. I really want to know what Harry will think of that offer. You are a really good writer. Thanks
Title: Chapter 22 24 Aug 2007 3:42 am
Reviewer: wynnleaf (Signed) [Report This]
    "He didn’t what that had to do with anything,"

    I assume this should be "he didn't know what that had to do with anything,"

    Great chapter. I'm very interested to see how you have Harry respond. I could see it going any of several directions. Why do I wonder if Harry is going to distrust this somehow? Not thinking Snape's lying or something, but I'm not sure Harry would at this point really believe an adult *wants* to take such care of him.
Title: Chapter 22 24 Aug 2007 2:03 am
Reviewer: Polaris (Signed) [Report This]
    !!! Yay, guardianship! Ahh, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself reading your story. Are you going to end it when Harry goes back to school or are you going further than that? I'm glad that at least in your story, you've addressed why Harry was allowed to be abused by Umbridge without any consequences. Another great chapter!

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review!  I'm gonna end the story when it ends, I'm afraid.  It will probably be quite a while from now . . . I may even have to go till the END.  I mean, I can't have Harry wondering how he can face Voldie after everything that's happened, so he'll actually have to, you know, face him.  So, a simpler answer is, "further than that."  ;-)
Title: Chapter 22 24 Aug 2007 1:28 am
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh yes!! Such a good ending...I mean, sure it IS a bit of a cliffie, but it's okay. It gives me time to imagine Harry's reaction..lol. And..wait..oh, no...I wonder how he'll react. He'll probably freak out, but deep down be happy about it. Oh how I love to predict..hehehe.

    Great chapter, as always. It's taken Harry a realistic amount of time to recover, and although he has relapses, each chapter still seems satisfyingly progressive by the end. I'm anxious to see how Harry takes Snape's petition!

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