Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Never Say Remember
Title: Chapter 4: He Knows 02 Jan 2008 9:59 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]
    I agree that James knew exactly what was going on and probably picked on Snape even more because of it. I also think it's one of the (numerous) plot holes in DH. Snape's love for Lily would not be a big secret. Everyone would know they were friends, and everyone would have known pretty quick that he spent hours crying and begging outside the Gryffindor entrance. I can't believe that Sirius wouldn't have thrown it in his face or Remus explain about it to Harry long before he saw Severus' memories. But Rowling wanted to have her big "reveal" in DH--one that numerous fans had already figured out given all the Severitus stories out there. ;-)

    Author's Response:

    That's my issue with big reveals at the end of stories:  everything is so focused on surprising the viewer/reader that character development stagnates.  Not that it NEVER works—I love M. Night Shyamalan's movies—but I also love The Crying Game, where there's a big twist in the MIDDLE of the story, and then we see how that twist affects the development of the characters.  That can be so much more satisfying. 


    I agree about DH.  It's strange that no one who knew about Severus & Lily's friendship ever mentioned it to Harry.  I can think of a few ways to explain it, but overall I wish that revelation had happened earlier in the final book as a means to develop Snape's character and explore Harry's feelings towards the man.  But I'm quite taken with Snape while I think Rowling sees him as a minor character.  And I should have learned by now that when you become invested in the development of a minor character, you will experience a lot of frustration with the source material. 


    Good idea for a fanfic, though.  Why did Remus and Sirius never tell Harry about the friendship?  Hmm…

Title: Chapter 4: He Knows 02 Jan 2008 3:11 pm
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    Good chapter! I had a feeling something was wrong with Lily

    Author's Response: Soon all will be revealed… 
Title: Chapter 4: He Knows 02 Jan 2008 2:34 pm
Reviewer: xoxangelstarxox (Anonymous) [Report This]
    i absolutly love this story please update soon i want to know whats happened to lily and the othe harry thanks for this story.

    Author's Response:

    You're welcome!  Thank you for reading & reviewing. 

Title: Chapter 4: He Knows 02 Jan 2008 11:34 am
Reviewer: Polaris (Signed) [Report This]
    Just a quick note to say that I'm looking forward to that mystery being solved. Loving the story!

    Author's Response:

    I'm glad you're still enjoying the ride! 

Title: Chapter 4: He Knows 02 Jan 2008 8:40 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, you're such a tease! Fantastic chapter. I am really left hanging. :P I am really enjoying all of your characters, especially this universe's Snape, and Harry, and Dumbledore. I could actually hear the movie Dumbledore, and hear his voice for some of the lines! That's never happened before. It wasn't all of the time, but it was at least once or twice. Your descriptions are very good, and I adore the actual story. Fantastic job with the plot development, and everything. Really good job. Keep writing, and i'll hope to be able to read more soon! :)

    Author's Response:

    I appreciate everyone being so restrained about the cliffhanger.  I imagine that could be a little annoying.  ;)

    I'll try not to leave people hanging too long.

    Thank you for the kind words! 

Title: Chapter 4: He Knows 02 Jan 2008 7:53 am
Reviewer: Lio Saoirse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Very good! I like how you have everyone's personalities!! especially Snape he is Snape still in both universes!!!


    Author's Response:

    Thank you! 

    I did a lot of re-reading of the books to keep the characters in mind, and I'm glad that's coming through.

Title: Chapter 4: He Knows 02 Jan 2008 7:41 am
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    This is just brilliant! It's official: I'm in love with your story. I'm not sure which Harry is more endearing at the moment. The bubblefruit scene was so incredibly clever and sweet(npi) and hilarious. I think it will be interesting to see how , or if, Snape eventually warms up to Harry.

    I think my favorite part was when Harry was climbing up the shelves and Severus told him to get down, but wasn't sure whether or not he was worried about Harry's bones or the glass breaking. So Snape-like. This story is just giving me that warm feeling I get when I read something really great and original. Thanks so very much for sharing :)

    Author's Response: You're welcome!  Thank you for your reviews!

    Your favorite line was actually one I wrote only a few hours ago.  I was looking at the line, "You'll break something," and trying to decide if Snape meant the jars or Harry's bones.  But of course, it's Snape, so it could go either way! 

Title: Chapter 4: He Knows 02 Jan 2008 7:38 am
Reviewer: elocution (Signed) [Report This]

    i've been reading this fic since it began, but i admit it, i'm a very lazy little elocution, and this is the first time i'm reviewing. -sighs- i really need to get better at that, don't i?

    anyway, the title kind of caught my eye, and with the end of the chapter...i'm speculating. hmm. of course, my suspicions are probably totally unfounded here, which wouldn't exactly surprise me anyway...but still. you're making me think. i like that. :-)

    to avoid making myself sound like a rambling buffoon (cough-which i am-cough), i shall steer the topic to less speculative things, like, you know, the parts of your story that you've actually posted and i read. whoo.

    the body language is awesome. this is probably most pronounced at the end, where you see snape watching the dust, and harry rubbing his hands on his robes, biting his lips, and generally acting pretty awkward. it makes me have a running strip of film running through my head, which is always fun when i can drool over snape. -nods-

    the reactions of all the characters are pretty real, too. harry's clinginess to his newfound mother makes my heart ache, and the other harry's utter boldness is adorable. i mean, skipping down the dungeon steps? and poor old snape, staring and, quote, "disturbed"...lol. poor guy doesn't know what hit him.

    oh, and lastly, before i shut up and attempt to persuade myself into gasp! sleeping!, i liked the part where harry was all, dude, my name is snape, you weirdo! first it made me confused, (since, no, i'm not the brightest of cookies), but once i finally cottoned on to why harry was blurting out names, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

    this feeling could also be attributed to the fact that i'm under a pile of blankets and should be asleep right now. who knows?


    cheers! love your story!

    Author's Response: Your review was great.  "my name is snape, you weirdo!"  Ha! 

    Although my stomach fluttered when you began to speculate.  I have an intelligent friend who can always guess what my next plot twist is, and it leaves me feeling deflated about my plodding and obvious writing.  But of course she is very quick and perceptive so I try not to take it personally.  :) 

    How about a New Year's resolution for everyone: write reviews for every fic you enjoy.  I'm going to try it.  It's got to be easier than those other resolutions, like "exercise more" and "finish all those writing projects on your hard drive."

Title: Chapter 3: Lost at Sea 02 Jan 2008 7:30 am
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow...I love this story. I mean, LOVE it! You've created such a powerful, emotional story. Again, Harry is perfect in every way. Ans I think you're exactly right about thirteen being a perfectly defiant age. I loved the way Severus dealt with Harry about his ankle and bruised knuckles.

    I particularly loved these lines:

    "He felt a pang of grief as he stared at the stranger who had replaced his son. Where once there had been love and playfulness he now saw bitterness and loathing."

    **Reading this paragraph gave me the same sad, deep feeling in the pit of my stomach that I got when reading certain chapters of Deathly Hallows. Amazing.

    "I'm sure the walls rue the day they met as formidable an opponent as yourself."

    **I appreciate the bit of humor in such a heavily poignant story. I really laughed hard at this. Actually, I smiled several times throughout this story :)

    I felt such pain for Harry at the end of this chapter, as well as for Severus. I can only imagine how difficult that would be.

    Well, you've definitely got me hooked. This is stunning.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you for giving such detailed reviews! 

    I’m a veteran of Buffy fandom and what originally hooked me on that show was the combination of humor and tragedy.  The emotions sparkle more when you have a bit of both. 

Title: Chapter 2: The Long Night 02 Jan 2008 7:20 am
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    A great description:

    "Harry nodded. He stood, hardly feeling his legs."

    **Kind of the same way I felt when I realized that Harry had fallen into another demention.

    This is a wonderfully emotional chapter, and I was really hoping that Snape wouldn't do anything to upset Harry... I'm glad my hopes weren't crushed :)

    Another fabulous chapter! I think it's actually quite brilliant the way you vary chapter lengths. Change it up a bit ;)

    Author's Response:

    I love hearing your reactions! 

    I am trying to nudge some of my shorter chapters into the 800-word range, but they will still vary quite a bit in word count.  I believe that a story should be as long as it needs to be, and no longer (or shorter). 

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