Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: One Step Forward...Two Backwards 06 Apr 2009 9:33 am
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Uh oh! Let's hope Severus is on his toes this time around! I loved the part where he forced himself to comfort his son, lol, and then Harry jokes about how it only happens once a decade. Very enjoyable chapter. I look forward to seeing what Slughorn comes up with to cure Harry.


    Author's Response:

    Yeah,  Harry is really going to give Severus grey hair!  Giving comfort is not something that comes naturally to Severus.

    Thank you, Slughorn will work alongside Dumbledore and Severus, and somehow the three of them will find a solution to Harry's problem.

Title: One Step Forward...Two Backwards 06 Apr 2009 4:21 am
Reviewer: Kodak717 (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, what a cliff! Love it. :)

    Author's Response: Oh thank you.  Sorry about the cliffie!  I'll try to update soon. ;)
Title: One Step Forward...Two Backwards 06 Apr 2009 1:22 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh no...dark Harry is about to pounce. Will Sev be able to defuse or stop Harry from hurting Draco?

    Seems to me that these big, thick dungeon doors must be hollow because it is certainly easy to hear whats being said on the other side of them. You would think that Sev might start employing silencing wards or Muffliato.

    I was just going to ask why Harry doesn't have his wand on him, but I then remembered that Sev took it off him.

    It was nice to see Sev's very stiff offer of comfort to Harry at Slughorn's. Hopefully that will get easier and perhaps might graduate to an arm around Harry's shoulders and even a hug.

    Good chapter with lots of introspection. Enjoyed the different points of view.

    Keep up the good work Dawn, and update soon.


    Author's Response:

     Well, let's just hope that Severus has been a little more cautious in hiding Harry's wand than he has been in protecting his privacy.  I'm pretty sure also that Draco is more than capable in defending himself, although in Harry's present frame of mind, I'm not sure who would come out worse for the wear!


    I guess Sev is losing his edge these days!  In the past his paranoia would have made him think to put silencing charms on every door.  Although I guess that he really didn't envision that anyone else would be evesdropping, and Harry is not supposed to have left his quarters in the first place.  Severus will not be pleased that Harry has disobeyed him again and left their quarters without an escort.


    Thanks for reviewing Lesley, and I've really been enjoying the updates on YOUR stories!!  I can't wait for "Muggle" to be updated.

Title: One Step Forward...Two Backwards 05 Apr 2009 9:05 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, Pandora, this is just getting better and better! I love it!

    I can completely understand how Horace is feeling...poor guy, he just wants to enjoy his retirement in peace and he keeps getting sucked into all this drama. I hope he'll be able to help.

    Poor Harry, no wonder he's scared. To think of dark magic having such a hold on him is terrible.

    But I loved when Severus put his hand on Harry's shoulder to comfort him. That just made me melt. It was a huge step for him. I liked how you showed how hard it was for Severus to let himself open up, how he had had to close himself for so long just to survive, but that now he is determined to do right by Harry.

    And Horace's thoughts of young Severus were so sad. It is just heartbreaking how Severus turned to darkness. But thank goodness he was able to turn away from it too. And you do a good job of pointing out how talented and strong he is.

    Loved the scene with Severus and Draco, but I'm very worried about Harry's reaction. I can't wait for the next chapter, already!

    And this may not have anything to do with your story, but I was thinking more about the Elder Wand. Yes, at the end of DH, Harry said he was going to put it back where it came from (Dumbledore's grave?), that he didn't want it...which is very admirable. But I wonder if that is really enough to negate the wand's power and allegiance. After all, the Elder Wand was buried with Dumbledore's body from the end of HBP until Voldemort dug it up in DH, but the wand still changed its allegiance, first to Draco and then to Harry, even without ever being in their possession. So it would seem to me that people might still come after Harry. It seems that anyone who defeated Harry in a duel would become the wand's master and then all they have to do is find it. I think if Harry wanted to be done with the Elder Wand and never have to worry about it again that it should be destroyed and its' destruction should be public knowledge.

    Now I may have some of that wrong, but I'd have to re-read DH to be sure and I simply don't have the time right now, lol.

    I'm so eager for the next chapter!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for your enouragement Kristeh, it always means a lot to me.  Yes, Harry and Severus have made quite a bit of progress. and hopefully once Harry is cured they will continue to allow themselves to open up to one another.

    It's not easy for Severus to show affection in any way, and even just that small gesture of putting his arm around Harry's shoulders, is a huge step for him.  It is a step in the right direction though, that's for sure.

    Horace has seen a side of Severus that few have seen, and apart from Dumbledore, few ever give Severus the chance to show his better side.  Harry is beginning to trust Severus more, and is starting to are about him, even thought neither one of them will admit it openly.


    Hey, you know you are right about the elder wand, and it's allure.  I'm sure that if anyone were to find out about it's location, that perhaps they could find a way to gain control of it.  I would be willing to bet that it would make an amazing story, and I think that you would make a great job of it.  I hope that you DO decide to write it, and I can't wait to read it if you do.


    Yeah, I know what you mean about not finding time.

Title: Secrets Revealed 21 Mar 2009 3:40 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow...things are really moving along now. I hope Adams, with or without draco's assistance does not get his meat hooks into Harry again.

    Harry is certainly not out to make Severus' job easy, is he. Arguing at every turn. He is smarting from the fact that Severus' reaction to Harry's knowledge of their relationship was far from positive, and now that Sev is making an effort, HArry still cannot forget the slight. Though he is enjoying the pampering to a degree, he does not like being ordered around.

    I hope the prolonged affects from Harry's injury is not indicative of something sinister waiting to happen, like a clot becoming dislodged and a bleed occuring in his brain. I wouldn't imagine being smacked across the back of his head would be be beneficial when Severus has had to fight tooth and nail to keep him resting to avoid further injury!

    Oh, and Nagini wasn't a basilisk...she was just a massive snake. If she was a basilisk, DEs would have been being petrified all over the place.

    Is the story coming to an end if all of those wuestions are going to be answered in the next chapter?


    Author's Response:

    Oh wow you do have a point.  That was pretty stupid of Snape to hit Harry in the head. Harry is not the only one who does stupid things!

    Yes, Adams is one to watch, that is for sure.  Draco is almost mild compared to Adams.

     Harry does hold a certain amount of resentement for Snape still. He can't forget the rejection he felt when he first brought Snape back, but part of his attitude is his mind being controlled by the Dark Magic, and the other part is feeling resentful that Snape thinks that he can just come in after six and a half years, and play father.  Oh no, Harry's definitely not going to let Snape order him around without a fight  Also, Harry is a young man now, not a child, so he's still caught between being on the brink of manhood, and still feeling childish resentment towards Snape for all his misdeeds.  The bottom line is that Harry, is not sure what he feels.  The Dark Magic that is controlling him, is not helping to keep his mind stable either.

     Oh, yes you are right. What WAS I thinking!  Of course, the Basilisk was killed in the second book!  You know anytime I have a question about Canon, I'll go to the expert -- YOU.  Actually, I DO have one concerning Kristeh's question about the Elder Wand.  Was it not destroyed or hidden away at the end of DH?  I remember Harry not wanting to keep it. He used it to repair his own wand, and then said he didn't want it.  Am I correct in this?  I will go change that line about Nagini.  Thanks Lesley!

    No, story is not ending soon.  I was just joking around.  Maybe it was a poor attempt! :o

    I'm looking forward to updates of YOUR stories Lesley.  And how are things in Australia now?  I'm not hearing about anything new on the news, so I hope that that means that things are still calmed down.  I hope so.

     Take care Lesley, and thanks for taking the time to review, when you have three of your own brilliant stories that you're writing.


Title: Secrets Revealed 20 Mar 2009 11:38 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Your story is just getting better and better, Pandora! I truly love it.

    Adams sounds like bad news, even more so than Draco. I'm glad Severus was around to interrupt their little meeting, but I hope he and Harry will both keep their eyes open?

    Thinking about Harry possibly being in danger and having enemies has made me think of the Elder Wand. What has happened to that in this universe? Has Harry hidden it or does he still have it? I'm curious if it will come into play in this story. If I ever get around to writing a story set after DH, I'm going to have someone try to come after Harry for it, I think. I mean, it seems reasonable to think that someone would want that wand and Harry did announce to everyone in the Great Hall that he was its master now so I'd think he'd still have to watch out for that, unless maybe he destroyed it publicly or something.

    Well, anyway, I loved how Harry is beginning to realize that his father does care for him, despite their still frequent conflicts, and I loved how Severus felt a pang at the easy and close relationships Harry has with his friends.

    And the discussion with Slughorn was very good, too. Poor Sluggie...he must feel like he's been run over by a truck! I laughed at Severus' line about the book, but I have to say that I do think that Harry has the potential to be quite good at Potions on his own, too, without the book helping him. Both his parents are/were very intelligent and good at Potions (even in canon, James and Lily were both very talented and clever, too) so Harry has the brains and the ability.

    His real trouble with Potions is a mental thing...by this time, he's gotten into his head that he's not good at it, doesn't enjoy the subject, and probably doesn't want to be good at it beyond passing his NEWTS and being accepted as an Auror. I wonder if Harry's feeling towards Potions might change as he and his father become closer?

    Well, anyway, I loved the chapter and I can't wait for the next one!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you Kristeh. Yes Adams is perhaps even more dangerous than Malfoy, because he`s got his size to intimidate others as well as the fact that he lacks conscience.  Malfoy is very selfish, but he is feeling some remorse for hurting Snape. Adams has not personal relationship with Severus, so there is no limit to his maliciousness.

    If I`m not mistaken, Harry refused to keep posession of the wand, because he preferred his own.  I believe that he repaired HIS wand with it, and then got rid of it.  Not sure, but I seem to remember him having buried it or something along those lines.  Harry didn`t keep the wand though because of the dangers in succumbing to it`s power.  Ron was flabbergasted that Harry refused to keep it, if I recall correctly.  I think that I lent my copy of Deathly Hallows to someone, so I can`t check, but I`ll ask someone because now I`m curious too. 

     As for the conversation with Slughorn...Yeah, poor old Sluggie, he hasn`t had this much excitement in his life for a long time!  Don`t know if his ticker can handle much more!

    As for Harry`s potions skills, I think that perhaps Severus will want to help Harry improve because everyone now knows that Harry is his son, and as rocky as their relationship has been, I do believe that he would be proud to have Harry follow in his footsteps.  While Harry will probably not become a Potions Master, I do also think that he would have some natural talent, that will come to light under the right circumstances.  After all, Snape made Harry very nervous in class, and Harry could have become quite proficient in Potions, had Snape not quashed his efforts early on, with his constant insults. I think that it would be a good opportunity for them to become closer if Snape were to tutor Harry in Potions.  Yes, Harry could be very good at Potions and I think he could learn to enjoy it as well.

     Thank you so much for your review, and I`m really looking forward to YOUR next chapter!! Please hurry!

Title: Secrets Revealed 19 Mar 2009 7:49 pm
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm glad to see that both Sev and Harry are trying to have a relationship now, and that Harry is starting to realize how antagonisitic his behavior is. But I think Severus can change, it's just going to take him longer, but he's adaptable, he has to be since he was a spy for so many years.

    I think poor old Horace just might faint at the end and Severus will have permanent gray hairs too. And if Draco doesn't watch his step, he might be out on his ear.

    Author's Response:

    Yes, it is going to take a lot of work to make the relationship work, and each has the responsibility to control their actions. I think that once Harry is back to himself, then he'll have better control of his behaviour.  Snape is so set in his ways, it might be difficult for him to change easily, but as you pointed out, he is adaptable after having to spy for so many years.

     LOL!  Poor Horace!  He hasn't seen this much action since Tom Riddle used him to gather information on the Horcruxes! I really wouldn't want Sev to become prematurely gray and lose those lovely black locks.  Ok, so they're a little greasy!!

     Draco had better reconsider his plan to destroy Harry, because he might destroy himself in the process.

Title: Secrets Revealed 16 Mar 2009 7:48 pm
Reviewer: gin (Anonymous) [Report This]
    thanks for new chapter.i dont like adams like malfoy jr.he is very dangerous for harry.i hope snape realize soon but i think if adams do something bad,snape do an injustice to harry.
    i hate when snape call his son to potter.he call malfoy to first name but he cant call his son to harry.yes,he help to harry but he doesn't act a father.snape is still snapish.

    Author's Response:

    Malfoy's a rat, but I'd say that he's basically harmless, compared to Adams, and Malfoy could very easily get blamed for Adam's misdeeds!

    Don't worry, Snape is just having a hard time adjusting to calling Harry by his real name.  Old habits die hard.  Don't forget for six and a half years, he has been referring to Harry as Potter.  It will just takes some time.  Snape is still gruffy, but it takes time to be a father. It's just not realistic to expect it to happen to fast.  Dont' worry though, Snape has really already come a long way in his mindset towards Harry.  Unfortunately, at the moment it is only internally.  He's still having a hard time demonstrating to Harry how he cares.  But he does.  That's the important thing.

Title: Secrets Revealed 16 Mar 2009 7:30 am
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Lol, nice tv prompt for the next chapter! This chapter was good--I'm glad that Harry and Snape are trying to get along and it's good that Harry's starting to notice the difference between Sev's emotions, lol, which is no easy feat. I'm still curious about the Slughorn thing, as I'm not too sure how he could help. He might have a connection to someone who could help, but I'm not sure about what he could do himself. I look forward to learning more soon.

    This was my favorite part of the whole chapter:Severus was taking great pleasure in his son's discomfort. "Yes Horace, I was just telling Potter the other day that when it came to his potion-making skills, that he took a leaf out of my book," he said dryly. Lol! I love the implication there--very good!


    Author's Response:

    Well, my motive for bringing Horace into the picture was twofold.  First, Harry is not going to be too much help this time with the ritual.  His mood swings are not condusive to researching and toying with Dark Magic again. Horace does have experience in his background with Horcruxes. He was the first person that Tom Riddle thought of when he needed advice on how to create one. While Dumbledore, if he were alive and not trapped in a portrait, would have been the logical choice, it is not an option at this point to have him help in the preparation of the ritual and the Potion that will be required to complete the reversal. 

     Also, I'm a little bit evil myself.  I was toying with the idea of opening the door to Slughorn coming back to Hogwarts to teach Potions again.  After all, Severus is rather busy right now with Harry, and could use a relief from the heavy workload that he's under, and I think seeing Harry squirm in Slughorn's Potions class, without Snape's book, would be deliciously funny--don't you?  Also, that would open the door to maybe Severus helping his son with his Potions skills so that he won't be embarassed in front of Slughorn.  Of course, Severus is evil as wel, just might make Harry sweat it! LOL¡¡

    I was rather pleased with that line too. He got great pleasure in making Harry squirm.  He thinks that Harry deserves it for having cheated! LOL!  I love a sarcastic and snarkey Snape.  I think that Tabitha's evilness is rubbing off on me. But she is so brilliant, isn't she? :)

Title: Past Regrets 13 Mar 2009 8:13 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I'm glad that Severus knows that Draco is eavesdropping and is the one who spilled the beans. At least he'll know to be careful and keep an eye on the little ferret. It would be pretty funny if somehow Severus and Harry could stage a conversation and deliberately have Draco overhear it and embarrass himself in some way.

    I loved the beginning, how concerned Severus was for Harry and Harry is beginning to see it too, though they're both still very prickly and snide with one another, aren't they?

    Loved Albus with his eternal candy, and I think Slughorn is a logical choice for Severus to consult with. Of course Severus and Albus are experts...but Slughorn is also very learned on the subject. As you pointed out, Tom Riddle did go to him to learn about horcruxes. Slughorn being intelligent doesn't take anything away from Severus or Albus, just that he might know a different solution or be able to present a different perspective.

    Looking forward to the next chapter!

    Author's Response:

    Ooh, I love your idea!  I might just use it!  If you dont' mind that is!  That would be too funny.  The only drawback is that if Snape informs Harry that Draco is possibly responsible for leaking the news to the press, and causing havoc, Harry might take matters into his own hands and do something reckless and foolish.  This is Harry being controlled by Dark Magic after all.  Do we really want to hand him another reason to put himself in possible danger of ending up in Azkaban?  But your idea is brilliant though.  Hmm...worth considering!

    Yeah, I love the  banter between the two of them.  It makes for fireworks but it is kind of fun having the two of them try to one-up each other with harmless insults, even though it is obvious that they are both using it to hide their real feelings!

     Albus certainly has a sweet tooth, and can even manage to indulge his passion while beyond the Veil! Severus and Albus are very knowledgeable about the Dark Arts, but since Albus is stuck in a portrait, the physical presence, and fountain of knowledge that Slughorn possesses, as well as his familiarity with Riddle, will certainly not hurt to help Severus and Harry.  Perhaps he can add some input and insight into how to reverse the effects of Dark Magic.  Three heads are better than one!! ;)


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