Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Serendipity
Title: Learning to Crawl 20 Sep 2009 9:14 am
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Too soon for sitting, but a lovely chapter anyway. It seems that Sev is starting to loose his memories? Mila

    Author's Response: Not quite. Sev's not losing any of his memories, but his behavior will be explained within a one or two chapters, so don't worry. And Sev's not sitting upright yet. He's sitting in the tripod position. That is, he's leaning on his arms while he sits. It's the precursor to sitting fully upright. Thanks for the review! :-)
Title: Learning to Crawl 20 Sep 2009 7:05 am
Reviewer: GM (Anonymous) [Report This]
    My God...every chapter just gets better and better!!

    I LOVED this chapter! It was simply adorable!

    Ok, at the beginning I did got a bit bored while Harry read, though it was interesting the story of Elson and I bet you have more than one reason to have it in there, I couldn't help but laugh when you described what Sev was doing at the moment! LOL! Oh, yes, his Wizard Cheerios were way more interesting than learning about the invention of a POTION! LOL! Is it me, or as time progresses, Sev turns more and more into a baby? I mean, it's as Snape is mostly not there anymore...I mean, he IS but he ISN'T. Am I explaining myself?

    Moving on...not so much. Ok, Sev biting Harry's finger was HILARIOUS! My God! He just got to put the shiny ring into his mouth. And Harry wouldn't notice or care...I mean, he was reading something. So, teething, uh? I don't know much about babies, since I'm the youngest in my family and have no children myself, but I have heard that is quite the months for most babies, since they have pain and are uncomfortable, and even get diarrhea; but the snitch toy made me smile.

    On other things, Harry called, I believe for the first time, Sev 'son'. I mean, he had done it before, calling him 'my child', or 'my boy', or when he explained why he called him cub, but I believe he never had told him 'MY son' before. Calling a boy, 'son', is kind of common, but 'my son', I think it is a BIG difference. And yet, Sev didn't even notice about it. He was just enjoying the sensation in his gums. XD

    The crawling scene. Oh my! Harry crawling. Now that's quite amusing, and seeing how Sev tricked him into it. LOL
    But Sev slithering over, that was funny.

    "That is completely unfair! I play a harmless joke and he takes my teething toy away! I thought Gryffindors were supposed to live by fairness and justice and all that. He paused. Or were those the Hufflepuffs?" That particular part made me giggle madly. I seriously loved it. It's like a combination of Baby Sev and Snape! I loved it!

    Now, the cub has learned to crawl, and I just wonder if he'll get into some mischeif with this new life skill...hmm...

    Anyway, moving on. The last scene with Ginny was so sweet. And the kiss...another proof of my prior theory, at least to me, that Sev is turning more and more into a baby. I mean, I REALLY doubt SNAPE would kiss Ginny, even on her cheek, not to mention on her lips. And to me, it looked more like a baby kissing his mommy. Which made me go all, "awww!"

    I loved the last scene, with Ginny and Sev looking over at the clouds. Actually, it reminded me of me and my mom since we used to do that a lot when i was a kid! But back to the story, that scene was so adorable! And then Harry joining in, aw! Made me grin like a madman...or madwoman!

    "“You want to know what I spy up there?” Harry asked, smiling down at the two people he had his arm wrapped around." That little phrase, the last part about the arm wrapped about just made me think that it is more like his HEART is wrapped around them...he is falling in love with his little family and I don't see him giving up on them...EVER. And Sev's reaction to the thoughts about his past and the present just makes me think that he is getting more and more attached to the situation. He might not LOVE it, granted, but at least he LIKES it...a bit, maybe, but the point is that he likes it.

    And last but not least...Lily?! Is she going to have a big part on this story?

    Well, I'm SO looking forward to next chapter! SOOOO, SO MUCH! And 50 chapters! I'm going crazy! That's SO awasome! By the way...I wouldn't care if you had more. At least you KNOW where your story is going to. And it IS an amazing story! So, this is chap 8, it means we've got 42 chaps to go! YEAY!!!!! Will you be posting a chapter a day? I hope so, and if by any means you just HAD to post two or three in a day, you know, becuase you HAD to, no one would be mad either. Or four chaps...I mean...I wouldn't care. That's for sure. And you’re writing to chap 44? WOW! Ok…I’m doing a strange dancing/wiggling in my chair…I’m just excited about it!!!!

    So…UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW, please????

    Oh, and before I forget. About the music…yeah, I get what you say. NO, I don’t listen to the ‘nights’ noises, seeing as I live in a city in a country with tropical weather, meaning summers are HOT and with LOTS of moisture and NO wind…but when I go up to the mountains…wow, that’s something at night. I mean, the frogs and crickets, and then the owls and other night animals, and to top it all the wind rustling the trees around softly…my God, I get it now!

    And you are right, I’ve found songs that have been more than songs on some moments in my life. It’s like they are giving me an advice on what to do at that moment. So, keep on writing like you’re doing until now. YOU, milady, are doing a magnificent job.

    Ok, better go now. I think this is the longest review I’ve done until now. Yet, I’m sure you won’t get mad at all! XD

    See ya soon!

    PS. Before I forget, thanks for answering my questions!! XD
Title: Learning to Crawl 20 Sep 2009 12:48 am
Reviewer: DazzlingD (Signed) [Report This]
    i just love this story... you are doing such a wonderful job, i love the interaction with Harry and Sev.
Title: Learning to Crawl 19 Sep 2009 10:19 pm
Reviewer: Snakesrcool (Signed) [Report This]
    Brilliant story!
Title: Learning to Crawl 19 Sep 2009 10:05 pm
Reviewer: kelsin79 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Still loving this. I hope they never find an antidote. (or if they do, I hope Sev doesn't take it). I have some questions: Will you be updating daily throughout or just starting out? Also, how fast will Severus age? Will he age like a normal baby or faster/slower?

    Author's Response: He will age like a normal baby. The potion just reduced his size, not his ability to age effectively. Most of this story, actually, revolves around his developmental milestones from 5 months to 17 months, among other things. And...I want to say I'll be updating daily. I'd love to. If I finish writing this story before my posting catches up with it, then...I would say yes, I'll be updating daily. Otherwise, it'll be until my posting catches up with the pace of my writing. Thanks for the review! :-)
Title: Learning to Crawl 19 Sep 2009 8:53 pm
Reviewer: petuniac3 (Signed) [Report This]
Title: I Hope You Dance 19 Sep 2009 7:04 am
Reviewer: GM (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OMG!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This chap...was so...so...WOW!!!!!!!
    Ok...I don't remember if I reviewed for last chap, but if I didn't...I'm sorry!

    Anyway, I've been checking every single day, about every single hour to see if you have up dated.

    This chap was so...WOW!!!!

    First, the little "alone time". that phrase made me giggle. Yep...Harry is quite dramatic!

    Then, we see his talk with Ginny. Just as touching as it was his talk with Sev. BUT, the big difference. In the other one, Sev SHOWED his fears to Harry, here, Harry OPENS and TELLS his fears to Ginny. And I love how Ginny managed that.

    Harry would never become his uncle. And that is good for him to know. Yeah, statistics show that MOST abused kids become abusers themselves, yet, MOST is not ALL. So, many kids do have hope. How good, though, would it be for child abuse to stop! Any kind of abuse! I, myself, have worked with abused kids, and managing the concept between discipline and abuse is pretty hard for most who have gone through that.

    Yet, a kid learns the difference. They know there is no need to fear for a beating if they misbehave, yet, (since the institution I worked for allowed corporal punishment by only one person) they see the difference. The topic is so big, I'll never end if I keep in this. Yet I must say, those kids LOVE their disciplinarian. And the institution is for boys, and those boys love and even admire that person who is in charge of the discipline. It just amazed me how, even though he is a very young man in between his late 20s early 30s, those kids search for him everytime they have a problem or something! And the guy is pretty amazing. The way I see it, he really is making himself a dad for those boys. Many times I found him playing with them, singing to the smaller ones, seeing that one of them (who is sick) takes his medicine on time...and so many other things. His not married or anything, and he has given his time and heart to those children!

    Ok...moving back to your story. I really liked the little bonding experience between Sev and Harry. And poor Sev...it must have been pretty difficult to have his diaper changed by Harry the first time. Though I imagine it must have been pure torture when Poppy or even Minerva had to do it, since they did the 'baby' talk. lol I can't simply imagine Albus doing it. In fact, I've got to wonder which would be worst for him, Albus, Minerva or Poppy? What do you think?

    Wow...breast milk that doesn't come from your breast. Hmmm....interesting concept! I never expected Sev to take it, though it was pretty sweet how he took a liking to it!

    The song was SO sweet!!! At first I was like, nah...a song?! But then, I started reading it and saw how it is not your common lullaby. But Ginny singing to Sev, and then Harry joining was not only pretty cliché but SO SWEET!!!!

    Oh, I've got a question. How old is Ginny on this fic? 'Cause she's doing magic and if I'm not mistaken they can't do it until they turn 17...or did that change becuase of hte war? Or is she 17 already? Becuase Harry, according to your fic, is almost 18...so...how old are they exactly?

    Ok, gotta go wait for the new chap. Sev's learning to crawl! YEAY! I love to see babies crawling! It is just so cute, sweet, funny, and amazing! I hope he doesn't get into any trouble with this new skill. That means more liberty for him and more worries for Harry and Ginny. Oh, that reminds me, is Ginny going to be in all the chaps, or just in some? I don't care either way, though I enjoy the interaction between Sev and Harry most!

    And we'll learn more about the man who decided to end his life in a way to start a new one...sounds wierd. But we do have lots to thank him! Without him, this story would have never come to life...lol...ok, I'm getting to much into the story.

    Have I told you before how addictive this story is? Really, it is too much!

    UPDATE ASAP!!!!!
    Ok, scratch that...UPDATE NOW!!! (And I won't say please!)
    Ok...pretty please? I'm doing puppy dog eyes!

    See ya soon!

    Author's Response:

    Wow, yourself! :D Have I mentioned I love your reviews? They're nice and long and fantastic. Thank you! :)

    One comment I wanted to make was about songs. Personally, I believe that music is...SO interwoven with life. I believe there's a whole aspect of life that cannot be expressed in words...but CAN be expressed in song. The reason this chapter was one of my favorites to write was because there was SO much music in it. The leaves, the wind, the phoenix song, the galloping in the distance, the water--they make up the "music of the night". The sounds, by themselves, are beautiful, but TOGETHER they create this fantastic symphony that's indescribable! If you just listened to them all together the way I heard them in my head while I was writing it, you'd be filled with the same sense of calm as Sev was--I guarantee it. It...I don't know. I'm weird. I think it's amazing. 

    Anyway, with that in mind, quite a few songs are going to be featured in my story. I use them mainly as devices because, in themselves, they have a power that mere words do not. Not including that one, I've written...three songs into two separate scenes (so far). In one scene, it's used as a way for Sev and Ginny to bond, then another one is used immediately after as a way for Ginny, Sev, and Harry to bond as well. It's...hard to explain without giving it away. Then there's another chapter where a song is used to...argh! I can't explain it. You'll see! :P Lol!

    Anyway, "I Hope You Dance" is one of my favorite songs. To me...Ginny singing that to Sev was more than just a mere lulliby. It was her expressing her wishes for him without seeming really corny. You know what I mean? She has hopes and dreams for Sev and I felt that this song expressed those wishes quite nicely. "Don't let some hell-bent heart leave you bitter." (Like James winning Lily over left Snape bitter in his last life). "When you come close to selling out, reconsider." (Selling out=Joining the Death Eaters, Reconsider=don't do it). "I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance." (Hogwarts during Snape's school days were like his mountains, his obstacles, especially being in Slytherin). "Never settle for the path of least resistance." (Don't give in to peer pressure). Oh, I could go on forever. Basically, she was trying to tell him to not give up and to live life, and she was expressing her hope for him to not become the man that he used to be. And we'll see Sev remembering all of this during a crucial point in the story. |-) Sigh...I love that song. And it was so convenient that it had a background track at the end so that Harry could join in as well. :P 

    Anyway...moving on...I'm getting too much into this story too! :P Lol! I'm glad you like the Harry-Ginny conversation. Because that was an issue I really wanted to tackle. Here's a child who grew up in an abusive home. How is he going to raise a child of his own now? And we'll see later that Harry does indeed struggle with this issue. He'll never become his uncle, you're right. But he will struggle with it. But that's in chapter...whew...er...15? Lol! To answer a previous question from before, I'm currently finishing Ch. 22 with the intention of writing to Ch. 44 this weekened (seeing as I now have everything outlined neatly). There's going to be 50 chapters in total (I'm limiting myself this time, as opposed to previous writings where I just went haywire). Anyhoo! Definitely. I agree. There's a difference. And that guy you describe personifies it, I think. 

    Um...yeah. The brewed breast milk concoction. :P I needed to stick that in there. It's actually a lead-up to something that will come soon enough. ~Ch.9. Er...yeah. Sev physically NEEDS breast milk, and...yeah. Ginny and Sev actually do a lot of bonding in this story as well. It's Harry and Sev who bond the most, but we'll see Ginny and Sev doing some nice bonding from time to time. To answer your question, Ginny is...uh...I think she's pretty much in every chapter now. She's in all the one's I've written so far. I'm pretty sure she'll be in all the ones I'm about to write as well, so...yeah. Sev is still the main focus in all of them, mostly, so don't worry too much. Oh! And the other question. Personally, I think the whole concept of "The Trace" was quite ridiculous and there were just too many exceptions to it and I don't think JKR handled it very well. Thus, I've written around it. :P Things are so hectic at the Ministry these days, no one's caring. I have half a mind to write it into one of my chapters that they did away with it or something. Shrugs. You'll see that the teachers don't really care either. Ginny will use magic right in front of them and they just shrug it off. So...yeah, Harry's 17 turning 18 in July, Ginny's 16 turning 17 in August. And...yeah. I think that was it. 

    Anyway...I'll update in a few hours (after I wake up). :) There's no music next chapter, but I WAS listening to Celtic flutes while I was writing it, if that's any indication. I see grassy moors on the horizon... ;P

Title: I Hope You Dance 19 Sep 2009 3:07 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, too funny!!!

    I loved that discussion with Ginny about Harry's fears about becoming his uncle. That was very well done.

    Severus is drinking Ginny's breast milk!! Oh Merlin, the man would be mortified.

    Baby Sev is really sweet.
Title: Maudlin Moods and Dinner Drama With Silliness on the Side 19 Sep 2009 2:49 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, that was really sweet.

    I bet the grown-up Snape would be mortified that Ginny kissed him, and that he wanted to kiss Harry too! ;)
Title: I Hope You Dance 18 Sep 2009 8:18 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Very romantic.

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