Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Last chapter: Harry ate vegetables for breakfast, had his first successful junior Occlumency lesson, and the "family" agreed to go to a Neighborhood block party later.

Snape gave a pleased look down at the little boy. “Yes, extra servings of vegetables is exactly what he needs, and an earlier bedtime.” He lowered his face to look more seriously pleased, “If you poke one toe out of line, I will take you home immediately. Is that a deal, Harry?”

“Deal,” Harry breathed out, suddenly feeling a little unsure with himself. He felt like he was making a deal with a rouge, but surely Harry wouldn't get into that much trouble, that easily.
Neighborhood Block Party

Hoppity and Snape spent the early morning cleaning the house the Muggle way, and Harry helped. After the necessities were taken care of Snape gave Harry a rag to dust the things he could reach and Snape took care of the things that were too high. Hoppity sang as she vacuumed.

It was probably the most productive morning Harry had ever had outside of his first childhood, but unlike when he was living with his relatives his pretend family helped him, worked with him even. Harry found himself humming along with Hoppity even though he didn't know the tune.

The windows were opened since it was early and not too hot outside yet, allowing fresh air to fill the house. Harry could hear the birds outside, and he looked out the back kitchen window as the dew on the grass sparkled in the sun.

Harry had an excited energy since learning about the Neighborhood block party that was today. There was sure to be all sorts of fun and his guardians intended to take him to it!

Hoppity had read the orange flier to Harry and he learned that it didn't start until one in the afternoon and it was to take place at a park nearby. It seemed so long away to have to wait, especially since he had been awake for so long already.

Already his morning was full of activity. Since Harry and Snape had woken up so early they were able to do a lot of things like eat breakfast and have an Occlumency lesson all before Hoppity woke up. It seemed like they had been cleaning for a long time, maybe even long enough for it to be one o'clock.

“Is it time to go yet?” Harry called out to Snape who was dusting the tops of the back room windows.

“No, Potter,” Snape's voice came to him from the next room. The sounds of windows shutting was heard next. “It is not even half past ten.”

“Oh.” Harry pouted. How long must he wait? Harry wiped his dusting cloth along the bottom of the window before complaining, “It's taking too long.”

Snape came into the kitchen and shut the window that Harry was working on. “Since this activity isn't enough diversion for you perhaps you would like to clean the toilets while you wait?”

“No!” Harry quickly moved his dust cloth along the bottom of the already cleaned window. “This is fine,” he assured Snape.

“Hrumph,” Snape replied.

Something caught Harry's eye outside the window, something gold fluttering about but it was gone in a split second. Harry blinked and looked at his guardian. Snape was wiping the top of the window now and didn't seem to notice it.

Harry peered carefully out the window at their back garden, but all he could see moving outside were birds and none of them were gold.

The sound of someone pulling out a chair was heard behind them and Harry turned to see Hoppity collapsing into a chair at the kitchen table, her curly hair springing around her head at the motion.

“Whew! What great work everyone!” Hoppity exclaimed, tired but in good spirits as always. Harry took this to mean that chore time was over. He went over to join Hoppity, placing his rag on the kitchen table.

“That was just cleaned!” Snape marched over and snatched the rag off the table.

“Sorry,” Harry mumbled guiltily. His stomach mumbled in response.

“Ah, looks like it is lunch time for a special boy,” Hoppity teased.

“Yes, an early lunch,” Snape said as he turned to the fridge, no doubt looking for vegetables. That was to be Harry's punishment after all, extra vegetables for lunch and tea for his tantrum the night before.

“I know! Let's have grilled cheese!” Hoppity sat up and gave Harry a wink. “I haven't had grilled cheese for ages, it's something Albus liked to make...”

Snape looked curious. “I suppose that could be good on vegetables...”

“No, no, I mean a toastie,” Hoppity laughed. “It's actually American, at least that's where it started. They call it a grilled cheese sandwich here, I found out last week and I've wanted one ever since. Albus used to make them for us all the time when we were younger.”

“Yes, I'd love a toastie!” Harry grabbed at a chance to have something other than vegetables.

“After your vegetables,” Snape said sternly. “Now go amuse yourself until it's time to eat.”

“Okay.” Harry went back to the kitchen window and then opened the kitchen door. Maybe he would see that gold thing again.

“Don't leave the back garden,” Hoppity called out to him. “We'll call for you soon.”

Snape's response was lost as Harry shut the back kitchen door. He felt free as the sun warmed his skin and the grass ticked his feet.

Running along the soft grass, Harry explored all the small plants and places a gold creature could hide. He did not find anything gold, but he did find an interesting hole near the edge of the property.

“Harry,” Snape called out from the kitchen door. “Come inside and eat.”

Harry left the interesting hole and ran to Snape, anxious to have lunch.

“Where are your shoes?” Snape asked, dismayed at the sight of Harry's bare feet in the grass.

“Uh... forgot them inside.”

“Let me see the bottoms.”

Harry lifted up his feet, one at a time for Snape to see. They looked clean to him.

The Potions Master said nothing but his displeasure was easy to see. He guided Harry to the table and Harry was glad that his feet were clean at least. There had not been any mud outside or else he was sure he would have got a stern reprimand and a trip to the bathroom.

Hoppity carried a plate and set it before Harry's place. It had a toastie on it, the cheese melted and oozing over the bread on the inside where it was cut diagonally in half. A large portion of mixed vegetables were heaped next to it.

"Well Harry, I hope that triangles are alright,” Hoppity apologized. “I know that they don't usually come this way, but I'm afraid that I can't create any realistic stars or moving animal shapes without my wand. A pity too, I'm rather good at rabbit and dragon shaped sandwiches."

”No, this is brilliant,” Harry said. “I've never had toasties any other way.”

“Oh. Such a shame. We'll have to remedy that later.”

A fork was placed into Harry's hand, and he started on his vegetables, trying to get them out of the way least Snape say something and threaten to take his sandwich away.

Harry ate most of his vegetables before moving on to the cheesy goodness. Surely most of them would be the same as all of them. He got through most of his sandwich before deciding that he was full.

“Finish your vegetables, Harry,” came Snape's order.

“I can't, I'm full,” Harry complained, quite ready to be done with lunch.

“Would you like to eat them for tea on top of your other ones?”

Harry grimaced at his plate. No, he would not, thank you very much. He picked up his fork and shoveled the last few mouthfuls in, trying to fit it all in at once. Snape didn't play fair.

“Now I believe that it time for you to have a short rest.”

Harry turned disbelievingly at Snape. Sure, his guardian had said that he would before, but now that Harry was faced with it actually happening he was horrified at the thought of going to bed in the middle of the day.

“Come now, Harry,” Hoppity cajoled. “I'll read you a story in bed for a little while.”

A story seemed a lot better than a nap. “Okay,” Harry said and allowed himself to be led out by the hand.

Hoppity smiled at the thought of circumventing another tantrum. Snape didn't say anything. He knew a Slytherin-like maneuver when he saw one.


Harry woke up some time later, not really able to remember falling asleep. What time was it? Did he miss the neighborhood party?

Harry sat up and threw the covers off. If he missed any of the party he was going to be upset.

Downstairs Hoppity was sitting on the couch in front of the tellie, watching the shopping channel again.

“Hoppity?” Harry called, getting her attention.

“Oh, hello Harry!” Hoppity turned to his with a smile. “Awake, are we? How are you feeling?”

Harry crossed his arms and pouted in front of her. “How come you let me sleep?”

Hoppity grinned at Harry's expression. “Aw,” she said as she reached out to pull Harry in for a hug and he allowed it, but just barely. “Don't worry, you didn't sleep for very long and I'm sure that you needed it. You were awake awfully early this morning. You don't want to be too tired for the block party, do you?”

It made sense to Harry, even though he didn't have to like it. “No...” he admitted.

“Why don't you go and brush your hair while I go and get Severus? Then we can go.” Hoppity reached out and ruffled Harry's already messy hair. Eventually they would learn. Harry's hair just did not lie flat.

It didn't take long for them to get into their car and drive over to the park. It was easy to find, and bright balloons decorated the entrance with a big banner that declared that they were in the right place.

After they parked Hoppity wanted to set some rules before she would unlock the doors and let them outside. “Now Harry, you can go and play but you must stay within yelling distance of me, okay? And stay in sight. If there is anyone around who you have a bad feeling about, come run to one of us immediately.”

“Yes, of course I will,” Harry soothed. His pretend Mum was sounding an awful lot like a real one.

“Drink this, Harry.” Snape said as he reached back and handed Harry a flask in the backseat. It was unstoppered and a slight mist rose from the opening.

Harry wrinkled his nose at what was obviously a potion. He should have known that his guardians wouldn't let him just run around and be a normal child.

“What's that for?” Hoppity asked.

“Just a little insurance that Harry will follow the rules, including the ones you just now gave him. It will alert me if he disobeys. Now drink it up, Harry.”

Harry took the flask and made a face. It was sure to taste bad.

“Now, Harry,” Snape warned.

Knowing that he would never be allowed out of the car until he drank the potion, Harry tossed it back, swallowing quickly. He was surprised to discover that the potion tasted like burnt toast, not too bad. He liked his toast a little on the crunchy side. That's what he normally got and he learned to like it.

“Severus, put that away.”

Harry looked up to see Snape waving his wand at him, disregarding Hoppity. Harry blinked at his skin glowed momentarily red, and then faded to normal. It didn't feel like anything, just glowed. Then Snape took out his pocket watch and said another spell, it glowed red too before it faded.

“What if the Muggles see?” Hoppity demanded, rather put out in the front seat. “And I'm sure that we agreed not to use magic!”

“Hush, no one could see,” Snape waved at the parked minivans to either side of them, and the empty SUV in front of them. The tinted glass of the vehicles made a barrier between them and the rest of the park. “As for using magic, is not Harry's safety paramount?”

“Yes, but we will discuss this later,” Hoppity promised. “Come Harry, I thought I saw a large playground as we drove in.”

Harry was happy to leave the discussion behind as he led his favorite guardian to the large playground at the park. Snape was Snape, but Hoppity was fun. He knew that nothing would happen to him while he was here. He was worlds away from any danger.

Snape followed them, trailing silently as they made their way to the large, brightly painted metal play equipment. There were children playing all round, running around as parents followed or watched from the benches surrounding the area. In the distance Harry could see lots of picnic tables, and large inflatable things.

“Hey!” They all turned at the unfamiliar voice calling out in their general direction. “Are you the family from England?” It was a man Harry recognized from the neighborhood, always out mowing his lawn. He was wearing a baseball hat and carrying some equipment.

“I am...” Snape said carefully.

“We've been wondering if you'd show up today. I'm glad you did.”

Snape looked bewildered. “Did you indeed?”

“Yes, welcome to the neighborhood!” The man shook Snape's hand heartily. “Hey, we're getting together a baseball game, and we're down a player. You're welcome to join. I brought an extra glove. We were thinking of playing that cricket game afterward, maybe you could teach us?”

Harry laughed at the mental image of Snape playing baseball, complete with a pinstriped uniform.

Snape gave Harry a look for the laugh before turning to the man, “That is very generous of you, but I planned on taking a leisurely walk around the park. Perhaps another time.”

“You sure? We could really use you.”

“Yes, thank you for the invitation but I really must decline. I'm rubbish at sports anyway.”

“Okay well if you change your mind we'll be at the field over there,” the man waved to the left at some trees in the distance.

“Thank you.” Snape gave Harry a warning look before setting off in the opposite direction of the man.

“Well,” Hoppity said. “Wasn't that funny? Expecting Severus to teach them cricket?” She giggled. “Oh Harry, go play,” she said, waving to the playground in front of them. “I'll just be on one of these benches.”

Harry didn't need to be told twice.


Harry had a wonderful afternoon playing with the other children at the playground, hopping around the equipment and playing games like tag. The day was pleasantly hot, and there were even fountains that sprayed mists of water up in one corner of the park where he could cool off if he felt too warm. He made sure that Hoppity could always see him wherever he was, he was afraid that if he didn't Snape would know and come ruin his fun and take him home early.

All day loud music came from the other end of the park. There was a large group of people there and Harry could see them through the trees.

There were special people around too, a girl who made and sold balloon animals, and a man with giant bubbles. Hoppity joined Harry to watch the last. It was amazing what he could do.

Around tea time Hoppity took Harry to where all the food carts were. Many families around them brought food and had picnics but for those who didn't there were large carts, almost like stores at the edge of the playground near the car park.

“I wonder what an elephant ear is,” Hoppity mused as she read the list of food available to buy.

It sounded kind of gross to Harry, but maybe it wasn't.

“Okay Harry, I know you're supposed to have extra vegetables for tea, but there don't seem to be any here so we'll just have to do them later,” Hoppity told him conspiratorially.

Harry hoped that he wouldn't have to do them ever, except the last ones had been good... They hadn't seen Snape since he stalked off earlier and if Hoppity was willing to let it slide then Harry would go for it. Maybe Snape would forget to ask and Harry wouldn't have to have vegetables when he came home, or tomorrow either!

Hoppity ordered food from the vendor, and then she and Harry went to sit by a family they had made friends with earlier.

All in all, Harry thought that Block Parties were great fun, maybe the most fun he'd had all summer.

After they finished eating Harry sat by Hoppity, just enjoying the evening. There were some bees that came to investigate the leftover food on their picnic table, but Harry stayed very still and they buzzed off.

“Mom!” a little girl nearby called out as she walked past with her mother, “I want to go in the bouncy tent!”

Harry's curiosity was perked. He turned to Hoppity, “What is a bouncy tent?”

“I don't know Harry, but would you like to go see?”

“Yes, please!” Harry got up from his seat excitedly. If that girl wanted to go so badly, it had to be fun!

They followed the girl and her mother past the stage loud music was coming from all day, and through a thicket of trees. Past that the bouncy tent was next to a small brick building with signs signaling that toilets could be found within.

The bouncy tent was a large inflatable square room, a lot like an actual tent except that every side was open with a dark mesh covering the space to make it enclosed. The whole thing was a bright blue and children could be seen inside, yelling with glee. A man stood in the entrance, almost guarding it.

Harry couldn't wait to get in. He ran over to where the children's shoes were thrown outside and quickly added his to the pile. Now is his socks, Harry went for the opening.

“Just wait a bit,” the man in front of the entrance said kindly as he blocked Harry's way. “Only five kids in at a time. You'll have to wait your turn.”

Harry anxiously bounced in place as he waited for someone to come out. It seemed like it took forever, but then some children piled out, all at once, and the man held the mesh flap open for Harry.

He quickly climbed in and stood up on the inflated floor, it was almost like a giant air mattress. He'd seen them at stores but nothing this big and squishy.

There was a boy in there already, jumping madly about and Harry could feel the floor move under him. He quickly joined in, jumping about like a wild thing.

The tent flap and more children came in. They were older, so their jumps were more powerful and moved the floor more. Harry was glad that they came because it made the tent more bouncy, more fun.

Harry almost felt out of control as he was tossed about as he jumped. He relished the feeling.

“Hey, try to touch the ceiling!” one older boy called out to the others.

Harry was too short, but he tried and tried until he was breathless.

“Harry!” a sharp voice barked out, and Harry twitched mid bounce, startled at the unexpected sound. “Come out of there at once!” It was Snape, his dark eyes peeking through the tent flap.

Well, it was fun when it lasted. Maybe Harry could find another bouncy tent to play on later, maybe tomorrow. Maybe it was here all the time and all Harry had to do was convince Hoppity to take him to the park and he could bounce...

“Now!” Snape called out, unhappy at Harry's pace. From outside the tent Harry could hear Hoppity's voice.

“Severus, he's fine-”

“No, he's not! We had an agreement and I'd thank you to stay out of it and stop enabling him. The child needs discipline, not rewards for inane behaviour!”

With difficulty Harry made his way to the entrance, bouncing all the way. He couldn't help it, the other children made the whole floor move with their bouncing. Secretly he was glad. The difficulty made getting to the entrance take longer and Harry was not looking forward to facing his angered guardian. He did not know what was the matter. Once Harry got to the entrance the floor dipped down and he practically fell out, but Snape was there to catch him.

“What were you doing in there?” Snape asked him as he held Harry upright and lowered him to the ground outside. His grip was firm and he did not let go.

“Bouncing,” was Harry's reply. Couldn't Snape have seen that?

“Thank you for the obvious,” Snape snarled, “But did you forget our little agreement about not risking your neck?”

Agreement? “N-no?” Harry hazarded. He didn't know what Snape was talking about, but that happened almost every day. He tried to look for Hoppity but she was walking away from them. He wished she would stay and protect him from Snape's anger, but she didn't.

“It was just three weeks ago! On that round bouncy table thing in the neighbor's backyard.”

Oh. Harry felt dread pool in his stomach. Snape was talking about when he had caught Harry on Micheal's trampoline. But this was completely different!

“But this isn't a trampoline!” Harry complained, pulling on Snape's arm as Snape started to drag him to the pile of shoes strewn around the grass. “It's completely different!”

“Oh? Enlighten me.” They were at the shoes and Snape let go of Harry's arm, turning to face him.

“Well... there are walls...” Harry started, not sure how to go on. All he could come up with was that you jumped on both, they were both fun. That would hardly help his case. “The walls keep you in.”

“I believe the issue was you breaking your neck, not falling out!” Snape took a step closer to Harry and he was taken aback at the anger Snape expressed at those words. It was like he almost cared. “Furthermore, you did fall out and were to land unceremoniously on the ground had I not been there to catch you! So please try something better than 'There are walls'!”

Harry could only look at Snape, his mouth open.

“Put your shoes on. We are leaving right now, and you are grounded for the unforeseeable future.”

What?! “No,” Harry wailed out, starting to follow Snape as he walked away toward Hoppity, his young arms reaching. “No,” he cried. It was just so unfair!

Suddenly, Harry felt a tremendous sting on the bottom of his foot and he yelled and sat down.

“Harry, stop this right now,” Snape said, turning to glare at the little boy.

People were watching but Harry didn't care, tears streaming from his eyes from the pain in his foot. It was all too much for him, and he felt sounds bubble up out of him and out.

“Your crying won't change anything, we are leaving. Now.”

Still Harry cried, starting to cradle his hurt foot. It hurt awfully.

“I don't have time for your tantrums,” Snape said, starting back toward Harry.

“Severus, I don't think he is,” Hoppity said worriedly, getting up from her seat to check on her small ward.

Alerted to the fact that something was wrong, Snape did too. They made their way quickly to Harry, kneeling down on either side of him.

Hoppity reached out and gently held Harry's arms. “Harry bean, what's wrong? What happened?”

Harry could only rock and hold his foot as the whimpers and tears came. Somehow he managed to get out, “F-ff-oot,” but Snape was there already, pulling off Harry's dirty sock.

Snape's nimble fingers quickly found the red, hot spot and brushed against something that shot pain up Harry's leg.

“Ah!” Harry yelled and kicked his foot out. It hurt!

“Looks like a sting, probably bee,” Snape said gravely, reaching out to inspect Harry's foot once more. It was sure to hurt if Snape touched it again, so Harry tried to move to get away from Snape's reach.

“Shhh, Harry bean,” Hoppity tried to soothe. “You're okay.”

Snape's hands captured Harry's leg, holding it still.

“Noooo,” Harry sobbed.

“Harry, calm down. I need to see if the stinger is still in.”

“No,” Harry whimpered into Hoppity's arm, but didn't kick as Snape inspected his foot. He was scared of more pain, but Snape only looked at the spot. It hurt so bad.

“It's out. Hush now,” Snape soothed. There were Muggles still watching them or he would use his wand to do a numbing spell. As it was they were getting too much attention.

“I'll go get his shoes.” Hoppity disengaged herself from Harry's grasp and Harry reached out for her, but Snape soon reached down and took her spot, allowing her to go.

He gave Harry almost a hug, reaching under his arms and then Snape stood up, pulling Harry up with him, holding him close, careful of the hurt foot. Harry clung to him, tears and sniffles into the collar of his shirt.

Hoppity reappeared at their side. “Alright, I have them. I suppose it's time to go,” she said quietly. “Do you remember the way back to the car?”

“I believe so.” Snape shifted Harry's weight in his arms and then started walking.

Harry was glad that he didn't have to walk himself. It was strange but comforting the way Snape carried him. He breathed in the smell of Snape's shirt and tried to not think about the pain in his foot but it hurt and that was hard to do.

It seemed like an eternity by the time they got to the car. Hoppity opened the back passenger door and then Snape lowered Harry down into his seat before locking the seat belt around him.

Harry wiped his cheek, the tears made it tickle some, but it was a minor feeling compared to the throb in his foot.

“Does it feel any better?” Snape asked.

A little, but it still hurt a lot. Harry decided that it meant no. “It still hurts.”

Snape reached down and inspected the bare foot in the light of the car. “I will put a poultice on it when we get home.”

The car ride was uneventful, Harry sniffling in the back seat as they drove. Hoppity was uncharacteristically quiet.

When they arrived at the house Snape came around the back of the car and picked Harry up again. It was a little more awkward this time, but still welcome. Harry was sure if he walked on his foot that it would hurt something awful.

Snape stopped in the front parlor and dropped Harry onto the couch.

“Stay here,” he commanded. “Smirkett, watch him.”

“Yes, Severus.” Hoppity said, sitting down next to Harry, and reaching out to hold him. Snape left the room and Harry could soon hear him walking down the steps to the basement.

Harry and Hoppity talked about the day, what Harry did and what he enjoyed while Snape was gone. It was good to reflect and remember how much fun he'd had before Snape ruined it.

The Potions Master soon returned, carrying a small bowl and a wet washcloth. He put the bowl down, and sat on the other side of the couch next to Harry, moving Harry's body so that his hurt foot was up and the ankle was placed on his knee. Hoppity reached out and hugged him from the back and Harry held on to her arms.

“I'm going to wash the sting,” Snape informed him as he lightly dabbed the washcloth on Harry's hurt foot. The slight pressure hurt the sensitive injury.

“Ow,” Harry complained, his leg twitching and trying to kick out in spite of himself. Snape just caught the limb with his other arm, immobilizing it and finishing the job.

“This should make you feel better,” he said as he picked up the little bowl. He reached in with his fingers, pulling out some white cakey mush. Then Snape started to spread it on Harry's sting, the cool creaminess making the pain disappear almost immediately. Harry felt himself sighing and relaxing in relief.

“Is that better, Harry bean?” Hoppity asked, carding her fingers through his hair.

“Yes. Much,” was Harry's response.

“Of course,” Snape said, smirking as he wiped his hand on the back of the cloth. “Now I believe that it is time for a family meeting.”

Chapter End Notes:
Sorry for the cliffy! It sort of wrote itself!

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