Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
This chapter has been a long time in coming...sorry about that. I know, I know, I hate waiting for fics to update too.

Beta'ed by the amazing bouncing mage; Lady Mage. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you for reading Occlumency is on Monday, please enjoy this new chapter.
Making Headway?

I was angry, okay!” Harry yelled, mad all over again.

“Tone, Potter,” Severus warned. But Harry did not hear or did not care.

“I don't understand. For the moment I stepped into the Potions lab four years ago you have targeted me. From that very first day you singled me out as your outlet, using every single opportunity to taunt, bully and humiliate me. What have I ever done to you? I didn't even know you! I couldn't understand why you hated me so much, or what I ever did to make you to make you treat me like that...like this!”

Severus scoffed at Harry's rapid accusations. “It always has to be about you, isn't that right, Mr. Potter?”

“No, you're wrong. This has nothing to do with me,” Harry replied. “This has everything to do with my father and your unending grudge against him. You do this because you want to get back at my father for whatever he did to you in school. You want revenge and it feels great to finally be able to get back at him for all the misery he's put you through. That's why you keep doing it, because it feels good. It feels good to see me hurt, see me on the edge of snapping. Knowing there is nothing I can do about it, because you are the one in authority, you have the power. And one wrong move and you could just deduct points or give me months worth of detentions?”

The Potions Master glared at Harry. In all his years as Professor in this school, nobody had every dared speak to him in such a manner, not since his first day when a few fifth years decided to take test his limit.

Hmmm....I wondered what ever happened to them. Severus thought before shaking his head and returning to the situation at hand.

“You will show me respect,” he growled, leaning down at Harry menacingly. “Do not presume you know anything about me. You are exactly like your father was; disrespectful, irresponsible, and showed no regard for anyone but himself.”

“You are always accusing my father of being a irresponsible, bigoted bully. Well aren't you the hypocrite? You are doing to me exactly what my father did to you all those years ago.” Harry retorted. “You do it because you can, and because it nice to have the final say and give the Potters what was coming to them. I suppose I should congratulate you, Professor. You've managed to get your revenge on my father, by hurting his son. I would say that vengeance was served long ago, but you keep at it.”

“I have done nothing to you which you do not deserve! Now get out of my sight!” He hollered.

“I am not my father. I don't care how much you think we resemble each other! I am not James Potter, never have been, and never will be! It was he who bullied you, not me. I have done you no wrong. If you want a James Potter, why don't you look at Malfoy, better yet, get yourself a mirror!” Harry finished as suddenly as he began, panting angrily.

“SILENCE!” Severus bellowed at Harry in a great explosion of rage. He lifted Harry to his feet and pointed to the door. “Enough! Who do you think you are? I have warned you not to disrespect me, Potter. Get out! Get out of my sight! I have had enough of you tonight! Do not bother showing your face in my presence ever again, do I make myself clear? Now, out!”

Harry cringed at the frightening tone; Snape looked ready to wring his neck. If Snape was only considering expelling him before, he certainly wasn't considering any longer. Harry thought, fearing that he'd just made things worse. But he believe every word he said, because they were true. Nevertheless, Harry swallowed his pride and backed off, this was a battle he could not win.

“I'm sorry. I...” Harry broke off, looking down at his feet. “Don't expel me, please,” he muttered quietly.

Severus's venom towards his young student was rarely justified, now seems one of those rare times. “SCRAM, POTTER! Do not make me ask again!” Severus thundered, flailing his arm upwards and pointing towards the door. Harry gasped and jumped back instinctively. His arms moved upwards to protect his head, though it was more of a reflex than conscious fear.

Harry frowned, unsure of what to do. Everything was telling him to leave, to run and escape the man's building anger. But he did not run. In hindsight, Harry would wonder what made him freeze in place like that. It had always been fight or flight for him, he wasn't running but he wasn't exactly fighting either.

Severus was barely holding on to his composure. He always had composure, unless you introduce something as impossible as a Potter, or all Gryffindors for that matter.

Harry on the other hand, had no composure, never did. The tears that he had held back for the longest time now refused to be contained. It was over. Snape did not believe him to be truly remorseful and was going to kick him out of school He was going to be expelled, the Ministry was going to jump at the chance to snap his wand and he would be exiled to the Muggle world forever.

“I didn't mean it, really...calling you that name,” Harry muttered desperately. “I guess you were right all along, I am just like my father,” Harry said dejectedly with his head down and shoulders slouched.

It all came crashing down on Harry; the year had been one catastrophe after anther, from loneliness at Private Drive to being kept in the cold by everyone; from the Dementors attack to the Ministry trial; and from Dumbledore's icy front to Umbridge's painful detentions. He had to deal with the harsh accusations of his peers regarding Voldemort's return and the Daily Prophet's ruthless slander. He had to overcome the strange visions haunting his sleep and all the events surrounding Mr. Weasley's attack. That's not to mention the Occulmency lessons and Snape and Malfoy and Rita Skeeter and DA and Cho and Quidditch, and OWLs, and everything else going on in his perfect, spoon-fed life.


Why do people assume life was so grand? Harry wondered bitterly. And why can't I ever catch a break?

He'd held it all up inside until now. His outburst upon arriving at Grimmauld Place had been out of pure anger and resentment. His explosion of rage earlier in the evening had gotten rid of some of his pent up emotions. Now, all he felt was exhaustion.

He was so tired of being Harry Potter, bloody saint of the Wizarding world.

He was so much at once he did not know which way to turn. Harry's life is frought with difficulties and complications and when there was no one else around to talk to, Harry would ask Hegwig, why everything seemed to happen to him.

Harry's dam had found the most unfortunate time and place to burst. He started to cry and sob without a care in the world for the bewildered professor sitting next to him. It has been a long time since Hary had had a good cry. Harry recalled crying to sleep as a child, alone in his cupboard, hungry and hurt. But beyond that, he'd took life's misfortunes all in stride. He hadn't cried when he faced Voldemort in the back of Quirrel's head; hadn't cried when he broke his arm; hadn't cried when he was dying from Basilisk poison; and hadn't cried when his hopes of a family with Sirius flew away with Buckbeak. Harry hadn't cried from the stress of fourth year, and the intense events at the graveyard and he did not shed a tear for everything that has happened in the last eight months. The only times he came close in recent years was during the Dementors' attack on Sirius and at Cedric's tragic death. Yet, Harry had so much to cry for, such having abusive relatives rather than loving parents, several murderous dark wizards out to get him, and life in general.

And so he cried.


Severus looked on, confused at both Harry's sudden change in attitude, as well as his own vanishing rage. Harry was no longer the arrogant, reckless, disrespectful miscreant Severus always had seen. Right now, Harry could only be one thing and that was a very upset teenager. The boy looked defeated and resigned, as if he could not stand to care any longer. Severus Snape was no stranger to feelings of helplessness and depression. His entire life had been filled with wretched misfortunes. Be as it may, he knew how to deal with his own problems, not that of others. Severus was not used to dealing with sobbing teenagers. Even though he was the Head of House, Slytherins rarely let their emotions show, let alone let them take over. The most he's ever dealt with were homesick first years. But eleven-year-olds were fairly easy to satisfy for the most part. Just have their parents send them an owl or two and everything would settle down. Besides, a month into the school year and most students would be too absorbed in their friends and Quidditch to be upset over their parents. The majority of Hogwart's pupils were quite glad that there were no parents here to order them around day in and day out.

Harry did not bother to wipe the tears away, it felt good to let lose at last. He'd just have to deal with what's left of his tattered dignity later.

Meanwhile, Snape was still meandering his way through his thoughts, trying to decide what to do.

“Get a hold of yourself, Potter,” he urged, feeling increasingly uncomfortable. When Harry kept bawling, he scowled.

“Potter, stop this nonsense!” He yelled in frustration. But Harry was too far gone to care.

Severus coughed, he wondered if it would be best to send Harry back to Gryffindor Tower to calm down. Then again, he would hate to have McGonagall on his back for being too harsh with the brat.

“Damn it, boy. Stop making a fool out of yourself. What have you to cry for? Your privileged life? Your hundreds of fans? Your status as Dumbledore's precious Golden Boy?” Severus snapped. “Well?”

Harry shook his head and turned to leave. But Severus stopped him.

“Oh don't you dare. I won't have Minerva on my back again.”

Unbeknown to anyone, Harry's Head of House has been constantly on Severus' back for his prejudice towards her young pupil. After the pensieve incident, she had threatened to set him, along with his entire potion stores, on fire if he ever manhandled her student again. And, by Merlin, he believed her.


Just let him let lose, he'll stop soon enough. Severus thought to himself.

“Crying, Potter? I'd never thought I'd live to see the day.” Severus sneered, thinking that maybe humiliation would snap the boy out of his...whatever it was. “Just wait till all your worshipers see this. Their great saviour, defeater of the Dark Lord, the brave, self-sacrificing little Gryffindor crying his eyes out in front his professor. Pathetic.”

Harry did not respond.

“Damn, boy! Stop your sniveling or by Merlin I will make you regret it!”

“J...just...go,” Harry managed out. “Won't tell...anyone.”

“I am not letting you go in this state. Now calm down.” Severus demanded.

“Let...go.” Harry cried. “Leave...me alone”

“Oh, for the love of Merlin!” Severus drew his arms around the small frame and patted Harry's back clumsily. This was an awkwardness unparalleled to every previous experience in Severus Snape's nearly 40 years of life. He was hugging Harry Potter, who would have thought. Anyone who came upon this scene would think the Potion Master had finally lost it and gone completely cuckoo.

“Potter, stop acting like a child!” Severus said sternly. He groaned deep in the throat when that only seemed to make things worse.

Of course, Harry was still a child at fifteen. At this young age he's had to deal with tragedies and adversaries an adult would find difficult to handle. Severus recalled himself at fifteen years and no amount of denial could disprove the fact that he and Potter had much in common. For one thing, they both suffered abuse from their flesh in blood families. For another, both had to deal with bullies.

But Severus had to admit that his childhood, even without friends, had been much more carefree than Harry's. Though his later years were fraught with difficulties that drove him towards the Dark Side, his earlier years were not nearly as troubled as Harry Potter's. He did not have a Dark Wizard out for his blood (and managed to get it, too). Nor did he battle the soul of the darkest wizard of the century at age eleven, kill a sixty foot Basilisk at age twelve, fight off attacking Dementors numerous times at thirteen and again this year. Moreover, Severus Snape certainly did not get thrashed around by the Triwizard Tournament, witness the death of a fellow student, suffer the Cruciatus curse and duel with the Dark Lord himself at age fourteen, and all in one night.

He had always protected Harry from danger, for Lily. At times it seemed a civil war was raging within him; was Harry Lily's son or Potter's? It was way too easy to see Potter in the boy; arrogant, foolish and bigoted. There was no Lily in the boy; then again, it was what Dumbledore said all those years ago “You see what you expect to see, Severus”(1)

Severus had always protect Harry for Lily. For years he had resented Lily for choosing James Potter over him; he did not deserve her. If someone was to ask him if he'd forgiven Lily, he'd say no. But that did not meant he lost his love for her. He made a commitment ten years ago, a commitment to Dumbledore and Lily to assure Harry's physical well being.

“Quit your sniveling! What do you suppose my Slytherins will do with this information? They will never let you live it down.” Severus threatened. Then he started to think to himself. Lily; what would Lily say to him for the way he's been treating her son? Then again, this was also Potter's son, and he did not care for Potter's son. Lily had never quiet forgiven him for his consequential slip of the tongue. Mudblood. He did not mean it, never could he mean to hurt her so.

Severus rubbed his temple, he did not have time for this.


Perhaps I should be doing more than just saving his sorry arse from fatal injuries causing death.

Harry suddenly turned and buried himself in the large frame of his professor. He pressed his head into the wide chest and grabbed a handful of robes. Harry knew he would regret this later, Snape would take advantage of this humiliating event to hurt him some more. All the same though, if it wasn't this, it would have been something else. Right now, it felt too good to be held, even if it is the 'king of the dungeon dwellers'.

Severus Snape huffed with annoyance and distaste. He fixed his eyes on the wall directly ahead of him and he sighed with resignation. Severus could tell that this was about much more than the Occulmency lessons, or his unfair treatment towards him for the past 5 years, much more.

Neither had a clue to as how long they stayed like that, just standing there with Harry locked in his professors hold. Eventually, the tears had ran dry, but Harry did not want to let go, and for the moment, he had completely forgotten whom he was with. The deprived young wizard was content, quite content. No one had ever held him like this before. Aunt Petunia never held him, even as a toddler. When he cried, she just yell and smack him upside the head to get him to stop. Uncle Vernon would sooner quit his job than shake his hand, let along hug him. The whole concept of hugging their nephew was repulsive. After he started Hogwarts, they seemed even more reluctant to touch him, as if he carried some horribly contractive disease.

His best friends, Ron and Hermione, were good for comfort, but they were his age, it was not the same.

Mrs. Weasley gave the best hugs ever and he knew she cared about him. Sirius was the closest thing he had to a father, and they would embrace in greetings and farewells. But nobody had ever held him when he was upset like this. It was comforting.

After an undetermined amount of time, Harry started to realized where he was and ultimately whom he was with. He bit his lip and gulped as the reality of the situation dumped a ton of bricks on him. He unlatched his arms and backed away as fast as he could. There were no words the describe what Harry felt at the moment.

Harry knew, Snape was sure to laugh at him now. Monday just got better! He just had to go and make a complete fool of himself in front of his Potions professor and tormentor. It was so embarrassing, he hadn't been crying, he was literally sobbing, like a toddler. And what was he thinking clinging onto Snape like that? Harry didn't think he could ever look the Potions Master in the eyes again, he would just die of humiliation.

“I...sorry about that,” Harry whispered quietly, taking off his glasses and wiping away his tears. “I don't know what came over me.”

“No matter, Mr. Potter,” Severus returned, aware of the boy's flustered state; Harry's blush ignited his entire face, right back to his ears. Severus made no comment, telling Potter he needn't be embarrassed would no doubt make worse an already bad situation. It was clear the Gryffindor did not wish him to acknowledge his embarrassment, let alone comment on it.

“I am sorry. Please believe me,” Harry said, yearning for forgiveness.

“Apology accepted, Mr. Potter,”said Severus as he pushed a box of tissue towards the boy.

“No, I...” Harry begun before his brain processed the professor's words. “Wait...did you? I mean, really? You...you forgive me?” Harry questioned with skepticism, blowing his nose afterwards. Making Severus sneer distastefully.

“I do not say things I do not mean.”


“Your glasses, Mr. Potter,” Severus offered.

He fixed them, he fixed my glasses. Harry mused. Well at least Hermione won't be on my case about how I broke them again.

“Thanks,” said Harry as he put the spectacles back where they belonged.

“You will return to your dormitory. Do not speak of this to anyone, I will speak to the headmaster about the incident,” said Severus.

“No!” Harry blurted out. The whole thing was humiliating enough without Dumbledore finding out too.

“Excuse me?” Severus looked at Harry, he could tell the boy was aching to say something, but was clearly nervous. “Spill it, Potter.”

“Don't,” Harry began hesitantly, “Don't tell Dumbledore.”

Severus narrowed his eyes and scrutinized Harry's face. He was certain Harry would not hesitate to run to Dumbledore to try and get him sacked.

Professor Dumbledore,” Severus corrected, “and why not? I imagine you would want revenge after what happened tonight. This is the perfect opportunity to get me sacked. You'll never have to worry about the greasy Potions Master again.,” he finished bitterly.

Harry winced and bit his lip in guilt, it was weird to hear his professor address himself like that.. “I don't want him to know, he doesn't have to know,” Harry replied.

“Why not? I'm sure all you little friends would worship you even more if you manage to sack the evil Potions professor,” Severs sneered.

Harry felt indignation flare and his anger rose to match Severus's. One minute Snape was fine, even comforting him and the next he was back to his stupid, sneering self. Harry wondered if it was something he said, but all he did was ask Snape not to tell Dumledore.

“What's your problem!” Harry snapped. However, as soon as those words left his mouth he regretted them, as if he wasn't in enough trouble already. If Snape was in a bad mood, if was better not to provoke the man. “Sorry, I'm sorry.”

Severus sighed shaking his head, it was too easy to lose his temper around Potter. Severus then guided Harry to a couch at a far corner of the room. Harry blinked at the furniture, had that been there all this time? He'd been in Snape's office hundreds of times, how come he'd never noticed it before? “Sit down.” Severus commanded. Harry obeyed without a word, confused didn't seem like the right word, he was utterly bewildered by Snape's actions.

“You do not wish to inform the headmaster? Talk.” Severus commanded as he sat down parallel to Harry.

“Well...I don't want him to be disappointed in me,” Harry mumbled, looking down at his hands.

“Why would he be disappointed in you? You did nothing wrong.”

“Nothing wrong? Of course I did something wrong. I did everything wrong. I yelled at a teacher, and swore at him; at you. And I had to call you...that horrible name. Not to mention I have learned nothing in he past 4 months. He would be so disappointed.” Harry said glumly, going red again.

“I am sure he will understand.”

“No...he won't. I've been so useless.”

Well, Severus was not about to argue with that. It was a matter of fact that the Occulmency lessons went zero miles since the first day. He readily agreed that Harry had not learn a thing. And yet, if he had to be truthful with himself, his teaching methods were a tad...unconventional.

“ I must admit that there is more than one way to learn Occulmency. Perhaps the method I employed is not the best one for you.”

Harry blushed even more; this was all wrong; Snape was suppose to agree with him, not lay part of the blame on himself. Whoever heard of Severus Snape blaming himself for his student's lack competence? The thought was ridiculous. Snape had shown him nothing but spite for a long time, and to see him being even remotely civil was discomforting somehow.

“Maybe, but I can't blame you for my incompetence and failures,” Harry said dejectedly.

Severus looked at the young man before him. This was all wrong, Potter wasn't suppose to be admitting his incompetent and successes in failure! This wasn't the Potter he knew. Where had the egotistic, self-righteous and arrogant Gryffindor gone?

“I must tell him. This is not about you or me. This is about a professor, who had inappropriately struck his student. It is my duty to tell him. Should he find out later on, there would be questions as to why either of us had told him. That would lead to complications I'd rather not deal with.”

“I won't tell if you won't.”

Severus scoffed half-heartedly.

“Don't be naïve, Potter. Albus Dumbledore always knows, he will find out eventually. He will be displeased to discover that such an incident was not reported immediately.”

“But...” Harry began, “but, you'll get in trouble. And I'll get in trouble. So...there's no point really.”

The experienced spy sensed there was something missing in this story. He knew for a fact that 'getting into trouble' never stopped Potter from doing off to one of his reckless and stupid adventures. There had to be more than Dumbledore's disappointment as well.

“There is something else, isn't there. This isn't just about me getting sacked, or you getting into trouble. Neither is it about the headmaster's disappointment.” Severus waited for an answer, and watched Harry shifted uncomfortably on the seat. “You are ashamed and embarrassed about what occurred tonight.”

Harry's silence and tense body language told Severus all that he needed to know.

“There is nothing to be ashamed about. The headmaster would never laugh at your expense.”

“I know...but he has been ignoring me all year. He won't look me in the eye, he won't even answer when I call him.”

“The headmaster has his reasons. But he must know about this incident.”


“There is not point in arguing, Mr. Potter. I will tell Professor Dumbledore.”

Harry slumped in his chair and looked absolutely lost.

“Have you considered what the Ministry gets hold of this piece of information, they would demand my resignation. If I am lucky, the court will not press charges of assault against the Boy-Who-Lived and lock me away in Azkaban. Professor Dumbledore can ensure what happened tonight never reaches ears of the Ministry, or the media for that matter.”

“I would defend you, you won't get sacked or jailed,” Harry offered.

“What makes you think you can persuade the Ministry to change their mind? Have you already forgotten how your own trial went? I believe, if it not for Dumbledore, you would have been expelled and your wand snapped. If that is the way they treat their Boy Saviour, how do you think they will treat a former Death Eater such as myself?” Snape reasoned.

“The Ministry has been on my back ever since my Death Eater trial. If it wasn't for Dumbledore, I would been in the dungeons of Azkaban right now. Therefore, should the Ministry find out what transpired tonight; that I lashed out and assaulted the saviour of the Wizarding world, even Dumbledore would have a hard time defending me. The public would be out for my blood.”

Harry thought fast.

“But, they have no way of finding out in the first place.”

“I imagine you would want to tell your friends what the git did to you.”

Harry shook his head. “I don't,” he said, but Severus continued.

“If not your entire house, then at least Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley. Rumours would spread, and rumours are too often considered facts. You ought to be familiar with this.”

“I won't tell anyone. I promise.”

“Whether you do or do not matters little by any chance. Both the Ministry and the media have their ways. You are familiar with Rita Skeeter?” asked Snape.

Oh, Harry was more than familiar with Rita Skeeter, the reported has been printing pages and pages of lies about him for years. If he could, he would discredit her so much, no respectable newsprint or magazine would hire her, not even a tabloid.

Harry nodded, but that did not mean he had to like any of this. “Okay, fine,” he said reluctantly

“Trust me, Mr. Potter. The only one Professor Dumbledore will be disappointed in tonight is me.”

“You didn't mean it.”

“No, I did not. But that does not excuse my actions.”

“What will he do?” Harry asked, “He won't sack you, would he?”

“No, never fear. You will still have the ugly, greasy git for your Potion classes for years to come.”

Severus quoted sardonically, and Harry blushed.

“Sorry,” he said feebly.

“You have already apologized...many times.”

“Oh,” Harry blushed some more, he did not know what to say and so settled for the only thing

that came to his mind. “Sorry.”

Severus grunted. “Yes, apology accepted once again.”

Harry looked at the stone floor sheepishly.

“So...if he won't sack you, then what will he do?”

Severus grimaced. “No doubt warn me if something like this ever happen again, he would let Minerva and Poppy have their way.”

Harry blinked with confusion and curiosity.

Suddenly, Severus was on his feet and made his way to an old book shelf. Harry watched him go with agitation and curiosity. After glancing at a few rows, Severus picked out a large, red, hardcover book.

“Here, Mr. Potter,” Lazily, he handed Harry what looked to be an encyclopedia. “Be sure you finish the first three chapters by next week, or do not bother coming at all.”

Harry took the book in his hands and the heavy weight flopped onto his lap. Did Snape really expect him to read the whole book? Harry wondered to himself. This was Hermione's area; she'd finished it in a week while it'd probably take him the whole year.


The title read, Occulmency for the Feeble-Minded by Jrowk Ling.

Wow, thought Harry, what a way to damper one's self-confidence. Jrowk Ling, what a strange name.

He looked up at Snape to see the professor looking at him with that same old expression , a strong look of disapproval, waiting for him to do or say something stupid so he could deduct points from Gryffindor.

Any other time, Harry would have been angry. But for the first time, Harry knew the potions master meant well; he really did. Somehow, there was no more venom in Snape's voice, Harry could get use to that.

“Yes, sir,” said Harry, “Thank you.”

Severus raised an eyebrow at the sincereness in Harry's voice, but ignored it.

“I expect an improvement next week, Mr. Potter, how ever little you may be able to achieve.”

“Yes, sir.” Harry muttered, flipping through the book.

“If you do well, I may consider restoring the points I took away for fighting in the halls.”

Harry opened his mouth, but no words came out. Was that Snape's way of saying that the point deductions were undeserved?

“Yes, sir.”

“It is past curfew,” Snape commented. “You should get back to the tower before I catch you in the halls and give you detention.”

Harry blinked, then smiled faintly, “Oh, yeah. Sorry.”

Severus shook his head as Harry stood up.

“Double Potions in the morning. Do not be late. I don't think Gryffindor can afford any more point loss.”

“Yes sir,” Harry said. So the man was back to normal. Well, he woudn't be Severus Snape if he didn't insult Harry at least once in three sentences, “I mean, no sir. Um, yes, sir.”

Severus raised an eyebrow and resisted the urge to pinch his nose.

“Do not even think about revealing tonight's events to our little friends,” Severus jabbed a finger at Harry. “I have a reputation to keep.”

“Of course, Professor.” said Harry. The two wizards stared at each other.

“Well? Get going!” Severus said loudly, making Harry jump.

“Oh, right. Sorry.”

“Potter, do stop apologizing some time soon.” Severus said irritably.

“Sorry,” Harry looked up at the man and bit his lip.

This time Severus did pinch his nose. Impossible,stupid Gryffindors and their damned.....damn!

“Good night, Mr. Potter.”

“Good night, Professor Snape.”

Harry could feel the potion masters eyes scorching a hole in his back all the way to the door. He put his hand on the knob and twisted, the door opened with a creek. Half way across the barrier Harry turned around.


“What now, Potter?”

“Thank you,” Harry grinned as he tucked the book under his arm, then turned and closed the door gently behind him. Snape wasn't all bad. The Gryffindor had finally found something to smile about, and he did all the way back to his tower, where his friends could not have been more bewildered, both at his lateness and at his lopsided grin.

Back in the dungeons, Snape had his face in his hands.

I hate Mondays.

Chapter End Notes:
(1) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—A Prince's Tale. p. 545 British version.

'—mediocre, arrogant as his father, a determined rule-breaker, delighted to find himself famous, attention-seeking and impertinent--'

'You see what you wish to see, Severus,' said Dumbledore, without raising his eyes from a copy of Transfiguration Today.

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