Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry this took so long!! I went to camp right after exams and I wrote but had no internets. (Which means the next chappie will come all the sooner 'cause it's already half done. :-) )
Family Ties

“Malfoy- go wait for me by my office.” Snape ordered. “I will arrive shortly to talk to you.”

Malfoy was watching Harry, still curled in the corner, with growing confusion. “But-”

Go. I'll talk to you, but right now I have other priorities.” To the potion master's relief, the boy went.


The kid looked up at him, stiffened, and stood up. He stayed in the corner, watching Snape with an air that was somehow both defiant and expectant. Severus met his eyes and sighed inwardly. The boy's expression was entirely blank behind the anger. What can he be thinking? He's closed down, again. At that moment Severus realized that he had made some marginal progress in the last week – he hadn't seen the boy's expression this solidly angry since he'd talked to him after the incident in the infirmary. Not that it matters, now. I don't think I want to know what the boy thinks he's waiting for.

“We will deal with your behavior in detention tonight, not now.” Severus hoped that Harry would be at least a little reassured, but the boy's expression didn't change. Maybe I should just let him calm down on his own? But that couldn't be right. He had lost his temper. If the boy was afraid of him it was his fault: it was therefore his responsibility to ameliorate the situation. What if I can't? He thought with anguish. The boy needs SOMEBODY he can look to and trust... even if that person isn't me. Severus Snape did not like admitting to failure, but that didn't mean he couldn't. Maybe I've finally done enough damage that Albus will give up. It is ridiculous to ask a Deatheater to mentor an abused child, and even more ridiculous for the Deatheater to actually try. Severus' shoulders slumped. “Very well. Make sure you get dried off. I have to go do damage control. I will ensure that Mr. Malfoy does not carry any tales.”

Harry watched the Potions Master leave in confusion. He's just...gonna leave? He's really going to leave me alone? He was so mad! He grabbed me and shouted at me. He's...he's not gonna hit me? But the Potions Master was gone... He'd said that he'd deal with Harry in detention...maybe he'd hit him then? He's never hit me in detention before. Detention is...lines, and potions ingredients...and The Corner. Harry shivered. There was no way he was going to let the professor behind him. Not when he'd been so angry. But what'll he do if I refuse? STOP. This is weakness, and not helping me calm down. Any minute somebody could come in and find Harry standing with his back to the corner, shaking. He had to either calm down, or move. Harry packed up his books and moved up to his dorm. I am not scared. I am not weak. I'll just study on my bed with the curtains closed. Lots of kids study on their beds. I want...privacy. Just privacy.


Severus arrived at his office to find Draco waiting outside of it exactly as directed. At least one of the boys isn't a crisis waiting to happen. Draco caused his own share of trouble, but for the moment, at least, the boy seemed confused enough to be compliant. He better be. He's got some explaining to do.

Severus let Draco into his office silently, and went to sit behind his desk. Draco took the silence as it was meant and came to stand in front of Severus' desk, feet shoulder-width apart and hands clasped behind him. No apprehensive shuffling from the sole son and heir of the Malfoy estate, of course. It almost reminded Severus of Harry's ways of hiding his fear, though he knew that Draco's upbringing had little in common with the smaller boy's.

Draco had been been taught to take punishment and praise alike with an air of pride and dignity. He couldn't quite pull it off, yet, however, and Severus found himself grateful. He'd never understood the Malfoy family's obsession with stoicism in their children and neither did Narcissa. Perhaps her influence was the reason her son seemed to vacillate between arrogant airs and a childish desire to please his professors, and Severus especially.

Severus let the boy stew for a bit before demanding harshly, “Explain yourself.”

“He attacked me.”

“I see.” Severus' tone was skeptical, but the silence afterward invited elaboration. When it didn't come, Severus prompted,

“So, you were just walking by, minding your own business, and Harry got up and hit you. Is that what you are telling me?”

Draco shook his head imperceptibly.

“A verbal answer please.”

Finally Draco spoke, his tone clipped and cold.

“No, sir. We exchanged words.”

“A pretty euphemism for your goading, I should think.”

A sudden heat entered the boy's tone. “Well if you are going to take it that way, why bother having this conversation?” The boy turned around proudly and strode towards the door.

Merlin this boy's got airs. “Should I just skip to floo-calling home, then, Draco?”

Draco stopped and turned around briefly, arrogance fully in force. “My father won't care. Nobody saw but you, anyway. He'll only care if it is public or if you cause me trouble.” He started towards the door again.

“How fortunate that I had no intention of calling him then.”

Draco stopped in his tracks and turned all the way around, slowly. “What do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean. If you do not wish to speak with me then you will speak with her. I do not appreciate being talked down to by an eleven-year-old. You will lose the attitude if you want any chance of avoiding a conversation with your mother.”

Draco wordlessly returned to his stance in front of Severus' desk.

“Better. Now I'll try again. Did you taunt him, Draco?

If I'm not polite, I'm screwed. Draco reminded himself.

“Yes, sir- but he was insulting me, too, sir! And he hit me, first!”

“What did you say, Draco?”

Draco got the impression that his godfather would not be pleased by his words about Potter's family, especially given the Prat-Who-Unfortunately-Lived's sudden strange behavior towards the man.

“He called me a ponce!”

“Mr. Malfoy all evidence to the contrary you are not deaf. I did not ask what Harry called you I inquired into what you said to him. Now out with it.”

“I...insulted his hair.” Draco tried hard to make it sound like that was all. Severus didn't buy it.

“Draco you might be sensitive about your hair but I find it doubtful that he is. What else did you say?”

Now Draco was nervous, and it showed. Severus watched the boy shift his weight from side to side as he considered what to say.

“I'm waiting.”

“I mighthavelaughedathimabouthisdeadparents.”

Draco flushed and tried again, speaking clearly as he had been taught, though it was difficult to meet his godfather's eyes. “I made fun of him about his dead parents. Sir.”

The professor just looked at him for a moment, while Draco fought to withstand the eye contact. Then the man spoke a single word.


Draco looked down. “I was angry, sir.”

Severus sat back and his chair and stared at Draco expectantly.

“I...I saw he'd changed his hair. I...don't like him, so I told him it looked like a mop. He said that mine looked like something from some muggle tv show.” Draco's cheeks burned to repeat the insult. So I like looking nice? I'm not some stupid muggle! “I started to tell him to...to not mess with me...because my father was so important, but he said I was too old to have my father protect me. He called me pathetic. I'm not pathetic! I just...he was being a prat, okay? I got mad!”

Severus just kept waiting, while Draco shuffled his feet.

“I said he was just jealous that I had a father to run to...said he probably cried at night at home with the muggles with nobody to tuck him in.”

And Snape still didn't say anything. Draco wanted to melt through the floor.

“Please say something.” He said, lifting his chin to try and hide his distress.

“What do you want me to say, Draco? Do you really think I will tell you that it is acceptable to dig up the most painful thing you knew about someone and throw it in his face, just because you're angry? Do you think I am proud of you for losing control like that? Do you think even your father would approve of that? I know your mother wouldn't.”

“Are you going to tell her?” Draco couldn't keep his voice from trembling on the question.

“That remains to be seen. James and Lily died bravely, trying to protect their child. It is not something to make light of, especially to their son. He could cry himself to sleep every night over it and I would expect you to be respectful. That is why I am disappointed in you. A fight is a fight. If it were just that... he hit you, you hit him, fine. It is undignified, and against the rules, and I would punish you, but I would not be nearly as disappointed as I am now. Mocking a child for the death of his parents is not funny, Draco. It is disgraceful, and it will not happen again.”

No, no I don't think it will. Thought Draco, trying to ignore the sudden tightness in his chest. He studied the floor, not wanting to see his godfather's expression. The man was silent again, waiting for Draco to speak. He gulped, and his words came out in a whisper.

“No sir.”

Severus figured he'd made his point. “Eyes up, Draco. We still haven't discussed your fighting.” Draco breathed a sigh of relief, and looked up. This I can handle.

“He hit me!”

“And then you hit back.” It wasn't a question.

“Of course I did!”

Snape sighed. Of course he did. I can't change his nature. “Very well, then. As long as you know that every time you do, you'll be grounded. Starting now.”

“Grounded?” No!

“Grounded. Perhaps you'll be less inclined to lose your temper and antagonize your peers if you are confined to your common room every time you do.”


“That is not up for negotiation. Four days, Draco. You will also be apologizing to Mr. Potter for your comments.”

That he would not do. Draco drew himself up to refuse but was cut off before he even opened his mouth.

Oh, I don't think so, Draco. “I have rarely been this disappointed in you, Draco. I would hope you'd learn to think before you speak.”

Snape spoke evenly and slowly, with no trace of anger, but Draco's eyes burned and his shoulders slumped as he tried once again to hold back the tightness in his chest and throat.

“Yes sir.”

“You will do as I ask.”

“Yes sir.”

Snape stood and walked around the desk to set a pot of tea to steep. “Would you like some tea, Draco?”

Draco turned his head away, blinking, and spoke stiffly.

“No, thank you, sir.”

Snape set down the tea and came to stand in front of Draco, lifting his chin gently.

“Would you prefer to be dismissed?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Very well. You may go.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Draco turned and walked towards the door with dignity, doing his best not to flee, but the tears started falling before the door even shut behind him.


“Severus! How nice of you to stop by. Sherbet lemon?”

“No.” Severus snapped, and belatedly reconsidered. “Thank you. This is not a social call.”

“When is it ever?” Dumbledore smiled. “Very well, then, Severus, speak.”

Severus almost gulped. “I need you to find a different mentor for Harry.”

Albus didn't get angry as Severus had expected. In fact, his eyes were twinkling and a slight smile appeared. Severus observed this for a moment before realizing. I called the boy Harry. Of course he'd assume the world is clad in sunshine and rainbows.

“Albus I'm serious. The boy needs somebody.”

“Of course he does, Severus. That is precisely why I appointed you.

Severus winced. “I am not fit, sir.”

“On the contrary I think you are doing an admirable job.”

“With all due respect, sir, you are misinformed.”

“Oh?” The headmaster's voice invited elaboration, and abruptly Severus felt a twinge of guilt for using the same tactic against Draco. He deserved it. He reminded himself. This is about Harry.

“I have failed, sir.”

Albus sat forward, as if the two of them were discussing some interesting philosophical point, and not Severus' numerous failings. “How so?”

“It is as I predicted. The boy is terrified of me. He flinches every time I raise my voice and yet still I lose my temper. I manhandled him today, pulled him bodily off of Draco and shouted at him. I had him cowering in the corner, pleading with me. How can you possibly say that my behavior is admirable?”

“How many times?”


“How many times have you lost your temper? How many times have you shouted at Harry?”

“Just today, sir.”

“Once then. As I have heard, the boy has defied you at every turn, cursed you out, changed your hair colors in class, gotten in a fight with another boy and filled your office and classroom with farm animals. You are concerned that you have lost your temper once?

He has a point. Thought Severus, before coming to his senses.

“That is not the point, Albus. I am not capable of this. I make students cry on a regular basis. I made Draco cry today, and I admit that I care for the boy. Abused children do not need bitter, angry, sharp-tempered Deatheaters. They need gentle, kind, soft-spoken, slow tempered, 'well-adjusted' adults well out of the line of fire. I am a good spy because I am none of these things. Find someone else.


Severus's voice rose with his anger. “He NEEDS somebody, Albus.”

“Exactly. He needs you. You will not abandon him.”

“I had no intention-”

“No? What then did you mean by 'find someone else'? You want free of this burden I have placed on you? You would leave an unwanted child still unwanted?”

“It's not about what I want! I am not good enough, Albus!”

“It is precisely about what you want, Severus. Do you want to help Harry?”

Severus looked away. Help Harry? Who would NOT want to help him? “Yes.”

“Then why are you giving up so quickly?”

“I'm not-”

“I would not have asked this of you in the first place if you were not 'good' enough. In fact I think you are ideal for this position. Did you expect it to be easy?”


“Then what is your problem?”

“Please, Albus. Before I do more damage-”

Finally Albus looked at him closely and spoke. “How about this, Severus. When you find somebody that you would trust to care for Harry, and who is willing to, you may pass on the responsibility.”

Severus felt a wave of mixed relief and despair. Harry needs this. He is more important. If it hurt to give the boy up, so be it. I never wanted to do this, anyway.

“Who do you suggest?”

“Someone Lily would trust, at the very least.”

“Clearly. Who did Lily trust, then?”


Severus groaned in frustration.

“Who else?

“James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.”

“Who else who is not dead, imprisoned, or a werewolf?”


Severus groaned.

“Good thing you're available, don't you think?” Albus smiled and chose a sherbet lemon, popping it into his mouth with an air of satisfaction.


The day passed slowly for Harry, as he hid out in his dorm trying to focus on his homework instead of the detention ahead. Time did pass, though: lunch came, and then dinner. He managed to eat some bread, and some vegetables, but little else. Finally it was 6:55, and he headed to his detention with a feeling of doom not unlike what he had felt less than two weeks before, heading from the great hall with a Howler ringing in his ears. He didn't hit me then. He reminded himself. I'd been hiding from him for almost a week, and he yelled at me, but he didn't hit me. Not that it matters. I'm not scared of him.

But Malfoy had come back to the dorm looking like his dog had died, and Harry couldn't help but wonder what had happened to him. It doesn't matter. Freaks get hit, not pretty, spoiled, Pureblood darlings like Malfoy. In that case, though, why was Draco so upset? Doesn't matter. I'm strong enough to fucking handle it. Draco's just weak. By then he'd arrived at Snape's office, though, and abandoned his thoughts, focusing instead on straightening his spine and walking in head held high, no trace of fear showing behind his defiance.


Severus watched Harry enter and sighed inwardly. He knew it was all just a show, but Harry's open defiance wore on his nerves. The only sign that the boy knew he was in trouble was that he came to stand in the same place Draco had vacated hours before, standing in front of the desk, his back ramrod straight. Otherwise...If looks could kill... Why am I doing this, again?

“According to Draco, you landed the first blow in that brawl. Is this true?”

“Yup.” What are you gonna do about it?

“Try again.” Here we go.

“Oh, does my normal, practical speech offend your tender sensibilities, sir? Yes, sir, I struck Malfoy's pretty face before he ever touched me, sir.Now piss off, sir.

Snape closed his eyes. I'd forgotten that he could be this rude. Another voice spoke up, then. He does this when he's scared. You know that. It's your fault if you scared him back into this.


Harry shrugged. “It was fun.”

Fun.” Yeah, sure. He's terrified.

“Yup. You know, playing Quiddich, going to the movies, feeding the giant squid, smashing Malfoy's face into the ground: fun. It's what normal people have on weekends instead of getting their daily dose of potion grease.”

He's baiting me. If he's so scared, why is he baiting me?

“You are being rude.” Severus observed.

And stupid. Don't forget stupid. Thought Harry. Remember? Strangled with your own intestines?“An astute observation, Snape. Top of the class. Where did you learn such brilliance?” And yet I still don't learn.

I'm sick of this. “Corner.”

Harry glanced at it quickly. “No.” Just hit me and get it over with, would you?

“I am not playing, Harry. Go.”

“You think I am? I said no.”

Do not shout at him. He's just...being obnoxious. Come on, Severus. You are the adult; act like it. Bad enough that you've lost your temper once today. Snape spoke slowly and clearly, trying to control his growing ire.

“Like it or not, Potter, you are going in that corner.”

But Snape was unlikely to be able to hide his anger from Harry, who only stiffened further. No way! He met Snape's eyes in blatant challenge.

“Make me.”

A definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over expecting a different result. This isn't working. He'd somehow lost all control of the situation. Abruptly Severus's anger fell, replaced by confusion as he realized. He's just acting like he did in Potions. Have things changed that much since then?

“Harry, what is going on?”

The abrupt change in tone coupled with his name and the seemingly random question caused Harry's confusion to overshadow his fear, and he answered stupidly.


Severus almost smiled. That's a little better.

“I asked you, what is going on? Why are you acting this way?”

He's not angry. Why isn't he angry?


“Why don't we try this conversation over? I asked you why you hit Mr. Malfoy.”

Harry's eyes flashed. “I do not lie, sir. I was bored, it was fun.”


“And nothing, sir.”

“And yet you say you do not lie.” Snape just looked at Harry, who flushed but maintained his gaze.

“Does it matter, sir? I hit Malfoy.” That's all you need to know to punish me. “You've got the information you need.”

“I beg to differ. Understanding the motivations behind people's actions is essential to preventing their recurrence.” He waited for Harry to take up his end of the conversation, but Harry stayed silent. None of your business.

“Fine. Why don't I tell you? Draco told me that he made comments about your family.”

“I don't care about the stupid Dursleys.”

“That's not who I meant, as you are well aware.”

Harry's eyes flashed in true anger. “Very well then, I don't care about the Potters.”

Snape throttled down his suddenly returning temper. He's covering. Just covering. He doesn't mean it.

“'The Potters', Harry? That's cold. It matters nothing to you that they died to keep you alive?”

The conversation had taken a turn Harry found he REALLY didn't like. Why can't he just punish me for the damned fight and get over it! Snape's tone had taken on a quality Harry associated with too many 'concerned' adults: careful, and probing. For the hundredth time, back off! They died ten years ago, what do I care?” A guilty feeling grew in Harry's stomach anyway, though. I don't care. I will not be that weak.

“No. I don't give.”

Severus found himself getting frustrated again. “They are your parents, Harry. You can't just pretend as if they did not exist.”

“What does it matter if they did or not? I can't remember a blasted thing one way or another! I don't even know what they fucking looked like! My life is with the Dursleys, not with them. It does not MATTER what else could have been!”

See? Just a cover. “Do you want to know how your parents died, then? Do you want to know how these people who do not matter threw themselves in front of the Dark Lord, bodily trying to keep him away from their precious son? If nothing else, Harry, you are alive, and that makes them matter very much.” You owe me, Potter. He thought, picturing James Potter's smirking face.

Shut up shut up shut up! Leave me alone!

Harry shouted, “What the bloody hell do I care if Lord Voledi-cunt didn't manage to kill me? Everybody thinks I'm some kind of miracle, the bloody Boy Who Lived. My parents are dead because of that. Two great wizards got killed trying to keep one miserable Freak alive. I'm no miracle, I'm just the fucking Boy-Who-Should-Have-Died.”

“And yet you claim that being reminded of that does not bother you.” Severus observed calmly. Voldi-cunt. That's...different.

Damn. How do I respond to that? And God-Fucking-Damn you Snape, WHY am I CRYING? For in that moment Harry felt the burning he'd tried to hold back come to the fore, and had to turn his head away. Severus pretended he didn't notice, but inside he felt a vague satisfaction, though he was greatly disturbed by the boy's words. And here's why he needs someone. What does one SAY to that? Well...

“Regardless I find your words highly offensive.”

Harry looked back at him, tears shoved back behind walls. Anxiety started to build in his gut as he remembered what he'd said. Ohhh shit. Strongest curse in the English language and I use it to Snape. In reference to someone who is possibly his lord and master. I'm screwed...If he's a Death Eater I'm dead. If he's not a Death Eater...oh God no yuck potion. PLEASE no yuck potion.

“In particular, if I ever hear you refer to yourself as a 'miserable freak' again, or imply that you are not worth your parents' sacrifice you will find me very displeased. You are not a freak, you are a child. You are to be cherished, and valued, and protected at all cost. That – I won't even say 'family' – of yours – they are the miserable freaks if they could not understand the treasure that had been entrusted to them. Is that understood?” Enter a kinder, gentler, Snape. See, Lily? I'm trying. I just hope I don't sound as stupid as I feel.

Oh. Harry just stared at him. He doesn't mean that. He can't. What is he saying?

“A verbal answer, if you please.”

He wants me to respond to that? Well I think I got that the Dursley's suck and for some reason I'm not supposed to say I'm a freak. “I understand, Sir.” Mostly. Maybe.

“Good.” Severus looked at the utterly flummoxed child- here's to keeping Harry as confused as I am- and asked, “Now,” Third time's the charm... “why did you hit Mr. Malfoy?”

Harry groaned. “I was bored. It was fun.”

Severus just looked at him, and Harry stared back stubbornly for a moment before giving in.

“He was mocking me.” Severus decided to let that be for the moment.

“So you hit him.”

“You know I did.” You know I did, of course I did. These two are more alike than they know... Maybe I can handle this.

“Very well, then, back to this.” Severus pointed at the corner.

Harry looked at the corner briefly, then back at Severus, as images of the man grabbing him and shouting at him returned abruptly to the fore. He shook his head. I can't.

“You still refuse?” Severus could hardly believe it. Why can't anything just be easy?

Harry's anxiety went up again as he spoke firmly, lifting his chin slightly. “Yes.”

At least he's mostly polite this time. “Why?”

I hate that question. “Because I don't want to.”

“You've obeyed me before when doing so was not to your liking.” Severus pointed out. It came out harsher than Severus intended and Harry tightened his jaw and maintained his silence.

“Why, Harry?”

“I already answered that question! I just don't fu-freaking want to! Back off!

“Politely, Harry. You are on thin ice.” Harry could hear the warning in that tone, but it only angered him further. What am I supposed to do?

“You don't think I'm aware of that? I'm not going in that fu-”

No way. “Language!” Snape almost shouted it, and Harry backed up two steps before he realized what he was doing, and shouted back.

“I'm trying, can't you see that? Please!” He tried to hold himself stiff and lock his knees and not move but he was shaking again. Would you listen to me?

OH. Once again Severus' anger faded and he could pay attention to what he was seeing. Damn. Not again. You see, Albus? Harry stood on tenterhooks, waiting for Snape to react, to move again, to shout. Severus got the feeling that the boy would run if he took even a step forward. What do I do? Wait. If he's scared-

“You may face out, at first, if you wish.”

Harry looked at him, confused. Snape was so unpredictable! He'd be angry one minute, and the next...he's offering me an out, a... compromise. I – I can do that, I think. He just really didn't want to. Really, really didn't.

“Well? Is that acceptable to you?”

Harry looked down at the floor.

“Yes, sir.”

“Then go.” Harry gave him one last half-defiant look before heading reluctantly for the nearest corner. Once there, he watched Severus warily, relaxing some as the man sat down and started grading papers, just as he had every time Harry'd been in similar situations before. Okay, so...nothing's changed? Well...Facing out was better, actually. Still don't like it. And it's not going to last.

Sure enough, fifteen minutes later Severus looked up at Harry.

“Time to turn around, Harry.”

By then Harry was almost as relaxed as he'd ever gotten around Snape, and shot him a pleading look. No no no! He wailed in his mind. This is okay, why can't we leave things like this?

“None of that. You knew this was coming. Turn.

Still Harry hesitated, staring at him. You haven't promised you'll stay put, yet.

“Harry?” It was a question and a warning.

“You – you'll stay there, right?”

Oh, child. “I will stay right here.”

Harry turned, feeling miserable. This again. How do I always find myself back here? And he still hasn't hit me...


Draco approached Harry stiffly as he emerged into the dorm from off the stairs.

“I apologize for my comments. They were inappropriate.”

“You? Apologize?” Harry sounded skeptical.

“Yes, damnit! I'm sorry for my comments.” Draco started to turn away.


“Why what?

“Why are you apologizing? You and I both know you wouldn't do it on your own.”

Draco looked at him and lifted his nose haughtily. “It is befitting for a pureblood to mitigate conflicts when he can.”

“Snape made him, in other words.” Blaise guessed, entering the conversation.

“Oh, hello Blaise.” Harry said before turning to Malfoy. “And you just obeyed?” Asked Harry, “Why? How would he even know you didn't do it?”

Draco turned away at the reminder of his shame. “It doesn't matter.”

“Sure it does. It is in my best interest to know what hold he has on you.”

“I just don't want him to be mad at me, okay?”

“No, not okay. He just commands something and you do it? Asks you something and you spill?” Harry was getting angry.

“What are you talking about?”

“Why did you tell him?” Harry snarled, pushing Malfoy against the wall.

“Tell him what?” Draco pushed back but didn't engage.

“Tell him what you said to me, asshole! Why would you tell him that?”

“What's it to you? I'm the one in trouble. You'd think you'd be happy.”

“Happy?” Happy that you got me raked across the coals with Snape, that you saw-

“Easy, Harry.” Put in Blaise, looking concerned.

“Stay out of it.” Harry snapped. “I have enough people messing in my life with little bitch Malfoy.”

“You'll pay for that, Potter.”

“I'm not worried. You're too scared of Snape to do anything.”

“And you're not? Where are you coming back from then, Potter? Went to spend some quality time outside, did you?”

Harry remembered what Malfoy had seen that morning. “All right, Malfoy. I'll take the bait. Tomorrow in Potions, I'll prove to you I'm not scared of Snape or your father.”

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