Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Hey everybody!! I'm back!! Sorry it took so long - I had exams and stuff. Hope you enjoy it!

August 22

“Sirius?” Tobias called softly from the doorway to the attic.

Sirius stood up from where he was checking Buckbeak's hooves and looked vaguely at Tobias without meeting his eyes. “Yes?”

That did not sound promising. “A-are we okay, Sirius?”

“Of course we are, Tobias,” Sirius said shortly, getting out a bristle brush and starting to groom the horse-like animal.

“Then why can't you look at me?” Tobias asked bluntly, anguished.

That made Sirius look up again, seemingly lost for words for a second before finally speaking. “I – I'm sorry, Tobias,” he said finally. “It's been a lot to process.”

“Yeah, for me, too,” Tobias said softly.

“I can imagine,” Sirius said with sympathy, “and I'm probably not helping, am I?”

“It's alright,” Tobias said. “I understand. B-but I'm still Harry, you know? I mean, I know I'm different, but-” but what? He barely knew me when I was Harry, really. What connection can he have to me, now that I'm not James' son? “-I guess I'm really different, aren't I?”

“Yeah, that's true,” Sirius said regretfully. He went back to grooming, and Tobias left quietly, not even bothering to pretend it didn't matter.

Stupid Court, he thought, returning to his room with Mo. He'd been fine, at Madame Harlot's; settled, adapting, and slowly getting comfortable in the second new world he'd been forced into, until Lliannan had showed up. And even that would have been fine – different, but fine – if the rest of the court had just left him alone. But no. They'd had to pursue him, and he'd had to flee, and now everything was chaos. I should've just let them catch me in the first place, he reflected morosely. It's not like I managed to salvage anything of a life out of any of this. His two best friends were frightened of him, Dumbledore was avoiding him like he carried a plague, Lupin had betrayed him, and Sirius had no idea what to do with him anymore. What was the point? What was he trying to hold on to, at this point? He was never going to be human again. Mo wasn't going away. The court wasn't going away. He couldn't go back to Hogwarts as Harry, he had to go as Tobias, but who the hell was Tobias?

I should seriously just turn myself in. At least then he'd be able to stop running, and just be himself. Except Mohira was a scary fucker. He's going to catch me anyway, though. Unless he told Dumbledore the truth, and stayed at Grimmauld Place for the rest of his life. Yeah, 'cause that's a life. And, once again, as a member of the Wizengamot Dumbledore would be politically obligated to turn him in, if he knew. And Mohira's a scary fucker, but he might actually be an okay scary fucker. Certainly Lliannan had seemed nice, and Sheyanan, too. And they're his wife and daughter. And none of the People would be scared of him. What, honestly, was he bothering with all of these people for? They were just scared of him. Part of him wanted to protest that these were his friends, but were they, really? They didn't even know him. They were scared of him, what kind of a connection was that?

The Weasleys. The Weasleys really are my friends. Family, almost, even, if you talked about Molly and Arthur. They aren't scared. And neither were their kids. Well, Ron was, but he always took a little bit of time to adjust to things. And he hadn't been mean about it, just really quiet, like he didn't know what to think. Once he figured it out, he'd be fine, too. He had somebody, at least.

August 24

You know what? Screw it. Mo was hungry. He would feed her. Who the hell cared what everybody else thought? Having finished eating – in silence, as usual – Tobias pushed back from the table and tipped Mo, fussing noisily, back into his arms and cradled her gently, careful not to trap her wings. Once she was in place, he caught the tender skin of his wrist under a large canine and pulled, wincing a bit as it cut the skin. Still, he healed incredibly quickly from such cuts, so it really wasn't a big deal. He set Mo to eat comfortably before looking up, realizing as he did so that the table had gone silent.

“She eats – blood?” Ron asked, looking green.

Strangely, Tobias was just happy Ron actually asked him. “Yeah, mostly. She likes porridge, too, though. Neither of us can stand milk in almost any form.”

“That's gross, mate,” Ron said.

“Ronald!” Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, apparently scandalized.

“It's alright, Mrs. Weasley,” Tobias said. “The human method seems gross to me, too, honestly.” And did before the change, too. Yich.

Mrs. Weasley huffed loudly, but Ron smiled a little, “just so you know, mate.”

“I'll take it under advisement.”

All of a sudden, Ron grinned, and Tobias couldn't help but grin back, petting Mo's hair as she sucked happily at his wrist. He looked over at Hermione, and noticed her watching the two of them with a slight frown. He tried not to care. Hermione'll come around eventually, and I didn't think I'd manage to be friends with either of them, anyway.


August 26

Once again escaping after an uncomfortable lunch, Tobias lay back on his bed and lifted Mo off his chest in both hands, smiling as she promptly spread her little wings out wide, flapping slightly like she was trying to fly. She smiled broadly and squealed, and he bounced her down and back up gently. She laughed and flapped her wings harder. He ignored Hedwig when she came in through the window, and she dropped the letter on his head before going to sulk on her perch. Putting Mo down on his chest and holding her there with one hand, he picked up the letter and noted Hermione's handwriting on the envelope before slitting it open.


Dear Harry,
Tobias read,



I'm really sorry that things are being so difficult. It's really horrid that you can't return to Hogwarts. Don't be too worried about Dumbledore, though. I'm sure he cares, he's just...busy, or something. I haven't seen him much lately, either. He just comes to meetings, then leaves immediately afterward.


Huh. She's noticed, too, then, Tobias noted.


I think you might be right about him and Tobias, though – like, whatever is secretive about Tobias, Dumbledore is in on it. He won't say anything about the guy, except that his secrets or lack thereof are none of my business. Which I suppose, maybe, they're not, but it does seem kind of weird.


No, no they're definitely not, Tobias thought, mildly amused. Hermione had trouble admitting that anything wasn't her business, most of the time.


Maybe I should go talk to Tobias. He doesn't seem to really like talking to people, though.


Not to you, certainly, Tobias realized. Whoops.


He's gotten even weirder with Sirius and Lupin, by the way. He and Lupin don't speak, and I think I even saw Lupin growl at him once. Surely that's not right, though. Lupin wouldn't growl. Sirius and he are just kind of awkward.


Well that's an understatement. And sorry, Herm, but weres do growl. And yes, Lupin didn't like being called a coward to his face. I'm not surprised he's not speaking to me. Come to think of it, though, it was pretty impressive that Hermione had noticed. Both he and Lupin were maintaining courtesy wherever possible.


Oh, and Ron's apparently decided he's okay, now, so now it's really just me. He fed his daughter blood and somehow the two of them decided they were okay. Boys are weird, you know that?


Harry laughed. Yeah, that was a bit weird, come to think of it.


Anyway, as to why he makes me nervous...I'm not really sure, other than the fact that he's so obviously not human. He's not really ugly, like you'd think. He's just...big, and striking. He's got black markings that look almost like some sort of tribal tattoo, but not, and cover his arms completely, and a little bit of his face. Oh! And I somehow forgot to mention in the last letter that he has wings. They're huge and webbed, sort of like a bat's, and he's got one of them pierced. I think maybe one of his ears is pierced too, but I haven't gotten a good look. He's also like 6'6” tall, despite being only fifteen years old. I really wonder how big he'll be as an adult.


She doesn't find me ugly? That was interesting. Striking. He could cope with that. She'd noticed his earrings, though, however briefly. He'd have to be more careful about that. It was bad enough that Bill knew, though he'd apparently not said anything to Dumbledore. Or, well, at least Dumbledore hasn't said anything about it.


I tried to research his species, but none of the books around here say anything about it, at least not that I can find. He said he's an 'Unseelie' something-or-other, (Shee? Sheed? Shied?) and that it's some kind of fairy, but none of the books on non-humans say anything about anyone called 'Unseelie' anything. It's very frustrating. And yes, I suppose I should ask him about it, but approaching the guy would be difficult no matter how safe he was. He just doesn't encourage anyone near him, or at least near his baby. Same thing, really, given that he hardly ever puts her down. It's not even like he's unfriendly, though. More like he's just watching you, all the time, when you're near him and the kid's around.


He did that? Really? He hadn't noticed. Sure, he liked being in the same room as Mo, even with Molly holding her, but had he really been watching that way, that Hermione would notice? It made him sound like some sort of psycho. Or hysterical new parent. Bloody fantastic.


Anyway, I'm doing pretty well, otherwise, though it's boring here. I finished all my summer assignments ages ago, and it's gotten to the point that I look forward to finding something new and disgusting in all the cleaning we've been doing. How about you? Doing anything interesting? Hoping to see you soon, Hermione


Well at least now he knew why Hermione was so suspicious of him. Some of her arguments were perfectly logical, but she was also just scared. Why she was scared was interesting, though. Sure, he looked weird, but he was making her uncomfortable with his attitude, too. Whoops. The Weasleys had Bill, who was pretty familiar with the People, to explain his weirdness about Mo. Hermione didn't. Though one would hope they would tell her. But then, it seemed like she'd been isolating herself, too. She might just've not been there for that conversation, if there was one.

Damn People secrecy, and damn Dumbledore. If there'd been a book out about him – an accurate one – then he could've sent it to Hermione and fixed a lot of problems. But 'Harry' wasn't supposed to know anything about 'Tobias.' Harry could've 'found' an accurate account of the Fae for Hermione to read, if one existed, but he couldn't just say anything about the fae and their children. Hermione was smart – she'd figure it out immediately. And Snape, bloody bastard, was right – Tobias couldn't afford for his friends to know who he really was. They had to treat him as a near-stranger or none of this would work. The best he could do was try and give Hermione logical reasons not to fear him, when everyone knew fear wasn't a logical thing. Which means she'll never trust me, probably. Lovely. Putting the letter aside, Tobias turned his mind of the topic and went back to playing with Mo.


On his way up the stairs after dinner, it occurred to Tobias that he'd never responded to Bighana's last letter – he'd just run, as she'd advised. I don't want to lose her friendship, he realized desperately. She and Harlot were the only people who knew who he really was. So, setting Mo up on her play-mat with her mobile, Tobias set himself up at the desk in his room and wrote.


Dear Bighana,


I'm an idiot. I should have written you back ages ago. I was grateful for your warning, and have moved again, so I am now in relative safety. I won't tell you where I am - I think Harlot's point about knowing my location was a good one – but I can tell you that I wish I'd been able to stay with you guys. It's pretty miserable here. I am with some old friends, but they don't recognize me, and are very suspicious. I find myself getting very lonely. On the other hand, it's nice to not have to move anymore – I've been in three different locations since I left the inn. Moriyana, at least, seems to be having a great time. One of my old friends is really good with her, and is the first person I've found that I can hand her off to for any period of time. I don't know what I'm going to do when I go back to school - I doubt my professors would be particularly pleased to have her in class, though I could imagine it being quite a bit of fun, with some of them.


He smiled and looked over at Mo, on her stomach on her play-mat and apparently confused as to how to get back over again. She could roll in both directions, now, but seemed to forget how to go about it once she wanted to do it on purpose.

He was already starting to dread what would happen when she started to crawl. Hogwarts was hardly 'baby proofed'. Dumbledore was in on the plan of him returning, so he had to assume the man would help him, but 'help' from Dumbledore didn't always turn out well. Frowning, he returned to his letter.


Anyway, how's it going at the Inn? Did the grumpy goblin leave? How's the brownie settling in? You didn't tell me her name? And how are Harlot and Ran? Tell them 'hi' for me. Miss you, Harry.



August 28

Snape's back, Tobias noticed, watching the man stalk through the front door. And late. By now everybody was either already downstairs, or hanging out in Ron's bedroom. Then Snape noticed Tobias standing at the bottom of the steps. Tobias shivered as he met the man's eyes. Woah. He'd known the man hated him, but damn. The man looked at him like he was some sort of particularly disgusting insect. What'd I do? I haven't even seen the man in two weeks! He put a protective hand on the back of Mo's head.

“Good afternoon, Professor,” Tobias said awkwardly, for lack of anything else to do.

“Good afternoon,” Snape responded, sneering. “How interesting to see you with the 'make-up' removed. Perhaps you have developed some modicum of self respect, Mr. Bātard? Or am I overly optimistic?”

Tobias gritted his teeth, and spoke with matching snide. “I'd actually have expected you to notice that I was fae without being told, but perhaps I, too, am overly optimistic.”

Snape's brow furrowed briefly, but then the expression cleared to be replaced with a deeper sneer. “Be careful, Mr. Bātard,” he advised coldly. “I am still your Professor. If I choose, I can make your existence truly miserable.”

“And since when have you held back from doing that, sir?” Tobias asked.

Snape just stared at him without responding, and Tobias shivered again at the coldness of his gaze. What the hell is his problem?

He helped Mo, he reminded himself, and gritted his teeth. “I apologize, sir. I thank you, once again, for your help with my daughter. She's fine, now.”

“Of course she is,” the man answered derisively, turning to limp down the stairs.

And you're so humble and gracious, sir, Tobias thought, growling at the man's back. Why the hell do I bother? He was sincerely grateful to the man, but that didn't make him like him. But I'd still better be polite, if I can, he realized. The man was absolutely correct – he alone had control of how miserable Tobias would be in his classroom in the following year. Jeez, just a couple more days. At this rate the bloody book-lists won't be here until the day before school starts. Hogwarts seemed singularly disorganized about the whole book-list process. They came at a different time every year.

August 29

Tobias took the fat, yellowish envelope with disbelief, immediately recognizing the plain emerald-green print of the address on the front:

Tobias Bātard
The large second-floor bedroom to the right of the bathroom
12 Grimmauld Place

You have got to be kidding me. It looked exactly like the envelope that had contained his first-year letter. He flipped the envelope open to find, as expected, a purple wax seal bearing the Hogwarts crest. Slitting the envelope open, he drew out the letter, and read.



Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc.,)

Dear Mr. Bātard,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress

P.S. I apologize for the lateness of this letter, Mr. Bātard. Your identity caused some confusion. Please ignore the missed deadline – we already know you are coming, and have made all necessary arrangements. The attached equipment list is special to you – please read it carefully so as to be fully prepared at the start of term. 


Tobias frowned and pulled out the equipment list. It contained the normal list of required textbooks, including the usual Standard Book of Spells Grade 5, and a new one called Defensive Magical Theory. The 'special' section included a lot of what he already had – supplies for Mo, mostly – but also a couple things that he hadn't thought of, like magical baby monitors for any time he needed to leave Mo alone for any reason. Thank you, McGonagall. Good thing she knew what to do, 'cause it seemed like he was still totally incompetent. No surprise there. I think one month still counts as 'new parent,' he thought. He'd have to give the list to Molly – she was planning on doing all the shopping for them this year so that nobody put themselves in danger unnecessarily.

August 31

What's all the excitement about? Tobias wondered, hearing a shriek from downstairs. He picked up Mo and left his room to peer down the stairs and listen in to Molly's excited babbling.

“...don't believe it! I don't believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That's everyone in the family!”

When were the twins prefects? Tobias wondered, just as he heard one of the twins speak up indignantly. “What are Fred and I, next-door neighbors?”

“Wait until your father hears! Ron, I'm so proud of you, what wonderful news, you could end up Head Boy just like Bill and Percy, it's the first step! Oh, what a thing to happen in the middle of all this worry, I'm just thrilled, oh Ronnie -

Tobias grinned as he heard the twins start to gag loudly. So Ron's a prefect? Interesting. I bet Hermione is, too, though Molly wouldn't be as excited about that. He wasn't at all worried about the fact that he hadn't been named. It've been phenomenally stupid for Dumbledore to name him – a new parent, and supposedly a new student – to the post. I'd've had to refuse it.

Curiosity appeased, Tobias returned to his room with Mo. He had a lot to pack before leaving for Hogwarts the next day.


September 1

As usual, Mo woke up before Tobias did, and woke him with her wiggling. By the time he was awake enough to realize it was morning, she was crying.

“Alright, alright, I'm up!” he told her, rolling up with her clutched to his chest. Still bleary, he cut his wrist and offered it to her, hoping it would be enough to appease her. Looking at the clock, he groaned.

“Bloody hell Mo! It's not even six! You couldn't wait a little longer?”

Mo just wrapped the fabric of his sleep-shirt in one fist and kept eating, wide awake and totally unconcerned.

“Little monster.”

When Mo had finished eating, Tobias got the rest of the way up out of bed to do the rest of his usual morning routine, trying to ignore how Mo fussed the whole time while he changed her and brushed his teeth, and how she screamed while he rushed through a shower. Finally able to pick her up again, he bounced and rocked her until she quieted, remembering with a certain sense of pride how panicked he'd been the first time she'd cried. He knew what to do, now, though the sound was still unpleasant. Once Mo had calmed down, he returned to preparing to leave for Hogwarts.

He'd made sure the day before to have his special shirts clean so that he could leave Grimmauld place fully covered. Now he put one of them on, feeling the strange tingling that meant his wings were hidden. Next he grabbed for the potions to hide his teeth, but paused before taking it, suddenly disgusted with himself. Was he really going to spend the next nine months hiding everything? “What do you tell people, Remus? That you're 'just as good' as the humans? That as long as they think you're human, it doesn't matter? Don't ask, don't fucking tell?” What kind of a fucking hypocrite was he? Shit.

He couldn't go back as People. That would be insane. Everybody would be frightened of him. He'd never make any friends. Would the teachers even allow him in their classes? Hogwarts was a school for wizards, not People. But I'm a wizard, too. And Hagrid and Lupin weren't human. But they'd hid it. I can't just waltz through the halls with wings and teeth showing.

But why not? He'd done it at Grimmauld Place. People had given him funny looks, but hadn't screamed or run. Even the Order members who didn't know him and apparently didn't like the People had mostly just glared. It had been unpleasant, for sure, but not dangerous. In fact, people had mostly avoided him, which was really safer for all around, when he had Mo with him.

And it sucked to hide everything. Even if he made friends, none of them would actually know who he really was, not when he couldn't express himself normally. And he'd be faking some of his classes, too, if he couldn't show his actual strength. And he'd feel like a bloody coward. He'd be a bloody coward. Perhaps you have developed some modicum of self respect, Mr. Bātard? Or am I overly optimistic?

Making a sudden decision, Tobias threw the potion back in his bag, and pulled his shirt over his head, replacing it with one of the normal ones, breathing a sigh of relief as the tingling went away and his wings sprung free. He'd have to be under the invisibility cloak, to go through the King's Cross train station, but he'd been told to be under the invisibility cloak on the train, anyway, so nobody would find it odd.


Tobias sighed with relief and whispered a quick thank-you as Fred and George Weasley shoved the last load of his belongings into the compartment with him, then locked and silenced it behind them and settled back into his seat, Mo in the carrier on his chest. Finally. The trip thus far had been a total pain in the ass. Tobias had come downstairs with the others to climb into the Weasleys' packed car, already wrapped in the invisibility cloak, and followed them through the King's Cross station and onto the platform, where Molly bossed everybody into getting Tobias' enormous pile of belongings on the train for him while he cared for Mo and kept himself carefully under the cloak as Dumbledore had ordered. He'd take it off on the platform, and follow Hagrid with the first-years, but for now he couldn't spare a hand to carry anything other than the cloak and Mo. And Mo was not a happy camper.

It happened sometimes, for no reason Tobias could discern. She'd just wake up in a bad mood, and the day would go downhill from there. Sometimes she'd snap out of it eventually, again for no particular reason that Tobias could see, but sometimes she'd be miserable all day long. And, being a baby, her being miserable meant that she'd make everyone around her miserable, as well. Why did it have to be today? he wondered, unbuckling her carrier so he could hold her in his arms to feed her. Of all days... He slit his wrist carefully and brought it to her mouth.

“Could you please be good today, Mo? Please?

Well she was quiet now, at least. Moving carefully, Tobias tipped himself back with Mo on his chest, and closing his eyes. It was only eleven AM, but he was tired. And maybe if I sleep, she will, too, he reasoned without much hope.

To his surprise, when he woke up, Mo was still asleep on his chest. Checking his watch, he realized that he'd slept for four hours, and so estimated that he still had about two hours left to the trip. And if I don't wake Mo, she won't sleep tonight. Dang. He'd enjoy the quiet, after the difficult morning. Still, he needed to feed and change her before they arrived, anyway. Cradling her carefully, Tobias sat up, and slashed his wrist for the third time that day to feed her. She stirred and whimpered at the move, but then latched onto his wrist happily enough, one hand as usual wrapped in his shirt. Monster.

Luckily, once awake and changed, Mo seemed to be a pretty happy camper, laid back in his lap, clutching and drooling on her hippo while he hauled the enormous Heir book out of his bag to continue studying it. He'd need to know this stuff, if and when he got caught. More likely a 'when,' he admitted to himself. They couldn't find me at Grimmauld Place, but Hogwarts? Even if he had been wearing his charms, it was highly unlikely that he'd manage to stay hidden without continually moving like he had been, especially in an area that had at least a few other People. Well, at least without the charms I won't look like I'm hiding.

Whatever. There was nothing he could do about it now, at any rate. He'd just study his book and hope for the best.


“Woah,” Tobias heard somebody murmer as he got off the train. He'd waited until most of the students had cleared out before getting off the train, knowing that the first-years wouldn't leave until the entire train was empty. It had allowed him to remove his invisibility cloak and get off the train without anybody realizing that he'd been invisible in the first place.

There were still plenty of students on the platform, though, and his emergence from the train drew stares. He'd expected it, and tried to ignore it, looking around instead for Hagrid, just as he heard the half-giant shout the usual, “Firs' years! Firs' years over here!” This time, though, Hagrid also shouted, “Tobias Bātard!”

Making his way over to the half-giant was unexpectedly easy, and extremely depressing, as the students on the platform parted to let him through, whispering among themselves fearfully.

I'm new here. I've never done this before, Tobias reminded himself as he approached Hagrid.

“I'm Tobias, sir,” he said when he'd gotten close.

“Oh, good,” Hagrid said, looking down into Tobias' bright purple eyes. Unable to leave Grimmauld Place to get contacts or a magical means of changing his eye color, Tobias had asked Molly to get them for him. He'd decided to have his eyes match Mo's, figuring it would be one more layer against people connecting him with Harry Potter. Hagrid didn't seem to recognize him at all. “You certain you're wantin' to go without charms, Mr. Bātard?”

“Quite certain,” Tobias answered.

“Alright,” the half-giant said dubiously, before looking out over the platform again. “Firs' years! Firs' years over here!”

Soon enough, they had a small posse of wide-eyed first years surrounding the pair of them and staring. Tobias couldn't help but snort a little, even as the fear in the littles' eyes hurt him. “So...do you think they're staring more at you, or me?” he muttered.

Hagrid laughed. “No doubt both,” he said. “I'm pretty use' to it by now.”

There was somebody there, Tobias realized suddenly. A were, and one of the fae, really close by. He looked up and around, startled and mildly alarmed, baring his teeth, but a noise brought his gaze back down.

“Sorry,” the first-year said softly in strongly-accented English, stepping back a little. “I don't notice the little one. Just want to say hi.”

Tobias smiled. It was the fae he'd sensed, approaching him with no fear at all. His ears were slightly pointed, like Tobias', and he was very skinny, but otherwise the small, dark-haired, hazel-eyed boy would have no trouble at all hiding among the humans.

“Don't be sorry,” he said softly so the others couldn't hear, smiling broadly. He's not scared of me. He's fae. There are People here! “You startled me, was all. Do you know where the Were is?”

“The – the dog-person? - you mean?”

Tobias smiled. “Yeah. The werewolf.”

“Yes, I sit with her on train. She is Akela, the short-” he frowned, “short, dark, quiet one. She don't talk.”

From his greater height, and able to sense her, in a limited way, it wasn't difficult for Tobias to pick her out of the crowd. She was, in fact, tiny, and looking at him with enormous brown eyes under a head of tight black braids. He smiled at her, showing canines, and she bared her teeth back, half in greeting, and half in challenge. He smiled broadly. Fierce little thing, isn't she? Were children were, sometimes, at least according to Bighana. Certainly Ran could be, though she would never be described as 'quiet', once you got to know her.

“You – you don't hide,” the fae child said to him hesitantly. “No magic – lotion, or jewelry.”

“Charms,” Tobias supplied. “And no, I decided I didn't like them.”

“I – also don't hide?” the kid asked hesitantly.

“No,” Tobias said. This shouldn't be my decision. “You should hide, for now. Wait until you are older before making that decision.”

The kid nodded vigorously, obviously relieved.

“I'm Tobias,” Tobias offered finally.

“I am Illatobe,” the little boy said, smiling with more confidence.

“Illatobe?” Tobias tried.

“You please just call me Toby,” Illatobe suggested. “It is what I tell humans is my name.”

“Toby,” Tobias agreed.

'Toby' stuck to him like a burr on the walk to the boats. The rest of the children hung back, still pointing and whispering rather obviously, but not quite as fearfully as before he'd talked to Toby. He'd take what he could get. Akela stayed in the crowd, but he could feel that she, too, stayed relatively close to him as the new students got their first look at the castle. Great. Here I thought the kids would avoid me like the plague, and I'm developing an entourage. He grinned at the thought, prompting a couple of the human kids to shrink back further away from him. There are other People here. Oh, thank God. He really shouldn't be happy about it – it was likely to mean he got caught that much faster – but he'd forgotten how wonderful it felt to be among them, among people who neither feared him nor viewed him with any kind of suspicion.

“No more'n four to a boat,” Hagrid instructed as they approached the boats. “Tobias, Akela, and Toby, you're wi' me.”

Thank you, Hagrid, Tobias thought gratefully. He'd not been looking forward to forcing some poor first-year into unwanted close contact with him. Akela, too, looked relieved, though she eyed the boat with some dubiousness before climbing in next to Hagrid.

He'd forgotten how beautiful the trip across the lake was, Tobias realized, looking up at the castle with almost the same wonder as the first-years. “Look, Mo,” he whispered, turning her to face forward. “Isn't it pretty?”

The lake was perfectly still, the ripples from their boats the only disturbance, and the lights from the castle made the water sparkle. Nobody seemed at all inclined to speak, so the only sound was the quiet lapping of the oars, and Mo's happy and oblivious babble as he bounced her gently on his knee.

They came to shore in the strange, underground harbor that Tobias vaguely remembered from his first year, where they tied up the boats before climbing a narrow stair to the surface, and Hagrid counted them one more time before knocking hard on a huge wooden door into the castle. Exactly like in his first year, McGonagall opened the door, looking stern. This time, though, she gave him an especially sharp glance, and he suspected that she was unhappy with him – probably either for coming to Hogwarts without his charms, or for not warning anyone ahead of time, but he couldn't be sure. McGonagall didn't say anything, however, and led them all into a small, empty chamber across from the entrance to what he now knew was the Great Hall, and introduced them as before to the house system, and the fact that they were all to be sorted.

Remembering that he was supposed to be new, too, he paid close attention, and hid his amusement at the first years' nervousness. He'd been scared, too, though of course he'd had Ron telling him that it was a test, and going to hurt, besides. This year the rumors were different. Once McGonagall left, and the talking started, they started right up. One boy thought that the 'houses' were actual separate physical houses, but he was quickly whispered down by a boy who said that of course they weren't actual houses, because then they couldn't fit in the castle. Another boy argued that of course they could, and what was the other boy, a muggle? One of the girls spoke up, then, saying that the sorting was probably totally random and she personally didn't care. They argued for awhile, but unlike his first year, no ghosts came in to frighten them, and soon the most interesting thing in the room proved to be Tobias.

“What are you?” one boy finally asked, after everyone had been staring at him for awhile.

“Darren, that's rude!” protested the same girl who'd said the sorting was random.

“Oh, shut up, Miss Manners,” Darren responded.

“Well it was,” the girl argued, tossing her shoulder-length hair.

“No, it's alright,” Tobias said. “I'd rather you ask then just be scared of me. I'm Unseelie Sidhe – a sort of really huge fairy with big teeth.”

“That means you're coniferous, right?” another boy asked.

Tobias held back a laugh. Yes, kid, clearly I'm a tree. “Carnivorous, and no, I'm an omnivore. I do eat more meat than most humans, though.”

“Do you eat people?” a third boy questioned hesitantly.

Tobias heard a soft growl, and gave Akela a grin. He'd never been in a community that defended itself as fiercely as the People did. As far as he knew, Akela didn't even like him. “No, I don't. I eat beef, same as you.”

“You're scary,” one of the girls said then.

“I know,” Tobias said.

“Are you going to bring a baby to class?” 'Miss Manners' asked.

“If the headmaster will let me,” Tobias answered.

“Excuse me,” said McGonagall, reentering the room carrying a stool and the sorting hat, “but if you are finished, would you please form a line and follow me? It is time for the sorting to begin.”

Clearly overawed by the setting and the sternness in the professor's demeanor, the first-years obeyed with alacrity, and they were soon entering the Great Hall, Tobias taking up the rear with Toby and Akela as a buffer between him and the still-nervous human first-years. All conversation in the Hall stopped as they entered, then started up again in hoarse whispers, and Tobias wracked his brain trying to remember if that had happened his first year, before realizing that, even if they did, it was probably because of him then, too. It took a lot to quiet the Great Hall. Finally he remembered that he'd witnessed other sortings, and no, the hall was never quite this quiet while the first-years walked in.

Good thing I'm used to getting stared at, he told himself, doing his best, once again, to ignore the extra attention as he walked with the others to the front of the room. He couldn't help but be vividly aware of his own height as he followed the first-years, though – he towered over them, to the point that he could clearly see Dumbledore frowning at him at the head table over all of their heads. Turning his attention from both Dumbledore and the staring crowd, he instead looked for his few friends in the crowd, finally finding the Weasleys and Hermione all sitting in a large clump and watching McGonagall. One of the twins met his eyes, though, and smiled. He said something to the others, and they all looked up and waved.

“Little tall for this, aren't you, Tobias?” one of the twins shouted. “Or is little Mo the one getting sorted?”

“I don't know, you'd have to ask the headmaster!” he shouted back, grateful once again for the twins' deft maneuvering around an otherwise awkward situation.

“Silence, please!” McGonagall called sharply, and Tobias turned back to her to find her giving him a piercing glare. He smiled apologetically, but she just looked down at her list and called out 'Abercrombie, Euan' as the first to be sorted.

Suddenly realizing just how early in the alphabet 'Bātard, Tobias' really was, he cursed himself for choosing it while listening carefully for his own name. Sure enough, he was called just as the terrified-looking Euan made his way over to the Gryffindor table.

Feeling ridiculous, he stepped out from among the crowd of littles and sat on the stool before taking the hat from McGonagall and putting it on his head.

“You again!” the hat said instantly, startling him.

Umm...yes? Tobias thought at it, remembering how it had picked up his thoughts first year. Is that a problem?

“Not a problem, no,” answered the hat, “just most unusual, most unusual indeed. Let's see, where should I put you?”

You can't just put me back in Gryffindor where I belong? Tobias asked, a little worried.

“Where you belong? No, definitely not where you belong. That is what is so interesting. Perhaps I should sort all students a second time.”

B-but, I haven't suddenly turned coward, or something, Tobias protested. What's wrong with Gryffindor?

“Coward? You? Surely not! No, you are no coward. But you are practical, now...cautious. You think more carefully before rushing off to do things, and you value a single person more than any other, and more than any ideal. A very nice mix, I must say. I quite like how you've turned out, young Mr. 'Bātard.'”

Err...thanks, I guess, Tobias thought to him, more nervous by the minute. 'More than any ideal?' He really is going to put me in Slytherin.

“No, no, no, not Slytherin,” the hat admonished. “You are clearly meant for... HUFFLEPUFF!”

You have got to be kidding me, Tobias thought, getting up off the stool and putting the hat back before facing the silent room. Hufflepuff. That was the very last thing he'd expected. Better than Slytherin, though. He walked slowly down the steps towards the Gryffindor side, remembering that the Hufflepuff table was right beside it. They were cheering for him, though less enthusiastically than they might've. He made his way to it, before getting confused. Did he sit further down the table, where the first years usually were, or with the other fifth-years? Doesn't matter, just sit.

Having no time to decide, Tobias sat in the middle of a largish gap towards the upper end of the table, allowing his new house-mates to stare while he turned his attention back to the others being sorted.

“H-hello,” somebody from the group next to him said, voice a little shaky. Tobias looked up to see one of the older Hufflepuffs sitting right next to him and staring him straight in the eyes. “Welcome to Hufflepuff.”

Tobias felt his jaw drop a little. Goodness, the hat was right. Hufflepuffs don't lack nerve, either. He gave the other boy a grin. “Thanks. I'm Tobias Bātard, and this is Mo.”

“Gabriel Martinez,” the boy said, offering a hand.

Tobias accepted it, and they both went back to watching the sorting just as McGonagall called, “Daray, Illatobe.”

Toby walked up to her hesitantly, seemingly more worried about the professor than about the magic hat. I wonder how much contact he's had with humans before, Tobias suddenly realized. There were definitely places in Europe that were distinct 'People' territories, and Toby didn't speak English all that well...


Hufflepuff cheered louder for him then they had for Tobias, and Toby came happily enough to the table, sitting next to the second-years because there were no other first-years at the table yet.

The next to be sorted went to Gryffindor, and then two to Ravenclaw, and a third to Hufflepuff. Tobias noted her name absently – Amanda Hinkel – before digging into his ever-present diaper bag for Mo's hippo as she started to fuss.

“Oh, I know,” he told her absently, listening with one ear as two students were sorted into Slytherin, “you've been so good all day. Well, at least since your nap. Just be patient a little longer, okay? This is going to take awhile, but then I'll get you some porridge, I promise.”

She probably wasn't really hungry, more bored, but she liked porridge. Actually...

“Hey, can I talk to one of the kitchen brownies, please?” he said quietly to no-one in particular.

“Zuka is happy to serve, sir!” the female brownie answered, popping into view right next to him. Mo startled a little, then smiled and leaned forward against Tobias' arm, reaching for one of the brownie's big ears.

“Hello Zuka,” Tobias greeted. “Could you do me a favor and get my daughter some plain porridge, please?”

“You wants Zuka to cook for the little one, sir?”

“Yes, please, Zuka,” Tobias said.

Zuka smiled hugely. “Thank you, sir! Zuka is most honored, sir! Zuka will make very nice porridge for little big one!”

“Thanks, Zuka,” Tobias said. The over-excited brownie smiled broadly before giving a bouncy little curtsy and apparating out.

“Little big one?” Gabriel asked him curiously.

“We're Greater Fae,” Tobias explained. “Called 'big fae' by some of the smaller species. But Mo's a baby so...little big one.”

“Cute,” the boy said. Tobias smiled.

“Osei, Akela,” McGonagall called. Tobias looked up as Akela walked straight up to the stool and sat down. Apparently the hat's speech startled her, because she promptly bared her teeth and hauled the thing back off of her head to face it fiercely. Tobias couldn't hear what was said, but eventually she gave the thing a dubious look before putting it back on her head as some of the other students snickered.

“Gryffindor!” the hat exclaimed. Tobias smiled. He could've guessed that, the way she'd challenged him and stood up for him in the same half hour.

“That one looks like she could be trouble,” Tobias heard another of the Hufflepuffs comment.

“Really?” another said, “I hadn't noticed.”

The other snorted. “I thought she was going to eat the hat.”

She needs to be more careful, Tobias noted.

“So why was 'Zuka' so honored to help you? I mean, I've got house-elves at home, but they've never acted quite the way she does with you,” a sharp-faced girl across the table from him asked.

“It's probably to do with Mo,” Tobias explained. “The fae don't let many other than themselves do anything with their young.”

“So she's honored because you trusted her to cook porridge?” Gabriel asked skeptically.

“I think she's probably also just young,” Tobias said.

“But you're 'Greater Fae'?” asked the girl curiously. “Greater than what?”

“I think it mostly means 'greater' as in 'bigger,' Tobias answered. “Bigger than the Lesser Fae, I guess, though you're right that it seems like a pretty useless distinction. I'm Tobias, by the way.”

“Esmeralda Leguin. Nice to meet you.”

She even sounded like she actually meant it. I suppose 'Puffs are supposed to accept everybody, but I didn't know it actually worked, he reflected. “Why are you so okay with me?” he finally just asked.

“You're a 'Puff,” Gabriel answered. “You can't be that bad.”

Yeah, after all, there's not a wizard gone bad that wasn't in Slytherin, Tobias remembered. Rule of thumb: All Slytherins evil, all Puffs good. Got it. It was bullshit, but if it meant that they accepted him this easily, he'd take it. He needed all the help he could get.

Chapter End Notes:
And that's all she wrote...well I wrote. For now. Hope you liked!! Thanks for the reviews!! See you next time!!

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