Summary: Harry comes back for his seventh and final year at Hogwarts a changed teenager… moody, disrespectful, and on edge, his friends don’t know what to do for him or what has happened to change him so much. Finally one man decides that enough is enough and somebody has to put their foot down to get Harry back under control… if not for Harry’s own well being, then for the sanity of one irritated Potion’s Master. Will Severus Snape be able to figure out what’s gotten under Harry’s skin, or will Harry push Snape over the edge before he gets that far? This story is part of the series, New Life. The next story in the series is Holding On.
Takes Place: 7th Year
| Chapters: 17
Snape flavour: Snape is Angry, Canon Snape, Snape Comforts, Snape is Controlling, Snape is Desperate, Snape is Kind, Snape is Loving, Snape is Mean, Snape is Stern
| Completed: Yes
Categories: Parental Snape > Biological Father Snape, Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape, Snape Equal Status to Harry > Foes Snape and Harry, Teacher Snape > Professor Snape
| Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Family, General, Hurt/Comfort
Tags: Injured!Harry, Kidnapped, Kidnapped!Harry, Physical Impairment, Pregnancy
| Word count: 50169
Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Draco, Ginny, Hermione, Other, Ron
| Read: 198881
Published: 07 Nov 2009 - Updated: 08 Apr 2010
Story Notes: Some of the chapters are short and sweet in this story, but they are thus for a reason. This is angsty and intense from beginning to end, but ends happily.
1. James Harry, not Harry James by JAWorley [Reviews - 12]     (2521 words) 
I fully realize that Harry does not seem himself in this chapter, but you will find out what's eating at him soon enough, and his behavior will not continue thusly throughout the entire story.
2. Another Glorious Day by JAWorley [Reviews - 6]     (1322 words) 
This is a relatively short chapter, but it is essential to getting a deeper look into Harry's mind on a few issues.
3. The Secret That Petunia Kept by JAWorley [Reviews - 5]     (2992 words) 
We finally get to learn what has got Harry so sick and why he is acting like he is.
4. Meltdown by JAWorley [Reviews - 4]     (1660 words) 
The next to chapters are so ripe with angst it nearly killed me to write them, so I tried to inject a tiny bit of humor in there to get it going.
5. The Secret That Harry Couldn't Bare by JAWorley [Reviews - 29]     (2408 words) 
Angsty, dramatic moments lie ahead.
6. A Proper Introduction by JAWorley [Reviews - 3]     (3301 words) 
Had this written... just had to get it posted.
7. Veritas by JAWorley [Reviews - 8]     (2985 words) 
A/N: In this story Harry has not had occlumency lessons with anybody, and while he suspects that there may be a connection between himself and Voldemort, he has concealed it well up to this point. For the sake of the story, things still played out the same at the Department of Mysteries and Sirius is still dead, but Occlumency lessons never occurred previously.
8. Rifts by JAWorley [Reviews - 8]     (4325 words) 
A little bit of everything in the following (long) chapter: Anger, angst, confusion, turkey, humor, revelations, and romanceā¦ yes, romance right at the end. And did I mention turkey?
NOTE: Don't get mad about the holiday they don't normally celebrate... it is explained in the next chapter.
9. On Holiday by JAWorley [Reviews - 4]     (4884 words) 
We see Snape's house in this chapter. Here is a map I made myself of what it looks like in this story: 
10. Christmas by JAWorley [Reviews - 10]     (4236 words) 
Another long chapter for you :)
11. A Failure of the Heart by JAWorley [Reviews - 8]     (2437 words) 
Harry and Ginny, and we learn the feelings and uncertainty that Harry and Severus are struggling with.
12. Hot Headed Harry by JAWorley [Reviews - 8]     (2554 words) 
Their first true father and son fight, and a very courageous Ron.
13. Love and Patience by JAWorley [Reviews - 9]     (2901 words) 
This one may be a bit out of character, and a little strange, but bare with me... it sets the stage for things to come.
NOTE: This chapter has some intimate scenes.
14. Best Friends and Broken Noses by JAWorley [Reviews - 4]     (2344 words) 
I hope I don't lose anybody with this chapter (there is some VERY unexpected news here). But not to worry, this will not turn into a story that strays far from Harry and Severus. There are only a few chapters left in this story, and then it leads right into the sequel.
15. A Father's Pride by JAWorley [Reviews - 8]     (1659 words) 
Intense moments with the Weasley's. (A short chapter).
16. Subterfuge by JAWorley [Reviews - 3]     (5160 words) 
Sorry for the long wait. This chapter was done and for some reason I just hadn't gotten it posted. This is a nice long chapter for you with plenty of action.
17. A Wash of Warmth by JAWorley [Reviews - 12]     (2480 words) 
Warning: Mushy chapter ahead. Sorry if it feels rushed.
The End.
JAWorley is the author of 61 other stories. This story is part of the series, New Life. The next story in the series is Holding On.
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