Summary: When Albus Dumbledore is murdered the night of the Welcoming Feast, a team of Aurors is dispatched to Hogwarts to investigate. It comes as no surprise to the masterminds behind the crime that the lead investigator’s allegiance lies with Voldemort rather than the Ministry. However, when the cunning Auror starts to take an unhealthy interest in Professors Severus and Saturnine Snape, the stakes rise to dangerous levels and drastic changes must be made to their plans to bring about the downfall of the Dark Lord. With the hunt for the Horcruxes continuing in the background, Severus, Saturnine, Draco and Harry struggle to keep their newfound family from falling apart, even as they feel the threat of the final battle against Lord Voldemort growing closer and closer each day. This story is part of the series, Familia Ante Omnia. The previous story in the series is Sanction (Familia Ante Omnia - Book Three) . The next story in the series is Salvation (Familia Ante Omnia - Book Five).
Published: 26 Dec 2021 - Updated: 03 Mar 2022
SaraJany is the author of 6 other stories. This story is part of the series, Familia Ante Omnia. The previous story in the series is Sanction (Familia Ante Omnia - Book Three) . The next story in the series is Salvation (Familia Ante Omnia - Book Five).
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