Summary: Wizarding Britain at large is keen to celebrate both the death of Lord Voldemort and the resurrection of Albus Dumbledore.
In a small cottage by the sea, four wizards contemplate a situation none of them were prepared for: against all odds, they all survived the war. But it wasn’t without a cost.
Faced with an unwritten future and endless possibilities, they find comfort in familiarity as they weigh up their options and try to decide what to do next. This story is part of the series,
Familia Ante Omnia. The previous story in the series is
Subversion (Familia Ante Omnia - Book Four) . The next story in the series is
Separation (Familia Ante Omnia - Book Two, Part Four).
Published: 03 Mar 2022 -
Updated: 16 Apr 2022
SaraJany is the author of 6 other stories. This story is part of the series,
Familia Ante Omnia. The previous story in the series is
Subversion (Familia Ante Omnia - Book Four) . The next story in the series is
Separation (Familia Ante Omnia - Book Two, Part Four).
This story is a favorite of 1 members. Members who liked
Salvation (Familia Ante Omnia - Book Five) also liked
153 other stories.