Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Author's Chapter Notes:
Sev's behavior is put in perspective as the trio have lunch with the faculty; and Sev enjoys an impromptu little show as Harry repairs the fourth floor corridor.
A Fortunate Accident

“Ah! Harry, my boy! It’s been a while since I’ve seen you at our table to share a meal with us.” Slughorn commented with a smile from his place next to Dumbledore. “I was beginning to think you were going to hide out in your quarters forever.” He chuckled.

“No, no, sir. I don’t think I could do that indefinitely. I’d go stir crazy.” Harry replied with a smile, leading Ginny by the hand to the staff table where the summer residents regularly had lunch together. “Besides…it’s been busy few days.”

“As I imagine! As I imagine.” The jolly old Slytherin replied. Like a gentleman, Harry pulled out a seat for his girlfriend and waited for her to sit down. That’s when Slughorn spotted Ginny. “Oh, and Miss Weasley! How good to see you again!” He offered her his hand and she shook it with a polite smile.

“Professor Slughorn.” Ginny nodded.

“It still is Miss Weasley, right?” He asked, giving the pair of them a probing look. A smirk played at the corner of his lips.

Ginny chuckled nervously and nodded. “For at least another year. Yes, sir.”

“Sir, I hope you don’t mind me bringing Ginny to lunch.” Harry started as he sat down, looking directly at Dumbledore.

The headmaster held up a hand. “My dear boy, why would I mind?” He turned to Ginny with a gentle smile. “You’re welcome here at any time, Miss Weasley. Or at least…until we can fill the house tables up again.”

Ginny smiled and nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

“So I assume you have no plans to marry until you finish school then?” Slughorn continued.

The teenage girl nodded. “Yes. It’s a…personal decision.”

“One I respect completely.” Harry added.

“That’s very noble of the two of you.” McGonagall commented from Dumbledore’s other side. The teens smiled and nodded at her.

“Thanks, Nana.” Harry murmured, using his new nickname for her. McGonagall straightened ever so slightly—the only sign of her delight in Harry’s term of endearment.

“And this must be Severus!” Slughorn resumed, leaning into Trelawney’s personal space in an effort to glimpse inside the sling across Ginny’s chest.

“You want to sit up, Sev?” Ginny supported the infant’s back as Sev peeked over the side and eyeballed everyone at the table neutrally.

Slughorn then began to address the infant, “Oh, Severus, I am terribly sorry to hear of what happened a few days ago. It was quite an unfortunate accident, that.”

Unfortunate accident?! Are you saying you’d rather have me dead, Slughorn? Sev exchanged glances with both Harry and Ginny before scowling at the Potions Master.

“Professor, with all due respect, sir, don’t you mean it was a rather fortunate accident?” Ginny spoke up, “I mean, he was trying to kill himself. If he hadn’t drunk the wrong potion by accident, he’d be dead.”

“Oh!” Slughorn chuckled nervously. “Yes, yes, that’s what I meant, dear girl. I just worded it wrong. I’m very happy you’re alive, Severus.” He told the baby. “It’s just rather unfortunate you’re not your proper age anymore.” He smiled nervously at both Harry and Ginny. “However…I have even more unfortunate news for you, I’m afraid. Oh!” Slughorn paused to serve himself some of the food that had recently appeared. “You see…I have a copy of the potions recipe that Mr. Elson used and it appears he specifically designed this potion to not have an antidote. More than four-fifths of the active ingredients don’t have a counteragent.”

“That was probably his intention.” Dumbledore interjected, passing the mashed potatoes to Flitwick, “After all, he did forge those papers from the Ministry.”

“If he was re-aged, and his memory restored, it would mean some time in Azkaban for him.” McGonagall added, “In fact, that implies he had been planning this whole thing all along.”

“And everything went according to plan.” Dumbledore nodded. He eyed the two teenagers and the baby. “I trust the three of you read the paper this morning?” Both Harry and Ginny nodded as the girl adjusted Severus in his sling. The baby was now practically standing in his carrier as he looked around the table curiously. “Would you three like me to ask the kitchen for baby food? I can transfigure a high chair or small baby bowls and utensils—”

“Ah!” Sev cried, shaking his head. “Mo, mo, mo, mo, mo.” He made sure to watch his tone of voice this time, as Harry didn’t like it when he was rude. He turned to Ginny, “Immy! Mik, pea.” He signed ‘milk’, ‘hungry’, ‘milk’, and ‘please’.

Ginny smiled, proud at Sev’s improved use of baby sign language. “You want a bottle?”

Sev froze. He looked around at the table’s staring occupants and blushed furiously. The infant dove back down into his sling and shook his head where nobody else could see. He signed ‘milk’ again and then pointed to Ginny’s breasts. The tips of the baby’s ears flared red and he buried himself in the folds of the fabric.

Ginny smiled and rolled her eyes, wrapping her arms around Sev and giving him a big kiss on the cheek through the fabric of the sling. “Sev…it’s alright! There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Straightening up, she turned to Harry. “Harry, can you give me the instructions for the sling?”

Understanding dawned in Harry’s eyes and he dug through the diaper bag for the sling instructions. “You need any help?” He asked, handing it to her.

Ginny shook her head. “No, thank you. Just give me the shawl, just in case.”

Harry handed her the piece of clothing. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” She stood up and Harry, being a gentleman, stood up as well. Ginny looked around the table. “Will you excuse me for a minute?”

“Of course!” Dumbledore nodded. “Oh, and Miss Weasley, if you need to use the lavatory, you can use the staff room over there.” He gestured to the door on the right.

“Thank you, Headmaster.” And she disappeared behind the staff room door.

“Well…” Madame Pomfrey spoke up from the other side of Ginny’s chair. “What was that all about, Mr. Potter?” She asked curiously.

“Ginny seems to have a good rapport with Severus.” Dumbledore commented with a smile.

Harry grinned at the memory of the two of them earlier in the dungeons as he sat down. “Yes, they, uh…have their own special…understanding of each other, I guess.” He nodded, a spark in his eyes.

Dumbledore studied the new sparkle and secretly smiled at what he saw there. “Yes...they quite do.” He agreed.

“By the way, Mr. Potter, what are you feeding Severus?” Madame Pomfrey asked before taking a bit of roast beef.

That was a more comfortable question for Harry and he gave her a ready answer. “We give him some solid foods for at least one meal a day, usually dinner. Ginny found this formula in one of the parenting books from Diagon Alley that allows us to customize this rather disgusting-looking gruel so that it could taste rather…well, tasty. She gave the recipe to the house-elves in the kitchen and they send it to us in our rooms. Ehm…the rest of the time, he just drinks milk.” He picked up one of the new dishes on the table and scooped some onto Ginny’s plate. “We feed him when he asks for it. Ginny and I sort of agree that keeping a schedule at this age is not really a good idea.”

“Well, I think you should add some nutritional potions to that list, or at least add some to his milk.” The matron suggested sharply. “Formula isn’t actually as good as the baby companies make it to be. They say it’s full of nutrients and vitamins, but that’s all a load of rubbish! Children Severus’ physical age need mother’s milk. It’s the only thing custom-made for their bodies.”

“If I may,” Slughorn interjected, “Did you know there is actually a potion that can help you brew mother’s milk. Or rather…it would allow Miss Weasley to brew it.”

Harry nodded. “Yes, sir. Ginny knows all about it. She’s read up on…mothering books and books for adoptive mothers and, well…” He shrugged, “She’s brewed it, actually. That is actually what’s in these formula bottles right now.” He turned to Pomfrey, “With all due respect, Madame, I don’t really want to give Sev too many potions because he’s getting all the nutrition he needs.”

“How do you know that the mother’s milk brew has all the nutrients and vitamins Severus needs?” Madame Pomfrey asked, skeptical about a potion she’s never heard of. “Have you tested it? Has it been tested, Horace?” She asked the potions master sharply before turning her attention back to Harry just as quickly. “Mr. Potter, I must insist upon the nutritional potion; just to be absolutely sure you’re giving the boy everything he needs.”

“Madame Pomfrey, I assure you I am absolutely certain Severus is receiving proper nutrition. Ginny—”

“Unless Severus is being breast fed, Mr. Potter—”

“Severus is being breastfed, Madame Pomfrey.” Ginny interjected from across the room. All eyes turned to her in surprise, and Harry jumped to his feet to help her with her seat. He noticed Sev’s sling was now neatly tucked under her left arm, and the excess from the sling was wrapped around her left shoulder and arm, shielding the infant—and everything else—from view.

Madame Pomfrey’s eyes—as well as every else’s—widened in astonishment. The healer gasped as understanding dawned. “Oh! Oh…well…” A look of confusion crossed her face. “How?”

“Actually, there is a potion that would help a woman lactate as well.” Slughorn broke in, his voice still oozed with amazement. “It’s rather difficult to make.”

“I brewed it and took it last night.” Ginny replied matter-of-factly, turning her attention to her food and away from the awkward subject.

“Oh, my goodness! Ginny, dear, you didn’t have to do that.” McGonagall broke in.

“I know I didn’t have to, Professor. I wanted to. And, with all due respect, please don’t ask me why because, frankly, I don’t know.” She turned back to her plate and scooped up some mashed potatoes. “I just did.”

“You know, that says a lot about you, Ginny.” Dumbledore put in, his blue eyes twinkling at her with pride. “A lot.”

Ginny blushed. “So…how’s the rebuilding going so far? I’d love to help out in any way, as best I can. Professor Flitwick, would you mind showing me a few spells?” 

“Absolutely, Miss Weasley!’ The small man replied, thrilled at the prospect of teaching a student who had actually asked him to teach them something.

Thus, the conversation around the table drifted around more comfortable subjects rather than awkward topics. The staff congratulated Harry on his new position as Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, and Ginny beamed at him when Dumbledore explained the situation and the split teaching position with Remus.

“You’re a good man, Harry.” She whispered, giving him a quick, discreet kiss.

The Headmaster told them he had gone and visited the Lupins soon after Harry’s deal, offering Remus a home for his family and a three-year part-time, subsequent full-time contract as the Defense Professor. He laughed as he related how Tonks seemed more excited about the proposition than Remus himself. Once the werewolf verbally agreed to the offer, she was all over him.

“She jumped from his arms, to the couch, to behind the couch; she ran around the house, she started dancing around with the baby, her hair flashed all the colors of the rainbow…”

Everyone at the table laughed at his tale. They all knew Tonks from personal experience and that sounded exactly like her.

“Poor Remus was rather flustered. He was happy, no doubt there. I think he was just about as happy as Nymphadora was, but no one expresses their happiness quite like Nymphadora.” The Headmaster chuckled. “I told them they can move in as soon as you get their quarters finished, Harry.” He nodded at the teenager.

“We’ll get their quarters finished by the end of today, sir.” Ginny answered for him, grinning excitedly at her boyfriend.

Yes, I think you’d better.” Dumbledore chuckled. “Dora started packing immediately after she stopped running around the house. I suspect she’s about halfway done by now.” Harry and Ginny exchanged an amused glance. “Oh, and I do believe her mother is going to move in with them as well. Dora’s a bit worried about her on the count they just lost Ted.”

Ginny nodded. “Right. Yeah. We’ll be sure to add another room for her.”

Dumbledore then began asking everyone for suggestions on how he could keep the parents at bay. Word was bound to get out about how Remus was a werewolf and a few howlers and death threats regarding his status as a professor were practically guaranteed. After about ten to fifteen minutes of brainstorming, though, the Headmaster was virtually certain he would be able to pull it off. 

Ginny only asked Harry to help her with Severus once, as she shifted his sling to a different position to be able to burp him properly. By the time dessert and tea appeared at the table, all movement and noise from the sling ceased. Harry peeked over the side and smiled at what he saw.

“Is everything alright, Mr. Potter? Miss Weasley?” Madame Pomfrey asked in concern.

Ginny beamed at her. “Everything’s fine, Madame Pomfrey.” She let the excess fabric from the carrier drop, exposing the precious cargo inside the sling’s pocket. “He’s sleeping.” She whispered. The five-month-old was sound asleep inside the sling. The thumb of the right hand hung from his mouth, while his left hand gripped his teething snitch tightly.

“Aw…isn’t that precious?” Madame Pomfrey couldn’t help but grin at the sight. “Would you like me to take a picture?”

“Um…sure! Harry?” Her boyfriend handed their camera to the matron and she snapped a few photographs of the sleeping babe and the handsome couple. “Now remember, Mr. Potter, you and Severus have an appointment with me in the morning.” She reminded Harry sharply as she handed back the camera.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Miss Weasley, if you don’t mind, I’d like to see you tomorrow as well regarding your…ahem.”

Ginny was already nodding. “Yes, absolutely. I’d actually appreciate it. Would you like a sample of the brewed milk we made last night so you can test it yourself?”

Madame Pomfrey accepted a bottle and then promptly took her leave; but not before she took one last look at the adorable sleeping baby. “He really looks like an angel when he’s asleep.”

Harry snorted. “That he does. Mm-hmm! Appearances are quite deceiving…”

A few of the other teachers took their leaves soon after Pomfrey, but like her they couldn’t resist stopping next to Ginny and complimenting the two of them as they admired the slumbering bundle.

Soon enough, only Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Slughorn were left at the table with Harry, Ginny, and Sev.

“Harry, my boy,” Dumbledore started in a low voice, so as to not wake the baby, “I’ve been meaning to ask…How does Severus act around the pair of you? Or how does he act in general?”

Harry took a drink of tea and exchanged a glance with Ginny. “Well, Professor…” He thought for a moment, wondering how he was going to answer this. “Sev is…” He struggled to find a way to describe it so Ginny helped him out.

“One thing’s for sure—you can’t talk to him like you would talk to an infant.”

Harry nodded, gesturing towards his girlfriend. “Yes, absolutely. If you speak to him in that sort of high-pitched tone of voice, and treat him condescendingly…he’s not going to be very nice to you.”

“So you talk to him like an adult?” McGonagall interjected.

“Well…not really, Professor.” Ginny shook her head.

“I think it really depends on who is talking to him.” Harry added.

“Yeah. Definitely.” Ginny nodded. “When we went to Diagon Alley yesterday, Remus, Teddy, and Tonks were there with us. I noticed Severus…wouldn’t allow Remus and Tonks to talk to him in any way other than how they would speak to a thirty-eight year-old. If they didn’t, he would become quite rude.”

“And I would get on his case.” Harry added offhandedly.

“Teddy, though,” Ginny continued. “Teddy is Harry’s godson, Remus’ son, and he’s about two months old right now.” She added for Slughorn’s and McGonagall’s benefit. “Severus and Teddy got along splendidly yesterday.”

“Sev met a new friend.” Harry nodded.


“You know, if he grows up again, they’re going to do it together, and they’ll be in the same year at Hogwarts.”

“Wouldn’t that be wonderful?” Ginny smiled at her boyfriend before switching back to topic just as quickly. “Anyway, around Teddy, Severus is a normal five-month-old child. The high-pitched noises, the colors, the sounds—everything makes him laugh.”

“Around Ginny and I, Severus pretty much accepts just about any way we talk to him.” Harry continued, “Sometimes, when he’s in the mood, we talk to him like an infant. When he’s in a temper…” Ginny raised an eyebrow at him. “Well, it depends. If he’s in a temper and being rude or…childish, for want of a better word…I speak to him like a five-month-old who has done something wrong and needs correcting. If he’s in a temper and he looks like he wants me to speak to him in a mature way, I’ll kindly oblige.”

“In general, Harry and I tend to speak to him like an intelligent five-year-old, and it’s worked the best.” Ginny threw in and Harry agreed.

“I think what Professor Dumbledore’s trying to ask, though, is how he acts around the pair of you.” McGonagall broke in, “I mean, Professor Dumbledore, Madame Pomfrey, and I saw a few days ago that he can act very much like a wee lad when he’s upset. What about the other times?”

“His behavior in general.” Dumbledore clarified.

Harry and Ginny exchanged a look. “Well it…flutters from one end of the spectrum to the other. One minute, you could swear that you were talking to the old Severus Snape, that he was just wearing a glamour or something like that. The next minute, he could be spitting in your eye and be in dire need of a reprimand.”

“So in other words,” Ginny interrupted, “Sometimes it’s a five-month-old, sometimes it’s an intelligent five-year-old with limited communication skills, sometimes it’s a moody teenager, and sometimes it’s the old Professor Snape.”

“So it goes back and forth.” Slughorn summarized with a nod.

“I’m curious…have either of you noticed a bit of a change, yet?” Dumbledore asked.

Harry and Ginny traded concerned glances. “A change, Headmaster?”

“In addition to doing some intense research on the potion, its recipe, its ingredients, everything, Poppy, Minerva, Horace, and I have been doing a bit of digging into this Aidan Elson.” The Headmaster entwined his fingers together and hunched over the table conspiratorially. “Apparently, he was slated to come to Hogwarts, but his parents opted out in favor of teaching him at home.”

“That’s why nobody knows him.” Harry surmised.

“Precisely.” Dumbledore nodded. “It was rather unfortunate as well.”


“Because I believe his parents were abusive.” The old man replied with a frown. “How they abused him, I’m not entirely sure.”

“Could be all four kinds.” Harry interjected matter-of-factly, “His parents opted out of sending him to Hogwarts, so they probably didn’t want anyone finding out about it. It’s most likely some form of physical abuse or neglect. There’s also evidence of emotional abuse—just look at how the Prophet writes about this guy. If his parents aren’t guilty, Rita Skeeter sure is. As for sexual abuse, well…that’s the hardest to spot.”

Dumbledore gave Harry a sad and concerned look. “Yes…” He murmured, almost to himself. “Yes, it is.” Turning away, he took a deep breath before continuing. “Apparently, Elson’s two friends Leroy and Irene knew him from childhood. They lived next door and down the street from him, respectively. They were the only friends he ever made.”

“Mr. Elson created and patented the Elixir to Induce Euphoria when he was just sixteen years old.” McGonagall continued. “It became an instant success and the proceeds he received from that potion guaranteed him financial independence. He was also able to conduct his own research without requiring some form of financial aid for years.” She paused. “Unfortunately, that success was later followed by a nasty lawsuit. Some rich, pure-blooded, stuck-up old fool had consumed a large quantity of the potion and proceeded to humiliate himself in front of his peers.”

“So he sued Elson?!” Harry eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “For something he’d done to himself?!”

“Shows you how spiteful some people are.” Dumbledore commented.

“Indeed.” McGonagall agreed. “Needless to say, Elson was the losing party. He hired the wrong lawyers, said the wrong things, made the wrong decisions. Within a year, the plaintiff owned half his fortune as well as the rights to the Euphoria Elixir.”

“That is completely wrong!” Ginny complained indignantly.

McGonagall nodded and continued sadly, “Needless to say, things just went downhill from there. He managed to patent some minor potions that made him a few knuts and sickles, but nothing brought in the galleon like the Euphoria Elixir. His money started draining away, a few mishaps with some clients—notably Gringotts—brought him infamy. He became addicted to several substances. He lost respect with the Ministry, with the wizarding world in general, and with himself it seems.”

“So he planned an escape and pulled it off.” Harry filled in.

“Better than he expected, actually.” Slughorn interjected. Harry and Ginny turned to him, interested. “Albus, Minerva, and I paid a visit to the Nobles yesterday and we all had a nice chat. It was rather interesting, really. This boy was a virtual genius at potions. I would’ve wanted to get to know him had he come to—”

“Horace!” Dumbledore interrupted, “Please do try to stay on topic.”

“Oh! Oh, right! So sorry…” Slughorn cleared his throat, “The Nobles were kind enough to tell us his life story and give us all this information plus some bits and pieces of their own experience with the miniaturized potioneer.” He grinned at them. “Before he was oblivated, the Nobles had experiences very similar to yours. Little Aidan was an infant one minute, a middle-aged-man-in-a-child’s-body the next, and then he would be an infant again. Now here’s what they noticed—Aidan’s behavior as an infant by no means matched his behavior as an adult.”

Understanding dawned in Harry and Ginny’s eyes. “Ooooh! Is that what you mean by changes?” Harry asked them with a smile. He and Ginny exchanged an amused glance.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I meant.” Dumbledore nodded, his gaze moving back and forth between the teens. “You sound relieved.” He pointed out, raising an eyebrow in silent question.

“When you said ‘changes’, Headmaster, I think both our minds jumped to the worst case scenario.” Ginny chuckled nervously.

“Oh, I am terribly sorry!” Dumbledore smiled contritely. 

Harry then proceeded to tell them about his theory regarding the separation of Severus’ memories and his behavior.

“I’m sorry, Harry, but what, exactly, is a neural pathway?” Slughorn asked, confused. It appeared Dumbledore and McGonagall were not far from it as well.

“It’s a muggle medical term.” The teen answered. “It’s used to describe these passages that form in the brain between these tiny balls called neurons, which receive information…from your…ehm…brain’s…brain—” Harry took note of how the professors’ looks of confusion became more prominent. “Gin, how did you get it so quickly?”

I’ve read muggle medical texts before.” She answered, taking a sip of tea. “When you explained it to me, all I needed was clarification, that’s all. I already pretty much knew what a neural pathway was.” She took pity on Harry upon hearing his dejected sigh, and turned to the professors.

“Neural pathways are just what they sound like—neural refers to your brain, and a pathway is a pathway.” She spilled a cup of tea onto a shallow plate and put it in the middle of the group. “When you’re born, this is what your brain looks like—absolutely no pathways whatsoever. Well…we’ll pretend that’s the case for simplification.” She took her wand and started poking the tea, leaving dots of dry spots in her wake. Now it looked like someone had just trekked through some mud, leaving tiny footprints across the plate. “When a person experiences an event (for example, a birthday party), emotions of some kind are guaranteed to be associated with said event (IE, happiness, excitement, joy, etc.). The association between life experience and emotion is what first forms this neural…trail.” She glanced at Harry and shrugged. “Everything associated with the event (IE, music, food, bright lights, the host house, etc.) becomes associated with the emotions (once again, joy, happiness, etc). As the years go on, and the same thing happens—birthday, happiness, birthday, happiness, birthday, happiness—then this trail…” She took her wand and connected the dots, leaving a nice, clean, dry pathway through the tea, “…becomes a pathway.” She glanced at the professors and was delighted to see understanding dawn. “Everything associated with the event (music, food, bright lights) becomes associated with the emotion (joy, happiness). In this example, food and happiness are connected, which could mean the child may develop a taste for comfort foods. Over time, as these trails become pathways, they become habit, they become behavior. Thus…neural pathways related to behavior!” She pocketed her wand and picked up a pastry. “Harry?”

“When Sev was de-aged, he was reset. The same thing goes for Aidan when he was de-aged.” Harry continued. “Physically, they are both five to six months old.”

“These neural pathways have not formed yet.” Dumbledore surmised.

“Exactly.” Harry nodded. “Their memories make no difference in their behavior. They haven’t been conditioned to act the way they used to yet.”

“But wouldn’t having the memories affect his behavior?” McGonagall asked.

“One would think so.” Harry nodded. “But look at it this way, Nana—you take a picture of a full slate, and then you stick that picture onto the top of a blank slate.” He said, trying to use examples to illustrate his point. “You’re going to see that copy of the full slate in front of you, but there’s a blank slate underneath; and what’s written on that blank slate is what truly matters in the long run.”

“So what you’re saying is that…essentially, someone took Severus Snape’s memories and injected them into this boy?” Slughorn asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.” Harry nodded.

“It makes sense.” Dumbledore murmured, stroking his beard in thought. “A lot of it.”

“It’s like Severus is seeing things from somebody else’s life, that what I’m almost certain he feels like. Whether or not he realizes that remains to be seen. Now I’m not saying the memories won’t affect his behavior somewhat. I’m sure they will.” Harry put in.  

“They already have.” Ginny interjected.

“Yes, that’s true.” Harry nodded. “And we’ve had to deal with those things as they came. But I get the feeling that, had this been the older Severus Snape, it would’ve been ten times ten times ten times ten times harder to come to terms with his memories than it was for this cub.” He gestured towards the still-slumbering bundle.

“He’s right, you know.” McGonagall chuckled.

“He’s finding closure, Headmaster.” Harry continued. “I’m absolutely sure of it. In fact, I’ve been there every step of the way.”

“Closure? With his past, you mean?” Slughorn asked.

“Yes.” Harry nodded. “He’s taking all his skeletons out of the closet, laying his demons to rest.” He laid his arm across Ginny’s shoulders and stared wistfully at the sleeping child. “He’s very much like a phoenix, Headmaster, that’s dying and still on fire. He’ll need to burn up completely…” Harry reached down and lightly fingered the child’s soft hair, “…before he can be born again.”

“Leave his old life behind.” Dumbledore murmured,

“Exactly.” Harry replied, just above a whisper. His focus remained on the sleeping Severus.

Slughorn broke the tender moment. “Yes, well…it looks like the Nobles just skipped that whole part altogether and just oblivated the little scamp.”

“It’s a shame, that.” Harry replied, looking at Slughorn. “He would’ve enjoyed his life immensely if he remembered he was living it the second time around. He could’ve also been able to avoid making the same mistakes he made the first time.”

“The Nobles also said something else, Harry.” McGonagall added. “They said as time wore on, even though Aidan had his memories, he began to act more and more like the child than the adult.”

“They said the changes came rapidly after the first few days.” Dumbledore threw in.

“And I believe them.” Harry replied. “Because it’s happening to him.” He gestured towards Sev. “I mean, can you honestly tell me you see Severus Snape asking to be breastfed by anyone?” Everyone chuckled softly at the weak joke. “Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not fooled. Even though his behavior is changing, there are still his memories to deal with. We’ll go one step at a time, but it’s going to take lots of time and patience.” He paused. “I don’t want him to be oblivated like the other guy. To me, that’s running.” Harry set his jaw and made up his mind. “I want him to come to terms with his past and let it go; to accept that this is a second chance—a fate even better than the death he wished for himself. I want him to call this house a home.” Harry sighed and began studying the sleeping babe once again. “I want him to have what he deserves. I want him to be happy.”

Dumbledore studied Harry for a long moment, watching the teen’s eyes glaze over as he stared at the baby Severus. “His happiness brings yours along with it.”

Harry opened his mouth the say something, but closed it again, glancing at Ginny. His girlfriend grinned at him and pat him on the cheek playfully. “Not only his, Professor.” She told the Headmaster. “I assure you, not only his.”

Dumbledore chuckled, his eyes twinkling as he studied the pair of them. “We only ask that you keep us in the loop about what’s going on with Severus.”

Harry nodded. “Absolutely.”

“Yes…” Slughorn interjected, “In the meantime, we’ll try to investigate the situation further. Although…we’ve, uh…gone pretty far already, I think.”  

“The trail’s going cold, I’m afraid.” McGonagall said.

“Yes, it looks like Severus might just have to grow up again the old, fashioned way.” Dumbledore added.

“I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, Professor.” Ginny replied, gazing down at the angelic face of the sleeping babe.

“Okay…you ready?” Harry asked, adjusting one last strap on the baby carrier. Severus—now awake—was sitting face forward in his carrier, leaning against Harry’s chest. He was once again chewing on his teething snitch as he studied the destruction before him.

Harry and Severus stood at one end of the fourth floor corridor that led to the library. It was one of the most heavily-damaged areas of the school. The hallway had clearly seen much activity during the battle. Burn marks covered the walls. The short columns that normally lined the sides of the hallway were shattered and the debris scattered across its middle. The bowl torches that usually sat atop the columns were split and spread throughout the ground, their ashes blackening the stone. The small chandelier that used to hang upon the rafters was now broken and spread all over the place. The lion statue that used to sit at the opposite end of the hall was chipped in several areas and missed a large portion of its head. And beyond this hallway were several others, all in the same state.

“We’re going to do about half the fourth floor.” Harry said. “Ginny and Professor Flitwick are at the other end of the castle, on the same floor, and they’ll be repairing it from their end.” He checked his pocket watch. “We’re to meet them in the middle, and I figure…if we stop for a minute to do the staircase over there…we should meet them in about ten to twenty minutes.” He stuffed the watch back in his pocket. “Right?”

Ten to twenty minutes? Ten to twenty minutes?! Are you mad, Potter?! No one can repair this amount of destruction in ten to twenty minutes! More like ten to twenty hours. Look at the state of this place! Severus didn’t believe anyone could repair this mess in twenty minutes, not even Dumbledore. Who does he think he is? Merlin? You have to repair one thing at a time, and that in itself takes a while. There’s at least forty pillars in every hallway, and then we’ll say two chandeliers each, plus the statues, and the windows, and the dirt, and the staircase he said we’re going to do… Sev did a quick calculation in his head. Yup…ten to twenty hours seems about right.

“Uh-uh!” He scowled over his shoulder and sign spelled ‘L-O-N-G’ and ‘T-I-M-E’.

“What do you mean it’d take a long time?” Harry asked incredulously. “I think ten to twenty minutes is a generous amount of time for all this.”

Sev shot him a confused look over his shoulder. What in Merlin’s name is he on about?! There’s no spell that can right all this destruction in twenty minutes! Severus wracked his brain for construction and repair spells. He definitely knew quite a few beyond Reparo, but none had the capability to do what Potter was thinking about doing.

“Oh, ye of little faith, Severus.” Harry commented with a smile, his eyes twinkling with mirth. Severus furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Clearly, you haven’t seen this kind of repair job done before, so you’re in for quite a treat.” He took out his wand and held it in front of the infant. “Allow me to remind you of how truly amazing magic…can be!”

Harry’s wand tip flared and Severus’ eyes widened in surprise. Just as quickly, it settled into a dull glow.

“Let’s take a walk, shall we?” Harry waved his wand in horizontal arc, and—much to Severus’ astonishment—all the debris in sight flew into the air and began reassembling themselves before their eyes.

What is Merlin’s name…?

Sev’s eyes couldn’t get any wider than they were right now. Pieces of rock, soot, ash, glass, metal, and wood revolved around him and Harry like planets around a sun before shooting out and reattaching themselves to whatever object they broke off from. Columns were pulling themselves together right before his eyes! Bowls were reassembling; ash swept itself up and piled into the separate torch bowls. Fires flared to life within the fully-mended torches. The chandelier repaired itself in midair, recalled all its mislaid candlesticks, spun around twice, and re-chained itself onto the rafters. Its lights then flared to life, illuminating the dark corners of the hall.

Harry began a leisurely stroll down the corridor, heedless of the rubble swirling around them. He held his wand loosely at his side, enjoying the sight with a tiny smile upon his face. Severus, on the other hand, couldn’t get enough of the action before him! He hung over the edge of his carrier, grinning as widely as he could. His head swiveled sharply back and forth, while his eyes lit up in awe and delight.

He squealed in amazement as stone fragments, metal shards, and clumps of ash picked themselves up, sped around his head, and then seamlessly pulled together into a column and torch, until the finished product tipped itself back against the wall and a fire flared to life. Sev’s arms and legs bobbed up and down from excitement, as he turned to the other side of the hall to watch the same thing happen yet again.

Shards of glass revolved around him at a safe distance before flying up and refitting themselves to the shattered window like final pieces to a gleaming puzzle.

Splinters of wood found their homes again in the rafters up high, while said wood beams groaned and snapped as they repositioned themselves back to their former glory.

Scorch marks on the walls retreated into themselves until they disappeared completely.

A quick peek into the stairway halfway down the hall had Sev shrieking with delight as he caught several crystal chandeliers spinning around and pulling together before flying up high and reattaching themselves to the ceiling. Picture frames reassembled seamlessly, the canvas within their borders resealing until the whole thing looked brand new. They even flew back onto the wall, perfectly straight and aligned.

Hogwarts crests dashed up and mended themselves before Sev’s eyes, promptly dancing for him as only crests could, and causing the infant to dissolve into a fit of giggles. They then reattached themselves onto the wall.

Pieces of rock and dust gravitated towards the statue of the lion at the end of the corridor. By the time they reached it, the lion was good and whole again. It looked at them, smiled and winked, before giving them a mighty roar of approval. Air blew through both boys’ hair as the creature roared, and Sev laughed at how it filled with him feelings of appreciation.

Thus it was as Harry and Sev continued down the hallways of the fourth floor. Objects repaired themselves left and right, some of them even stopping in front of him to entertain him for a bit before they settled down. 

By the time they ran into Ginny and Flitwick at the halfway point, Severus was filled with a new admiration for the wonder that was magic.

“So how did it go at your end?” Ginny asked with a smile.

Severus squealed in delight and giggled, signing ‘again’ over and over with his fingers. “Ageh! Ageh! AGEH!”

Harry chuckled behind him, his deep voice rumbling by Sev’s ear. “Maybe later, Sev. We’re going to make Teddy’s quarters right now.”


Teddy’s going to live here? That means Lupin’s is going to live here! That means I’ll get to play with Teddy every day! Severus’ eyebrows furrowed in confusion. That’s a good thing, isn’t it? Wait! Why is Lupin going to live here?

After Ginny thanked Flitwick for teacher her some spellwork, the trio headed back down the newly repaired hallways towards their quarters. During the trek, Harry took the time to inform Sev about the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching arrangements as well as his impending Auror’s training.

He’s going to leave?! He’s going to leave me here for two days a week?! Who’s going to take care of me? The thought distressed Severus and he began to whine.

“Ooo awoo! Ooo awoo wha meh?!” He began pointing at Harry and them himself frantically.

“Hey, Sev, relax! This isn’t going to happen until term starts in September.” Harry began rubbing his stomach soothingly. “I’m sure we can—”

“Wha meh?! Wha meh?! WHA MEH?!?!?!” The infant screeched

“Hey, you! Have you forgotten I’ll still be here, huh?” Ginny broke in, stepping in front of them and walking backwards so that she could face Sev. 

Oh, yeah. Sev realized. Ginny will still be here!

“Gin—” Harry started, but stopped when his girlfriend threw him an evil glare.

“Immy?” Sev asked anxiously.

“I’ll take care of you, sweetheart, when Harry’s not here, okay? Remus, Tonks, and everyone else will just have to wait in line.” At that, Sev let out a huge sigh of relief, sagging against Harry’s chest and smiling. Ginny turned her gaze towards her boyfriend and raised an eyebrow in challenge. “Try to stop me, Harry.”

The other teen grimaced and sighed. “We’re going to have to work this out with McGonagall and Dumbledore.”

“Hey! They asked you to take care of Sev already knowing your availability. The least they can do is accommodate you.” Ginny replied.

“What about your schoolwork?”

“I told you—we’ll work something out. Or, I can do it after Sev’s asleep. What am I going to do between eight-thirty and eleven? In fact, I’ll probably get more studying done in your quarters than I will in the common room. Dean’s coming back this year. He can be about as big a ruckus as Seamus was, you know?”

“Dean Thomas? Your ex?” Harry’s eyebrows furrowed.

“Of course he’s my ex. But he’s also your old roommate, so calm down, Harry!” Ginny chided.

“I wasn’t getting worked up.” Harry replied defensively.

“And my name’s not Ginny.” She turned to Sev, determined to change the subject. “Hey, Sev! You want to help me design Teddy’s quarters? I dropped by my house and brought over design magazines and books and everything. What do you think?”

“Peb-by!” Sev signed ‘yes’.


Chapter End Notes:
I wrote this around the point the HBP movie came out. Can you tell? :-P

Next up, Sev learns an important lesson from Harry and Ginny; and Sev and the other professors share a joke on Harry at dinner.

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