News Holiday Fic Fest!
It's about that time! If you haven't done so already please let us know who is going to be writing in for the fest, so I can start a calendar of when you may post. Here's the list of who I know have a story: (If you wrote more than one plese just let us know.) rosina JAWorley HotforSnape Myramcqueen MsHuntergrl SamualWinchester darkorangecat shadowienne Thank you! EDIT 2: Add the fic fest in Category, it'll populate the fest list. it's #20 holiday fest. :D EDIT: Here's the schedule if someone isn't ready and someone else is to take their place let me know. This is what I have now.
JAWorley Thurs Dec 17 Rosina Fri Dec 18 HotforSnape Sat Dec 19 Myramcqueen Sun Dec 20 MsHuntergrl Mon Dec 21 SamualWinchester Tues Dec 22 Darkorangecat Wed Dec 23 Shadowienne Thurs Dec 24 Eszther Thurs Dec 25 (?) starangel2106 on 09 Dec 2015 2:29 pm [28 Comments]
Congradulations to Dream Painter for becoming featured for the Halloween fest. "Allhallowtide"
Thank you everyone for participating! starangel2106 on 07 Dec 2015 6:42 pm [3 Comments]
Hi everyone, Sorry we are a little late on this, but since there weren't too many stories written for the Halloween Fest, and the Winter Fest is already in progress, can you please vote on your favourite story here please.
Tea is for Trouble by Ebbtide Allhallowtide by Dream Painter Lily's Visit by rosina October 31st by aesopianalex Different by myramcqueen
Pandora on 22 Nov 2015 4:20 pm [7 Comments]
Wintery Holiday fic Fest!
Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying the Halloween stories! Now that it's November it's time for you to start your holiday story! First things first. We're going to run this a little differently. We'd like a list of those who plan to participate and when you might have the story completed. The plan is to have scheduled days that an admin will tell you when to post the story. This way we don't have a lot every day giving people time to read them and as it also will help us admins. Alright! Let's get started. Your challenege if you accept (please please accept!) Is to write a winter/christmas/ whatever holiday fic using one or more of the following words. (Admins reserve the right to post more in comments, so make sure you check out the comments occasionally)
Advent Advent Calendar Alcohol Angel Angels Antlers Apple Artificial tree Baby Baking Baubles Bells Beard Bells Bethlehem Birth Biscuits Blitzen Blizzard Bloated Blustery Boots Bough Bow Box Boxing Day Brandy Brussel Sprouts Buffet Bulk buying Busy Calendar Candy (cane) Cap Card Carolers Caroling carols Candle Celebrate Celebration Ceremony Charity Chestnuts Chill Chilly Chimney Christmas Christmas card Christmas carol Christmas Eve Christmas tree Christmas tree stand Christmastide Cider Coal Cold Cookie Crèche December 25 Decorate Decorations Display Eggnog Elf Elves Eve Evergreen Exchange Family reunion Father Christmas Feast Feliz Navidad Festival Festive Family Fir Fireplace Firewood Frankincense Frosty Frosty the Snowman Fruitcake Garland Gift Gift-giving Gingerbread Gingerbread house Gingerbread man Gingerbread woman Give Gold Goodwill Goose Green Greetings Guest Happy He a rose with a clatter Holiday Holly Hope Hot chocolate Hot cider Hot cocoa Hug Icicle Icy Ice skates Ivy Jack Frost Jesus Jingle bells Jolly Joy Joyous Noel Joyful Kings Krampus Kris Kringle Lights List Log Love Manger Merry Merry Christmas Mince pie Mistletoe Mittens Myrrh Nativity Naughty Nippy Noel North Pole Nutcracker Occasion Ornaments Pageant Parade Partridge Party Pie Pine tree Pinecone Plum pudding Poinsettia Popcorn string Package Presents Red Reindeer Rejoice Reunion Ribbon Ritual Receive Rudolph Snowman Sales Santa Claus Santa's elves Santa's helpers Santa's list Santa's workshop Scarf Scrooge Season Season's greetings Shopping Skate Sled Sleigh Sleigh bells Snow Snow angels Snowball Snowbound Snowfall Snowflake Snowy Socks Spirit Saint Nicholas St. Nick Star Stocking Stocking stuffer Sugarplum Sweater Tinsel Toboggan Togetherness Toy Tradition Tree Trimming Trips Tidings Turkey Unwrap Visit Vvacation winter wintertime wintry wise men wish wonder Workshop Wrap Wrapping paper Wreath Wassail Xmas Yule Yule log
And/OR one of these phases/ ideas Severus' personal" its a wonderful life" epiphany Severus Snape received weasley wizard wheezes...patent daydream charm Why is professor snape braying like a reindeer? He a rose with a clatter Lily was dead, to begin with
starangel2106 on 01 Nov 2015 5:56 pm [20 Comments]
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!! Next story in our Halloween Fic Fest is up: Allhallowtide by Dream Painter AND Moonscapes by Shadowienne Please remember to read and review!! Pandora on 31 Oct 2015 6:39 am [5 Comments]
Fic fest stories
I just wanted to make a reminder to send in your fic fest stories to Pan (dawndemersca@yahoo.ca) or me (starangel2106@yahoo.com) You can either send an attachment from a word doc or copy and past it.
Please include: Title, rating, genre, which prompt you used. Thank you, We look forward to the new stories! starangel2106 on 13 Oct 2015 4:18 pm [2 Comments]
Halloween Fest!
Happy October everyone!
Just a reminder we will be accepting Halloween stories. I hope you've been busy ;)
Guidelines: They must involve one or more of the following scenarios 1. Once a year, the veil thins and those that did not choose to become ghosts are able to set foot among the living. 2. No one would ever really know just how much Harry and Snape despised Halloween. Except perhaps Petunia, but then she wasn't any fonder of it herself. 3. Every Halloween, Harry writes a letter to his parents 4. Every Halloween, Professor Dumbledore creates a magical Bonfire that allows people to speak with the departed. Everyone assumed Harry knew about it. 5. The gods of old walk on Halloween. Where they tread even the bravest of wizards fear to follow. The most foolish however... 6. Harry often wondered what it would be like to be a ghost. One Halloween a potion gives him a temporary chance. 7. Severus always goes to the pond to perform Samhien to remember those he lost 8. October 31st is the only day one can go to the veil to learn of future events We are going to ask you to email them to either Pandora or I and we will post them near October 31st. starangel2106 on 01 Oct 2015 6:06 pm [0 Comments]
Summer Fest Winners and Voting
The nominations for the 2015 Summer Fest stories have been tallied and the results are in. Congratulations to our top two nominated stories, Love Thy Neighbour by Alexannah and Surgery by Henna Hypsch! You both have been given featured status! Well done! If you have an account on Potions and Snitches.org, please vote in the poll for which 2015 Summer Fest story you would like to become featured! Here are the following nominated choices: A Happy Ending by darkorangecat Guard Duty by thegoldenfirebolt Summer of Bonding by Magica Draconia The Fawn in Cokeworth by MsHuntergrl What's Left Behind by JAWorley Wishing on a Sticker by darkorangecat Good luck to all and happy reading! Potions and Snitches on 28 Sep 2015 4:38 am [2 Comments]
Halloween fic Fest!
Hello everyone! We hope you arrived safe at your destinations as September has rolled in. If you have not submitted or completed your Summer Fic please do so ASAP. Voting will begin next week I think. Now on to the next fest! We are giving you almost two months to complete a Halloween story. Guidelines: They must involve one or more of the following scenarios
We are going to ask you to email them to either Pandora or I and we will post them near October 31st. This list might be added to as we think of more. :D Enjoy! starangel2106 on 03 Sep 2015 4:14 pm [3 Comments]
Summer Fic Fest Nominations
Thank you everyone who participated in the Summer Fic Fest! We will now take nominations. Please comment with no more than three of your favorite stories that you feel deserve to be rewarded Featured Status. For reference, you can find the stories here. Jan_AQ on 02 Sep 2015 3:07 am [10 Comments]
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